My Third Empire

Chapter 91 - German tank

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

To celebrate Germany ’s reclaiming of the Rhineland region, Congress approved the German Defense Forces to hold a large military parade. German senior officials hope that through this military parade, they will show the world their belief in independence and a spirit of self-improvement.

When Akado wore a military uniform with a medal on his chest and stood on the high parade platform on the left side of President Hindenburg, the world once again recognized this man who promoted the modernization of the National Defense Force. The cheering like a landslide even made the distinguished guests from the countries on the side of the observation platform step back two steps at a time. The momentum of the mountain’s tsunami really envied the visitors who came to watch the ceremony.

In the National Defense Army, those generals who can be said to be the mainstay have been General Hammetstein, who has been the commander-in-chief of the German Defense Forces; the veteran German General Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Bock; the Admiral of the Army who was pulled up by Akado. General Rauchich; Major General Guderian, Major General of the 25th Armored Division; Major General Rommel, Major General of the 27th Cavalry Division. These are the powerful figures within the German Wehrmacht. At this moment, they are all around Akado. These people believe in him, just like the gods. They believe in the uncrowned king of the Wehrmacht.

The time for the military parade to reclaim the Rhineland finally arrived. In cheers, President Hindenburg raised his arms high and issued a command loudly: “Let us remember today! The German people stood up again on this day ! The military parade begins now! Long live Germany! “

Akkado beside him raised his right hand high and performed a standard German ceremony. He shouted solemnly: “Long live the German people! Long live Germany!”

Behind him, the eyes of many German officials were full of tears, their faces flushed with excitement, and they raised their right hands and shouted the most heartfelt voice: “Long live Germany!”

How long did they wait at this moment? How long have they struggled for this moment? Recovering the lost land is their lifelong desire, and the National Defense Forces who performed the mission were created by them on their own, and they are the result of their joint efforts and struggles. As if it were their own son, it is worth their life to love and guard, it is worth the last drop of blood, and it is worth giving their souls.

Soon the shouts were replaced by the same slogan. All the voices in the audience were chanting Long live Germany, Long live Germany. That loud cry shook everyone’s heart. An American reporter wrote in his own report: “This is an unbeatable nation, and the power they unite together is enough to deter the world.”

“Below! General Defense Cardinal Rudolf read the military parade speech, and on behalf of President Hindenburg, review the three armies!” A ceremonial officer stood up and chanted. President Hindenburg was unable to attend the military parade due to physical reasons. Everyone knows how many people choose, but who chooses to represent the president is the vane of Germany’s next power.

Hindenburg was escorted away by medical staff, and everyone on the high stage gave him a German gift. A British photographer took this picture and named it “President’s Departure.”

Until Hindenburg was no longer visible, Akado stood on the seat that originally belonged to Hindenburg. He did not immediately start the speech. He just stood there silently for thirty seconds before speaking loudly. Speaking into the microphone, “Long live Big Germany!”

In the applause of everyone, he began his speech today: “Germany is not a war-loving country. But it is definitely a heroic country. I mean that Germany does not want war, but it is not afraid of war! It loves peace. And also love its honor and freedom. “

“This great Germany does not belong to any stage, any group, but belongs to all the people of Germany. It will help the people who are willing to live peacefully with us. It will make them more willing to do their part. German political parties, countries, force, The economy is a weapon and a function that can be evaluated as a means to achieve the goal. Germany will judge history for its contribution to the achievement of the goal. However, Germany ’s consistent goal is to serve the German people. “

After the applause from the audience ended, Akado continued to say slowly: “I pray to God now, and hope it will bless our work, our actions, our vision, our determination in the days to come. ; Pray that the Almighty Lord will not let us suffer from arrogance and kneeling down; Pray that it will help us find the way Germany should go; Pray that it will give us the courage to do what we should do; Pray that it will help us not to be evil Cowardly under power and cowardly under danger. “

In the end he raised his right hand again and performed a German salute to everyone under the stage: “Long live Germany and the German people! Great German spirit … long live!”

In the enduring applause, he ordered with a high voice: “Then I will order! The military parade begins! This is a German …”

After Akado said something, no one could hear it clearly, because the shouts of countless civilians had covered up any sound, and even two people could not hear what the other person said face to face.

With the sound of drumming and percussion, the grand military parade formally began. One by one, the neat infantry squares walked through the square in a brave pace.

The first to pass through the square was the official formation of the German Wehrmacht. These officers wore exquisite army officer dresses, with shiny service medals and special mission medals on their chests. These officers have exquisite swords symbolizing the status of nobility in their waists, which is the glorious tradition of the old army. The officers were all wearing long leather boots, and the clicking sound on the ground was neatly palpable.

Next came the elite infantry of the first division of the National Defense Forces, and each soldier was wearing a brand new uniform of the National Defense Forces. They carry a well-made cylindrical gas mask box, a classic y-shaped tactical strap, and wear a slender bayonet around their waist. These soldiers neatly carried the Mauser 98k rifle, wearing a beautiful new German steel helmet, and looked very powerful.

Following the entrance was the assault phalanx of the 15th Division of Germany. They also wore uniformed uniforms of the National Defense Forces, various outfits, and took regular steps. However, unlike the previous square array, this square array is equipped with a German mp-40 submachine gun. These soldiers slanted this weapon on their chests, looking more capable and more energetic.

Then there is a team of cavalry. Although all countries are eliminating this class of arms on a large scale, these cavalry are still the main force of rapid assault on the European continent. Black high-headed horse with black leather head armor. The traditional European high-headed horse is sitting on a neat German cavalry corps. These German soldiers are equipped with submachine guns, but what is more attractive is that they are drawn out and stood on their chests. Saber.

Behind the cavalry is the German Motorized Infantry phalanx. The first to pass through the parade is the BMW squadron of a full phalanx. These sidecar motorcycles are all equipped with the latest German mg34 machine gun. These soldiers on motorcycles were wearing thick gray trench coats, and helmets were wearing goggles to protect their eyes.

Following this motorcycle phalanx are three neat phalanxes of cars. These cars are mass-produced military off-road vehicles of Mercedes-Benz Motor Company. Each car has four soldiers sitting on it, a driver driving and three members standing with submachine guns in the car.

Then came the army-specific six-wheeled truck phalanx produced by BMW. A truck full of 20 heavily armed soldiers slowly drove past the rostrum. All the soldiers raised their right hands to perform a German ceremony and returned the ceremony in Akkado. Then shouted loudly the slogan of Long live Germany.

Behind these phalanxes of trucks, there is still a phalanx of trucks, but the difference is that this time the trucks are no longer full of soldiers, but dragging 150 mm caliber cannons, all of which are produced from the Krupp factory It has the best range and power in the world, and its weight is also within the range. It has countless technological patents and is the pinnacle of the entire Krupp artillery production.

Everyone can see that all vehicles in Germany come from two companies, Mercedes and BMW. The cars produced by these two companies have exactly the same design. The difference is that the trucks produced by Mercedes-Benz are all open-top canvas, while the trucks produced by BMW are all metal-topped.

The parts of the four-wheel off-road vehicle and the truck, including tires and steering wheel, are all general parts that can be mixed at will. As long as they are not scrapped and damaged, these cars can even be demolished and repaired. Repair.

Every soldier shouted slogans, and passed by the reviewers who had sworn allegiance to prove themselves with the most heroic shouts. In this military parade, Germany showed its increasingly powerful army strength. With the advantage of the coalition arms control committee over the reduction of German forces, Akado developed the mechanization and elaboration of the German armed forces to an incredible extent.

Regrettably, Germany’s armored forces that have gradually formed a scale did not appear at the military parade. Many of the cards that Akado pressed in the box were intentionally kept, and neither the Air Force nor the Navy showed up in this military parade. While showing off its force, Germany just considered the sentiments of Britain and France.

However, this time the military parade still left a deep impression on all the audience who participated in the parade. “The Germans are re-arming themselves!” A Japanese reporter exclaimed in the newspaper.

In any case, the German tank has been pushed again, opening its blood basin to the world and showing its hideous face.

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