My Third Empire

Chapter 1173 - Earth-shattering

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Release smoke! Cover our engineer deminers!” Opposite Miyamoto, Kurt Adolf Wilhelm Meyer, the commander of the German armored forces, issued an order to allow his troops to continue their offensive. As a young man born in 191o, Meyer served in the German team in 3o. He is now a veteran who has been fighting on the front line for two full years.

As a newspaper, the commander of the famous armored force in another time and space has now become an experienced commander of the armored battalion. As one of the two armored battalions in this attack, his troops are responsible for The left side broke through the Japanese defense line, cooperated with the grenadiers to tear a gap, and defeated the Japanese tanks that might appear to counterattack.

“Just counterattack? How long have the Soviets not used tanks to fight back? Is the Japanese tank more powerful than the Soviets?” Meyer put down the telescope in his hand, the Japanese position was surprisingly quiet, and he also sprouted Feeling a little disturbed, he frowned and asked the middle-aged officer who was looking at the map on the motive hatch of the car next to the battalion tank, because this officer was assigned to his Far East military operations adviser.

The consultant heard Mayer’s questioning loudly, and looked away from the map. He raised his head and watched Meyer protruding half of the body from the tank turret. He shrugged and replied: “Most of the Japanese’s resources are used in the navy, and their tanks are similar to our No. 2 tank. Of course, if they realize their gap in tanks during the year, it is possible to serve a new tank. “

The tanks of the World War II era were not as sophisticated as modern tanks, including barrel casting technology, aiming computer technology, infrared night vision technology, etc. The tanks of that era were nothing more than motives and similar steel plates. Even artillery can be made up with infantry guns. . Therefore, if Japan is determined to build a 1oo-ton tank, it is possible to achieve it, but only the effect of this reluctantly made thing is only known to their gods. Depends

Hearing this answer, Mayr felt more or less relieved. He looked up at the defensive position of the Japanese army that was still in the distance. Finally, he pressed the throat talker and commanded loudly to the radio: “Sign the Air Force to let the engineer go up and start demining! 2 The company ’s tank cover, if the Japanese opened fire, they would immediately fight back. “

“Two companies understand!” Through the hissing of the electric current, the sound of the company of two companies came from the headphones. Soon, four armored demining rocket launchers began to move forward slowly under the operation of the engineers. Their flanks German leopard tanks started to follow, and the slender barrels majesticly pointed in the direction of the Japanese positions.

“Go directly to the armored vehicle? Where are the engineers? Where is the infantry?” Miyamoto, the commander of the Japanese armored force, asked a question from the telescope when he saw a small number of German tanks approaching. He didn’t know who he was asking, it seemed that he was just asking himself, but when he asked these questions, he now seemed to have no ability to answer these doubts.

Next to him, a Japanese commander followed the command knife to open the river: “Miyamoto, maybe they are all fighting through losses and breaking through positions in Europe, and then fighting sports? I heard that they are good at fighting large-scale roundabout operations. Not good at fighting positional battles “

“Shiga I hope so. But I always feel that the other party has some means we don’t know, which makes me have an ominous hunch.” Miyamoto still felt a little uneasy about his defense line. He turned his head to his back. The officer said: “Let the infantry captain of the Kawasaki United think of ways to test it, try not to let those weird German tank vehicles close to our minefield.”

“Hi!” The Japanese officer quickly nodded and answered his commander’s order.

But before he straightened his waist, the harsh air defense alarm sounded, and the harsh voice ripped the hearts of every Japanese soldier on the position.

“Baga! I don’t think the Germans will be as simple as the Air Force? It’s really taking advantage of it and I don’t know the character of convergence.” Looking at the German Stuttgart type 2 attack aircraft one after another, they rushed into the sky With that kind of unique howling, when he dived to a very close distance and dropped a bomb, Miyamoto seemed slightly relieved.

The German killer seems to be this kind of nearly perfect air-ground integrated combat method. He heard that during the first Nomenkan war, the Germans proposed this combat method, but until now, the Japanese have Without being able to meet the requirements that the Germans said at the time, they did not even have the courage to try.

The Japanese army lacked tanks capable of crushing its opponents, nor did it have large-scale training and concentrated use of aviation. However, in the battle of Nomenkan, the Germans proposed a seemingly powerful fighting method. Keep in mind. Miyamoto knew that the Germans had already realized the idea of ​​the year, and could use this method proficiently, bringing terrible pressure to their opponents.

Meyer saw his Stuka 2 attack aircraft from the telescope and saw the planes almost hit the ground at an angle and height, and easily dropped the mounted air bomb on the Japanese defensive position. The exploding explosion seemed to be so destructive that even Mayr could not help worrying about the enemy on the opposite position. What would I do if you were dead?

With such skillful German air-ground integrated offensive cooperation, when the Air Force bombards indiscriminately, it is of course impossible for the ground troops to watch like that. They must use this enemy’s exhausted time to complete the complex preparations before firing. The engineers were skilled in fixing the bomb belt on the rocket, and all the devices used for detonation were installed. After checking the insurance and fixing plugs, they finally started their work.

After several people nodded to each other to confirm that all preparations were ready, the engineer commander responsible for demining pressed the fire button. The energized rocket immediately began to shoot one after another towards the Japanese position. The towed bomb belt was also pulled by powerful force, flying over the minefield and extending to the Japanese trenches.

“Blasting!” With a heartbreaking roar, the engineer reversed the detonating device in his arms, and then the infantry in the Japanese trenches appeared frightened, dragging the unexploded rockets flying across from him. The thick “ropes” suddenly exploded.

With the trembling of the earth and the sand and stones flying everywhere, many Japanese troops immediately felt nothing in front of them. The huge vibration and the roar of the explosion directly caused the Japanese troops in the nearby trenches to stumble, and a few unlucky guys were even directly killed in their trenches.

The Soviet army on the Sud battlefield has been taught many times by such a violent explosion. This massive demining operation is even more deterrent than the artillery coverage. After most Soviet troops have experienced it once, No more courage to challenge the second time. Now, the Japanese also see this “engineering vehicle” with such a powerful engineering vehicle that is much more powerful than most of the weapons in their hands.

“Hey! It’s almost a year, I still like the engineering demining vehicle! Every time demining moves, it really makes people have pores open, comfortable!” Mayer put down the telescope, far behind him He could feel the momentum of the row of mountains and the deterrent force. He smiled and shouted to the people around him, and everyone around him also gave his commander a laugh.

“If you’re on the Japanese side, then you don’t have this wonderful experience.” The German officer standing behind the tank with his hands on his back shouted at Mayer with a smile. He was also the first to see this method of mine clearance on the front line, and it was indeed enough to shock his mind. In just a few years, his motherland has become so powerful that it is indeed a pleasant thing.

Such a wide road appeared so easily in front of the German armored forces. On the Japanese position, the German Stuka 2 attack aircraft was still unscrupulously throwing their bombs to the Japanese soldiers. The road of Germany has been opened for the Germans. German engineers waved to the rushing tanks, and the 2nd company’s tanks have begun to increase, rushing towards the Japanese defense line.

“1 and 3 keep up! We’re out!” Mayer ha ha laughed, and then he stretched out his hand, put on headphones around his neck, and then leopard-style command tanks roared with motivation On the turret, the commander shrank his upper body, and then easily buckled the hatch.

“Offensive! Offensive! Along the passage to the Japanese defensive position, and then extend the breakthrough to the wings! Try to cover our grenadiers and reduce their casualties! 2 battalions are on our side, behind us there are more than 2ooo Soviet reserves, Japan People will lose! “In the headset, various commands one after another, the German offensive has begun, and opposite them, a Japanese nightmare today seems to have just begun.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, how can humans defeat such a terrible weapon?” Miyamoto looked at the wide minefield in front of his position and was completely destroyed by a terrible minesweeper weapon of the Germans. Dao: “Next, we can only get in touch with the German short soldiers. Now let me see if their tanks are as powerful as the legend says!”

Recommend a friend, the dragon king of the strongest special forces in the work of Cangyang, and be turned around by the chasing of the school. Tang Feng is really helpless!

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