My Third Empire

Chapter 38 - Reaper\\\'s Scythe

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

The snipers in the buildings on both sides fired after a short time. They were ordered not to shoot Hitler. This command was issued by Akado himself.

It is not that Akado is soft-hearted. Just as Hitler did not want to kill Akado just before he deliberately killed in front of hundreds of IDF soldiers, Akado has his own considerations if he does not kill Hitler.

He needed such a person to deal with his opponents in the National Defense Forces, and he also needed such a person to stir up the muddy political waters so that he could touch the muddy waters. Even though he knew it was very dangerous to do so, he still had to take risks to try to keep Hitler alive.

But others are not as lucky as Hitler. The future Air Force Marshal Herman Goring beside Hitler was hit in the head by a sniper. His legs were still twitching when he fell to the ground, his blood splashed Hitler alone scared him straight.

Hitler felt the danger. He bent down and leaned to the corner of the side, but Schborner Richter beside him was not so lucky. He was shot in the thigh, so he fell down at once.

Unfortunately, when he fell down, he instinctively extended his arm to the side, trying to hold something, and as a result, he pulled Hitler who wanted to avoid it. With such a pull, Hitler’s arm was directly dislocated.

Hitler felt hurt, he didn’t know that his shoulder was just dislocated, the pain in his bones made his last courage disappear, and Hitler lost his pistol and turned and ran back.

In this way, he left 3,000 Nazi party members still in chaos, making the farce even more uncontrollable. The Nazi Party did not even have decent resistance, and was disarmed by hundreds of IDF soldiers. They knelt on the ground and raised their hands high, even daring to raise their heads and glance.

The incident broke out too quickly. When Hitler ran a car not far away, and the driver started the car to drive a few hundred meters away, the body of Hermann Goering, the famous air marshal in history With body temperature, one foot continued to twitch.

Akado could not wait so long, he directly ordered the soldiers to go to the villa of Hanfsteinger, because he knew that Hitler had only one place to go, and he was afraid that Hitler had entered the prison too much time, and history would not Like he is familiar with the direction of development. The point where he wanted to turn things around was planned at Barbarossa, at the battle of the Soviet Union-not now.

A total of 17 Nazis and 3 policemen were killed in this farce. A dead Nazi party member named Herman Goering was a little-known person so far.

Hitler was hiding in the villa of Hunstanger. When the IDF rushed there, he attempted to commit suicide, but he finally gave up the plan. When he was handcuffed, he was very depressed. He said nothing along the way.

Trial of Hitler ’s job is not Akado ’s job. Although he knew that Hitler would have a beautiful turnaround and the Nazi party would really rise after this trial, he was also waiting, waiting for the rise after the rise The Nazi Party destroyed the conservative political forces. Borrow a knife to kill people, even if the last borrowed knife hurts you.

With this opportunity, Akado rushed to the mountains of southern Germany, inspected the secret military base there, and ordered the sale of another 500 artillery pieces stored there as well as 100,000 shells and 50 old-fashioned biplane fighters to China without using currency Settlement, all these arms were purchased with rubber.

The transaction was secretly completed by a transport line in the Soviet Union. Although the cost is very high, it can not only solve the plight of Germany’s lack of rubber, but also hide some British and French eyes and ears, so the price is still affordable.

Jiang Jieshi, a new German friend in China, generously agreed with the Akado deal and secretly established a joint trading company in Guangzhou jointly controlled by Germany and the Guangzhou Revolutionary Government. This company exported rubber to Germany and exchanged artillery and artillery shells.

In order to make up for the increasing secret expenses of the National Defense Forces, Akado even persuaded President Hindenburg to sell the ownership of a Chinese railway under the name of the German company to the Chinese company, and the profits were directly used to buy rubber produced in Myanmar and Malaysia. raw material.

Immediately afterwards, instead of returning to Berlin, Akado flew directly to the Ruhr industrial zone in Germany and visited the Krupp Weapon Factory there. Gustav Krupp, who had long received the news, personally rushed to the factory and took Akado to visit his industrial empire. Then he rushed to the man company to inspect the production progress of the tank car.

When he saw the second “p-2 tank” that was almost completed, he was almost speechless with excitement. Because of Akado ’s suggestion, the p-1 tank still on the drawing was completely rejected. The armor is too thin, the firepower is too weak, and there is no room for radio equipment. The 1 tank is no longer in Krupp. The eyes of the engineers are over.

This is a prototype of the No. 2 tank-although a No. 1 tank was not produced, the designer still kept it in his own way. They passed the No. 1 tank when they named it. Numbering.

After improving the transmission and shock absorbers, the P-2 tank was equipped with a 20 mm rapid-fire gun and a machine gun. These weapons were concentrated on a rotatable turret. According to the performance indicators, This tank chariot completely surpassed its imaginary enemy French Renault tank.

The front armor of this tank has a thickness of 15 mm, and according to Akado ’s requirements, bolts can be used to temporarily thicken the front armor plates of these tanks. The designers and the drivers sent by the National Defense Forces love this tank. See When Akado arrived, he hoped to mass-produce this new tank as soon as possible.

Although Krupp’s progress in the tank project was not rapid due to financial and technical difficulties, Krupp’s factory appeared to be in a hurry in artillery production.

With the prompts and requirements of Akado, the Krupp plant has now begun to use assembly lines to produce standardized and generalized 88 mm caliber cannons. This cannon is produced as a standard anti-aircraft anti-aircraft gun, and can also be used to flat-fire anti-tank when it is necessary, and occasionally can also use high-explosive shells to make a cameo to support firepower.

According to the requirements, most of the parts of this artillery can be used with the 88mm anti-aircraft guns of the Navy. This design allows Krupp to save two factories and ten shell production lines. Those outdated and large numbers of artillery production equipment are transported by train to the Soviet Union. At a high price, it was sold to the Red Army factory, which is seriously deficient in heavy industry.

Oil is imported from Romania and the Soviet Union, and a large amount of real gold and silver is used by the National Defense Forces. Iron ore is imported from Norway, which makes the foreign exchange reserves of Germany worse. Although there are many promising factories in Akado, but because these factories and The company’s own development needs, Akado can not squeeze more money to support the continued expansion of the National Defense Force.

And because of the secret operation of the Grand German Party and part of the old World War I generals who had become more and more distrustful of General Seekert, the President of Hindenburg ordered that the new 2nd Division Commander of the Wehrmacht, General Tchaiwicz, be replaced. The second division was replaced by Colonel Lutz, the former commander of the Transport Battalion ’s Transport Battalion, and the Transport Battalion was handed over to Akado ’s follower, Major Goodrian.

Because Colonel Lutz was promoted to the Directorate of the Transport Corps by Akado, it can be said that Hindenburg handed over all the 2nd, 15th and 22nd Divisions to Akado.

However, in the subsequent IDF promotion list, Colonel Lutz was allowed to be promoted to major general, but the nomination for the promotion of Major General Akado, which was a longer time than Luz, was not passed. Seekert did not know whether it was due to private indignation , Utilizing his strength in the National Defense Forces, this time Akado’s promotion was prevented.

The price paid by Hickett to prevent Akado’s promotion is also very large. He was forced to agree to the promotion of Colonel Lutz, and personally approved Lutz to be the commander of the 2nd Division, and he reluctantly went to Hindenburg Handed over the control of the new 3rd Division.

However, no one expected that the second division commander, Major General Lutz, secretly joined the German Party on the second day after being promoted to major general, and became the only three generals in the German Party at this stage.

However, things were not all smooth. For the first time, a different voice appeared in the German Party. Dr. Einstein wrote to Akado because he opposed the general policy of Akado ’s military expansion and preparations. The post, and in the letter, severely criticized Akado “to provoke war despite the hard-won peace conspiracy.”

Akado had to write back to apologize to the scientist who was full of justice and stubbornness, admit that he had defiled the sacred scientific cause, and promised to give up the use of Einstein and other scientists to expand the war.

He also asked Krupp and Foreign Minister Gustav Stellesman to unblock the relationship, introduced Einstein to the University of Berlin as a professor, and asked Major Gascol to arrange for at least 20 Gestapo to monitor and protect him.

At the subsequent National Defense Forces Development Conference, Akado persuaded Hindenburg to agree to the proposal to expand the transport battalion of the Transport Department Directorate and secretly expand this battalion into the 25th Armored Division of Germany ’s first armored force. Heinz William Guderian, who has the richest experience in German armored soldiers and the most thorough theoretical research, was promoted to lieutenant colonel and was temporarily responsible for the expansion task.

Hindenburg, who is also not very optimistic about the prospects of the armored forces, agreed to Akado ’s proposal without thinking about it, and General Seekert, who had never felt that the armored forces could make a difference, did not struggle to stem from it. The first armored force was formally established.

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