My Third Empire

Chapter 1185 - Crossing the river

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Boo! Boo! Boo!” A row of bullets hit the ruins, leaving a row of potholes. The novel し The Soviet soldiers behind the ruins curled up, avoiding the debris and flying stones that were hit by bullets.

A German tank was slowly advancing on the streets of Moscow and stopped in a sudden and bright place. In front of it was a large river, which was the Moscow River crossing Moscow. The river passes through the center of Moscow, winding and winding, and Moscow Red Square is not far from the west bank of the river.

Although this position is still some distance away from the banks of the Red Square in Moscow, the Germans finally approached the river in Moscow, which also marked that the Germans had really entered the core position in Moscow. The term “failure to defeat” is now appropriate to describe the Soviet defenders in Moscow.

After investing in the last batch of reserve teams, the Moscow defenders of the Soviet Union no longer have the strength to continue to strengthen the defense in a certain direction. They can only be passively beaten and strengthen other positions by giving up some positions. The most direct impact of this is to multiply the speed of lost positions. Originally, only a few blocks could be invested to block the block, but because there is really no extra troops, they have to give up.

“Comrade General! The German troops are preparing to charge the boat across the river, and it seems that they will begin to forcibly after a while … our machine guns are no longer bullets, and there are not many grenades left.” An officer creeped He came to the side of a ruin and held a steel helmet to report the fighting situation to the dusty General Watujing.

Vattukin was filling his revolver with bullets. After hearing the report, he raised his head and squinted at his men: “The 150th guard of the 1st Regiment 1st Guard is there. There are only 93 people left in the 2nd Regiment, all of which are near us … The 4th Guards Division could not be reached, and the only tank of the 5th Tank Guards Division had just fired shells … We can only do so many There is no way. “

As the fighting progressed, in fact the entire system of Soviet troops had collapsed, the logistics of the troops were completely cut off, and the soldiers did not even know where to eat and bullets. In the end, even the command system of the army collapsed. The power failure and the shelling destroyed the originally complete telephone system. The radio equipment was also faulty and one was lost …

At the beginning, because the place was wide enough, the shelter was better, and I was able to use cars and horses. At this time, because of the continuous loss of positions, these vehicles could not be used. Everyone ran on two legs. If they did not want to be killed by the shells, they could only run on two legs.

A month ago, the Soviet defenders in Moscow’s encirclement circle were able to increase the strength of the entire regiment near the defensive positions breached by the Germans, and then gradually reduced the scale to a battalion, a battalion, and finally a company or even a half company … At this time, every reinforcement has even been saved to the rank of one platoon or even one class.

Reinforcement of this scale, in the face of attacks by the Germans like a tide, is basically a stalemate, and it does not play a role in preventing the Germans from continuing to attack. Along with the depletion of ammunition and the reduction of reinforcements, the losses of the Soviet defenders on the defensive positions are also increasing, and the defeat is becoming faster and faster.

This reason is easy to understand. When the bullets are sufficient, the tactics can be well executed, so the defensive position can also be maintained longer. Without frequent retreat, there is no need to be exposed to the enemy’s firepower frequently, and casualties will naturally be reduced. However, the situation in the Soviet Union is now reversed. They are forced to keep retreating and losing more soldiers.

At present, on the Soviet position, a soldier in the trench comes from a variety of troops and units. The infantry of a company may be composed of the residual strength of several companies. These soldiers may come from several combat troops, some even from the logistics personnel, the Moscow Self-Defense Force, even the tax officer and the police.

Of course, there are a large number of supplementary soldiers. The composition of these supplementary soldiers is more complicated. There are female soldiers, workers, salesmen and teenage children. It is obviously unrealistic to expect these people to exert the fighting power of the regular army, so it is not only the number of reinforcements but also the quality of reinforcements.

The loss has increased exponentially, even to the point where no one has statistics. According to the battle diary of the German F Group Army, on June 25, Germany advanced a total of 1300 meters on the outskirts of Moscow, killing and capturing more than 2,900 Soviet defenders; and in early August, the Germans advanced one kilometer in the urban area. In the distance, more than 6,700 Soviet “soldiers” were killed, and many of these “soldiers” with guns did not even have military uniforms or helmets.

Although the battle statistics of the Germans alone could not accurately reflect the actual losses of the Soviet defenders at that time, even Marshal Kluger admitted in his memoirs that the Germans had killed civilians during the battle in Moscow City. behavior. However, because the Soviet Union does not have any record of combat losses, it can only rely on the German record to barely speculate.

Soon, the German engineers were ready for the troop preparations for their troops. The assault boat was carried by the German soldiers and rushed to the river bank. The machine guns and rockets on the other side hit the Soviet position as if they were not using money. On the other hand, because of the limited amount of ammunition in the Soviet Union, no decent counterattack is possible.

Because of this, the forced crossing proceeded smoothly. The German army first used a tractor-modified “bulldozer” to push some sand and gravel into the Moscow River, and then the German infantry rushing across the bank carried out a small-scale on the river embankment. In the blasting operation, a smooth sloped river embankment was blown out of a path with corners, which is very convenient for subsequent troops to climb.

“Their earthwork is really too fast, it looks so skillful, it’s just like doing exercises.” Watujing said through a gap in the wall, watching the Germans build a pontoon in front of his eyes and said with emotion. About ten meters away from his left, a light machine gun of the Soviet Union finally could not help but growled, sweeping the few remaining bullets towards the position of the German erection pontoon.

However, only a few seconds later, the German mg-42 machine gun returned to the firing Soviet machine gun, and the bullets hit the Soviet position with a intensive sound. The stray bullets everywhere spurred everyone to dare to come out. Head fired. But this is just the beginning. Soon a German 60mm caliber mortar shot the shell at the position where the light machine gun was just located. The huge explosion set off thick smoke, which caused Vatu ten meters away. Kyoto had to squat inside the bunker with his head in his hands to hide.

“Medical soldiers! Someone was injured! Someone was injured!” The smoke from the artillery shells passed just now, and there was a cry from the Soviet defenders. Most of the trenches were command staff and logistic officers, so they still Not quite sure about the current situation.

“Shut up! Where do you go to find a medical soldier? Even if there are medical soldiers, there will be no medicine anymore!” An veteran screamed in the trench with his weapon, and no one questioned his unruly issues at this time. After: “Look at his wounds to die, wait to die if he is dead, if the wound is not big, you may still be able to survive a quick bandaging.”

Looking at the comrade who was still bleeding at his feet, this officer who was in charge of the phone knew how to judge whether the injury was serious or not. So when the other party’s scolding came over, he could only pull out the handkerchief in his pocket, helping another telephone operator to suppress the unlucky wound on the ground.

Vatukine once again aimed his eyes at the tiny crack in the wall, and he saw through it that during this short period of time, the German engineers had docked several boats side by side and nailed them The iron bolts were laid and the rails and planks above were laid. A bridging tank slowly drove down the **** on the other side, and had lifted the tilted iron bridge into the air.

Because of the lack of heavy weapons, all the Soviet defenders could only watch. They could neither open fire to expose their positions nor rush past to disrupt the deployment of the Germans. Those Germans who had crossed the river earlier had established defensive positions on the river embankment , And the position of the Soviet defenders hiding only a highway, about 50 meters away.

If Vattukin has more troops in his hands, he may order a counterattack and recapture the beachhead position. Taking this opportunity may cause huge losses to the Germans. But now he couldn’t mobilize even a company of soldiers, and it was even less likely to repel the German grenadiers on the German beach front.

The voice shouting in his ears had calmed down, and it seemed that the unlucky egg hit by the shrapnel of the forced mortar shell had not been able to hold it, and had already died in the trenches. With the passage of time one minute and one second, Germany’s second bridge tank has opened the pontoon, and the second iron bridge was dropped in the direction of the river near the Soviet guard.

A pontoon was erected in a short time, and the German soldiers crossing the river immediately attacked the Soviet position. The battle became fierce all at once, and many positions launched a white-edged battle. German soldiers crossed hundreds of thousands of pontoons under the cover of armored vehicles, and soon rushed into the Soviet positions.

“Head of State Akado? Long live Rudolph!” With the shouting like a wave, the German soldiers were getting closer and closer to Vatukyu–

Uh, Long Ling rests for a day, and owes more to make up tomorrow. The continuous eruption is really hurting. Please forgive me, my book friends …

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