My Third Empire

Chapter 1145 - Approaching the end

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Ballman recently discovered that his status is already in jeopardy. His original right to speak among American Jews has now become advice and request. In order to maintain his own country, he put all his chips on the United States to win, so he desperately continued to run for the United States.

On the flat streets of Washington, his car did not seem to shake violently. He sat in the back of his car, comforting himself desperately with a newspaper. This newspaper was a few days ago, and it recorded the record of the US Navy sinking three Japanese destroyers in the waters near Malay, which made him feel comfortable every time he saw it.

“The Germans attacked the east coast, and our people are already trying to deal with it. Mr. Ballman, you donated a patrol destroyer, which strengthened our strength a lot.” Sitting in the co-pilot position ,? An officer from the US Navy military, he took Bowman’s car to meet President Roosevelt, who was already weak.

Now every news of victory and every inspiring thing is likely to change the direction of the entire war situation, so everyone is working very hard to carry out the cause they believe in.

“My donation has nothing to boast about. Every American should do his part for the country.” Ballman replied casually. Of course he would not donate such a large sum of money for the United States. For capitalists All his expenses may be based on one reason, that is his own needs. He needs the East Coast of the United States to restore prosperity, the American fleet to regain control of the Atlantic, the United States to continue to fight, and the **** Mediterranean Israel can completely disappear from the earth.

Although it was a Jewish country, Ballman hated it very much. The Jewish state established by Enrique made Ballman feel desperate even more than an anti-Jewish state. Build a country of his own! Yes, Israel is not his country, but Enrique. This is what he thought about.

In order not to do something for the United States, this is not what Ballman really cares about. He has a lot of money, as much as it is scary. Like Enrique in Germany, he can even manipulate the will of some countries to fulfill his personal ambitions. But when that Enrique did what he didn’t, his world was full of gloom and despair. “”

“President Roosevelt’s health has not been good recently, and our navy’s performance on the Pacific battlefield is not bad, but we really have no time.” The naval officer turned back and looked at the pale pale Bao Sherman said: “What we need is a victory that can change the situation, not what is written in the newspaper, and it takes a small advantage.”

Ballman nodded his head. He knew that the current victory would not allow the United States to escape the crisis. But it seems that the Germans have taken the initiative in all aspects. As long as they win the Moscow battle, the Germans can easily extend their tentacle To Asia, isolate the United States from the world circle.

While Ballman was depressed and worried about things in Germany, in the far Far East, Chuikov finally made up his mind to establish his own regime in the Far East. Although this regime may eventually become a vassal within the Axis, although this country may only be a second-rate country.

He contacted various political forces in the Far East, and received most of the support of these forces. Then he contacted the distant third empire, where he received the support he dreamed of. At this time, he was eager to prepare for the establishment of a Far East country, and correspondingly he chose to ignore American contacts and questions.

“These American idiots, after having problems with Chelyabinsk, cut off the support and supply to me. Now that I got a guarantee from the Germans, they came over again and hoped that I would work with them again? “Cui Kefu complained to some of his confidants in the Communist Youth League.

“Americans have no credibility in this respect, they are just fighting for their country.” A staff member said in a low voice beside Choikov’s desk: “They cut off our supplies, there are There will be a second one for the first time. At that time, as long as they let go, we will collapse because we are stuck in a situation without any support. “

This staff member who was born in the Far East is very representative. A few days ago, the Americans stopped all supplies for the Siberian backwaters, which brought disaster to the combat operations of the Japanese Kanto Army in the Far East. As a result of the sexual consequences, the fall of Heisenway, the Far East ’s battle against the Japanese army has fallen into an unprecedented predicament .

After going through these things, most people feel that following the German arrangements, joining the Axis Group, restoring peace to mainstream Western European countries, and then concentrating on fighting against Japan is the more tempting future. So Chuikov nodded. For him personally, anyway, with the help of the victorious Third Reich, becoming a leader of the Far East is much better than following the Americans.

“We will not move now! Wait for news from Moscow! If Stalin died in Moscow, then we will carry out the founding plan in the Far East.” In the end, Choikov was quite afraid of Stalin’s deterrent force, and he most wanted to see The finale was that Stalin stepped off the stage in Moscow, and then he went smoothly to the top in the Far East.

In the direction of Moscow, the Germans have assembled a variety of troops. The heavy artillery bombarded all the towering targets that the observation post in the Moscow city could see every day and night. In order to make this place more suitable for the German operations, there were even military generals. Decided to completely destroy Moscow. There were bombers hovering in the sky every moment. At the beginning, there was a fierce counterattack from the Soviet anti-aircraft artillery unit. However, after so many days of torture, the heavy firepower counterattack in the city became more and more sparse.

The Soviet Union’s 203 and 152 mm caliber artillery and ammunition have been exhausted after so many days, and there is not much left. Some of the anti-aircraft guns originally deployed around the city were killed by the German Army, while others reluctantly chose to return to the city and use them as anti-tank weapons or infantry support artillery.

In war, the losing side is always in the state of demolishing the east wall and making up the west wall. This is true of Germany in another space-time, and so is the Soviet Union in this space-time. The streets and streets are full of burnt cars and the remains of tanks. These things were destroyed by German heavy artillery or bombers. They were originally deployed in the city to be used when countering the German street fighting troops at a certain corner. However, because of the lack of camouflage materials, the equipment was too concentrated and was destroyed in batches by the German long-range firepower.

What is more desperate is that Moscow is different from Stalingrad. Stalingrad is an industrial city. There are various equipment for repairing tanks and artillery in the city, which provides relatively better repair equipment for the defenders. surroundings. However, Moscow is a political center, not an industrial center. There are no factories producing airplanes and cannons in this city, so after a large number of weapons are damaged, they can only give up and pile them in a corner.

Behind the building of Boris-Gleb Church, in a small, small yard, a variety of tanks were stacked in this way, and besides a Stalin tank with various parts removed, several cars were parked. The same fate T-34 and dozens of t-26 chassis modified various tank destroyers.

These equipments have been dismantled. The artillery and power units are also incomplete. The tracks and wheels are also incomplete. These parts are basically used to repair other equipment. Now the heavy weapons and equipment in Moscow can only be used by this method. Quantity. It is a pity that the final result of this method is that fewer and fewer weapons can be used, but for the Soviet defenders, this is also no way.

And this Boris-Gleb church has now become the front line, and the infantry of both sides are desperately fighting for the broken house that has been destroyed by artillery to only half. The dense bullet sounds did not disturb several maintenance technicians in the small courtyard behind the church. They were removing potentially useful parts from the fragmented tank wreckage.

“Hurry up! We still have a few minutes, and we will never be able to come back to get anything here!” A Soviet officer headed by bent over to remind his men that they were not far in front of them Where the German soldiers were attacking the broken gate of the church, if it was not blocked by the wall, they had now been shot and killed by the German attacking grenadier forces.

“Comrade Commander! The Germans have entered the house! Comrade Commander let you leave here quickly!” A child carrying a rifle protruded his head out of the window at the back of the church, loudly reminding the small courtyard The comrades quickly left here, but looking at the position of the young child, he now seems to have no chance to go downstairs and run.

“Asshole!” The Soviet officer cursed and then waved at the workers carrying tools such as pliers and wrenches and carrying track screws and other parts on a stretcher: “Let’s leave here! Hurry up ! “

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