My Third Empire

Chapter 1170 - Hit

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Bullets can penetrate humans, they can break the bones of enemies, and they can even be embedded in hard walls and break bright glass windows. But sometimes bullets also have things that they can’t handle, such as the Japanese The bullet can only leave a dazzling Mars on the front armor plate of the German tank, and the paint on the top will be scarred.

Even with the use of precious armor-piercing shells for front-line troops, Japanese soldiers still found that their weapons could not penetrate the armor of German tanks. German tanks have not stopped moving forward since they appeared, of course, except that they need to stop and fire. The wide track rolled up black mud, and it looked so indestructible.

German leopard tanks are more powerful than their American m4 Sherman tanks in terms of armor thickness, and the two are even more different in terms of firepower. Even if you are on the North African battlefield, the m4 sher Man tanks can only barely fight against Leopard tanks in Rommel. Both are slightly better in terms of performance indicators and logistical reliability.

So the Japanese army’s crazy shooting at this moment brought them only infinite despair. The bullet hit the opponent’s armor as if it hit a solid steel plate and bounce off like a bean. This desperation spread infinitely on the positions of the Japanese army and shrouded the hearts of every Japanese soldier.

Of course, the gods in this world are very fair, so when some people are desperate, they always give others hope to follow behind the German leopard tanks, the Soviet t-26 tanks and armored vehicles, and in Behind them are densely packed Soviet soldiers. They are surprised at this moment. As the enemy ’s infinitely terrifying German armored forces, they are so reliable as their own friendly forces.

Originally due to road transportation problems, there were some other related procedures. The Germans ’first ground operations in the Far East did not actually involve much troops: only one armored company 1o Leopard tanks, and these tanks also reserved one. Five tanks were put on hold as a cover force and did not enter the battle. ?.? `

Therefore, the Japanese army really has only one German armored platoon and 5 tanks. However, these five tanks put pressure on the Japanese army and even passed the t-26 tank of a whole Soviet battalion. Because no matter what method the Japanese use, they can’t threaten these few steel monsters that they have never seen before.

“Sergeant Milnor! The Japanese are firing at us! Did their bullets hit our front armor, did you hear the crackling sound?” The German driver driving the leopard tank continued to drive in the tank Inside the cabin, he shouted to the captain behind him on the radio.

Sergeant Milnor was also very busy at this time. He was collaborating with several tanks to form a standard wedge-shaped attack formation and keep moving forward. This is the first time he has seen this situation. After all, on the Soviet-German battlefield, the Soviet army has not used such light weapons to fire at German tanks for a long time.

The bullets hit the tank body like raindrops, but the sound inside the tank is not very loud. The members of the German tanks in the body are used to putting themselves in the rain of gunfire. After all, they have a steel coffin. What?

The mechanic who was manipulating the machine gun at the front of the car body easily replaced the drum of his machine gun, and then used the periscope to aim the heading machine gun at the Japanese position in the distance. The distance between the two sides was constantly being shortened. The steel helmet on the head of the Japanese army lying in the trenches, and the muzzle that kept the fire on.

“Be careful! The flanks are ready to get rid of the Japanese anti-tank guns for the first time!” Sergeant Milnor reminded his comrades on the radio that their flanking Soviet t-26 tanks had begun to charge After all, there is no loss at such a short distance, which is very worthy of celebration for the Soviet soldiers in the Far East. ??. ?? `co? m

“Rush! For General Choikov! For victory!” A Soviet officer waved his pistol and encouraged his subordinates loudly. Under the cover of the German tanks, the Soviet infantry finally started to run forward. This may be the first time they have experienced such a relaxing attack task since they came here.

“Ula!” As the ground shook, the Soviet tanks quickly rushed into the Japanese position, and the infantry began to rush forward from the gap between the tanks. The dense bullets on the Japanese position began to use their functions The swarms of Soviet soldiers began to fall, and the battle became **** in an instant.

In the bumpy tank, the members of the German tank crew were instantly frightened by the scene before them. They did not understand why these Soviet soldiers did not crouch behind their tanks, but used their own flesh and blood in vain To challenge the marksmanship of the Japanese infantry opposite.

Mirno held down his phone and questioned the Soviet radio station responsible for communication: “I am Leopard 1, I am Leopard 1! Ivan! Let your people stop attacking! Follow me Cover me behind the tank! Asshole! Let them lie down quickly … Damn, who can answer me? “

In between, some Soviet tanks had already rushed into the Japanese position. The Japanese army held weapons such as anti-tank mines or anti-tank mines. They died with these Soviet tanks. The positions were filled with burning smoke. Then Soviet troops Relying on the crowds of people, they leapt into the trenches and engaged in a fierce dogfight with the Japanese inside.

“I’m Ivan! Leopard 1! I heard your call … Is there any difficulty? Sergeant Milnor?” The Soviet liaison officer came to Sergeant Milnor’s headset in the German panther tank compartment. the sound of. But now the battlefield is in chaos. The German tanks can only be stopped not far away, using machine guns and grenades to support nearby Soviet battles.

“Your people are responsible for covering us and tearing up the Japanese position. They are not behind to cover our offensive. They charged themselves. What’s the matter?” Mirno reluctantly pressed the throat talker, what he said now It’s too late, because the battle has become the way it is now, and no matter how to investigate it will not help.

On the radio, the other party was silent for a while, and finally replied: “We have no combat experience in this area. Neither the t-26 tank nor the m4 tank can guarantee that they will not be destroyed by the Japanese army at such a distance, and they dare not rush in directly. Japanese positions … so we are used to charging at this distance. “

Although it is a fact, there is a bitter taste in the tone. Even the brave warrior, without a good weapon, can only be consumed in battle after battle. And those soldiers with the most powerful weapons can survive the battles again and again, and become the most powerful soldiers through training. This is the gap between the Germans and the Soviets. This gap seems small but it is an insurmountable gap.

“Now, we are no longer an enemy! Standing on our backs, let us cover you at the distance closest to the enemy and start attacking again!” Mirno froze for a moment, then pressed the talker and said: “Stand with us Together, Yuanhui will take us invincible! “

On the Japanese position, a Japanese commander with ash on his face stumbled against the trench, begging to a sling-barrel squad beside him: “Did you see those tanks that are not moving? Fire! Kill them! Kill them! they!”

It has to be said that the Japanese have few excellent weapons in light weapons. Their heavy machine guns are messy compared to similar weapons, and their rifle performance is only average. The submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles are almost blank. At least, the pistol also gives an unsatisfactory evaluation. Don’t doubt it, that is the case.

However, this is not to say that the Japanese army really has nothing to boast about: the tossing the cartridge can be said to be one of the few good things in the hands of the Japanese army. This kind of thing can be regarded as a cannon in the hands of infantry, easy to carry and accurate shooting in the hands of veterans, and can provide important fire support for frontline troops.

The only drawback is that this thing is a little too dependent on training and experience, otherwise the accuracy of the shooting is actually a bit low. Of course, it cannot be said that this thing is the world’s leading weapon system. The main reason why other countries did not focus on exhibiting this kind of weapon is that they used artillery to share the task of the Japanese bomb throwing force.

“Hi!” A Japanese soldier measured the parking position of the German tank over there, and quickly pointed the muzzle of several bombs at the direction of the German tank. They were the only Japanese fire support unit nearby. Now the trench is in civil strife In one piece, they could n’t fire, fearing accidentally hurting their ally, so they focused their attention on those steel monsters.

“The position is about 6oo meters! Aim! Range shooting! Fire!” These Japanese soldiers were considered well-trained veterans. After a short period of preparation, they immediately fired the first shells at the German tank because of the distance and Not far away, they soon saw their shells and landed next to a German tank very close, so close that they could not help cheering.

“Hahaha! Hit! I hit! Long live!” The Japanese soldier who opened fire raised his hands high, and for the first shell he could land on the German tank less than 5 steps, excited and cheered. stand up–

Long Ling knows that recommending novels may not suit everyone’s appetite, but after all, it is an agreement between several authors. Please forgive Long Ling and be grateful!

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