My Third Empire

Chapter 1238 - Greater Europe

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Have you heard the speech just now? My God! Why is it that the Vichy government, which has been seeking to restore partial autonomy in France, suddenly became a force supporting greater European integration?” A man in a suit sat in the restaurant In the corner, he talked to the two politicians in front of him.

“Israel, a newly-established country, is also biased towards the Third Reich, stating to consider joining the Afro-European Group dominated by the Third Reich after the war.” Another politician sighed and took a drink And said: “Have you heard of the word United Nations? The Germans are playing bigger and bigger games.”

A group of drunk men in the distance suddenly stood up, raised their glasses, and made some scary laughs: “For the prosperity of Great Germany! Cheers!” Their cry made the whole restaurant boil A lot of people followed up and raised their wine glasses to sing along, and for a time the voice of the audience was booming.

“God bless, if it were not for those who went to Africa with the German Head of State Akado to see what I saw, I ca n’t believe that the politicians like Chamberlain would visit Berlin in person at this time and almost broadcast live on TV He knelt down to shamelessly swear allegiance to Akado. “Another businessman shook his head and complained.

The first businessman to speak was a Frenchman. He had always hoped that his ancestral parliament would usher in a final liberation one day in the future. But he did not wait until this day, but instead saw the fact that France was completely reduced to a vassal of the reunification of “Great Europe.”

He knocked on the table, picked up his glass, shook his head and sighed in frustration: “Don’t say it! Don’t talk about these unhappy things. Anyway, even if the Third Reign unified Europe, we are the ones that ultimately benefit. people.”

After he finished speaking, he took advantage of his drunkenness and pointed his finger at the 3D Reichstag Congress Brooch worn on his chest, and then pretended to have a funny expression and shouted to the other two people in front of him. : “I’m a genuine member of the Great German Party, long live the Third German Empire!”

Not only Vichy France but also Northern England, Ireland and Sweden have already sent their envoys, came to Berlin to persuade Akado to become emperor, and took out 120 sincerity to recommend the Third Reich to become Permanent chairman of “Greater Europe”.

The Siberian Federation and the Far Eastern Republic have also made a submissive look, standing firmly on the Axis Powers, or the future United Nations. They conscientiously fulfilled various treaties signed with the Third Reich, gave up the management of railways and mines, and even disbanded most of the army to seek permanent asylum in the Third Reich.

“Four cities, 100,000 garrisons of the Third Reich, as members of the Axis Powers, a heart of trust in the great Third Reich. We look forward to a deeper military cooperation between the two countries, caliber of weapons and ammunition, and specifications Design, future R & D cooperation will be carried out in all fields, and the integration of Greater Europe will become a reality. “The Romanian spokesperson announced the garrison agreement just signed between the two countries on the radio.

At the same time, the Italian side also showed its sincerity, subverting the world view of all people who feel that the plan of Europe is difficult. The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs unexpectedly announced a resolution concerning the Italian royal family: “The Italian King announced that he would give up his ownership of the Italian throne and would be relegated to the Grand Duke of Italy. Everything in the country will be handed over to the Italian military junior commander Gallipoli To make a decision. “

After that observation, and after a loud noise in Africa, the power of the Third Reich seemed to have enveloped the hearts of every European politician like a dark cloud. After seeing German tanks, cannons, and invincible generals, and seeing Germany ’s strong industrial base and the ability to integrate Europe, the mushroom cloud that the atomic bomb swelled became the last one in the hearts of these politicians. Straw, defeated everyone’s heart to continue.

Most European national government departments began to fly two national flags, one was the flag of their own country, and the other was the **** red flag of the Third Reich. In this game of power, the Third Reich became the ultimate winner: its troop establishment became a unified European troop formation, and its command system became the standard command system of all European troops.

There are few disobedient people. It seems that the whole of Europe is exceptionally obedient, especially at the government level, it vigorously promotes the benefits of unity, but few people worry that national sovereignty is threatened.

Just kidding, the entire 4 million German troops are now being slowly placed by the German government. These battle-hardened soldiers are worried that there is no place to continue to display their best killing skills. Who at this time finds the sorrow of the Third Reich? Of course, this kind of idiot in Japan is indeed very courageous. When the Third Reich is in full swing, it is picked out and spitting in the face of the Third Reich.

In the United States, Washington, the crowd that sent off President Roosevelt has not dispersed. When the carriage that transported the president just arrived at the cemetery, among the officials at the funeral site, Marshall was talking to General Eisenhower who was driving to Washington. Both of them are the main faction in the United States, and now they are facing the same dilemma: the new president may be a main and a faction.

“There are indications that the Germans have successfully tested the atomic bomb. Two American journalists were invited to the Sahara Desert, where the German head of state Akado personally presided over the experimental explosion process. It is said that the power is shocking!” Marshall these days, It has been tracking information about German nuclear weapons.

But the most direct proof comes from the turmoil in Europe’s entire political arena. The countries that had originally appealed to Germany were violent and violent, and now all of them suddenly turned their heads to their ears. Their attitudes changed too abruptly. If there is no credit for the secret experiment, Marshall would not be killed.

“Things are getting worse and worse. I got internal information from the Chinese government a few days ago. The special envoy in Germany, Mr. Chen and his wife, suddenly changed their neutral attitude and suggested to the government to form an alliance with Germany.” General Eisenhower said dejectedly to Marshall: “It is said that they witnessed the explosion of the German nuclear weapons, which can be clearly seen from dozens of kilometers away.”

“Could it be that the Germans are making a fuss? Find some people to make false news in order to blind us?” Marshall still doubted whether the Germans really possessed the method of making atomic bombs. After thinking about it, he opened his mouth. To General Eisenhower.

Without answering Marshall’s question positively, General Eisenhower suddenly dropped the topic and jumped to another topic: “I heard that Japan has used chemical weapons against Germany. The head of Germany in the Far East knows this After the incident, I was very angry and gave a speech that was very angry? “

“That’s the one that claimed to represent the Axis Powers, the Third Reich, and sentenced more than 1,000 war criminals to death in Japan?” Marshall heard Eisenhower’s question and immediately replied: “To be honest, what’s so exciting? Do you want me to be silent for the idiots in Japan? “

“No! If I am right, the ships carrying the envoys are already heading to Israel. The big men above us are more cautious than we thought. The talks will continue until the first Once an atomic bomb falls, “Eisenhower turned the topic to the question he just put down:” We can only wait patiently and use Japan to prove whether the German atomic bomb is really true. “

Without any definitive intelligence support, the US authorities and the British government in exile put the abacus on waiting for this most secure strategy. They all want to see if the Germans will use atomic bombs to retaliate against chemical weapons attacks in Japan. If the atomic bomb is really as terrible as everyone thinks, it is time to end this protracted war.

However, the Third Reich did not seem to prepare enough time for everyone to consider. In the early morning of September 1, 400 German heavy bombers visited the Allied Icelandic base on the Atlantic Ocean and destroyed most of the island ’s buildings and facilities , Followed by German, French and Italian battleships, a total of 7 artillery shelled off Iceland

At noon on September 2, the Icelandic volcano began to emit thick smoke, and the battleships of the Axis Powers stopped artillery operations and began to return. While gradually quieting down, the British Air Force Commander Hugh Dowding took poison in his own headquarters. The last few meteor jet fighters on the island crashed against the German bombers, and despair permeated everyone in the entire British government in exile.

On September 3, under pressure from the Germans to attack again at any time, the British government in exile issued a statement on the radio, officially returning Iceland to the Danish Allied forces to retreat from Iceland and left this already almost deserted volcanic island.

On September 11, in the German capital Berlin, the first “Greater European Joint Conference” was held. As the head of the permanent presidency, Akado Rudolph made a speech and announced that the “Greater European Union” was officially established. In the face of the absolute strength of the three empires, the unity of form is moving towards it. And on this day, after the resolution, all countries abolished the original leader’s title, and all used the term “joint parliamentarian” to refer to the heads of state. As the head of the Third Reich, the permanent president, Akado retained the title of head of state and began to exercise the power of chairman of the joint parliament.

To make up for a chapter, at the moment when it is about to end, Long Ling hopes to make his promise as much as possible!

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