My Third Empire

Chapter 26 - Artillery King

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

“Who are you! This is German territory! You can’t enter at will!” A National Defense Force stared at the French officer standing in front of him with a rifle on his shoulders. Behind him is German territory, and the French army in front of him does not seem to stop.

The French officer pressed the pistol around his waist, with a smug look: “Go away! We are instructed to collect the German war compensation from France, you dare to block it, and we will fire!”

As the officer’s words blurted out, a dozen Frenchmen behind him took off their rifles and stared at the only three German Wehrmachts on Luca in front of them.

The German Wehrmacht, which had only three people, was also unambiguous and took up a rifle, pointing at the French officer without moving: “Sorry! No order! No army can enter German territory!”

“Let me come to see death as it is! I don’t believe that there are people who are not afraid of death! If we don’t avoid us, we will fire!” The head of the French officer yelled a little, but anyone can hear his voice. A tremor.

“Wow!” Without speaking, the three German soldiers replied to the French officer’s crisp voice of pulling the bolt. The bullet had already come to the court, and they would use their lives to defend their country.

“Bell, bell, bell.” In the post near Luca, the phone rang, and a German soldier with a gun ran over and picked up the phone: “Here is the border checkpoint number 76! The alarm is We are ringing! We are holding our ground! Yes! Sir! The enemy has not entered the territory one step! Yes! Sir! Perform immediately! Repeat! Let go of the weapons and let go! I will immediately execute! Long live Big Germany! “

Some helplessly put down the phone and walked back to Luca with tears. The soldier gave a humiliating command loudly: “Release!”

The French were obviously relieved. When they walked past the three German border guards who were still standing straight, their footsteps were even lighter. The three soldiers had tears on their faces and their eyes were full of hatred. A poplar tree stood there, tall like a fan, insurmountable.

This happened on several border roadblocks. The German Wehrmacht did not resist the invading French team because of its weakness. France was shocked from top to bottom, and this temptation seemed to have not been smooth from the start.

“Slap!” A beautiful glass was shattered. The flames were beating in the exquisite fireplace, reflecting a twisted face, and a middle-aged man with a short stature stood in front of the flame and gasped angrily: “It’s too deceiving! They thought they won? If not the officers still have Politicians are greedy for life and death! How could we be so humiliated? “

“Come down, my father.” A young man sat on the sofa, shaking the wine glass in his hands. He didn’t care: “Whatever they want, it’s just fine. Our money is not enough.”

A young lady stared at the talking young man and slapped the armrests of the sofa: “Shut up! Your father is working hard for this family. If it were not for him, now our mountain villa is not closed for half of the room, we will go bankrupt and sleep. It’s on the street. “

“The Krupp factory will not die in my hands!” The man who broke the glass said fiercely: “Butler! Command to go! Get ready for the car! Tomorrow! I will go to the factory in person!”

“Yes! Master Krupp!” The butler nodded and exited the room.

But it did n’t take long for the butler to return to the hall again, and whispered slightly to the ear of the owner, Gustav Krupp, whispering: “We have news from our people in the IDF! The IDF will support our passive resistance, and Willing to contribute funds to compensate for the losses we have suffered. “

“Well! With the support of the National Defence Forces, that’s all! The government should let Ebert suffer hardships too. Not everyone in Gustav can manipulate and bully!” Krupp said confidently : “The colonel named Akado who sent the plan is still very interesting. I will meet him when I have the chance. You can arrange it.”

“Yes! The owner!” The butler said respectfully: “This is what the subordinates will do.”

March 22, 1923. Workers in the Ruhr Industrial Zone went on strike, and some workers who did not participate were also passively laid off and no longer produced munitions for the French occupation forces. More than half of the chimneys in the entire Ruhr Industrial Zone no longer smoke, which has plagued the Ruhr area for years. The constant black smoke disappeared.

As the strike activity expanded, the workers even started sabotage activities. Because of the secret promises of the factory officials and the strong support of the National Defense Forces, the workers began to destroy some old industrial equipment, blocking the French army ’s attempt to continue to produce military supplies. .

The French army suffered setbacks, launched an act of revenge in anger, arrested a large number of worker leaders, and sentenced some of them to death. Instead of deterring the patriotic German workers, these actions made sabotage everywhere more frequent.

On Saturday, March 23, 1923, Easter. Large-scale conflicts inevitably broke out.

A team of French soldiers rushed into a warehouse at the Krupp factory and asked to check the vehicles inside, but this inspection was not as smooth as expected.

Just as the French soldiers entered the gate of the Krupp factory warehouse, a Krupp factory worker found the soldiers, so he ran quickly to the anti-aircraft siren, and rang the siren.

“Woo …!” The harsh alarm sounded immediately, and the entire Krupp factory seemed to hear this long and sharp voice.

“The French are here to grab something again! Brothers! We will swear to defend our fruits of labor! Can’t let these vampires leave!” A middle-aged worker with a scar on his face raised his big hammer and shouted sternly Road.

An old worker with single-lens spectacles and wearing suspenders was angry and raised his wrench, followed by the middle-aged worker with his old voice shouting loudly: “Can’t let these vampires leave!”

“Can’t let these French guys go!” More voices rang out, in all directions, endlessly.

People swarmed in all directions to surround the French army, and at this time Gustav Krupp was sitting in the office not far away. He listened to the alarm and looked at the newspaper calmly, without thinking. Way to dispel the angry crowd.

The French soldiers were terrified. They did not know that it was such a difficult task to check the vehicles of the Krupp factory this time, so they were completely disordered, so they hurriedly occupied a building and put a machine gun at the door. I hope to scare the excited crowd around, but I didn’t expect more people to come around.

But apparently they underestimated people’s anger. Several workers at the Krupp factory climbed onto the roof of the building occupied by the French army and opened the steam valve of the pipe above, so the hot steam immediately filled the whole building.

The sudden steam completely messed up the French. They started firing at the surrounding people. On the spot, 13 innocent Krupp workers were killed and at least 50 others were injured.

Not far away, a German officer stood on a high tower and lowered his telescope. He looked at his adjutant: “Look at these French soldiers, this is their main force, bicycles, horses. , The National Defense Forces can easily defeat this unit in one regiment! Give me two regiments, and I even dare to destroy it! “

His adjutant pouted and said confidently: “Major Guderian, you are too conservative! If you follow Colonel Akado’s thinking, an armored regiment can kill this French team, except for shells. Any losses! “

Guderian smiled: “The observation of the French team is here, if they can’t make a trick, it is estimated that they will pack up and roll back to France in a few months!”

The next day, the infamous **** Saturday Easter tragedy was immediately used as a front page headline by major newspapers in the world. This time the United States and Britain stood on the German side. The German Ebert government condemned France.

The deceased in this tragedy was hailed as a martyr throughout the country, and received a large amount of pensions provided by the German side and the Krupp factory, and all of them were thickly buried. Krupp absenteeism wore a three-row buttoned dress and feather decoration The top hat escorts the hearse of these dead to be buried. The hearse was covered with flowers, and people said goodbye.

Although public opinion tends to be victimized by Germany, France is still stubbornly stubborn, and it has tried the Krupp factory Gustav Krupp, which they believe is guilty. This move has made Krupp a little man. With the idols and heroes of the German people, Gustav used his short body to challenge the story of the French invaders.

The French sentenced Gustav Krupp to 15 years’ imprisonment, but was immediately condemned by public opinion around the world. The British ambassador was running between French parties for this matter. French Prime Minister Bengal ’s pressure was momentary.

In the end, it was the French who failed. Krupp, like the plan provided to him by Akado, said that the French government, who had been attacked by public opinion for a short time, found a “Christmas” after only squatting for a short time. The reason for “amnesty” was released, and he only sat in the cell for 6 months.

In the past 6 months, even the Pope has released him. Many international dignitaries have called on the French government to let people go. In front of such a strong voice, Krupp ’s detention is almost a child ’s play. His cell is not locked, and friends and family can use it. Visit anytime.

And while Krupp was in jail, the French side had begun to discuss the proposal to withdraw troops from the Ruhr industrial zone in Germany.

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