My Third Empire

Chapter 18 - Urgent call

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Compared with the old-fashioned and stubborn German officials, Akado has many advantages, such as the ability to drill holes in the hearts of Chinese people. This ability is sometimes full of the arrogance and absurdity of ordinary citizens. At some point, this ability can be interpreted as wisdom in disguise.

Under the instruction of Akado and the support of General Seeker, Germany fought another war with the lawyers of the Allied Powers at the legal level. The final result of this war was that the Germans won, their The factory is allowed to produce civilian aircraft.

However, the French and the British did not allow the Germans to do whatever they wanted. They stipulated that aircraft produced in Germany should not be lifted up to 13,000 feet, and the carrying weight should not exceed 1,300 pounds. Nor can it exceed 186 miles.

The Germans were forced to win these conditions, because Britain was on the French side, threatening Germany to use force to resolve disputes. Germany was unable to parry and could only compromise, and this time the compromise also allowed Britain and France to taste the “Versailles Peace Treaty” Sweet, more and more contempt for Germany.

The officers of the Coalition Arms Control Committee of the two countries even held a celebratory reception for this lawsuit. They celebrated their dream of once again making the Germans make planes a daydream.

However, the happy mood did not last long. At the beginning of the second year, that is, at the beginning of 1921, Akkado prepared materials in person, led by the German national airline Lufthansa, and joined the German airlines to put the coalition forces The prosecution committee went to the International Tribunal.

Lufthansa was originally established in 1926, and this lawsuit was also carried out in 1926, but Akado planned to establish Lufthansa 6 years ahead of schedule, although Lufthansa only had three aircraft in 1920 Outdated small triplane, but it is still the largest domestic airline over Germany.

Because there is a provision in this treaty on aircraft that expressly states: All aircraft in Germany must meet the above standards, otherwise it is considered to violate the provisions of the treaty.

But at the end of 1920, British and French airlines successively put aircraft that exceeded this standard into German territory for commercial operation, and these operations led to the lower competitiveness of German airlines and serious corporate losses. .

Therefore, the Germans won the case, and the British and France finally compromised. In the summer of 1922, the aviation treaty was cancelled, and some entries in Versailles and York were amended to allow Germany to produce civil aircraft without any restrictions on these aircraft.

Cheers from the headquarters of the German Wehrmacht received the document. The names of Akado and Sikter were shouted over and over again, and just two hours later, Lufthansa had 7 aircraft. The small company of the old-fashioned three-wing aircraft has transformed into a large aviation enterprise with 54 large biplane transport aircraft.

However, the development of a large number of military weapons and equipment that are almost the same as blowouts also made the Germans worry. The development of countless new equipment requires funds, and the size of the army beyond the standard also needs money to support it. Obviously, all this depends on defense funds One source is not enough.

So Akado thought of a very clever way, that is the arms business. And it is the most profitable arms smuggling business.

Akado first found the British military officers stationed in the German Wehrmacht, and he enthusiastically talked about the topics the British were interested in.

“Dear Lieutenant Colonel Smith, I think you haven’t been well in the Far East recently, have you?” Akado chatted with this British nobleman after talking about coffee, wine, and opium from India. The main purpose of meeting.

“The Japanese won your Qingdao, and there was no point in returning it to China. We were forced to compromise. It was not a gentleman who betrayed our very good ally, China.” Mr. Smith bluntly said: “This makes us and France The interests in the Far East have been greatly impacted, and recently there has been serious hostility to Britain, France and Japan. “

“Lieutenant Colonel Smith, I think, even if Germany has no interest in the Far East, it is still an important commercial market, right?” Akado said with a smile shaking his glass.

Smith froze for a moment, then smiled: “Oh? The National Defense Forces are also starting to do business? Lieutenant Colonel Akado? Hahahaha.”

Acador laughed with him: “Oh, Lieutenant Colonel Smith, what matters to make money? Isn’t your country’s army also a sword to protect businessmen?”

“Well! You are right! I like your argument! My father is a businessman, he has business in India and Australia.” Smith nodded.

“Germany’s Far East no longer has territorial privileges and other benefits, but we can still obtain commercial benefits and respect from allies. Presumably this will not be denied by Lieutenant Colonel Smith?” Akado asked with a smile.

“Of course! German business interests can be guaranteed.” Lieutenant Colonel Smith continued to nod.

Akado raised his glass: “Personally, even General Sickert believes that a Far Eastern market in the hands of the British Empire is far more prosperous than a Far Eastern market in the hands of the Japanese, so we plan to form an alliance with the British side. “

Hearing that Akado supported Britain to contain Japan, Smith was very excited. If Europe can unite behind Britain and help Britain stabilize the situation in the Far East, the British financial crisis will be greatly alleviated: “The Defense Forces are really British friends! I Dear Akado. I do n’t know how the IDF intends to support Britain. “

“We intend to help the British Armed Squadron! To resist the pressure of the Japanese!” Akado, like a hungry wolf, finally showed his sharp fangs.

“God! Lieutenant Colonel Akado, Germany does not allow large-scale production of weapons and ammunition, which you know.” Smith looked at Akado incredulously and asked in surprise.

Akado smiled: “You are saying that Germany does not allow over-equipment with a large number of weapons, but we do not equip ourselves. We produce some weapons and sell them to China.”

“But I don’t see a bit of the benefits that Britain can get, a strong China, and a strong Japan, they are not easy to mess with.” Smith shook his head.

Akado glanced at Smith and pointed to the document on the table: “This time the military assistance was conducted in secret. The British came forward and Germany contributed. You get the goodwill of the Chinese. The military enterprises in our country earn a little money. So simple.”

Smith picked up the documents and looked carefully. The above conditions were indeed tempting. The British came forward and the Chinese government formulated a secret smuggling plan, providing about 100,000 rifles, 3 million rounds of bullets, and 200 armored vehicles and other weapons. These equipment are 80%. It is produced in Germany, and 20% is responsible for the British.

Then these weapons and ammunition are transferred to the merchant ships of the United States and the Netherlands, and the Russians can get a little sweetness from it. This plan is so detailed that almost all the world except France can benefit from this secret arms smuggling agreement: the United States and the Netherlands get freight, the United Kingdom gets the friendship of China and earns 20% of the profit, and Germany can continue to feed half a life. For its own military industrial enterprise, China has obtained the coveted arms.

“Aren’t you the first one I am looking for?” Smith looked at the German who had a military rank in front of him and found that he could not see through him.

Akado helped Smith turn the document to the last page, pointed to the signature above and said with a smile: “The United States and the Netherlands will help the United Kingdom to pressure the Chinese government, and Germany will work with Russia to suppress Japan ’s power in the Far East, which is Northeast China. To ensure the interests of all countries in China. “

“I need to go back and discuss with our government.” Smith stood up and said.

“Please!” Akado politely stood up, like a nobleman.

When Smith walked out of the door, the door behind Akado was pushed open. Seeker came in and sat on the sofa opposite Akado: “You are playing with fire. Once the British and the French collude, , Our plan came to light, then at least you are done! “

“Me? In what name did they sue me? Just for an unimplemented plan? Just kidding.” Akado dismissed.

Sikte looked at Arcado seriously: “We all know that this plan is already in progress! You! I! We all know! You sent someone to secretly transport 1500 cannons to the mountains! I knew it already! You Now those cannons are being loaded into the trucks and shipped to China as the first batch of products! “

“Then why didn’t you tell me? The Defense Force actually has 2,900 artillery pieces, and it even hides 40 Junkers!” Akado asked with a smile.

“How do you know that those warlords in China will willingly buy your arms? The United States and Britain will sell them better!” Seeker asked, frowning.

“No one wants China to be strong! Because everyone owes China a blood debt! We are the first to show our favor to China. This is a personal feeling. Although the Chinese government on the surface tends to the United Kingdom, our secret actions make the Chinese more like it. Germany, right? “Akado said with a smile.

He picked up his wine glass and paid a homage to Seeker: “And the United States and Britain will only use outdated weapons to pit those self-righteous Chinese bureaucrats, only we sell advanced weapons and equipment to the Chinese people.”

“It seems that you are well thought out!” Sikte said helplessly.

“You still worry about the training in the evening! The 15th Division’s first full training, more than 15,000 people, can’t be missed!” Akado said with a smile.

“Bell, bell, bell.” The phone rang suddenly on the French side’s desk in the office of the United Armed Forces Control Committee late at night.

The on-duty French officer suddenly woke up from a drowsiness and grabbed the phone: “This is the Arms Control Committee! Do you have anything?”

“Tell you! Pay attention! Berlin! The 15th Division of the Defence Forces in the suburbs has night training tonight. You can go for a spot check. The number of them is seriously exceeded! There are about 15,000 people! Do n’t ask who I am! Act fast!”

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