My Third Empire

Chapter 24 - Blue sky and blue sea

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

With a large sum of money, Akado returned to Berlin, cheated, and obtained a large amount of funds again. He transferred the money to many small companies in his hands, let these companies continue to grow, and then earn More money.

No one will believe that a commercial group called Bailanhua Group bought a beverage company that is not well-known in the United States with bank loans and funds from unknown sources. The products launched by this beverage company are famous in the United States. , Called Coca-Cola.

And the group acquired a little-known car engine manufacturer in Germany called BMW Motors.

At the beginning of 1921, this group led to the union of Daimler Motors and Mercedes-Benz, and in 1922, the two companies were integrated together to form a brand-new car production giant named Daimler. Le? Mercedes-Benz Motor Company.

In the middle of 1922, the mysterious Bai Lanhua Group generously provided $ 1.5 million to fund the Krupp factory, the arms king struggling because of a broken capital chain. There are rumors that the Krupp factory actually controls the Gustav Krupp. Thank you very much Bai Lanhua Group, personally arranged in his mountain villa for the Bai Lanhua Group owner to permanently reserve a room.

The group also went crazy in the Far East, buying a not-so-famous synthetic metal company in Japan. Sumitomo Steel, a branch of the Sumitomo Consortium, renamed the Sumitomo Steel as Rhine Metal Co., Ltd.

And the group built factories in southern China to produce rubber and other products.

Of course, these products were secretly shipped to Germany, part of which was hoarded as strategic materials of the National Defense Forces, and part of them were sold in commercial names in exchange for more funds to support the national defense ’s stretched expenditures.

This huge asset management plan is called the “irrigation plan” within the IDF, and it is an important part of Akado’s secret expansion of the IDF plan. This plan can be said to be the foundation of the “Pluto Plan”.

These companies have also provided sufficient funds for Akado ’s private plans. With a large amount of capital investment, Akado ’s private projects have made leaps and bounds. The practical use of liquid fuel rockets is nearing completion, and ballistic missile experiments have also been completed. Conducted in secret in the mountains of southern Germany, Einstein’s atomic energy research has also made some progress. Once the data on the paper is processed, the simulation experiment can be carried out when the time is ripe.

Some technical cooperation with German factories is also close to success. Artificial rubber synthesis technology is becoming more and more perfect. Germany ’s most scarce rubber and other industrial raw materials will be self-sufficient immediately. Although the domestic financial environment in Germany is already very bad, Akado can still get from the United States. The Soviet Union and China earned large sums of money to support his secret and huge industrial technological empire.

In 1922, the five countries of the United States, Britain, Italy, France, and Japan signed the famous “Washington Naval Convention” in Washington, USA, and agreed to limit the displacement of battleships and cruisers below 35,000 tons and 8,000 tons, which has been used. The German navy of the old battleships of World War I saw a glimmer of light.

Seeing a series of diplomatic victories achieved by the General Command of the National Defense Forces in the Soviet Union and China, the generals of the Navy placed their hopes on the General Command.

“Since it’s called Commander-in-Chief, should at least include the Navy?” The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy said in Seekert’s office. After hearing this sentence, Seeker immediately agreed to the Navy Commander’s request, even Without much hesitation, he gave up his great killer, Colonel Akado.

The commander-in-chief of the Navy also made his own commitment to Seekert, that is, under the leadership of the commander-in-chief, the navy will become an integral part of the forces of the commander-in-chief of the National Defense Force, not an independent military force.

Sikte, who had received this guarantee, immediately sent Akado to the British Embassy. Akado met with the British ambassador under the recommendation of his old friend Lieutenant Colonel Smith. Akado promised that Germany would not challenge the hegemony of the British navy, and spit out bitter water to the British ambassador, thoroughly convinced Smith and the friendly British ambassador with facts.

Only three months later, the German naval ship renewal plan, which was originally approved in 1925, was approved by the British in 1922, and then the construction of new warships began on the docks that Germany had already prepared.

Although the Allies discussed the French sentiment and allowed the new ships to be built in Germany not to exceed 10,000 tons, the German navy still cheered, and many senior naval generals also met the representatives of the Young Wehrmacht in this negotiation Lieutenant Colonel Akado Rudolph.

And Akado also seized the opportunity and proposed a new shipbuilding plan of his own, which was submitted to the German admiral Erich Dreier who had already paid himself. Treated as a treasure, it was provided to the shipyard under the jurisdiction of the Navy.

This new shipbuilding method has never been seen before, because this shipbuilding method was invented by Americans in the middle and late World War II, and was used to build a large number of free-wheeling ships. In this method, the ship is divided into several parts, produced together, and finally spliced ​​together. Most of the parts on the ship are pre-produced standardized parts. Once in the war, you can produce warships at dozens of times the speed.

The Navy began to use this method to stock up destroyer parts for large-scale production of destroyers and merchant ships in the future. Because in Akado’s plan, the destroyer is responsible for air defense and anti-submarine, and most of the other equipment is common to civilian commercial ships. Although this will reduce the combat effectiveness of some destroyers, it can form a naval fleet more quickly.

At the end of 1922, the German standard transport ship “Hercules” was launched with a full-load displacement of 7,000 tons, which became the standard configuration of German merchant ships, troop carriers, transport ships, and passenger ships.

Similarly, the construction of a 20,000-ton super-merchant ship has also begun. The superstructure of this type of merchant ship is very small, the cargo compartment is very large, and it is equipped with a large elevator to transport the cargo from the cargo compartment to the deck. And data.

In the vision of Akado and Admiral Erich Dreyer, the future German Navy will be composed of aircraft carriers and destroyers as well as large cruisers and submarines, equipped with fighter aircraft as a long-range strike force, and will not engage in frontal combat with enemy battleships. .

Originally, Admiral Dreyer was not optimistic about aircraft carriers and submarines, and he did not trust the ability of the destroyer, but Akado took Erich Dreyer to a private estate in the suburbs of Berlin, where After showing him the technology of using liquid fuel rockets to achieve long-range attacks, the highest commander of the German navy lost interest in the battleships he had been pursuing.

So in the plan for the future composition of the German navy in late 1922, the German navy and the US navy in 2014 constituted almost the same: naval aviation, marines, aircraft carriers, destroyers, and submarines.

However, in order to compromise with the old school navy generals, the three originally designed small Navy battleship Spey class was still under construction. Akado used them to confuse the British navy and the German navy conservatives and domestic spies.

Akado worked day and night, and sent his carefully selected manpower to the Soviet Union in the second month after returning home, secretly building a German training base in the Soviet Union, the Soviet engineers and workers had selected the site, and began to lay out Airport runways and other infrastructure, so the trainers and students promised by the Germans boarded the train to Moscow.

This air force school, which was agreed by Akado and Seeker and founded by Akado, is located in the southeast region of Moscow about 220 kilometers away, and is called Ripatsk. This school is nominally a training school for the Soviet Air Force, but it is actually controlled by the Germans.

Originally this school should have been established in 1925, but because of the efforts of Akado, it began to teach in 1922, and every half year it trains about 450 air force pilots and commanders for Germany-twice the actual number of history. There are more.

At the same time, more than 1,000 aircrews and management personnel were trained. These people also held secret military exercises in the forests on the Great Plains of Germany. They explored the air-ground integrated offensive tactics that Akado educated them to verify. The destructive power of this tactic in actual combat.

However, the factors restricting the development of the National Defense Forces still exist. The financial crisis did not disappear because of the arrival of Akado. Instead, it broke out more violently. Germany ’s fragile economy was close to collapse, and the head of government Ebert had to frequently summon General Seekert to try Convince the National Defense Forces to cut spending, but the effect is not obvious.

“Bell, bell, bell.” It was still late at night, still the coalition arms control committee, and the office phone rang again.

A British duty officer grabbed the phone and asked in a somewhat languid voice: “This is the Coalition Arms Control Committee! Who are you looking for.”

“Your last action was discovered! So the four French officials died unclearly! A great opportunity was wasted! This time I hope you will not live up to my good intentions! Write it down! Command, Office of Special Affairs, Colonel Akado Rudolph! Stare at him! You will be rewarded! “The man finished the sentence and hung up.

In the committee’s office, a dozen or so officers sat in a group, and since the four French officers had an accident, there were more officers on duty here, all in various countries, serving as protection and witnesses for each other.

“What do you think?” The oldest Belgian officer in the room asked, he is a colonel and the highest rank here.

“At least, we can’t let four French colleagues die in vain! Is everyone right?” Said a young English official.

The Belgian colonel looked around and found that no one was against it, so he nodded: “Since everyone agrees! Then arrange the manpower! Stare at this German colonel named Akado Rudolf! If you find something, report it immediately!”

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