My Third Empire

Chapter 94 - massacre

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

The plans are being carried out in an orderly manner. Germany has bought almost all the machine tools and equipment that can be found on the US market, and it has also bought a lot of cheap rare metal materials. For a time, German businessmen became synonymous with bailouts. They traveled between the richest countries in the world and bought anything they were interested in.

In order to save the country’s economy, the UK even exchanged Saudi oil-producing shares in exchange for German private financial assistance. Allowing Germany to build its own submarine force, turning a blind eye to the secretly expanded German Air Force, is to secretly restrict France from opening its eyes to more and more German tanks.

The world economic crisis has brought unprecedented development opportunities to the Soviet Union. They export a lot of grain and raw materials through Germany or themselves-grain is saved by the people ’s tight belts in the country, and most of the materials are obtained after original mining, including Wood, ore, and oil are all on the list for sale.

Although Germany had already prepared for the windfall of the economic crisis in the early days, they could only feel the chill of the economic crisis when they could not get in and out. The majority of domestic enterprises have closed factories, a large number of workers have lost their jobs, and weird price trends have caused the German government to have a headache-compared to the few private consortiums under the leadership of the German Party, most Germans can only be like American businessmen Through the economic crisis.

Of course, France and the United Kingdom are not idle. They are eager to ask for German war compensation. However, the German government cannot pay much money under the influence of the economic crisis. The two sides constantly send special envoys to fight. And the funds moved are really not much.

The huge fleet began to travel between Europe and North America. Akado prepared about 70 large-tonnage transport ships for Merkel, and also leased 20 giant freighters in Britain according to the assistance agreement. It was originally estimated that the capacity was more than double. The sophisticated Germans organized these freighters into ten large transport fleets, which are easy to manage and avoid accidents.

Lots of banknotes were spent like running water, turned into equipment and raw materials and shipped back to Germany. But the artificially suppressed production capacity cannot consume such a huge accumulation at once, and Germany’s fragile economy is also in danger of collapse.

When the salary is in his hands, he finds that he can no longer buy potatoes. The market is in short supply. Butter has been sold out and can only be replaced by margarine. The citizens of Berlin began to panic. Confused by the party, people began to look for the roots that made their lives more difficult.

“Only Mr. Hitler is your future!” A speaker stood on the stage of the bar and shouted loudly: “Those Jews are the culprits of this economic crisis! They made a lot of money in Germany! Go to the United States and Britain to spend! They only care about how many machines are in their factories! They don’t care about your life and death at all! “

“Yes!” The audience below shouted loudly, and the atmosphere of blind obedience began to spread in the bar.

“The Great German Party does not represent your interests at all! They only care about the messy things!” The man continued to confuse people on the stage: “Everyone thinks about it! Those things that liberate the Rhineland or expand the National Defense Army, give us What practical benefits did it bring? No! Nothing! “

“Yes!” The people underneath began to boil! Everyone shouted loudly.

In the background, Goebbels proudly pointed to the propaganda at the front desk, boasting to Hitler around him: “Qui first born, our support rate among the people has increased significantly! The government has not been able to come up with a good solution to this financial crisis. So they can hardly stop our propaganda and expansion. “

Hitler nodded: “We finally seized the opportunity! This time the Grand German Party can only watch us turn over.” In fact, his change of mind is the biggest success of this Nazi counterattack. Originally Hitler had been living in the shadow of Akado and could not turn over, but this success told him that Akado was not invincible, which made him regain his long-lost confidence.

Goebbels was more proud of Hitler ’s support: “The leader! The rationality and inclusiveness of the Great German Party, as well as their status as the ruling party, made them unable to deal with this economic crisis, and we are different.”

He pointed to the impassioned speaker on the podium: “We can be irresponsible, we can directly intensify the contradiction! Push all the sins to the Jews!”

“It’s not pushing them! It’s they **** it!” Although Hitler was in a good mood, he was immediately irritated when he mentioned the Jews: “I will kill all the **** beasts one day sooner or later!”

“Kill them!” It seemed to be in line with Hitler’s clamor, and the crowd outside was boiling. Under the leadership of a group of brown shirts, the crowd issued a frightening scream: “The Jews were killed. dog!”

So under the leadership of more than two dozen stormtroopers, hundreds of audiences in the whole bar rushed out of the gate. They left in a mighty way and disappeared at the end of the street.

“Mr. President.” Fanny looked down at the document in hand and frowned to report on her work: “Recently because of the economic crisis, the support rate of our Great German Party is declining. This signal is very dangerous, which proves that we cannot maintain the people. Trust. “

Leuk Carter also took a step forward and came up with his own report: “Mr. President, many Jewish party members report that they are often harassed by Nazi believers. Although SS guards them as much as possible, this is the case. It is indeed increasing. “

Fanny continued: “Our reporters secretly investigated and found that the Nazi Party was instigating people’s dissatisfaction with the Jews. Although this method is very despicable, they did achieve the desired effect! If we did not take it before the next congressional election Back to the initiative, we may lose some of the seats in Congress. “

“Our predictions are not very accurate in this respect. Mr. Chairman can ask our campaign advisors in the party.” Leuker Carter added.

“We are secretly stockpiling! You know this.” Akado finally spoke, his voice showing tiredness and helplessness: “And I am discussing with President Hindenburg and the Ministry of Defense to continue the secret military expansion. . “

He sighed and said: “I originally planned to expand the regular army of 20 divisions to alleviate the unemployment caused by the economic crisis. Of course I can’t determine how much is left after the bargaining. On the other hand, I have come up with Another plan was handed over to Krupp and Mr. Gerin Nike, asking them to find a way to call for better companies to recruit 500,000 skilled workers. “

No one knows that for these large-scale plans, Akado paid a price of 50 million US dollars for this, which does not include the efforts and emotiveness of the forces he used.

“But our measures are slower and less obvious than the blame for not using money.” Fanny also sighed.

“Or do we also find an excuse to stolen some people at random, pack them up, and put them out to kill them to shed public anger?” Leuker Carter thought for a while and said, “Although this idea is being used by the Nazi Party, We do n’t look decent about picking up leftovers from others, but maybe it ’s really useful or maybe … “

“Then I’m struggling to do something here? How easy is it to join the Nazi Party?” Akado sneered and looked at Leuk Carter and asked.

Leuker Carter knew that his idea was not endorsed by Akado, and shut his mouth consciously and stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the room is even worse.

Berlin University is one of Germany ’s most famous institutions of higher learning. Many Nobel Prize winners were born here, as well as many great artists in history. It can be said that it is sacred and solemn in the hearts of the German people.

But today it seems a little different. The university guards saw the black pressure over a large group of people walking toward him aggressively. Scared that he quickly hid back into the duty room behind him. And when he closed the door of the duty room, he didn’t see the other side. A professor holding a chemistry book was reading and walking out of the University of Berlin.

Luck didn’t seem to patronize the elderly professor because of his profound knowledge. He was unlucky. He was welcoming the violent crowd coming over, and his eyes focused on the books didn’t pay any attention to the changes around him-of course, there was no cover. A six-pointed star ring on his finger.

A soldier wearing a SS black uniform on the street saw all this, and hurriedly dropped the cigarette in his mouth and ran to the professor’s side, pulling out the pistol in his waist while running …

“Slay this Jewish stupid pig!” After all, someone still discovered the identity of the professor. A roar in the crowd broke the strange tranquility. The glasses on the bridge of the professor’s nose flew to the sky with blood, and the crystal clear lenses shattered. , As crystal.

“Boo!” The gunshots sounded, but still did not stop the tyrannical crowd. SS soldiers shot their bullets one by one at the crowd surrounded by punches and kicks around the professor. Finally, they were dressed in brown The stormtroopers of the shirt overturned to the ground, feeling the same pain as the elderly Jewish professor.

An SS truck stopped on the street with emergency brakes, and more than 20 SS soldiers armed with rifles jumped from the vehicle. These soldiers stood in a row in a short time, facing the still chaos. The crowd raised their rifles.

The crowd began to panic, panicking, and finally cursed to leave. Four cold bodies were left in place, as well as several wounded patients who fell to the ground and wailed.

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