My Third Empire

Chapter 1153 - Submarine Hunting

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Along with the tremor caused by the shells falling on the ground, another solitary broken wall collapsed, and dust was raised again at the end of the street, spreading around the sky and the sun. The Germans did not seem to intend to leave the city of Moscow on the earth at all, and various new means appeared in the city every once in a while.

The first is a timing device for throwing flyers and other things at high altitude. This device is fixed on a hot air balloon and can safely throw things they need to throw behind the Soviet defense line. According to various statistics of the German army after the war, during the Battle of Moscow, the German army sent a full 4 million flyers to the city of Moscow, so that 170,000 armed Russians stopped the resistance and at the same time they hid to the Soviet occupied civilians in the German occupation area. There are as many as 200,000.

On the first day of August, Germany began to deploy the Air Force, using butcher bombers and do217 airdrops to launch bombs on the Soviet-controlled Moscow city. The fire spread and burned for 10 days. On August 11th It was extinguished at night. Soviet soldiers suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, a special arms train from Germany, under the protection of a heavily armed German soldier in a battalion, went south along the German-Italian railway to the port of Naples in southern Italy. This train carried a secret weapon called the “Teutonic Knight”, and no one on the way could get close to this closely guarded big guy.

This guy was even covered with several layers of blankets and canvas, and there was no discovery at all from remote observations. In the end, the carefully planned hijacking plan on the land of the United States failed without daring to launch, and the last hope of obstructing the German experiment of the “Teutonic Knight” secret weapon was placed on several submarines patrolling the Mediterranean.

On the cruiser Kronsburg of the German Navy, a middle-aged man with a navy white captain big cap put down his binoculars, and then looked at the first officer who had already put on a life jacket. : “What is this called? There is such a ridiculous order to let a cruiser sail, and then deliberately follow the leaked route, and the enemy must be sunk.”

“We can only carry out the combat orders issued by the Chief of the Chief Executive. I also want to know what the huge bomb-shaped device on the ship represents, but I don’t know any of the symbols painted on it.” All the soldiers put on life jackets. In order to avoid excessive casualties, all unnecessary soldiers have been concentrated on the ship in the cabin above the deck.

“How about the arrangement over the boiler? I really don’t want to lose our precious sailors in this situation.” The captain asked his men anxiously. Being sunk by the enemy without knowing it, and deliberately being sunk by the enemy under known conditions are two completely different feelings. At least when you know what you are, no one wants to let yourself go inexplicably. Die.

In order to make the entire operation look exactly like it was, the German intelligence service even required all soldiers on the cruiser Kronsburg not to take leave and absent from the operation. The 790 officers and men on the entire cruiser were on board at this moment, none of them less.

It was only that these crew members were transferred in batches of 300 people at sea, and these people were sent to Sicily to play and were dressed as holiday German soldiers. The remaining nearly 500 people dare not reduce it any more, because if a cruiser sinks, but there are not enough people to fall into the water, it is absolutely doubtful. No one can guarantee how carefully the war situation will be sent to the United States, so no details dare to relax.

His adjutant nodded and reported to Captain Hui: “Relax, I arranged for the best person to go, just go to check the equipment, and then immediately return to a safe place to stand by. Now I just do n’t know the exact time of the enemy ’s attack, There is no real foolproof. We are followed by two destroyers, should not be soaked in the water for too long. “

The German navy has not much power in the Mediterranean. The anti-submarine operations here mainly rely on the Italian navy. Seriously, the Italian Navy is still a very strong regional force in the Mediterranean Sea. It is certainly unrealistic to expect this fleet to defeat the powerful British Empire Navy, but it is still a very simple matter to let them **** the Mediterranean.

Behind the cruiser Kronborg, followed by two German destroyers, and further back, there was a fleet of 3 Italian destroyers temporarily dispatched to escort. In terms of transporting a secret weapon, this lineup is already very powerful.

Behind the beautiful scenery of the blue sky and blue sea of ​​the Mediterranean Sea is an undercurrent of a robbery against the secret weapons of the German army. The command room of the US Navy ’s big herring submarine, the US captain used the periscope to look at the calm sea, looking for a meeting sooner or later. The emergence of the German navy warship.

“I said, will the Germans really come? What kind of weapons did they send, it is worth our three submarines to attack at the same time, but also to ensure the fastest possible sinking?” The American chief on this submarine started carefully. The message in here asked his captain, “This command is too vague. What does it mean to ensure the fastest sinking?”

“Just let us make sure that the Germans have no time to transfer the weapons on board to other ships.” The captain removed his eyes from the periscope, and then said to his men: “I heard that this is a very powerful If it is a bomb, we will even be affected by the explosion. This is the conclusion drawn by the experts before the execution of the order. Do you have any complaints? The money has been collected and the agreement to sell your life has been signed. “

Before performing this task, these American soldiers had signed a voluntary letter, they received a huge amount of subsidies, and then ordered to perform this dangerous task. Each of them knew that the mission this time was not simple, so those who dared to come were true warriors.

“To be honest, in the past few days, there have been more and more patrol ships on this route. There are Italian ones. Yesterday, they also passed a German destroyer. It really looks like something important is transported.” The adjutant analyzed and said: “That thing also seems very important to the Germans, as long as we can complete the task, it may really change the course of the war.”

When they arrived, the senior navy told them that if they could successfully complete the mission this time, it would be possible to change the outcome of the final war. This is also the main reason for them to take risks. There is no shortage of true patriots in any country. Many people are willing to come forward and dedicate their lives to their own country.

“Found the target!” Not surprisingly, the US Navy’s submarine periscope found the belated target on the route mentioned in the document. Under the **** of the destroyer, the German navy cruiser approached the American submarine at a high speed. The other party did not seem to be overly alert. After all, this is a safe sea controlled by Germany and Italy, with only a small amount of allied submarine activity.

“Ready to fight! Ready to fight! Boat bow torpedo launcher ready! Aim at target! Aim at target!” Looking at the sight, the slender German light cruiser flying fast, the American captain ordered his crew to hurry up and fight ready.

In the end, Germany still did not want to use the expensive new heavy cruiser as a target. In the end, only a fast air defense cruiser was selected as a decoy to withstand the attacks of American warships. This cruiser was built in 1929 and is a battleship that has been in service for ten years. Because it was built earlier, it is a first-generation cruiser without radar.

So on the Mediterranean Sea, such a wonderful show was staged. On the one hand, the German Navy ’s cruiser “Colognesburg” was preparing to be sunk here by Allied submarines at any time; on the other hand It is the submarine of the US Navy’s “Big Herring” and is trying his best to sink this German warship ready to be sunk at any time.

In the end, the American submarine fired a full of four fish into the German navy cruiser, and it was launched directly at a very close distance with a dense angle. As soon as the fish arrived, the German lookout on the cruiser “Colognesburg” spotted these incoming torpedoes.

So after some intense preparations. All the members of the Kronborg came to a safe place. They waited for their battleship to be hit by torpedoes, and then pretended to be in a panic and rushed out to perform a good show of abandoned ship escape.

After one minute and one second, the German cruiser began to turn to avoid torpedoes, the battle alarm was also sounded, and some small-caliber artillery on the deck began to roar. After some tossing, three torpedoes finally hit The sideboard of the slow-responding cruiser Kronborg.

The huge explosion quickly tore off the side, and seawater poured into the hull. German soldiers jumped into the water panic from the deck, screaming and cursing in the sky. Before the close observation of the warring states he had obtained, the US Navy’s submarine found that the destroyers following the German cruisers rushed toward their location with great force.

So an escape kicked off. Two days later, a telegram flew from the Atlantic Ocean on the west side of the Strait of Gibraltar. The “cargo” had been destroyed and the Germans were salvaging their shipwreck in the nearby waters. The secret weapon code-named “Teutonic Knight” does not seem to threaten the security of the United States in a short time.

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