My Third Empire

Chapter 135 - trust

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

At the same time, in London, England, a group of Royal Air Force commanders at the Royal Air Force’s high hopes Vickers Sheppelin Aircraft Design Company was also frowning at the news they had just received.

“Intelligence from France.” An expert from the Air Force Intelligence Department looked around at his colleagues and said, “In the Spanish air battle, the performance of the Soviet Red Army’s most advanced fighter aircraft, the i-16, has completely exceeded what our army is using. Bulldog fighter, this is not good news for us. “

“Now think of developing the future fighter? Late!” An Air Force pilot sighed and complained: “Why did we go there? A few years ago, we made a gc fighter (nicknamed Cockfighting), but the result was not funded. , Finally produced a few and sold them to the Japanese. “

“Yeah! Our chief designer Michelle returned to China on a military transport ship a few years ago. The missing person who disappeared at sea is unclear. There are ten * that the **** Germans have been poisoned!” An aircraft engineer interjected and said. .

“Okay! Don’t talk further and further! We are very sorry about the disappearance of Michelle’s designer. But now we are discussing how to deal with more and more aerial threats.” An Air Force Colonel knocked on the table and said , His expression is obviously a little weird: “In addition, don’t mention that **** cockfighting fighter, the problem we will discuss next is not solved by the old biplane fighter.”

“Obviously, the Soviet advanced fighter i-16 appeared over Spain. This very fast fighter made our aircraft obsolete, but this is not the main content of the meeting today. The main content is i- The 16 fighter jets suffered heavy losses over Spain! “The intelligence personnel of the Air Force saw that everyone was quiet and continued to introduce their intelligence.

“God! Are you saying that the Soviet Union’s i-16 fighter jet, which is said to be able to fly 186 miles per hour, was defeated? An Italian aircraft?” An airplane designer asked incredulously.

British intelligence officers pressed a photo on the table, and there was a blurry shadow on the photo, but obviously this shadow can still see many features, such as a slender fuselage, a closed cockpit, and single wings Structure: “Franco’s National Army used a super fighter that we had never heard of, which defeated the Soviet Union’s i-16 fighter very easily and completely.”

The intelligence official said: “The intelligence obtained by the spies we deployed in Germany is not much. It just mentioned that several companies in Germany jointly developed a new fighter plane named after Messerschmitt. , The official codename is the me-109 fighter. “

He paused, pointed to various parts of the plane in the photo and continued: “This plane should be an all-metal structure with a fully enclosed cockpit and aerodynamic performance is terrible. According to our intelligence team in Spain And, our people in Francone said that the speed of this German aircraft has exceeded everyone’s imagination. Many people say that this aircraft has a speed of more than 250 miles per hour. “

An Air Force fighter pilot looked at his colleague in horror, and his voice changed a bit: “This is impossible! No plane can fly so fast! Even the new fighter pilot project led by Michelle does not have this flight speed.”

The intelligence officer snorted, and then resumed his solemn tone to answer his question: “I’m sorry to tell you! This speed is ten * true! Because we also have spy personnel in the Republican Air Force, They confirmed the existence of the German fighter from another aspect! They said that this fighter had reached at least 250 miles per hour! Only more! “

“My God! Are you saying that the Soviet Union and Germany now have fighter planes that we can’t match? And one of these fighter planes can’t even have our technical reserves?”

“In fact, the development of the new super fighter was seriously delayed because of the disappearance of designer Michelle. Now we have two fighter solutions, one is the fearless fighter solution with an all-round rotating turret. One This is a naval-type Dapeng fighter program. Both aircraft have similar designs, and their performance is comparable to that of the Soviet Union ’s i-16 fighter. “A technical officer of the Air Force frowned and said:” But we need time to experiment, we need more Time to deploy and produce these aircraft. “

“Test these two aircraft immediately! Before the end of the year, I want all the relevant data to reach the level of mass production.” The British Royal Air Force Major General with the highest rank on the scene finally set the tone for this discussion: “Next year, these two aircraft should be immediately Production! Procurement of 500 RAF models. “

“Also! Even if Michelle’s chief designer is gone, you should continue to develop a new future fighter for the Royal Air Force!” He stood up, walked to the blackboard in front of a wall in the conference room, and picked up a piece of chalk : “The Royal Air Force requires future fighter jets, which must have a speed of 300 miles per hour!”

He wrote a number “300” on the blackboard with chalk, and then continued: “With a fully enclosed cockpit, the aircraft can fly to a higher altitude! In addition, a single-wing structure must be used! Understand? “

“Yes! Sir!” Everyone stood up and stood upright.

“Designers and manufacturers, I know that you are always developing airplanes for us to choose from, but now is a very special period, so I have to change some of the traditions we continued before! I hope you can understand! “

“No problem! We support the Royal Air Force’s decision!” Several designers and merchants nodded.

The German Defence Forces Command, General Brauchich, is looking at this month ’s Army Expansion Report. In the top-secret cover, it records the important achievements of Germany ’s expansion of the National Defence Forces in the past two months.

In the past few days, the German Army has received 70 heavy artillery guns produced by Krupp, with a caliber of 150 mm. These cannons are the largest caliber guys in the weapons used in Germany at the present stage. The target is definitely a world-class artillery weapon.

If you add 28 trucks, 41 tanks provided by Mercedes-Benz, and more than 5,000 g43 semi-automatic rifles produced by various factories, and 12,000 recruits-then the process of expanding the German army in these two months is complete It can be described by the word perfect.

In fact, his current strength is enough to scare the British and the French. The total number of the National Defence Force is close to 1 million. It has the largest number of cars and motorcycles in the world, equipped with a total of 2700 tanks of various models and Armored vehicles.

In addition to the 30 me-109a fighters shipped to Spain to support Franco, the Air Force has deployed 110 such aircraft in the country. The staff has improved the me fighters produced afterwards based on the experience in Spain. In addition to the fuel tank in the aircraft, two universal hangers were added under the wing-you can hang the auxiliary fuel tank or a small bomb.

And Air Force Commander Catherine has another ace in his hand. This month he received 17 ju-87 dive bombers named by Arcado as Stuca. This type of aircraft is designed for attacking the ground. The huge Luftwaffe has an additional function: to attack enemy ground targets.

Of course, if the German Army has basically recovered, and the German Air Force is constantly growing, then mentioning the German Navy, this month’s changes are enough to describe the earthshaking.

At the shipyard in Kiel, Germany has strengthened its vigilance. In several large docks farthest from the civilian area of ​​Kiel, shipbuilders began to weld large hulls in sections. The shipbuilding plan is to build the first aircraft carrier in German history, and two ships at a time.

These two generals have high hopes that they will become the only attacking forces in the German navy’s naval fleet to challenge enemy warships in the future. Became the core of the two German naval formations.

All this was carried out in an orderly manner in the heads of state ’s plan. Germany ’s huge war machine was already operating efficiently, and it was ready to fight for its own shame. Thinking of this, there was a wry smile on Brauchich’s mouth: these equipments were conceived by the head of state and the military together. They did not pass the actual test. They seemed powerful, but they really made people feel bottomless.

In fact, some of the Army ’s equipment has been effective after actual combat inspection. The Air Force is happy and dreams and will wake up with laughter. Only the navy does not have actual combat inspection. Weapons and equipment designated by the head of state.

The Major General Gascol of the intelligence service knocked on the door that he had not closed: “Lieutenant General, we just smashed a spy organization affiliated with France and captured four main personnel who tried to steal our fighter plane drawings, Get caught by Gestapo. What do you think? “

“Ask the embassy over there?” Brouchich asked, putting down the document in his hand.

Gascole nodded and replied: “Yes, our diplomats contacted their embassy. The French are still the same. They do not recognize any activities related to espionage. These people are ‘non-existent’ in France.” . So they let us handle it. “

“Then handle it as before! Send it to the concentration camp and produce socks!” Said Braušić.

“Yes! General!” Gascol turned around and walked out.

“Gascor …” Brousic suddenly asked, “Do you believe everything about the head of state?”

“Of course!” Gascol replied without thinking: “He is a gift from God to the German people! I will follow him to death.”

“Me too!” Brau Hickey exhaled, as if he was talking to himself and persuading himself.

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