My Third Empire

Chapter 128 - Assassination

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Speaking of Kirov, I believe many people are no strangers. His full name is Sergey Milonovich Kirov. But I still want to briefly introduce the elite under this red regime.

As early as October 1917, he was elected as the representative of the Second Congress of the All-Russian Soviet and participated in the October armed uprising in Petersburg. After the victory of the October Revolution. The Party Central Committee sent him back to the Caucasus to lead the struggle to establish and consolidate the Soviet regime in Terek and other parts of the North Caucasus.

In February 1919, he was appointed to lead the defense work of the city of Astrakhan and the border of Astrakhan. He successively served as chairman of the Provisional Revolutionary Military Committee of the border region, member of the Revolutionary Military Committee of the Red Army ’s Independent Eleventh Army, and revolution of the Southern Army Member of the Military Commission. During this period, he also actively led the underground work of the North Caucasus Party and opposed the guerrilla warfare of Dunikin.

In May 1920, he became the plenipotentiary of the Government of the Soviet Union of the Russian Federation in the Government of Menshevik, Georgia. In the same year, he was instructed to lead the Soviet delegation to sign a peace treaty with Poland in Riga. After returning to the North Caucasus in mid-October, he was elected as a member of the North Caucasus Bureau of the Russian Central Committee.

In March 1921, he was elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee at the 10th Congress of the Russian Communist Party. In July of the same year, he was elected Secretary of the Central Committee of Azerbaijan *. Kirov is one of the founders of the Caucasus Federal Socialist Republic. With his joint efforts with Ordzhonikidze, in 1922, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Georgia jointly established the Federal Socialist Republic of Southern Caucasus and adopted a resolution to join the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

In 1923 he was elected to the Central Committee at the 12th Congress of the Russian Communist Party. He was transferred to Leningrad in December 1925, and was elected as the first secretary of the Leningrad Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and served as the first member of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the 23rd special meeting of the party held in Leningrad Province in February 1926 One secretary, alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China since 1930.

However, such smooth sailing is not entirely a good thing. At the 17th Congress of the Soviet Union, Kirov gained the support of a large number of people, which made Stalin who always regarded Kirov as his successor. Feel the crisis.

Power makes people want to fill in. In fact, at this moment, Kirov felt that he did not have to surrender, and he publicly stood up during the Soviet Union * meeting to fight against the Stalin Chamber of his own.

At about 16:30 on the day of December 1, 1934, Kirov entered the Smolny Palace, the office building of the State Party Committee, and reached the third floor along the main staircase. As Kirov turned from the main hallway to the hallway on the left, preparing to walk to his office, he was shot in the back. The staff and guards who rushed out of the sound grabbed Nikolaev, who was holding a revolver and had some nervousness, next to Kirov’s body. Fifteen minutes later, when the doctor carried Kirov into his office for invalid rescue, Nikolaev’s wife Mirida was also controlled.

Nikolayev immediately received a sudden trial after he was arrested, but he was out of control at the time, and he was only given a more logical explanation intermittently until the second trial at 21:00 that night.

This incident is full of confusing and strange things. First of all, this Nikolaev, who was judged to be a little neurotic, had his revolver used for murder as early as 1918. In 1924 he also got the corresponding from the Soviet government. Had a gun license, and successfully re-registered six years later in April 1930.

The dangerous man with a gun was arrested twice because he trailed Kirov, an important Soviet leader. And found the revolver in his body. What makes people feel even more incredible is that he was acquitted on both occasions …

Another tricky thing is that a key person such as security guard Borisov actually used an ordinary truck, and the truck had an accident on the road. The truck driver later moved to the center when the 20th National Congress of the CPSU The Bureau described what happened at the time: when the truck was moving, the interior staff sitting next to the driver grabbed the steering wheel, drove the car across the sidewalk, and hit the wall straight. The car stopped after hitting the wall, no one was injured, but the car’s right headlight broke. Strangely, Borisov died on the spot, the doctor’s testimony stated that he died in a car accident. Later, Borisov’s wife was also killed. The driver was also put in a concentration camp.

And this guard Borisov is the party responsible for Kirov ’s safety work. Coincidentally, when Kirov was killed, his guard, who should be inseparable, was just twenty steps away from the person he wanted to protect. During the assassination of Kirov, the guard did not take any remedial action.

The party was killed in two days, and Stalin held an internal meeting of his personal faction. There were not many people participating in the meeting. There were Stalin ’s close friends Khrushchev, and there was a Stalin named Yezhov. Descendants.

“Yezhov! Comrade Kirov was assassinated! This is the loss of our entire Soviet Union!” Stalin said sadly to his men as soon as they met: “To find the murderer immediately! And behind the scenes! To Zinovi also Find the murderer among husbands! “

However, Yezhov still clearly heard Khrushchev whispered in Stalin’s ear: “Everything is done, there is no life.”

Stalin then took the pen, wrote “Moscow Headquarters” and “Leningrad Headquarters” on two white papers, and then listed Dinoviev, Kamenev and others under the “Moscow Headquarters”. The arrested cadres of the Communist Youth League were listed under the “Leningrad headquarters”.

Then he handed these two pieces of paper to Ye Rufu: “According to the name above to catch the murderers! They are all murderers who plot to destroy the country!” So this list from Stalin’s pen became the murder case of Kirov. evidence of.

Kirov’s body was quickly transported to Moscow. On December 6, 1934, Stalin personally presided over the grand funeral and carried the coffin for it. Mikoyan once wrote in his memoirs: “The death of Kirov is the most painful thing for the party and the country after Lenin’s death, and the grief is even greater than that of Dzerzhinsky. “

On December 22, 1934, the Soviet government issued a notice investigating the Kirov case, saying that the assassin Nikolaev was a member of an underground terrorist organization called “Leningrad headquarters”, which was organized by Zinoviev. The members of the opposition, Zinoviev and Kamenev were handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for further investigation due to insufficient evidence.

On December 29, 1934, without obtaining any valid evidence and documents, Nikolaev and his 13 associates of the so-called “Leningrad headquarters” were executed. Before this, 103 former Belarusian The members of the guard were suppressed.

More than two months later, Mirida, the wife of Nikolaev, who was expelled from the party due to loss of vigilance, was also shot on March 10, 1935. In addition to Mirita herself, her sister and brother-in-law were also suppressed. In addition, Nikolaev’s brother Peter Nikolaev and Mirida’s brother Peter Dlaure were also arrested. Nikolaev ’s two sisters and cousins ​​were also sent to concentration camps, and their mothers were sent to live in remote rural areas.

On December 16, 1934, Stalin ordered the arrest of Zinoviev and Kamenev. Both of them were veteran Bolsheviks who joined the party in 1901 and were members of the Politburo of the Party Central Committee from 1919 to 1926. Zinoviev served as Chairman of the Leningrad Soviet and Chairman of the Communist International Executive Committee. Kamenev served as chairman of the Moscow Soviet, the first deputy chairman of the Soviet People ’s Committee and the chairman of the Labor and National Defense Committee. These two men and Stalin formed a troika in Lenin’s later years, helping Stalin to survive the crisis of Lenin’s will and destroying Trotsky, Stalin’s biggest competitor.

It was just these two people, who were supposed to be Stalin ’s right and left arms, but because they constantly challenged Stalin ’s authority in the party and vaguely became a spiritual leader against Stalin ’s factions, he finally broke away from Stalin. So this time Stalin decided to start with these two people.

On January 15, 1935, the Soviet Union conducted a secret trial of 19 opposition members such as Zinoviev and Kamenev, accusing them of establishing and joining the secret organization “Moscow Headquarters” to engage in anti-Soviet secret activities and attempt to replace them. The current leader.

Both men refused to admit that there was such an organization, denied that it was related to Kirov ’s assassination, and condemned terrorist acts in court, but under high pressure, they were forced to admit that their past anti-Stalin actions may objectively contribute to the current existence. The terrorist tendency promotes the perpetrators to fall. Therefore, they have an indirect moral responsibility for the assassin Nikolaev.

The prosecutor still sentenced Zinoviev to 10 years ’imprisonment and Kamenev to 5 years after he could not obtain any materials to prove their crimes. The two were still unable to escape, and they were secretly executed by Ye Rufu in prison.

Not everyone is silent on this matter, nor is everyone like the idiot who believes in the Kirov case’s findings. Many older generations of Soviet revolution leaders are skeptical about this matter. This includes Marshal Tukhachevsky, who is already the commander-in-chief of the Soviet side.

The military gangster who had just been promoted to marshal ran up and down for this matter, and he was determined to find the murderer who murdered his comrades. Unfortunately, no one was willing to help him, and his actions also angered him Stalin wanted to firmly control the military.

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