My Third Empire

Chapter 138 - Barcelona

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

History will remember many interesting things. For example, not all Germans support Akado, the head of state, and not all Germans stand on the side of Franco ’s National Army.

At least hundreds of Germans stood on the side of the Republican Army. They joined the Republican team and fought bravely against the Spanish National Army supported by the head of state. Most of them are those who fled Germany after Akkado officially began to exclude in 1933. These exiles traveled to Spain after the twists and turns, and were included in the 11th and 12th international columns.

These two columns are composed of volunteers from 17 different countries, including France, Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and other countries * people in their most direct way to rush to support the Spanish people in the war to defend freedom.

Many German volunteers were organized to fight in the Telman battalion. The name of the battalion was named after the leader of the German * Ernst Telman. He was ordered to be arrested by Akado after the arson in the Congress. He was sent to the SS to be held in a concentration camp south of Kiel, and was killed a few days later.

This battalion, mostly composed of Germans, participated in some of the fiercest battles in the Spanish Civil War. They broke out in the encirclement of Caceres and became the few besieged forces that escaped from the ascension. They were in Salamanca Sniped in Germany’s 8th armor for two days, covering the safe retreat of most friendly forces.

They lost half of their troops in the last battle, but the camp flag made of sickle and axe still fluttered on the position. They guarded the road between Madrid and Valencia, withstood the violent attacks of the National Army, and finally won themselves honor and respect.

Now, this battalion has been placed in the most important defensive area of ​​Madrid to withstand the fierce attacks of the 2nd Panzer Division of the German SS. One building after another was fighting with the National Army, fighting one room after another, and the positions they had defended had already been turned into ruins when they were finally lost.

“Boom!” A shell exploded not far away, and a piece of dust fell from the temporary headquarters of the Talman Battalion. The commander of the Tallman camp grabbed a constant phone call, shook the dust off his body and asked in a hoarse voice: “Hello? What task?”

“One o’clock in the afternoon! We will launch a full counterattack! Take back some of the lost blocks of Madrid! Please prepare your battalion!”

“God! We still have 173 soldiers! The Tallman camp no longer exists! Sir! Our evacuation application has been submitted for four days! Now you call me to fight back at this time? What a joke.” Tall The battalion commander of Manying answered with a smile.

There was a buzzing sound again in the sky, and three German export-type Do-217b medium bombers of the Spanish National Army flew across the sky, greeting the Republican defense main position not far away.

This aircraft is a simplified version of Germany’s own do-217a bomber, flight speed and bombing accuracy have been weakened, but it still defeated the Italian bomber and won the order of the Spanish National Army. However, the number of purchases is a bit depressing for the German company Dornier. With only 17 such aircrafts in Spain, it is really impossible to compare with Germany’s own 300 orders.

Because the Spanish National Army itself is scarce, this expensive do-17 aircraft flew high above the battlefield, dropped some bombs for a little meaning, and hurriedly left.

The bomb exploded in the distance, billowing thick smoke, the ground beneath the feet could feel trembling, the sound of the collapse of the house faintly came, making people shudder. The war has entered a stage of fierce heat. Both sides have invested a lot of troops, and various new weapons have emerged in an endless stream. The price is that the losses of both sides are also increasing.

While fighting for the southern neighbourhood of Madrid, a tank commander of the 2nd Panzer Division of the German SS recalled the attack on a Republican defense line-a row of bunkers guarded by Basque miners: “We have not found A little bit of movement, but we all know how brave and fearless the miners are. We have fought them countless times, and their perseverance and fierceness have left a deep impression on us. “

“We have to advance to about 200 meters from their defensive position and fire at the gun holes of the black holes on the barricades. A white smoke will be raised when the bullet hits, and the machine gun on the bunker cannot be seen for a few seconds hole.”

“There was a brave IDF captain who rushed ahead. He even opened his tank hatch from time to time and stretched his head to confirm his direction. It was hard to believe this was true in the rain of bullets. So I fought at his tank After dozens of bullets, remind him to be careful—we are used to communicating with each other in this way, which is much more convenient than the intercom. “

In fact, the war was far more brutal than the commander of the German tank force who was later awarded the Iron Cross. Republican soldiers threw grenades behind the chest wall and often risked attacking the tracks of the German tank troops with explosive packs. Someone carefully aimed at the observation hole on the tank and the air fence attack. Often after a single attack, the Germans would find many warheads in the cracks of the tank.

What is more exaggerated is that some Republican soldiers will also leave their bunkers bravely, yelling and gesticulating to encourage their comrades to fire fiercely. At such a short distance, as long as the German tankers aim slightly, You can beat them into a sieve. Sometimes, the cone-shaped flaming tongue ejected from the tank’s guided machine gun can even sweep a large area of ​​heroic republican soldiers within a small range.

The war is continuing. The large caliber howitzers provided by Franco to Italy are the most popular support weapons of the German armored forces. These slightly bulky cannons are not as light as Krupp ’s new howitzers, but they do not need to be removed from Germany. The troubles of transporting artillery, and the inconvenience of maneuverability are not unbearable in positional battles like Madrid.

Another round of new shelling began, and the shells cut through the air and made a screaming noise. They landed on the street and brought dirt and gravel to the sky dozens of meters high. The building was blown up and down by shells, the streets were filled with smoke and dust, and the dead bodies lying on the streets were no longer interested. The people wandering on the edge of **** no longer have the mood to bury the bodies for others.

Franco’s he-51 fighter unit purchased from Germany to carry out the bombing mission (because the i-16 and me-109 participate in the war, this old-fashioned fighter can only do such auxiliary tasks now). The bombing lasted only 8 minutes, but when we returned, we found that almost every aircraft had bullet holes in the fuselage.

The Soviet Air Force ran out of blood over Madrid. They took off and intercepted the bombed he-51 and do-217b one at a time. As a result, these poor i-16 fighters were slaughtered by me-109 hidden above the sky clouds. During the time, the Soviet Air Force was shot down a total of 29 aircraft over Madrid-although most pilots parachuted to escape, but still suffered heavy losses.

The German and Italian Air Forces, which had gained local airpower, began a violent bombardment of Madrid. At the beginning, they carefully avoided civil installations, but after the ban was lifted, they began to attack any target that could be attacked. Countless civilian facilities have been damaged because of the accuracy of the bombing.

The German Air Force’s do-217 bomber cooperated with the Italian Air Force’s “Marquis de Sava” type bomber to patronize Madrid. In order to reduce the losses caused by the ground firepower of the Republican Army, the bombing is generally carried out at night. These attacks destroyed the hospital and the tall The building has injured countless Madrid civilians.

In order to improve the accuracy of the bombing, three new German aircraft were secretly sent to Spain for testing. The name of this aircraft is called Stuka, and the military code is ju-87. This aircraft uses an ugly, but extremely practical seagull-shaped curved wing, carrying two improved 20 mm caliber cannons as a continuous ground attack support firepower, can carry 900 kg of bombs, including a hanging A 550-pound bomb in the belly.

The head of state, Akado, ordered that this dive bomber be equipped with a weird whistle, so that it can make a screaming scream when it dives at high speed, and with the subsequent huge explosion, it can easily disintegrate the enemy forces to resist the will.

The three Stuttgart bombers took part in the battle and pushed the battle of Barcelona, ​​one of the most important battles in the Spanish Civil War, to a new *-the 8th Panzer Division of the German Wehrmacht broke through under the cover of Stuttgart Defensive line outside Barcelona. The three Stuttgars lived up to expectations. They destroyed four large bunkers and cut off two highways outside Barcelona.

Three days after the fierce battle, the German armored forces successfully won the port of Barcelona. This successful assault shortened the voyage of Germany and Italy to deliver materials to Spain. Accordingly, the materials that the Soviet Union previously sent to Barcelona were forced to be sent to Brazil. Lencia, increased transportation time and distance.

The fall of Barcelona has added to the defensive of the Republican Army, which had already been close to collapse in Madrid. For a time, Gandersa lost, Vinarros lost, Ruteel lost, and even Valencia Port, which should have been far behind, became precarious. The balance of the Spanish Civil War victory has begun to lean towards the Franco Legion .

At this time, another good news came back to the head of the German capital Berlin-the Soviet Union Marshal Tukhachevsky was arrested on charges of espionage and traitorship. His carefully planned framing plan succeeded. The Soviets themselves Remove the pillars of your army!

Akado learned that the Soviet Union’s general cleansing broke out, and he was in a good mood. In the evening, he even invited Mercedes and his father to eat together. This German star-like “prospective couple” dine together in the most luxurious hotel in Berlin. The overseas assets of Bailanhua Group that are ready to be sold.

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