My Third Empire

Chapter 130 - Two worlds

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Stand up!” Shouted rudely outside the door. The anxiously waiting people immediately stopped talking.

All the officers and men sitting here stood up, standing in a row, holding their chin high, straightening their spine and making their chest more prominent.

“Gentlemen! The head of state is here!” The colonel at the most advanced gate stood upright, then raised his right hand high: “Long live the head of state!”

Everyone faced the door, raised their right hand high, and shouted, “Long live the head of state!”

Akado strode in from outside the door and gently raised his forearm to signal that everyone was done. Everyone withdrew the etiquette, and the sound of the arm down was uniform.

“You guys! You don’t need to be so cautious today!” Akado said with a smile. He walked to the center of the house and smiled kindly: “You are the protagonists of today! I am very happy to be a hero with the German people. meet.”

A general behind Akado waved his hand to the side, and a major carrying a tray walked solemnly behind Akado.

The general walked to the side of Akado, pointing to the officers and soldiers who had been lined up, the first major officer in the line introduced: “Major Collins! The 2nd Battalion Commander, 1st Armored Regiment, 8th Armored Division, In the siege of Salamanca, he led his troops to fight bravely, and achieved a remarkable result of destroying a total of 23 enemy vehicles. The Iron Cross was awarded with the approval of the headquarters of the National Defense Force. “

“Crack!” The young major stood upright, and the heels of his leather boots bumped together, making a crisp noise. He raised his right hand high and respected a standard German ceremony: “Fight for you! My head ! “

Akado smiled and nodded: “You are brave! Mr. Major! I am very happy to be able to serve this country with you.”

As he said, he took an Iron Cross medal from the tray behind him and hung it on the major ’s chest, then patted the major ’s shoulder: “The spirit of the Great German will be with you!”

The flash of “boom” flashed in a timely manner. More than a dozen journalists recorded this historical moment from various angles. This was the first time that the top level of the German Defense Force awarded the Iron Cross Medal after the First World War. ; It is also the first documented award of the Iron Cross after improved design and peace standards; of course, this is also the first time that military medals have been awarded by the head of state instead of military personnel.

In the gratitude and admiration of the young major, Akado came to the second soldier.

“This soldier named Luff belongs to the Artillery Corps of the 2nd Division of the SS. He destroyed two Soviet t-26 tanks with an 88mm anti-aircraft gun assigned to their squad. The defense line was stabilized until the friendly forces Arrived and saved the lives of nearly a hundred soldiers on the entire artillery position! With the approval of the headquarters of the National Defense Force, the Iron Cross was awarded. “

“Crack!” The soldier also stood upright, and the heels of the leather boots bumped together, making a crisp sound. He raised his right hand high, and also respected a standard German ceremony: “Long live the head of state!”

“Ancestral Congress remembers your outstanding performance! Soldiers!” Akado hung the medal on his chest: “The spirit of the Great German will be with you!”

The surrounding cameras sprayed the sparks of the spotlight again, and Akado awarded the medals one by one, placing the honor on the chest of each of the first officers and soldiers who returned to Germany from Spain.

The music rang in the warm hall, and Arcado toasted all the generals and officers who had returned from Spain on vacation. Fanny was holding Akado’s arm and sweetly talking about her latest secret.

Not far away, those German soldiers who left the battlefield and realized the good life again, laughed heartily on the spacious dance floor with the girl dancers prepared for them deliberately.

“Are they too indulgent?” Fanny looked at the soldiers who were spinning wildly with the music and smiled and asked Akkado.

“They are my pride! They are the best soldiers in this world! I have exhausted my efforts and part of the harvest is here.” Akado smiled and extended his hand to Fanny: “I am interested to accompany Do I dance a dance? Miss? “

“of course!”

“Prepare! Fire!” A Soviet officer stood on the execution ground, orderlessly facing the front row of soldiers with rifles.

“Boo!” A uniform gunshot echoed over the school ground. A dozen inmates who were not far away in front of the execution wall seemed to have taken their souls away. Their bodies tremble and became paralyzed. After struggling a few times on the ground, their heads fell down.

Polovsky turned around and walked towards the row of piles step by step. Following him was an adjutant holding a note. He is now a colonel of the Soviet Red Army, and his power is not too small, but now he is still struggling with thin ice. The reason is very simple, that is, his head boss, Comrade Khrushchev, is under the order of the Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin and is reviewing the entire Soviet Union.

“Colonel Polovsky! There seems to be someone you know among the extremists of the destruction of the next batch of executions.” The deputy looked at the list of executions spread on the notebook: “Colonel Kazonev, your Senior senior. Comrade of the 21st Division of the 7th Army of the Red Army. “

“How is it possible? Colonel Kazonev is a highly respected old clerk! How could it be an extreme element of sabotage? There is a problem here.” Polovsky frowned and looked at his assistant.

The assistant’s helpless face looked around to make sure that there was no one nearby, and then whispered, “Mr. Colonel! You only took the comrade Khrushchev’s influence to have the status you have today! If I were You won’t talk nonsense! Colonel Kazonev is Kirov’s … “

After a while, I saw Colonel Polovsky silently, and the deputy commanded loudly to the execution team at the back: “Bring the next batch of traitor traitors who destroy the construction of the motherland!”

With the sound of heavy shackles dragging on the ground, a group of officers still wearing Red Army uniforms were escorted to the execution ground by soldiers with rifles. Their badges have been ripped off, but the style of military uniforms can still be seen that they are all Has no small official position.

Polovsky hurried over and stopped in front of a shackled officer with a big beard, and the **** team stopped at this time. At the other end of the line, several The soldier was busy removing the prisoner’s shackles.

“Comrade Kazonev!” Polovsky supported the shaky old superior with tears in his eyes: “How can they do this to you! Listen to me, you are now asking for a confession, I Give it personally to Comrade Khrushchev, he will definitely be interested in your ability to command the army, he is lacking the support of people like you! You will be fine … “

Colonel Kazonev, with a big beard, laughed, revealing blood-stained teeth in the cracks: “Good boy! Polov! Already a colonel! I will say that your boy must have a good time!” Obviously, He did not receive preferential treatment when he was examined in prison, and was beaten badly by other comrades like everyone else.

Seeing that some of the soldiers who had released their shackles had reached the middle of the prisoners, Polovsky was also anxious: “Comrade Kazonev! I beg you! Do n’t be stubborn! This country is under the rule of Comrade Stalin There is no difference between being under Comrade Kirov! Why do you need to be so stubborn? “

“I am a * party member, Comrade Polovsky! I started from studying the party ’s program, and now I am required to be an honest and honest * person! I ca n’t deceive myself! I ca n’t take a dirty Stalin as great Comrade Kirov! “Colonel Kazonev said regretfully:” So let me see Comrade Kirov! “

“Sir …” Polovsky wanted to say something.

But the bearded Kazonev waved his hand and interrupted his words: “Is there a cigarette? It’s uncomfortable not to smoke for a few days.”

Polovsky quickly turned over his pocket, but did not find a cigarette. The adjutant behind him handed out two cigarettes. The bearded man was very happy to thank him, just like a few smokers who had just gathered together. Zhi, lit each other’s cigarettes, and stood there watching the soldiers next to take off the prisoners’ shackles without saying a word.

“Sir …” Polofsky saw the soldiers coming over to help his old boss pick the shackles from his hands, and called again.

“Boy! Really take care of me! Let the cubs get a little more accurate in a moment!” Kazonev smiled and walked back to where he should be tortured, sucking the last cigarette into his lungs, Yiyi Lost cigarette butts reluctantly: “Come on.”

“According to the Party’s Resolution No. 1745, because Kazonev and others threatened the construction of the country *! Stealing Red Army secret documents and secretly contacting Western hostile forces! Hereby the verdict is as follows: Eleven Kazonev and others are shot immediately. The adjutant read the command aloud and stood back to his position without saying a word.

“Ready!” Seeing Polovsky did not sound for a long time, the adjutant shouted the password loudly.

With a clatter, the soldiers raised their rifles and waited for the command of the chief. For them, the prisoners standing opposite were not related to good or bad.

“Wait a minute.” Polovsky stopped execution.

“Polov! You will be killed if you stop the execution.” The deputy reminded him softly.

Polovsky waved his hand, took out his pistol, and followed the soldiers at his old boss and head, and taught him how to shoot, how to kill, and how to become a teacher of the Red Army officer: “Listen My password! Prepare! “

“Fire!” …

“Boo!” The uniform sound of gunshots echoed through the sky again, then another shot, then another shot, which seemed so harsh in this moment of silence. A row of prisoners fell to the ground, and Polovsky inserted his pistol back into the holster. Without heading back, he walked to the gate of the execution ground: “Adjutant! Get some bullets for me. The execution will be done by you Right. “

A tear fell in the snow that seemed to never melt on the execution ground on the outskirts of Moscow.

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