My Third Empire

Chapter 179 - Fast

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Guderian wanted to believe that the document he was holding was fake, but he finally chose to believe in such an incredible combat report.

His first armored division rampaged across Poland and smashed the frontal Polish Krakow Legion into pieces. Now his army has moved forward for a full 25 kilometers in one breath and still has not encountered decent resistance.

A company of the First Tank Regiment of the First Armored Division reported to their superiors that the Polish were preparing an attack against the German border. Hundreds of artillery piled up on the transport line, and the soldiers were not in their trenches at all. It was in a nearby town that was preparing to move forward.

The consequence of this is that all the Polish troops have not been able to exert their maximum strength. They were hit head-on by the German team during the march, and then they were piecemeal and irresistible. They could only raise their hands to become Germans. captive.

There is now a terrible question before Guderian—his troops advanced too fast and caught too many captives, so that the commanders of the infantry divisions behind the German armored forces could not catch up with them. Offensive speed.

“There are about one battalion of Polish garrisons here, but they have been disbanded, most of the soldiers have been captured, a platoon of our soldiers is escorting them back, the rest of the troops are still attacking, we have advanced to Poland A lot of military ammunition and fuel supplies are in trouble within 20 kilometers of the territory, and we are working hard to replenish these substances. “Guderian’s staff introduced on the side:” However, there are some reports from the third armored division of Felic’s SS confusion.”

“Let’s hear it?” Guderian squinted at the map and looked at the nearby names without looking back.

“Ferrick’s troops occupied here, here, and here!” The staff pointed to the map, and then said: “He said that his troops captured the headquarters of a division, and after joining the paratroopers, Advance towards the Purcell Bridge. “

“Sail Bridge? Isn’t that the bridge that the paratroopers want to control? It’s 15 kilometers away from where they are now. They’re faster than we can fight?” Goodrian looked at his staff.

The staff said helplessly: “If they say that the attacking force must be a lunatic. He is dragging the SS Panzer Division forward with a platoon of troops.”

“There are only two kinds of endings for this kind of people.” Guderian sighed helplessly: “Either give him the medal on the grounds of flexible combat, or hang him by ignoring allies.”

“I’m more inclined to hang him.” The staff narrowed his eyes and said: “A soldier who is too self will create a miracle, and will also give you a tragedy when you expect him to create a miracle. This unstable factor, I don’t I hope to appear among myself. “

“Remember the German Academy of Armored Force Command?” Guderian glanced at his staff and asked with a helpless smile on his face.

“Of course! General! I graduated from the command department there!” The staff proudly raised his chin: “There is your general’s hard work for several years. It can be said that it is the cradle of our military armored commander.”

“Have you heard of the Wolf Knight class?” Guderian ignored the staff’s compliment and continued to ask.

The staff froze for a moment, then asked in a very frightened tone: “General, you mean? These soldiers are in the class of the Wolf Knights?”

“You can see it without guessing.” Guderian laughed bitterly, and then handed a document to his staff: “The first name in this class is Ren Had, right in the SS. In the Third Armored Division of the Army. “

“Then give him the medal.” The staff officer smiled twice, glanced at the map and said, “Then should our army speed up the march, pass the Purcell Bridge, and rush directly to Krakow?”

“Wait for the infantry in the back! As long as we control the Sayre Bridge, and then enter the Krakow, the Polish Polish Mountain Corps in the south is separated and surrounded by us. By the time we eat, we will not have any more in southern Poland. The Polish army formed resistance. “Guderian thought for a while and said,” The head of state put me on the south and Rommel on the north, just to see which of his two fists is the better. what.”

“Of course, the first armored army is even more powerful!” The chief of staff said with a smile: “Our first army is not called in vain.”

“Then the electricity will accelerate all the troops! Send a telegram to the logistics forces and say that we will resupply at the Saier Bridge! Let them send the oil directly there!”

“You just played so beautiful! Dare to attack before less than a squad of troops.” Borol, the paratrooper guide of the Empire’s 1st Airborne Division, shouted loudly against the turret holding the g43 on the shaking leopard tank: ” Very happy to meet all of you!”

“It’s not bad you fight!” Ren showed half of his body on the captain’s hatch, swaying his head at random with the shaking of the tank car, he poured out the only two chocolate candies in the small iron box, Pour it into your mouth, and put the iron box in your jacket pocket: “About three kilometers further, it is the Saier Bridge. There was a sign on the road just now.”

They are not a small force now. They encountered an armored vehicle of the 3rd Regiment of the SS Grenadier who was keeping up, and there were 12 SS grenadiers in the vehicle. Coupled with the German paratroopers all the way together, they can be regarded as a special mixed company.

Earlier, the maintenance team of the regiment caught up with the No. 125 tank in the second tank row that unfortunately landed on the mine. Although this unlucky tank could not be repaired immediately, it liberated the 124 tank that has been responsible for covering the No. 125 tank. Car group. So the tank hurried all the way, and finally caught up after Rennes had ended their raid on the 6th Division Division of Poland.

The tankers of the third armored division who had made a sensation did not intend to stop there. After all the people divided the spare oil brought by 124, they took the paratroopers all the way to the southern transportation hub, Saier Bridge. Because the company commander Carter followed Rennes and Marcus to gradually cooperate with each other, he left the 124th tank to defend in place and drove forward with three tanks.

From time to time, the Stuka bomber flew over the group of soldiers and tanks, making a weird and sharp air flow, which scared the German soldiers from shaking the flag in their hands.

“This group of Air Force masters is really easy! They flew over, and we had to be afraid of being injured accidentally! It’s a bastard.” Borol said with a grunt.

Ryan smoothed the national flag on the top of the tank turret with a grin: “People also perform tasks! It makes no difference! I just hope they don’t accidentally blow up the Xaar Bridge.”

“Hey! If you say that, it’s really possible!” Borol laughed, looking at Ryan’s eyes as if he had found a confidant: “When the supplies for our paratroopers arrive, I will ask you to eat fresh canned beef “If Germany still has troops capable of fighting with armored soldiers, apart from submarine soldiers, paratroopers are left.

I do n’t know who said it. If you want to get in a distance with a soldier, just choose individual arms and scold vigorously … Ryan smiled and was not hypocritical, and nodded. , Eat hot together. “

At the same moment, the pilot of the Luftwaffe Stuka dive bomber over the advance unit of Rennes was reporting to the tower what he saw.

“God! Tower! You won’t believe it! I saw our soldiers about 3 kilometers away from the Saier Bridge! They covered the tank and armored vehicles with the 4D military flag.” The pilot shouted loudly in the radio Shout: “I almost dropped the bomb! I almost dropped the bomb!”

“No. 176, we have recorded your report! We will remind friendly forces to choose their targets carefully!” There will be a reply from the tower soon.

“Request to confirm the mission! My task with No. 177 is to confirm whether the paratroopers occupied the Sayre Bridge. If the paratroopers failed to control it, we will attack!” The pilot of Stuka 176 pressed the talker again: “Now they Looks like going there. “

“Approve you to attack the fortifications on both sides of the bridge! Don’t attack the main body of the bridge!” The tower replied after a while: “If the fuel permits, try to cover this unit! The Saier Bridge is very important to us. “

“Understood! 176 Understood!” The pilot began to adjust the flight path of the aircraft.

“177 Understand!” Another plane followed.

In fact, the battle on the Xaar Bridge did not happen. When two Stuttgart bombers flew over the Xaar Bridge, the following German paratroopers used a dozen trucks to put out a huge 4D, which proved the game. The Bridge has become a spoils for the Germans.

Compared with the situation in Borol, most of the German paratroopers were very lucky. They parachuted to the location they wanted to reach and launched the attack in the first time.

There was only one company that guarded Xaar in Poland, and there was no way to resist the German paratroopers who had descended from the gods. They were disarmed within a few minutes. What is even more weird is that a Polish car transport team just passed by and was captured by the warrior German paratroopers.

So the three tanks of Rennes and others stopped at the bridgehead of the Saier Bridge and had a real beef meal with friends of the paratroopers-they found a whole piece from the Polish transporter Fresh beef, everyone quickly reached a consensus that they had never seen any beef in seized goods.

Soon, that night, the headquarters of the First Armored Corps of the Third Reich opened to the side of the Purcell Bridge. Subsequently, dozens of tanks and dozens of assault guns passed the bridge smoothly. The Germans overrun their first day offensive mission. Guderian spent 16 hours and advanced a full 47 kilometers in Poland.

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