My Third Empire

Chapter 1141 - climax

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Open fire! Open fire!” With the intensive gunfire, set in the infantry support position behind the German defense line, the 120 mm mortar unit is desperately attacking its own target. This weapon is a fire support weapon directly under the infantry. Of course, there is a smaller caliber of 80 mm and a caliber of 60 mm. These weapons form the basic heavy fire system of the infantry company platoon.

The commander shouted desperately, and the artillery pryed open a new wooden ammunition box. There was a row of new mortar shells in the neat yard. The soldiers who hadn’t waited to pry off the box dropped the cover of the ammunition box, and the remaining soldiers picked out the shells inside. These shells were placed at the muzzle of the mortar without being asked to wait for the soldier in charge to adjust the firing angle of the artillery.

“Decrease 4, shift 2! Finished!” The soldier who adjusted the mortar shouted, and the soldier who pinched the shell in both hands released his finger. The shell at the muzzle slipped into the bore, and then was excited by the firing pin at the bottom. It was pushed out of the barrel by a huge force and projected towards its target.

The shell landed on the high ground in the Vorontsov Park and lifted off a tree trunk that was almost bald by bullets. The nearby Soviet army was dead and wounded, and a machine gun fired followed by a dumb fire. The German soldiers who were not far away saw this scene and immediately cheered up, shouting slogans and climbing from the ground.

“Long live the heads of state! Charge! Attack!” The German armed with a rifle lit up with a bright bayonet and rushed into this small highland, and the Soviet soldiers on this highland were obviously reluctant to accept their failure. , But with his own weapons, entangled with the German soldiers who rushed up.

The shiny bayonet rested on the black army stab and made a clear sound. The flying bullets hit the soldiers who were fighting, struggling on the fallen body, covered with **** holes. The brutal white-blade battle broke out at the same time with the fierce gun battle. Everyone tried their best to kill as many opponents as possible. A wave of German soldiers roared to the high ground and the Soviet Union on the other side. Hundreds and thousands of madmen generally came over.

When the first German soldier who rushed to the commanding height stood firm on his heels, he was greeted by a Soviet soldier who was rushing up behind the slope. Before he could lower his body, he was hit by a bullet and fell to his chest. Go on. The German soldiers who came up behind did not experience the joy of victory, and could only join the battle to guard the hill just won.

“Get these German **** back!” Below the slope, a Soviet political commissar waved his pistol to encourage his men, beside him, a Soviet soldier followed a bayonet with a bayonet, yelling and rushing slowly. Slope.

“Let these Soviet stupid pigs see how good we are!” On the hillside, a German company commander firing with a rifle gave his attack command with his head tilted, and beside him, a machine gun team was using the fastest speed Set up his own mg42 machine gun.

A bullet passed through the German soldier’s knee, so the unlucky guy fell to the ground, and when he fell, he was still clutching his rifle tightly, with a bayonet stuck in the muzzle. On the chest of Soviet soldiers, blood also spewed out along the blood-letting trough of the bayonet.

The machine gun finally rang, letting the battle of relying on the number of bayonets and finally the two sides even solve their opponents with their teeth, finally had a little bit of modern atmosphere. The bullets flew across the crowd, hitting the enemy and their own people. Many German troops fell under their own guns, because Soviet machine guns were also slaughtering their own soldiers. Soon there was no longer any standing target on the battlefield, and those who learned wisely lowered their figure and hid themselves in the corpse.

So the soldiers on both sides remembered their weapons again. The sound of gunshots rang out, and from time to time soldiers screamed and died. Several German soldiers on the high ground raised a flag representing victory. The Soviet soldiers below the **** looked at the flag with grievance, pain and sorrow that could not be expressed in their hearts.

Outside Moscow City, an armored force deployed in the Zhukov cluster in Butovo finally operated. This force began to counterattack west along the Moscow ring road. This was an attempt made by Konev and Zhukov to delay German attack plan. This armored unit can only return to its counterattack location by advancing to Union Street at most, and then the main force is transferred to Moscow for street fighting with the Germans.

Twenty Stalin tanks, carrying 40 t-34 tanks, stormed all the way to the defensive positions on the German flanks. A rare decisive battle between the peripheral tanks of Moscow kicked off. The SS armored forces on the flanks of the Germans soon received information that a Soviet tank unit was attacking, so 20 Tiger Kings and 30 Tiger tanks were concentrated at the main defensive site.

The two sides fired violently at a distance of 800 meters, and the shells whistled and flew over the defensive positions stationed by the surrounding soldiers. The German Tiger King tank first achieved results at this distance, destroying the first few Soviet tanks. Then the German Tiger tank began to move to the two wings. The Soviet troops found themselves in danger of being surrounded and began to retreat.

When returning to the starting point, Zhukov’s counterattack troops only had 7 Stalin tanks and 9 t-34 tanks. His last counterattack for the defensive battle in Moscow also ended at this moment. After this counterattack, the Soviet troops never attempted a counterattack, because this attempt obviously has no effect.

Zhukov then moved his headquarters to the underground bunker in Lenino Park. The next day, the German tanks and armored vehicles defeated the forces of Konev and rushed into the Butovo region. The battle there continued until July 11, when Konev, as the commander of the front, personally ordered to abandon a ruin where the Germans completely controlled the land.

The German troops that captured the Butovo region finally saw the dawn of a staged victory. After a day of rest on July 12, they opened the prelude to the attack on the Warsaw highway on the 13th. The Soviet defenders fought desperately to fight back, defending the fall route and transportation hub in southern Moscow behind them.

Once the Germans took control of the Biryulev region, the railway line in the south of Moscow and the temporary freight train station would fall into the hands of the Germans. If the Germans were allowed to pinch some more rail transport lines, the logistical supply system of the Germans that besieged Moscow would be more abundant and improved.

In order to prevent the Germans from taking control of the Biryulev area, the Soviets invested two reorganizing divisions to fight the Germans repeatedly. It is a pity that the German armored forces can exert their own advantages. After paying a heavy price, the Soviet Union still could not stop the rampage of the 3 armored battalions of the SS armored forces.

On the afternoon of July 14, German soldiers saw a calm stream under the muzzle of a machine gun. This is the famous small river Gorodnya at the southern end of Moscow. Downstream of the river is the ruins of a famous monument, the Tsar Palace, with only a lake called Tsaritsin Pond in between.

The emergence of a new German army in the south of the Razwilka region has caused Moscow to be completely surrounded by German troops. These troops are from Italy and are the Italian expeditionary forces next to the D group army commanded by Marshal Model. Of course, they are only responsible for the personal field, and the main power to gather is the armored forces of the Guderian G Group Army in the far east.

Unlike the Moscow defenders who had no foreign aid, more and more German troops appeared on the nearby battlefield. Just when Stalin imagined that his troops countered the German troops and had achieved a decisive victory, a well-known army Appeared on the bank of the southeast basin of the Moscow River.

The barrel of a Tiger King tank is outlined with 17 thick white circles, symbolizing that this tank has destroyed 170 enemy tanks in the past time. Next to the turret of this tank, the white hollow font is painted with an inconspicuous number. This number is the number of this tank in the army.

Next to it is tank 111, tank 114, then tank 115 and 116, and the number written on its turret is 112. This unit is the only company in the army without tank 113, and the only one in the army. Company of tanks numbered 116. Because for this unit, tank 113 is a legend, a legend that their battalion commander is reluctant to mention.

Putting down the telescope in his hand, the young boy with the imperial gem saber oak leaf knight iron cross medallion on his neck showed a immature face, and some slightly huge headphones hung on his head, making him look with German armor Unique and handsome image of the army.

“Did the jerks of the Soviet Union die? Along the way, even the resistance that prevented us from going forward was gone.” Raising his mouth, Marcus, as the new battalion commander of the 502 heavy tank destroyer battalion, was also among the entire army. Rare battalion commanders who commanded troops by driving tanks. Under his leadership, the 502 armored battalion ranked among the top three in the military, and it was the first batch of Tiger King tank battalion in the German army to replace 105-caliber artillery.

Now he is taking the troops to attack in the direction of Moscow. Behind him is the famous SS 3rd Armored Division, and behind it, hundreds of tanks of the German Armored 1st Army are rolling forward. Here comes the most tragic and bloodiest climax.

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