My Third Empire

Chapter 1151 - Defensive strength

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Akado is now living a good life, thinking every day how to use various methods to pit the Americans and British, and his biggest rival, Stalin of the Soviet Union, is now in the underground bunker in the center of Moscow, Thunder was sent to the various desperate men.

The recent fighting in the southern region of Moscow has slowed down due to the rotation of the F group army. Marshal Kluger was ordered to return to the wolf hole to report his work, and his troops did not launch large-scale attacks after consolidating their defensive positions.

Similarly, because Guderian also wants to go back and take his newly-made marshal scepter, he goes back to Berlin to see his friend, the ill-health marshal Rommel. Therefore, the G Army did not continue to attack in the southeast. Although the 502 heavy tank destroyer battalion has not lost a new 105 King Tiger tank in the Moscow battle, but because the G group army was ordered to defend in situ, they did not continue to go north to seek provocations.

The task of attacking the Moscow defense line fell on the two armies of the a group army in the northwest direction of Moscow and the e group army in the northeast direction. This is also the need to tear the Moscow defense line, try to mobilize the enemies in the city, so that they frequently lose more vitality in the process of frequently changing the direction of defense.

The armored force of the A Group Army is the 2nd armored force, and there is also one SS infantry division and two SS armored divisions to strengthen this unit. If you count other independent armored battalions, the number of tanks in this unit exceeds 1,400, which is definitely a terrible assault force.

The commander of this unit was also an old senior general. The old boss of the German Army Admiral Kruse when the head of the Third Reich Akado was in Hamburg also recommended him to promote him to captain. If Guderian and Rommel became the head of faction because they were appreciated by the head of state, then the general Kruzer should be the backbone of the most primitive head of faction.

To be honest, when it comes to understanding and commanding the tank troops, the commander of the infantry commander is actually not as good as the armored warfare masters in the German sequence who are well known to everyone. He can control such an armored force and become a The most important reason for the aristocratic generals in the a group army is that he is the head of state.

Like Klug, there was no other reason for him to fly to Huang Tengda, just because he was the heir to the head of state. Akado installed a lot of lineages in the army, and the reason for these lineages to hold important positions is the incomparable loyalty to the head of state. They are inextricably linked to the heads of state, and they are at a loss and glory. Although they are not as good as the talented army generals in some places, they provide Akado with a stable environment like Taishan at a critical time.

Although saying so, don’t think that Kruzer is a kind of little man with little ability. Like Kluger, he is hardworking and steady despite his lack of talent. While Guderian and Rommel led the armored forces to fight thousands of miles to annihilate the enemy, Kruzer commanded his second armored army but remained obscure.

However, in the A Group Army came all the way, fighting Minsk, the hundreds of thousands of troops surrounding the Soviet Central War Zone wiped out, and then swept east, captured Smolensk, and advanced to Moscow. Then suddenly went north, biting the Leningrad cluster and chasing it down, besieging the Leningrad cluster and entering the battles in the northwestern suburbs of Moscow, and fighting. The loss of the 2nd Armored Army was the least in the entire German armored force. .

However, if you distinguish carefully, this army of the Southern Expedition and the Northern Warfare hit Moscow from France, but the results are really not much less than the 7th armored army and the 1st armored army under the control of Rommel and Guderian. This unit and its independent armored battalion gave birth to the two German armored forces Gemini Mitchell Wittmann and Karlius. It took the 1st and 2nd place in the Army Tank Ace, more than the tank that Renault had been promoted to destroy.

This impressive record demonstrates Kruzer’s ability. Although he is not the kind of shining like a comet, he is hidden in the vast stars of Germany, shining his light on the spectacular star chart. In fact, if you think about it, it is actually relieved: how many stupid people who can be selected in the Sicket era are the old people of the corpse meal of the wine bag?

When people remembered Hitler’s famous warriors, how many people remembered that it was Seeker who had reserved talents for the German team? How many people still remember that most of the bright stars later were the old foundations of the National Defense Forces? Lundstadt, Bock, Manstein, Liszt, Model, Catherine … Which is not a leader in the National Defense Force?

“There is no reason to let heavy tanks fall into these ruins, let the reconnaissance forces find suitable roads, use infantry to cover the tanks to attack along these slightly better roads, and then hand over the houses and ruins behind to the infantry.” From the telescope I saw the ruins of Moscow in the distance. At this moment, General Kruse commanded the officers who followed him: “When attacking, try to arrange your own anti-aircraft guns to cover the tank. There is no high shooting angle. Our armored vehicles It is possible to lose money in street fighting. “

An officer behind him stood upright and saluted: “Observe! Your Excellency! I will immediately arrange the Grenadier to keep up with your tank and make sure to reduce your losses.”

“If I have enough ammunition, I actually prefer to use 1000 cannons to level all the buildings here … My troops are not good at coping with this kind of war, so I hope to change the environment as much as possible and make my troops like it. “Kruzer put down the telescope in his hand. Like other commanders of the armored forces, he likes to hang a huge high-powered telescope and wears a map bag in a leather jacket. This line looks sloppy, It is very practical on the battlefield.

Kruzer also likes to observe the battlefield near the front line, and arranges his own troops to face his enemies more flexibly. He has a famous conclusion, “Don’t give orders without seeing the battlefield.” However, unlike Rommel and Guderian, he often wears an m35-type helmet, pays great attention to his safety and abides by many regulations of the head of state.

He never takes risks. Even when he is struggling to break through, he likes to arrange his tasks well. His tank propulsion seemed to have a natural smell, as if his troops had never faced fierce enemies. But Lundstedt once commented on Cruzer: “It looks like his enemies are quickly retreating under his attack, and there is no perseverance or courage … But I know that if I command the opposite, in Cruzer Under the preparatory preparation and the flawless attack, the most correct thing that can be done can only be the retreat order. “

At this moment, General Vatuktin, opposite Kruse, had already felt the methodical attack on the second German armored corps, which brought great mountain-like pressure to himself. He mobilized the troops of an infantry battalion and wanted to catch some flaws to counterattack. As a result, he waited for an hour. From the Dmitrovsk Highway to the north bank of the Likhorborka River, he did not wait for the counterattack. opportunity.

The Germans won the Friendship Park and relied on this park to launch an attack on the Grovinskoye Cemetery. There are very few buildings in nearby Moscow, which is very suitable for the advancement of the German armored forces. However, the Soviet Red Army built a large number of machine gun bunkers and barricades near the cemetery with a very round mouth, relying on a large number of mines and anti-tank guns. Organize the defense against the Germans.

The 501 heavy tank destroyer battalion controlled by Kruzer quickly felt here. Under the leadership of Mitchell Weitman, two full 20 Tiger King tanks launched an attack on the Soviet army in a dense formation. This time, the Soviets, who had run out of food, were forced to abandon their positions and retreat to the river. A new defensive position was placed on the Lihobolka River and the railway line around the city.

“General Vatujing, Comrade Stalin is asking where the Germans have advanced, and he hopes that you can maintain your defenses in their current state and support them until the end of August.” An officer entered the command of Vatujing Within the ministry, Stalin’s words were conveyed. Watujing looked at the officer, not knowing how to organize his own language.

Eventually he opened his mouth and said in a hoarse voice to the officer responsible for communicating: “Boy, I also hope that we can hold the line of defense, but just ten minutes ago, the Germans launched a fierce offensive north of Moscow. We were caught off guard and lost a lot of blocks. In fact, we are trying to stick to every inch of land, but when the soldiers who stick to these lands die, will these lands become naturally understood by the Germans? “

“Comrade General, how many troops and reserves do we have?” After finishing the questions Stalin wanted to ask, the officer asked the questions he was interested in. He wants to know how much time he has, how many soldiers can use the method of sacrificing his life to continue his life.

“I only have 5000 reserves in my hand. There are about 90,000 regular troops that can be found and can be commanded on the defense line … Zhukov may be worse on the side. He and Konev should have 80,000 people. There are at least 100,000 people there. ”There is no need to conceal the matter now. Like Zhukov, he said everything that he knew:” Of course, if you count those ‘Moscow self-defense Army ”, the number of defensive troops can be tripled. The combat effectiveness is not easy to say.” Mobile phone users, please visit m.

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