My Third Empire

Chapter 1183 - Don\\\'t go

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

A rough hand touched the window edge in front of him, pulling away the dust on it. The hand continued to move forward along the window edge, and finally stopped where the window edge was broken. The window was obviously damaged, the glass on it had been broken, only a few sharp pieces remained, and the nail was fixed to the edge of the window.

This hand was pressed against the broken window edge and no longer moved forward, because there was no longer anything in front of the broken window edge. The walls here have collapsed for more than half, leaving only half of the walls, and some windows still stubbornly standing here. If you are not particularly familiar with this place, no one will find that this is actually part of the original Kremlin.

The collapsed walls were as spooky as twisted ghosts. Some engineers were using sandbags and other debris to strengthen the defensive positions near the Kremlin. The Germans were only a few kilometers away. Perhaps a few days later, the Germans ’ The tank can shoot the shells straight into the Kremlin window.

Stalin walked out of his underground headquarters in the early morning, and then saw the Kremlin he was familiar with but now strange. This place has been completely bombarded by German artillery, and some Soviet soldiers are strengthening their defensive positions not far away. Now it is no different from ordinary ruined houses.

Yesterday evening, a German army captured Lemenosov Avenue, while another group of soldiers from Group A crossed Minsk Avenue and occupied several houses on Minsk Avenue. The core Red Square is only about 6 kilometers away.

What is more exaggerated is that the troops of the 13th Panzer Division of the SS launched a violent attack westward along Kutuzov Street. The Soviet defense line could only be gradually withdrawn with the German offensive. The Young Pioneers theater stabilized its line of defense, but there was only a pitiful distance of about 4 kilometers from the Kremlin.

Vatukin commanded the Soviet troops to continue to lay defenses along the street, almost desperately struggling, and Stalin, under the German offensive, silently counted his last days in the world. Anyone knows that Stalin has completely lost his chance to win, and he has been struggling to die from a few months ago.

“This turned out to be my favorite meeting room Zaitsev.” Stalin looked at the broken window rim in front of him, as well as the broken glass and the cracked floor under his feet, to Zaitse who was behind him. The husband said, “I never dreamed that this sacred place would become what it is now.”

“Comrade Stalin! If you are willing to leave Moscow now, I personally went to Zhukov and asked him to arrange for the troops to break through the breakout. Maybe it will be able to make a gap. Things may still have a chance.” Zaitsev followed behind Stalin. Looking at the Kremlin, which is no different from the ruins, he said sadly.

Zaitsev was not a greedy person who was afraid of death, but he dedicated his life to Stalin in front of him. He was loyal to his boss and regarded him as his father. He used to be brilliant, and he was next to Stalin who was three points more powerful than the commander of the military area, so now he has made up his mind to never leave this lonely old man in front of him.

Stalin didn’t seem to feel Zaitsev’s love, he just gently stroked the broken window edge with his hand, feeling that the originally luxurious palace had now been turned into broken rubble. After listening to Zaitsev’s persuasion, the Soviet leader shook his head and smiled: “I will not leave Zaitsev, after all, this is where I should be. I really should have finished my last path here. “

After saying this, he paused for a while and then continued to ask: “How have you handled my avatar?”

When his substitute on that day went to inspect the entire Moscow defense system, he was surrounded by civilians and soldiers, and he finally retreated to the Kremlin, and the entire action plan was completely cancelled. The turmoil this time made Stalin even more blatant. He even felt that leaving a substitute was never a good thing for him personally.

He was afraid that the avatar would be caught alive by the German after he died. In that case, the German is likely to use the avatar to make a lot of articles. He even arranged a decent surrender ceremony to insult Stalin. Stalin did not want anyone to use his appearance to continue to bluff in the future, so he instructed Zaittsev to deal with the substitute as soon as possible.

Zaitsev, who was standing behind Stalin, heard Stalin ’s question and nodded and replied: “Comrade Stalin, I ’ve already executed your personal substitute. The body was transported to the garden of the Assumption Cathedral and burned and buried A means of disturbing the sight of the German army. Even if the German army found the body, it could not prove anything. “

“I have always been very relieved of your work. If my generals are as reliable as you, then it is us who won the war.” Stalin took his palm from the edge of the window and shook it to Zaitsev’s shoulder Go up and pat lightly: “Come with me, walk with me through this last time, walk through this last time of the Soviet Union”

“Boom!” A shell fell on the side of a building on the banks of the Moskva River. A huge air wave lifted the gravel on the river bank, smashed the nearby floor-to-ceiling windows, and knocked down the dummy placed in the street shop. Dozens of Soviet soldiers supported the steel helmet above their heads and ran along the embankment to the building, then drilled into the side hole.

Inside the building, Watujing is standing beside his own phone, and in front of him about 1,000 meters, it is already the border between the two countries. The bullets were flying everywhere, and from time to time, tanks roared and pushed down the debris of the ruins, and then were blown up at the corner of a street.

“Bell Bell Bell!” In the gap between the shell explosions, a weak telephone bell came, and Vatukine grabbed the receiver of the phone and said to Zhukov on the other side of the phone: “Comrade Marshal! The telephone line was broken by the shell. It ’s been a day, and the communication between us may be interrupted again at any time. I do n’t know how long the troops in my hands can last. I now officially hand over the command of the Moscow City Defense Force to you! I will officially send the documents to Comrade Stalin, and then Give orders to all units that can be reached. “

“Boom!” Another shell fell not far from where he was, a huge air wave rushed into the building, and a smoke was lifted. Watujing patted the dust on his mouth with his hand and vomited. After a spit, he continued to say over the phone: “My troops lack ammunition and not many anti-tank weapons. But they are all warriors who love this country. Please be kind to them.”

“Hello? Hello?” Because the German bombardment was so violent, the phone line was cut off again before Vatukun finished what he wanted to say. Listening to the absence of voice in the telephone receiver, Vatukun regretted to drop the telephone receiver in his hand on the table covered with maps.

“Are there any troops in the guard battalion? Bring your arms to support the front Moscow 1st Division! What? No?” Vatukine looked at the desperate combat staff and squeezed out a smile. He brushed his hands. Dust the dust on my shoulders and looked at the mechanics next door: “Comrades! It’s really an honor to work with you! The Moscow City Defense Front, as a formed force, is now gone and we have lost our right The effective command of the front-line combat troops is ours and the battle is over. “

He reached out and picked up the military cap instead of the helmet from the table, put it on the top of his head, and then looked at the civilians and officers who had turned his eyes to his headquarters. “Take it. Your weapons, leave here! Look at your home or retreat to the building behind you. After all, you have done everything you can for this country. There is no need to wait here to die, really! “

“General! We have worked with you for so long here, and now you let us leave, we really don’t know where we should go.” The chief of staff smiled and looked at Vatukin, not caring about the shells that fell in the distance The black smoke that covered the sky and the dense gunshots.

“General! Let’s follow you!” Some young mechanics and officers said enthusiastically. They are a group of young people who love the motherland and are easily infected and agitated by the pictures in front of them. They are not concerned about life and death, nor are they not afraid, but no one is willing to be a coward, and no one is willing to go before others.

Watujing smiled and looked at the people around him, shrugging his shoulders and saying, “Okay! Actually, I have no place to go. I don’t want to go to the Kremlin again, telling Comrade Stalin that we couldn’t hold our ground. , That ’s really a sinful errand. I just want to take a good rest here and wait for my enemies to step on my body. “

“Yes! Let’s stay here! Let the Germans step on our bodies!” Everyone nodded and said firmly. The young soldiers started to pick up the Mossinagan rifle from the corner, some picked up the precious ** sand submachine gun, everyone crouched in some corners, watching the movement of the far river across the middle of the ruined wall.

At this time, home was already a far-reaching vocabulary for these officers and Vatukyu.

The second offer! Long Ling will now write the third chapter of the supplement. It may be a bit late. You can read it again tomorrow morning.

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