My Third Empire

Chapter 12 - The two men meet

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Akado is not just a person who only cares about his promotion to a fortune. He uses his position to subconsciously establish his influence within the military.

Akado secretly divided arms among the newly built defense force divisions, established tank troops, secretly promoted qualified officers to become commanders of nonexistent forces, and improved their treatment.

After his efforts, although Germany was not allowed to have its own tank force, Akado still gave the German Wehrmacht who was still in its infantry the most powerful armor in the world-of course, this force is on paper. on.

According to the training results of Akado, Germany now has more than 5,000 qualified tank drivers. After his personal training to explain the more than 700 tank war commanders used in tank operations, Germany is enough to equip 1,000 tanks in one breath.

After Akado ’s suggestion, the military secretly dispatched its own Air Force officers, established several large glider clubs in the private sector, recruited a large number of members, and some World War I pilots participated in these glider clubs in order to be able to re-enter the sky Flying for a few minutes in the middle, they climbed to the top of the mountain with heavy equipment, and then rushed towards the cliff against the danger regardless of the danger.

Although the inspectors of the Coalition Arms Control Committee inspected these glider clubs, the gliders were not threatening, and this matter would be gone. Although the United Kingdom and France have protested against Germany, it is expected that these protests have been ignored by the German authorities.

There is really nothing to protest. The German Wehrmacht has a current strength of 100,000 people. To the east of it, the newly established Poland has a regular army of 600,000 aircraft, and to the west of France has an army of nearly 1 million. There are also huge In comparison to the reserve, there is really no threat in Germany.

However, no one knows that, just under the eyes of the Joint Arms Control Committee, a German army lieutenant colonel named Akado has completely trampled on the “Versailles Peace Treaty”, and a “Pluto Project” has allowed Germany to actually have 200,000 Defense Forces. , And retained armored forces, air force and other modern service systems.

The visionary and possessing a certain amount of financial power, Akado even embezzled 3 million Deutsche marks to secretly carry out crazier plans for many Akaka.

He secretly funded some private laboratories to carry out various scientific researches that were immature at the time but later proved to be across the ages, including radio miniaturization, liquid rocket fuel, synthetic rubber technology, alloy technology, and nuclear physics research.

Although it is a financial aid, after all, this money is divided into a dozen small parts, and at the same time it supports many scientists ’research projects, but this money is undoubtedly timely and ahead of schedule. These projects have not been valued at this time. No one even cares.

The train station was filled with steam. The train had just stopped. Two Nazi yellow shirts wearing dark yellow clothes and military hats jumped off the train. Behind them, a man wearing a gray trench coat followed the train.

The hair was meticulously combed to one side, and only the face with a moustache underneath the nose was impressive.

The most frightening thing is his pair of eagle-like eyes. These eyes glanced around, with a domineering and majestic temperament.

“The leader, the car is ready!” A man licking his big belly stepped forward behind him.

Hearing this, the man nodded and walked out of the platform slowly, surrounded by a group of yellow shirts.

Outside the platform, dozens of yellow shirts were mixed with hundreds of poorly dressed poor people holding banners and shouting loudly: “Welcome to Berlin! Mr. Hitler!”

Hitler just waved his hand casually, and got into the high-end car that had been waiting for a long time. As soon as he entered the car, he could not wait to speak: “Don’t go to the hotel, I want to go to my friend.”

The train entered the station very early in the evening. It’s almost five o’clock now. This time should be a good time to rush to a fixed hotel and not to visit friends.

The driver saw Hitler got into the car and heard that he had changed the itinerary. He asked politely: “Quizhou, so late, which friend do you want to visit.”

Hitler’s eagle-like eyes were fixed on the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror. After a few seconds, his eyes were staggered: “Don’t ask so much, drive to Bodhi Street.”

Linden Street is a very famous street in Berlin. The emperor parade here. There are many old buildings built by large designers on both sides. It is not easy to find a residence here, but for some very special people, it is not. What a difficult thing.

The relationship of General Akato Tosikt found an obscure apartment here, used his rising salary to bear the high rent, and set up a house on this famous street, which is not close to the headquarters of the National Defense Army. Too far, and the scenery is very good.

Akado put the bottle of red wine on the table, hummed and sat on the sofa, he was waiting for Hitler’s arrival, prepared red wine on the table, and some light food.

Hitler loves vegetarianism and is a downright vegetarian. This is no secret among the scholars who studied him in later generations. In addition to being a champ and butcher, he also cared about the green diet, which is enough to show that this person has severe schizophrenia.

“The scenery here is good.” Hitler didn’t shake hands with Akado after entering the house. After a few words of pride and arrogance, he leaned on the window sill and said, “You don’t seem to have fulfilled your original promise to me.”

“Is it?” Akado didn’t expect that the two hadn’t seen each other for two years. It was such a scene of meeting, a little embarrassed and a little sighed.

Hitler looked at Akado ’s slightly constrained apartment and spread his hands and said, “You have n’t completed the plan! I am now one of the leaders of the Nazi Party. The Roma under my hands even have tens of thousands of yellow shirts! I finished My promise to you, but now you are just a little lieutenant colonel! “

It is indeed a small lieutenant colonel. Now the members of the Nazi party are some of the famous generals of the German side in World War I. Hitler ca n’t look down on Akado ’s current rank. It is really not an exaggeration. Word.

Akado also knew that although he had great reputation at the grassroots level of the National Defense Forces, and he personally led the construction of the National Defense Forces, he could even influence the decision of the General Commander of the National Defense Forces, General Siket, but he did not have a real strength.

Although General Harmon, the commander of the 1st Division, obeyed Akado, he was still Sikht ’s descendant. So, Akado ’s first division, which had the most influence, was still in Sikht ’s hands. in. As for the other forces, none of them can be commanded by Akado.

The 103 and 105 regiments that have been in private with Akado are now classified as the 15th Division of the National Defense Forces with Hamburg as the headquarters. It can be said that it is now the only strength of Akado. After all, the head of this division is half Cardo’s old acquaintances, and this division can be regarded as the main teacher’s reorganization, is also the result of Akado’s power for personal gain.

Because of the efforts of Akado, the 15th Division has the latest batch of armored vehicles ordered by Germany. The division is equipped with more than forty radio stations, and each company is equipped with a small number of machine guns of the German Wehrmacht.

Because of Akado ’s deliberate arrangement, this division is the elite unit second only to the first division of the National Defense Force, so the division ’s commander, Leo, is also grateful to Akado. This person is a Prussian aristocrat, but he is not Sict ’s descendant , Now considered a marginal figure of the Akado faction.

Speaking of the Akado faction, it is actually a young faction within the IDF. This faction is weak and its voice is not loud, but it is the future successor of the German side. Akado is the representative of these people, not them. The actual leader.

After thinking so much, in fact, it was only a moment. Akado still spoke in a very calm tone: “You came to me far away and didn’t even eat dinner. Wouldn’t it be just to satirize my position?”

“Of course not! I need you! Akado! Need your thoughts! Need your creativity! I need you and me to go to glory together!” Hitler stretched out the olive branch, and excitedly invited Akado: “Join the Nazis Party! Become our comrades! How about? “

He stared at Akado and was very excited: “You are smarter than Roma and smarter than everyone else! I need such a think tank for you! Your joining will make me invincible!”

“Join the Nazi Party? I don’t know what position I can hold after joining the Nazi Party?” Akado asked with a smile.

“I will appoint you as the deputy leader of the Nazi Party! You will become the leader of the party after me! I will make you a celebrity in the entire German political arena! The two of us in the general election together will make the Nazi Party a parliamentary election. Winner! I firmly believe! “Hitler further bewitched, he gave him the chips that he felt were very good value, it depends on the fact that Akado is not on the road.

Immediately after he waited for Akado to answer, he waved his own hand again: “No! You may have a greater role! I will mobilize our Nazi Party’s hidden forces in the military to help you get higher!” The voice of the Nazi party in the military! Until we have complete control of the National Defense Force! You are the Vice President of Germany! How about? “

“So what about the Nazi Party itself? The radical rebellions in the newspapers against aliens, and the speeches that are enough to alert the military to control the military, I have not warned you, Adolf, you are going further and further on the radical path , Won’t get the military’s support! “Akado looked at Hitler with regret, and said.

If Hitler developed the Nazi Party according to Akado ’s vision, Akado did not mind cooperating with Hitler, using the Nazi Party to complete the control of the entire Germany, and then together with Hitler, launched a brand new World War II.

However, Hitler apparently ignored Akado’s advice in the small book, and pulled the Nazi Party back to the original track of history, because Akado’s development strategy was more stable and comprehensive, but it lost Hitler’s favorite. speed.

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