My Third Empire

Chapter 1160 - Japanese crisis

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

He wanted to look out of the cabin, but before he looked up, he found that his dashboard had flames and thick smoke. This is a symptom of a problem with the engine or oil pipeline, and it is so serious at this height. The problem is simply destroying Ozawa’s desire to survive. He reached out and tried to pull away his cockpit, only to find that a few millimeters from his arm was a hole in the wind that was shot by a German artillery.

The wind poured into the cabin from this hole, giving the burning flames inside the cabin more oxygen and space for burning. Ozawa tried hard to pull apart his cockpit glass, but the **** glass frame was deformed, so Can’t pull open.

“Ba Ga!” When he tried hard to pull the glass above the cockpit of his fighter, suddenly his **** exploded, and huge flames began to scorch his legs and chest, he struggled to big Scolding, letting his plane disintegrate in the air, leaving only one wing, chasing and chasing towards the ground.

A Japanese fighter pilot who had survived a month on the Pacific battlefield had become a feed for the German steel eagles in the Far East sky, and achieved the glory of the first battle of the German Far East.

“Ah!” This is Nakajima’s earphones. Ozawa’s last words before he hit the ground. The screams of the fire were like howling of ghosts. Nakajima watched as the bombers he wanted to protect were shot down one by one by the Germans, and had no regard for his face. He quickly issued a retreat order loudly to the radio, allowing all the aircraft to return to their own ships without having to form a team: “Leave Here! Leave here! Leave when you have the chance! Before landing, make sure there is no German aircraft following, do n’t reveal the location of our airport! “

If at this time, the Japanese pilots still can’t see the gap between them and each other, it would be regarded as such a white age. The fool also knows that this is simply the rhythm of college students tyrannizing primary school students.

The German pilots were flying their own fighter jets. The pleasant mood when they attacked the Japanese fighter jets made them unable to believe that everything in front of them was true. An old pilot burst into tears with excitement, because in a year of battle in the Soviet Union, he had not seen such a rookie formation of enemy aircraft for a long time.

Or in other words, even if the Soviet pilots were indeed not elite, they would not take off so many planes to allow the German pilots to get so many records at once. So the German pilots who participated in this battle felt that they were very lucky people. Now that the war has proceeded to such a time, there are really few chances to get several records in one breath. There are really few left.

They cherish this opportunity in front of them and try to shoot down any enemy aircraft they have locked in. A dragon swallowing bomber was hit by a row of 30 mm cannon shells. These bullet holes stretched into a straight line and penetrated the entire wing root of the aircraft. The pressure on the wing of the plane in the sky quickly broke the wing, and then the plane disintegrated in the air, throwing out the pilot and gunman inside, and quickly fell off the battlefield.

The surrounding Japanese bombers looked at this friendly aircraft that was shot down by a German plane, and their eyes were full of horror. Because the bomber was their front-line commander, the one where Aihara Shazo was. As the plane crashed to the ground, the headphones of these Japanese bombers did not hear any orders from the commander Aihara.

The ki27 fighters, which are slower and more uncomfortable, have not suffered too heavy losses because they simply cannot participate in such high-intensity combat. The Germans were busy chasing down the ki43 fighter jets and the Thunder Dragon fighter jets, and shooting down the two planes as if they were killing them.

The Japanese didn’t even have the courage to fight back. They only cared about their escape, and were bitten down by the Germans one after another. Although there were also Japanese pilots who turned around and fought back because of their anger, they were easily shot down by the Germans. The battle lasted for more than 30 minutes, and eight German fighters hunted down to the Japanese actual control line in one breath, turned their heads away with satisfaction, and the hearts of the defeated soldiers left by the Japanese army were similar to the shadow of the end.

Only 11 Thunder Dragon bombers returned to the Japanese front-line airport. The pilots who got off the plane were extremely frustrated. When they saw the ground crew, they all cried and wept, seeing the hell-like scene they saw. Tell the other party: “The planes are the devil! They are the devil!”

“Baga? You mean, our army aviation forces were intercepted by German aircraft during the bombing of Komsomolsk?” Ishihara Waner took a copy of his staff and passed it to the headquarters. Intelligence, frowned, and asked the other party: “Are you sure it is a German plane? Not a new weapon from the United States or the Soviet Union?”

“Your Excellency General. Although there is no definite evidence such as photographs, the frontline fighter forces and bomber forces have more than one person depicting the pictures on the wings of those aircraft. After comparison, they quickly recognized the uniqueness of the Germans. The iron cross is the symbol of the German plane. “The staff reported to his superior with a trace of uneasiness.

He paused a little, then continued to say: “The camouflage paint is not the Soviet style. The fighters are very fast. Compared with the me109c fighters they sold to the Chinese, they are much faster. And obviously the other There is nothing to hide, after all, we both are indeed at war. “

Ishihara was silent, and his face was very unsightly, because he knew he was about to face some stronger opponents. Bordering a more powerful enemy is definitely not good news for Japan, which is now surrounded by enemies. He is even wondering whether he will submit a report for the troops to withdraw from the Axis and go to the border defense position, Use defense to offset the superior strength of the upcoming Axis offensive troops.

“The war on the Western Front of the Soviet Union seems to be coming to an end, which may allow the Germans to mobilize their troops and expand the Asian region.” In the end, Ishihara Waner, as a rare think tank in the army, spoke out his worries. : “Go, prepare for the plane. I will go to heaven. Yamashita has dealt with the Germans. I should listen to the opinions of experts.”

Soon, within ten hours after the German aircraft appeared in the Far East, the highest military officer in Japan ’s Far East, Ishihara, met the European Affairs Officer who is now Fengtian dealing with the affairs of the occupied area.

When the two met, there was nothing to talk about, and they directly talked about the appearance of the German troops in the Far East: “Yamashita, I came in a hurry, because you must have known what you have for the Germans this time. Opinion? Or, what kind of advice can you give me to better deal with this situation? “

Yamashita is a bit older than when he met Akado. His trip to Europe apparently did not have the desired effect. Otherwise, he would n’t have to spend time in Northeast China, doing something that no one would like to do. Things on the brink.

“General Ishihara, IMHO, when our zero fighter was being designed, the Germans still provided some technical solutions. And the me109c fighter they sold to China showed a better air combat capability. IMHO, listen Some rumors have mentioned that their planes beat the American planes on the Western Front and dare not take off. If the rumors are true, then we are really in trouble. “There was no circle under the mountain, and he immediately spoke after Ishihara said. .

After he paused, he continued to say: “German fighters are more powerful than Americans, this is an indisputable fact, and if we face this fighter, we will pay heavy losses, it is also expected . “

“Shanxiajun, in fact, our losses are so great that we can’t bear it at all.” Ishihara Guaner handed a piece of information marked with the top secret to Yamashita, and said with helpless wry smiles: “This is part of According to the transcripts of fighter pilots, most people claim that the Germans have a speed of more than 700 kilometers per hour. You said, I should put them all as lunatics; still believe them, and then apply for more than 6000 anti-aircraft guns for my troops. Used for emergency? “

Ishihara ’s words seemed a bit out of touch, but they were indeed related. If he chooses not to believe his pilots, then he can only discipline these pilots and lock them up; and if he thinks these pilots are telling the truth, the Germans really have a plane that can fly 700 kilometers per hour, The Japanese air defense forces of the entire Far East must be strengthened.

Immediately deploy 6000 anti-aircraft guns for the troops? What a joke? Not to mention 6,000, even 1,000 such anti-aircraft guns are not available. If you are reluctant to transfer from the mainland of Japan, maybe you can grind your teeth, and 300 can be discussed. Yamashita looked at Ishihara with a bitter face, and finally deflated and shook his head.

He looked at Ishihara and finally said bitterly, “Ishihara, I am only talking about the answer on the level of the battlefield. If I stand on the angle of the entire war, I think we should find a way to end the war No matter whether it is against the United States or the Axis Group of Governments led by Germany, at least we should shake hands with one of our opponents to ensure that we are in an undefeated position. “

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