My Third Empire

Chapter 157 - drawing

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

To be honest, Japanese soldiers are not as worried about their IQ as they were in the anti-Japanese **** drama. Their brave and tenacious combat and superb shooting skills … The biggest advantage is that they are well-supported: on the battlefields around the world, relying on the Mongols who went down to destroy Song more than 600 years ago. With almost the same means of resupply, it was possible to triumph all the way to flee the armies of several countries.

Akado did not know whether selling such things as canned luncheon meat to Japan would help, or what kind of changes it would bring to the future of the world, but what he lacked now was time and capital-since now Can’t get through it, so what do you think about in the future?

“Sell! Of course sell! Technology! We sell all finished products!” Akado thought of this and decided not to refuse the business that came to the door, so he said with a smile: “Of course, this time we don’t need raw materials! Foreign exchange! US dollars! Pound! Anything will do. “

“No problem!” Yamashita nodded in excitement: “The Great Japanese Empire intends to form a strategic partner with Germany, help each other in future actions, and deploy in a unified manner. As long as our alliance works together, we can obtain greater benefits. “

“There is no problem in this respect!” Akados decided before and after that he would still pull in a teammate who was not good in Japan. Although this teammate always helped at a critical moment, history has proved that this teammate has at least no rivals … Another let Aka The reason for more determination is that if you do not pull Japan as an ally, the facts of World War I prove that it will become an enemy and fall to the other side.

Then the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed a series of secret agreements with Yusuke Yamashita who came from afar, including the introduction of German tactical vests; canned infant luncheon meat; asked German Mercedes-Benz to design a military car for Japan to produce in Japan; the introduction of 30 Me-109 fighter and 40 supporting engines; hired German experts to help Japan design a new type of carrier-based fighter.

At the same time, Japan also cooperated with Germany to provide relevant information on the Communist International, and worked with Germany on the capitalist topic of “properism” to strive to eliminate the intelligence agents who continue to create a terrorist atmosphere in the two countries.

Of course, the most important secret agreement is that Japan joins the Axis Steel Agreement and becomes the group ’s fifth franchise: the head of state, the emperor, the leader, the general, the leader … how to hear how there is a blame of hustle and bustle Bring a small pot of friends to see the disgusting taste of goldfish.

On this day, the mountain came down to the palace of the head of state and said goodbye to return to Japan to return to life. Akado was not easy to keep, so he said goodbye to each other. In the morning, the Japanese sent off Kosuke Yamashita, and Akado called Gascol again, and the two men re-studied the secret plan prepared by the latest intelligence department.

“Last time Tukhachevsky’s intelligence war seemed to be our failure.” Akado looked at the secret information from the Soviet Union on the table about the big purge, and then sighed slowly. Said: “Our plan to use Stalin’s hand to kill people can be said to be a complete failure. Instead, Stalin used our knife to kill the person he wanted to kill.”

“Head of State, this is not your mistake. It is the first operation. We are a little bit greedy! I will put an end to this mistake next time.” Gascoll took responsibility for himself and bowed his head. .

Akado smiled and waved his hand: “Gascoll! I haven’t fainted enough to let my men blame themselves. This time I really did not consider it.”

He paused and reviewed: “Stalin is not a fool. On the contrary, he can stand out from so many races and become the leader of the Soviet Union. It must be a very intelligent guy. It is me who despised him too much! He is indeed a dictatorial tyrant, but Not stupid! “

The last time the list of personnel was too large, this loophole made Stalin see a problem with the fake documents made by the German intelligence service. So Akado ’s plan to destroy Stalin ’s reserve of scientific and technological personnel by Stalin ’s cleansing went bankrupt. Instead, Stalin used the fake documents provided by Akado to eliminate the military tycoon Tukhacevs who had been holding Stalin down. base.

“So, keep this lesson in mind! Our opponents are far more powerful than we thought! Cautious and careful!” Akado solemnly said to Gascol: “Your structure is our shield! It is our last A line of defense! No failure is allowed! “

“Yes! My head!” Gascoll said emphatically: “I will make every effort to wipe out all enemies!”

“With the last document, we caught a lot of Communist International spies hiding deep around us, but there are still a lot of leaked fish, especially the mysterious officer hidden in the army.” Akado shot After patting Gascole’s shoulder, he eased his tone and continued, “Have you found any clues?”

“Reporting head! We have narrowed down the scope and excluded most of the suspicious characters. Now we have locked the position of this spy in our internal intelligence department.” Gascole said: “However, it is not easy to judge who is who he is. All activities have recently ceased, possibly also because of the Soviet Union ’s general cleansing and our destruction of the enemy spy network throughout Germany, which led to him becoming a spy island with lost institutions. “

“Coincidentally, I want to arrange a drawing to the Soviet Union.” Akado thought for a while and said, “Take this opportunity to see if I can dig out this nail! After all, with such a time bomb on my side, I sleep Not practical. “

“My head of state,” Gascol said, bowing his head. “It is my fault not to be able to kill these enemy intelligence personnel, and to pay for some scientific and technological achievements and important drawings for this is not enough. If you use fake things, the Soviet Union The last time people were not fooled, this time I am afraid they will be more cautious. Are you … “

“Haha!” Akado waved his hand and interrupted Gascoll’s words, then walked to the blackboard covered in black cloth on the side of the room and said to Gascoll with a smile: “Come and see this!” He said aside. Opened the curtain.

“The largest artillery designed by the German Krupp factory!” Akado proudly pointed to the super weapon sketched on the drawing: “800 mm caliber, range of tens of kilometers, the overall height of four floors, is a masterpiece . “

“Really there is such a cannon?” Gascol, as the chief of the intelligence department, naturally knew that the head of state had just pitted the French and the British once with a fake cannon on the side of the Siegfried line, and now he has seen the entire design drawings Only then did I know that this thing really passed the design argument and could be produced as a “super weapon”.

“Of course it is true! This weapon can be produced completely … Of course, I don’t have so much time to produce this kind of junk stuff.” Akado said disapprovingly: “So I will send this drawing to the Soviet Union! Stalin may Would love this gift! “

Gascol did not speak. He knew that the head of state had a very mature concept of development in terms of weapons. Guderian, Rommel, Catherine, Redell, Dunnitz, Lutz, Brauch Qi et al. Have become prominent generals within the National Defense Forces; and Sikte, who is incompatible with this head of state, is still squatting in distant China and cannot return to his country …

“Think a reasonable reason to send this thing to the spy.” Akado was very satisfied with Gascol’s character of shutting up without understanding, and arranged the task softly: “We remove the nails, the Soviets take it To the drawings of the new secret weapon. Everyone is very happy, isn’t it? “

“Yes!” Gascoll salutes: “Long live the heads of state!”

Akado nodded: “Go!”

After seeing Gascol go, Akado walked back to his desk, pushed away several financial documents that were blocking it, and carefully looked at the real German secret weapon plan on the desktop. Suddenly sighed alone: ​​”Alas, the elementary school and the small number of soldiers can only grasp all the subtle details that determine victory or defeat. As a result, if you catch more, you will forget the strategic problems-Germany’s own problems are really not Less. “

Akado turned to the document in front of him, which contained the development of German rocket engine technology. It was not a great improvement to say conscience, but it was better than not taking many detours. A special team checked the entire design and resolutely reduced Germany. Complex mechanical structure in the design. But for now, the actual performance of the German rocket is still worrying, and it can’t be comparable to the performance of future generations of missiles after two years.

With the support of Akado, this project went through setbacks and failures, and after hard work and endeavors, it finally came up with a sample that can be launched, but unfortunately this stage of success is still a long way from actual combat applications. The road is going, Akkado doesn’t want to make expensive fireworks like the v2 rocket.

It seems there is still a long way to go. Akado sighed, closed the file in his hand, and closed his eyes to recall his past. It has been 16 years since I came to this world. I have changed from a 20-year-old young man to a 30-year-old middle-aged uncle. At the beginning, I feel that crossing will bring me a wonderful alternative life. As a result, he was entangled in countless official duties and had no time to get married.

I once hid in a house of cowardice, but found myself nowhere to escape: the generals had become their supporters; the merchants had also taken orders from themselves; politicians were waiting for themselves to lead Germany to victory– If they break down, they won’t have mercy, they will only make up a few shots in the back. Those things that have changed history in the past are like a big hand, pushing yourself to continue to move forward … can’t look back, can’t shrink back and go forward!

The next time you cross, you will not be the leader of the country! Akado thought bitterly. Hearing Anna’s door push, he opened his eyes, put the file in the drawer with a combination lock, and put on a confident smile: “Go! Go for lunch.”

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