My Third Empire

Chapter 21 - Enemy of the enemy

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

What is power? Akado felt the power of power on the platform of Moscow, because on the large platform, there was no such thing as “idling people”. This place has been completely cleared by the Soviet military, even the train. Other passengers on board were also asked to leave the train after ten minutes.

Therefore, such a grand welcome ceremony, there is no possibility of leaking. Akado feels that if the investigation is conducted, it is estimated that the girls who gave flowers are from poor farmers and innocent for three generations.

When a few people got into the Soviet military to greet their car, Geer was still screaming at the side of Akado: “God! I feel like a national leader. Their welcoming ceremony was too warm. , I started to like it! “

“They are so enthusiastic that they must ask for you. If you agree to their request and help them betray the interests of Germany, you can even let them award you a medal!” Akado said with a smile: “Of course, if you stand On the German side, it will be difficult for you to enjoy the warm smile today. “

“Really? Then what shall we do? Let’s leave here quickly?” Gore was frightened by Akado and said a little flustered.

“Sir Akado, don’t you scare our Lieutenant Gore, he is still a child!” Brooke laughed.

“I can’t believe that they sent a child with a large-caliber pistol to protect a lieutenant colonel. God, this is not funny.” Akado said deliberately and seriously, and then laughed. .

“Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, you are so humorous.” As the car wobbled, the Soviet officer who drove his head tilted his head and said with a smile: “You have an important mission, but you don’t look nervous at all. I admire a soldier like you. “

“Do you understand German?” Akado asked awkwardly. Obviously the Soviet officers who drove spoke German—and they were very standard.

“Of course! Sir, everyone on the platform just now, even the students who presented flowers, are selected German speakers. Comrade Stalin told them to treat their friends from Germany warmly and thoughtfully.” That name The Soviet officer said very politely: “Lieutenant Colonel Akado? Rudolf! Hello! My name is Polovsky and I am also a lieutenant colonel. I also know English and French, you can call me Polov. “

Why do so many people speak more than two foreign languages? Akado felt that he blushed a little, and his English level was not high in his previous life. After a bit of hard work, he barely passed level 6. He pulled out to deal with a foreigner and asked for directions. By gestures.

Xueba is an alien! After vomiting viciously in his heart, Akado smiled politely: “Hello, Colonel Polov, you can also call me Colonel Akado!”

In the winter of 1921, the Soviet Union did not have any decent hotels to entertain Akado and his subordinates. In the capital of the Soviet Union, Moscow, there are 7 famous landmarks, which were high-rise towers built during the Stalin period in the 1950s, including the main building of the Moscow University, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ukrainian Hotel, the Ministry of Transportation, the Leningrad Hotel, The “Kochi Building” on the Uprising Square and the “Artist Building” on the Boiler Square-so there are no decent buildings in place of these buildings now.

So Akado was brought to the most luxurious and classic building of the Soviet Union at that time: the Kremlin. In the era of the Iron Curtain, this is the source of evil that makes the United States extremely frightened, and it is the most mysterious red core in the world. However, before these intimidating names were born, it was the strategic goal that the German Wehrmacht prepared to capture.

So as a traversing person who is preparing to change his life for the Third Reich, Akado doesn’t have any awe at this place. As Lieutenant Colonel Polov stepped up, he seemed to be a little more strategic. Artistic conception.

The banquet was not as grand as imagined. After all, the military orchestra and the students who gave flowers could do it with the next order, but to get a delicious meal and a bottle of aged red wine in winter, it would cost money.

And this arrangement makes people like Akado more comfortable. After all, except Akado, Brook and Gore don’t like the scary big scene.

“I think Lieutenant Colonel Polov must have heard of the German character. We are old-fashioned, stubborn, serious and serious.” Akado said to Polov when he was eating.

Polov nodded: “Of course, but Lieutenant Colonel Akado gives me the impression that he is more like an American.”

Akado despised Polov indefinitely, because Polov felt that the old-fashioned stubbornness of the Germans and the wisdom of the Chinese became Americans. He spread his hand and said: “But I am still a German, I want to start negotiations as soon as possible! Because we are running out of time!”

“Yes! I think we are all lacking time now!” Polov nodded. “I will report to Comrade Stalin immediately.”

At the end of 1921, Lenin was in a very poor health condition, and he was almost unable to deal with affairs, so many decision-making issues were left to Stalin to deal with, and Stalin during this period could also be regarded as the actual ruler of the entire Soviet red regime.

“I heard that Mr. Lenin was infected with the wind chill. Has his condition improved?” Akado deliberately concealed the truth about Lenin’s critical condition and asked casually.

“Comrade Lenin is recuperating, and I am not very clear about the specifics. I hope he can recover soon!” Polov got up and said, “I will report here. You have a good rest today, and I will give you news tomorrow.”

“Then I will wait for your news.” Akado stood up and said politely.

On a calm and cold night, Akado thought about the past life and remembered the famous “The Evening in the Outskirts of Moscow”. With only one less outskirt, he could hum the song himself. It was really funny. . Tomorrow’s negotiations, I don’t know who represents them or whether they are famous acquaintances in history.

In the early morning of the next morning, Akado, who had breakfast, ushered in the Soviet military representative who negotiated this time, and he lived up to the expectations of a famous historical celebrity who could not be more famous. Nevsky.

At this time, Tukhachevsky had just stepped down as the commander of the Western Army, and he had just settled the Antonov gang rebellion in the Tambov region. He was transferred back to the central office and served as the president of the Red Army Military Academy of Workers and Peasants. .

“Long story short! We came to seek cooperation this time! We firmly believe that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and hope to cooperate with the Soviet authorities. The cooperation content is very extensive, and I believe that the content will make you very interested and talk about your views. “Akaduo said straight away. He doesn’t want to waste a minute and a second now. What he does first is to lose his funny logic.

“What do we have to pay? What will we get?” Tukhachevsky is a very visionary general. He is currently the dean of the Soviet regime and is the deputy of the Soviet regime. Outstanding, he is a real person of the Soviet army trusted by Lenin and others. He created modern armies such as Soviet armored soldiers and paratroopers in the Soviet army reorganization in 1924. He also initiated the research and development of the famous Soviet tank t-34 in 1931. He began to care about the development of jet engines in 1932, which was one of the few terrible strategic generals in the Soviet army that Akado knew.

What is even more depressing is that Akado relied on accurate information about the future and the ability of the unknown prophet to gain today’s status, and this future Marshal of the Soviet Union has just turned 28 years old, which can be said to be a real Military genius.

The genius didn’t talk much. After listening to Akado’s words, he said that, and then stared at Akado’s eyes, as if waiting for Akado to answer his question.

“Germany can help the Soviet Union build its own heavy industry, including the arms industry, the steel industry, and we can provide the most advanced machine tools and equipment throughout Europe and even the entire world.” Akado was proud to say this, more than eight Ten years later, the saying in a country ’s news reached much more advanced levels in the world.

“Very good! We really need technical support! If Germany can provide practical technical assistance, then the Soviet Union will provide German friends with all the conveniences in the Soviet Union.” Tukhachevsky said after thinking about it, “said Say what you want. “

“We need the Soviet military to provide venues for the National Defense Forces training exercises and to keep us secret. We will open factories in the Soviet Union to produce artillery and reconnaissance aircraft. After our cooperation is over, these facilities will all be owned by the Soviet Union and during the cooperation period. We welcome the Soviet Union to send personnel to study and work in these factories. “Akado said with a smile.

“No problem, I will facilitate this cooperation, including the vodka plan that you initiated a few days ago to deliver arms to China, will be seriously implemented and protected.” Tukhachevski said.

“In the next three days, I hope the military will allow me to visit Soviet industrial facilities. I need to know my partners in order to cooperate better.” Akado added after thinking about it.

“Yes! I arranged for our comrades to accompany you to visit! Although our industrial foundation is weak, there are still some things that can be used to show off.” Tukhachevsky also thought about it, and then nodded in agreement.

“Happy cooperation! Lieutenant General Tukhachevsky *.” Akado got up and stretched out his hand.

Tukhachevsky smiled and stretched out his hand, holding with Akado: “It’s a blessing for the German Wehrmacht to have someone like you! Maybe ten years later you can scare your French opponents. jump.”

Not only did the French startle, but even ten years later, even Stalin who killed you was startled. Akado thought badly.

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