My Third Empire

Chapter 1223 - Battle of the big ship

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This may be the most interesting naval battle in the history of mankind. In the event that both sides have aircraft carriers, the battleships are ultimately allowed to fight artillery battles to determine the outcome. When the navies of both sides lifted their barrels as thick as chimneys at the farthest distance, the old navy’s last cry wafted across the Atlantic Ocean and did not disperse for a long time.

“Open fire!” On the bridge, the commander of the Royal Navy artillery holding the phone finally issued an order to fire the fleet, and then the 380 mm caliber main gun on the battleship Scoundrel issued his own terrible just a few seconds later. Roar.

This time the salvo was in fact the steering of the British navy fleet was not yet completed, so the battleship USS finally ended up firing with only four main guns. But this roar was still earth-shattering, and the British navy soldiers who were looking forward to the decisive battle of the sea artillery cheered excitedly.

They have been waiting for too long, from the Battle of the English Channel to the present, all British navies are looking forward to destroying the abominable German enemies with their opponents in the familiar artillery rhythm. It is a pity that the war has always erupted. So far, the German navy has played the aircraft carrier and changed the war mode, and then launched a submarine to fight the wolves.

In short, the British army’s most powerful and proudest fleet artillery battle, but did not appear once. Britain is like a bison with great power, but he has no choice but to find the enemy he is facing with a shotgun.

Now, it’s different! Everything has changed! They finally waited for the opportunity of revenge, and the opportunity to use the cannon to decide the male and the female. So when the sound of the four main guns on the battleship No. 1 had not stopped, the nine battleships of 406 mm caliber fired again on the battleship Nelson. The huge shock caused the surrounding sea water to ripple. Come.

“Boom!” Even when covering his ears, this sound like singing still hits the hearts of every British navy sailor! They can finally compete fairly with cunning enemies, and they can finally fight a familiar war with the Germans!

Watching these shells rush out of their barrels and fly to invisible places in the distance, all the soldiers continued to be busy, cleaning the huge barrels with various equipment, cleaning up the gunpowder residues, and firing the shells The charge was reloaded into the cannon barrel of the giant cannon, and bombarded enemies in the distance.

If we say that the British navy is cheering for the opportunity of a fair fight; then the battleship squadron of the German navy is equally excited at this moment. They are thrilled that they can finally make an appearance, and they are thrilled that they are not finally without a sense of existence!

Throughout the war, although the British battleships were sunk one by one by the German navy, they were all fighting and fighting real naval battles. As the battleship unit of the German navy, the only time it appeared was that a support mission such as shelling Iceland was replaced by who would command the battleship fleet. Anyone would have to think about how they could achieve merit.

So when the Royal Navy thought that it was finally an opportunity for us, the commander of the German battleship fleet, Bastian, was equally pleased to find that his opportunity to build a career came like this. The elder husband’s return to his hometown is just now! This is now his brain full of thoughts.

Although the German Navy is not as elite as the British Royal Navy in artillery, the German Navy is now three battleships! In this level of artillery battle, the overwhelming number of opponents is definitely an advantage that cannot be ignored. Bastian seems to have seen the goddess of victory waving to him.

“Order to fire! The head of state has already foreseen victory! Long live Big Germany!” Bastian also issued orders to fire at the same time as the British warship fired. So after a few seconds of short preparations, the three battleships of the German navy stood ready and sent their opponents their first round greetings with their guns.

“Boom!” The 18 main guns of 406 mm caliber fired back and forth, making a deafening sound that cheered the hearts of all German navy sailors. The most powerful artillery weapons in human history are so intensively used that they are enough to make everyone who has seen them awe.

Do n’t doubt why there are so many followers of “turret godism”, “caliber godism” and “battleship godism” in later generations. Big ship cannons have infinite charm and can satisfy the original ambitions of men, so it is no wonder that even in the era of flying missiles, big ship cannons still have a wide range of believers and markets.

Watching the enemy in the field of vision, torn into pieces by their own shells and destroyed into a burst of fireworks is definitely a “man’s romance.” It is not difficult to understand why, after Pearl Harbor, Japan, which has the advantage of naval aviation, is still playing battleship games.

“Boom!” Unlike the sprint formation of the British Royal Navy’s squadron, the German warships had time to set up a defensive formation, seizing the advantage of the T-headed position in naval battles. This allowed German warships to fire with all the artillery on their ships.

This roar was made by the eight front and rear turrets on the Marshal Redell naval vessel and eight 380-mm guns. The main gun of the battleship cannot be fired at the same time for a real “salvo”, so this “sound” roar is actually the sound of continuous firing of 8 artillery with very short intervals.

A total of 26 shells were fired in this round of salvo in Germany, while the British navy fired only 13 poor shells. In just one shot, the total amount of ammunition delivered by the German Navy was twice that of the British Navy. The quantitative advantage and the advantage in position are immediately reflected in the moment when the battle begins.

On the muzzle of the German battleship that shot this round, the smoke had not yet dispersed. The sea near the three battleships sailing at a constant speed was splashed by a large-caliber artillery shell shot by the falling British Royal Navy. Water column. Shooting a gun on a rolling sea and hitting a target in motion is a very difficult task. To ensure that the target is hit, you can only rely on skilled training and luck against the sky, as well as constantly adjusting the shooting angle.

It is a pity that these things seem to have the absolute advantage of the disadvantaged Royal Navy. The German navy seemed to have an advantage in quantity and position, but it was followed by the Ukrainian Ukrainian and the Belarusian two battleships behind the battleship Red Marshal, and the warships were controlled by a large group of interns and trainees.

Moreover, the design of the two battleships handed over to Germany by the Soviet Union had some problems. As a result, the speed of reloading artillery shells during shooting was extremely slow, and it could not be compared with the elaborate and well-trained Nelson.

“The enemy ship is on fire!” On the mast of the battleship Ukrainian, an observer shouted nervously at the phone leading to the bridge: “The shells landed in the sea not far in front of us! Oh, they hit it accurately. Almost hit us! “

And what he said almost hit the shells, at least 500 meters away from them. Bastian was looking at the water column that was stirred in the distance with a telescope. As a veteran who had experienced World War I, he immediately realized that he was too optimistic before.

After all, it was the British Empire that used artillery to lay down more than half of the earth! After all, it was the navy that once stood invincible at sea, known as the country that never sets! The best way to defeat this navy is to change the rules of the naval warfare because anyone who starts naval warfare according to the old rules must face the strongest attack by the British Royal Navy.

“Telegraph to Marshal Redell and General Lütjens! Quick! Let them take off as soon as possible! Come and support us!” Bastian immediately gave up the idea of ​​facing the British Royal Navy battleship alone, he began to cherish The days when I was a big air defense warship around the aircraft carrier before the start: at least those days, do n’t worry, do n’t you?

The shells fired by the German Navy almost caused a laugh from the sailors on the opposite side of the British Navy. Compared to the shells fired by the British Navy, more shells landed in front of the British Navy Fleet, but the water column was scattered everywhere. A hint of accuracy. So the soldiers of the British Navy continued to adjust their artillery and shot their second round of salvo at a better angle.

In the distance, the German navy sailors were busy at the moment, clearing the cannon with inefficient coordination, and difficult to reload the shells. At least a long time before the next salvo. time. The only thing that can keep up with the rhythm is the more well-trained, and more experienced combat German Germans on the battleship Red Marshal. They exemplified the rigorous fighting qualities of the Germans, and they were almost the same as those of the British counterparts.

“Boom!” Shortly after the British opened fire, the German navy’s second round salvo also paid tribute to it. This time only the flagship of the high seas battleship squadron was fired. So eight shells of the German Navy flew towards the British Navy in the distance, and after just a few seconds, the second round of salvo shot by the British Navy landed on the top of the German navy battleship.

This time, the Royal Navy made a “stride shot”. The shells fell into the water at the rear of the German navy battleship, and were closer to the German naval battleship than the previous explosion. Those familiar with naval warfare know that the next time the British navy fired, it was possible to hit the German navy battleship. Quite high.

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