My Third Empire

Chapter 54 - German boiling

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

Until now, Herman Oberte ’s solid-state long-range rockets are still only on the drawings. The only contribution is that Akado once led the chief of the naval department to visit his experiments, which proves that the battleship ’s future guided rockets It ’s not worth mentioning before the attack-of course it ’s all deceptive, the ship ’s model route on the water is fixed, and the rocket ’s turning trajectory is also designed, just to let those generals who do n’t know the technology give up is completely waste Battleship of industrial raw materials.

Speaking of the German navy, I have to mention the latest German destroyer. With the advice and help of Akado, the German naval dock in Kiel launched a brand new destroyer in early 1924. The destroyer was named “z” class. This new destroyer has enhanced air defense and anti-submarine capabilities.

In order to emphasize the air defense combat capability, the German navy ’s destroyer main gun used 88 mm caliber rapid-fire guns as high-level dual-purpose guns, and equipped a large number of 37 mm caliber anti-aircraft guns as anti-aircraft weapons. The anti-submarine aspect is equipped with a large number of deep-water bombs, and in 1925, the new z13 destroyer launched into the water was equipped with a gadget “sonar” that was called new equipment at the time.

The anti-ship firepower of these warships is very weak, only equipped with some torpedo tubes, it seems that they are completely incapable of threatening any combat ships of the British Navy-even the British destroyers have a larger artillery caliber than these new German destroyers.

However, it seems that everyone has ignored another terrible data. These German naval destroyers have an ultra-high speed of 35 knots, which is enough to avoid the interception of most enemy ships. Relying on the intensive air defense firepower, these warships are not afraid of the enemy. Aircraft attack, as an ideal naval assault ship, these new destroyers are perfect.

In addition, Akado ’s shipbuilding method makes the 15 destroyers produced in Germany exactly the same, which means that Germany can standardize the training process for sailors, so that these naval soldiers can immediately master the use of new warships.

These warships also have a secret mission, which is to **** the German Zeppelin-class aircraft carrier. In the naval expansion plan formulated by Akado, there is no warship above a large cruiser. The Berlin-class aircraft carrier, and all other ships, exist only to protect the aircraft carrier.

These new warships include the future ocean **** destroyer z2 class (that is, the z1 class ocean endurance version), and the light cruiser x1 class-but this battleship is still on the drawings, although the z2 class destroyer and x1 class cruiser They are still on the drawings, but these two types of warships are common to more than half of the z1 class destroyers already in service, which is definitely an amazing miracle in the history of world shipbuilding.

What excites the German Navy most is that Germany has secretly trained more than 600 naval submarine officers and soldiers in the Netherlands. These navy sailors capable of piloting submarines and their commanders are one of the most valuable treasures of the German navy. These soldiers were thrown into new naval battles as killers.

Of course, in May 1925, Akado still had a lot of troubles. In this year, German rubber still relies heavily on imports. Whether it is civilian or military, the rubber in the hands of the Germans never seems to meet the needs. Seriously limits the pace of modernization of the German Wehrmacht.

The price of natural rubber imported from China is not cheap, because Chiang Kai-shek does not have a large-scale rubber plantation. He has to buy it from British merchants in Myanmar or French merchants in Vietnam. It is much more expensive than direct procurement. Of course, the benefits are not without it. Procurement from China at least bypasses the restrictions on the direct import of natural rubber.

Akado is determined to solve this problem. He is very clever to proceed from two aspects. On the one hand, he has increased the number of imported natural rubber, and also expanded the way to import rubber; on the other hand, he funded chemical research in his country, especially the law. The company’s synthetic rubber project hopes that synthetic rubber can be put into mass production.

A few days ago, he had just held talks with business representatives from Brazil, Malaysia, Myanmar and other regions and signed a series of cooperation agreements. Germany exchanges industrial technology for natural rubber exported from these regions, including large machinery and railway construction.

The project to support Fabone started as early as 1921. Akado used Defence Force ’s name to help Fabone research the synthetic rubber technology. Although the quality of synthetic rubber is average and expensive, the Defence Force is still a secret. Purchased all synthetic rubber.

Solving the problem of the origin of rubber cost Akado a lot of money, but fortunately he is still a rich man. Even if this is the case, Akado is not very willing to read the IDF account form, because there are densely recorded various entries on it: the IDF owes Krupp **** dollars, the IDF owes man company equipment procurement costs **** million, and the IDF Daimler? Mercedes-Benz **** dollars … These debts almost drive Akado crazy.

Because the Bai Lanhua Group under Akkado controlled many companies, these companies basically used advanced assembly line production technology around 1921, so the output and quality have been greatly improved. Over the years, these companies have increased their size by a factor of more than ten and become one of the largest companies in the world. Of course, Bailanhua Group has also become one of the largest consortiums in the world.

Therefore, the car produced by Daimler Benz is already one of the most famous cars in the world, and it is sold at home and abroad; Coca-Cola has also become a well-known soda brand in the United States and is popular with young Americans; BMW The motorcycle has become synonymous with fashion and excitement. Almost all the prosperous descendants of the nobles have to buy one to show off-these have earned countless money for Akado.

Of course, Akado will not embezzle the funds of these companies to post the National Defense Forces. He only took out the dividends he deserves to support the development of the National Defense Forces. Although it is already the entire profit he earned without delaying the development of the company, but It is still his entire income.

In private, General Akado Rudolph ca n’t stick to the rich. This stingy general never even goes to the hotel and the restaurant. Like all the soldiers in the guard camp, he squeezes the canteen of the headquarters of the National Defense Army. Business representatives from countries such as Brazil are still paying by Krupp. His only suit was made when he was promoted to major.

Of course he owns an ordinary Mercedes-Benz sedan, and the new driver is an army lieutenant named Depp. However, the car was purchased by the National Defense Force and allocated to him. He did not spend a penny and purchased it from his company; the driver did not spend a penny, and he was randomly selected by the German Party members in the guard camp.

Akado didn’t even have a deposit. Although his apartment was bought by Krupp and transferred to him, he waived the rent he had to pay every six months, but he did not have a deposit, and he didn’t have a penny. It’s hard to imagine that he has hundreds of thousands of dollars in income every month, but he can spend the money in a matter of seconds.

On May 11, 1925, Miss Fanny’s “Interview with the President of the Grand German Party” was finally sorted into the front page of the “German Deutsche Post” after finishing. For a time it caused a huge sensation. Even Fanny didn’t know that this article could be so hot.

For a time, pictures of a person were posted everywhere on the streets and alleys: A young general sat on a chair and tilted Erlang ’s legs, leaning his back on the armrest of the chair with his left arm, and put his left hand on the lower abdomen, his right hand lying On the knees, lower your head and cover your eyes with a cap. At the bottom of the photo, the slogan is written in bold black font: “Great German Party! Hope of the Great German People!”

Countless workers took to the streets and shouted flags for the party that had just been born but had improved the workers’ living standards. The stingy capitalists even took leave for the workers who participated in the march and paid bonuses to many leading workers. The slogans of “Long live the Great German Party!” Are all over the streets of Berlin.

In order to carefully prepare for this grand parade, Krupp invited the famous Karl Orff and Wilhelm Furtwängler to compose the big German party song “Brave Forward”, so the streets and alleys Echoing the passionate melody, people raised their right hands and hummed inspiring lyrics: “We are the people of Germany, we protect our land with long swords, stand up our unyielding backbone, and use blood and sweat to create victory! … Go forward! Great German people! Go forward! People who move forward bravely! “

The Daimler-Benz Company donated 50 trucks directly to the Propaganda Department of the Grand Deutsche Party, sprayed with the slogan of the Grand Deutsche Party and carrying the right-handed crowd. . This is a masterpiece of Akkado’s intact plagiarism of Nazi propaganda, which is a reprint and expanded version of the famous Nazi propaganda war “Flag and Slogan War.”

What really caused the Social Democratic Party believers to panic was that about 2,000 fanatical supporters of the Great German Party gathered in front of the presidential palace and shouted for immediate elections to the Congress. This is undoubtedly the Great German Party ’s entry into the Congress and trying to The first step in controlling Congress.

It is well known that the Grand German Party is composed of two forces, one is a German group representing the National Defense Army and the old army, and one is a political group representing capitalists and workers. This includes almost all occupations and Classes, so all forces including President Hindenburg closed their mouths in this parade and allowed the parade to “raise the waves” outside.

But it was exactly what Akado wanted, and the whole of Germany was boiling because of the Great German Party.

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