My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 103 - 11 visit

The four people drove to Cybertron, and entered the gate empty-handed with a pistol. All heavy weapons were mounted on Anyang.

Dyson walked in the forefront, he continued to take a deep breath, very nervous, but still trying to pretend to be a calm, walked to the front desk security.


The black security guard stared at them blankly, without responding.

“Um … Carl! Do you remember correctly?” Dyson was a little embarrassed and nervous. “This is … my friends from outside the city, I just thought … Can I take them up for a visit.”

The black man opened his eyes with a pair of brass bells, his forehead was covered with wrinkles, and he said solemnly, “Mr. Dyson, you know the relevant regulations for visiting the laboratory. You must have written authorized documents …”

A trace of impatience flashed in Anyang’s eyes.


Three pistols were pointed at him.

“We insist on visiting!”

The security guard was stunned, his body was still, and his hands were stretched out secretly, but he was scared to move by Anyang’s muzzle.

“If I remember correctly, Mr. Gibbs, right? I have to tell you that if you insist on doing something that makes me unhappy, your consequences will be very serious!”

Gibbs raised his stunned hand, beckoning himself to give up resistance.

Dyson looked at Anyang in amazement. He didn’t understand how Anyang knew the name of the security guard, but after thinking about it, he didn’t ask the exit.

T800 and Sarah strode over, and one person held Gibbs’ shoulders, and the other pulled out the pistol in his waist.

Anyang glanced around and asked, “You still have a partner, where did he go?”

“No, I’ve always been the only one … okay, okay, don’t shoot, he’s inside, now it’s his break time, you can see him when you go in.”

Anyang shrugged and leaned his head to signal T800 and Sarah to go in, and he took out a circle of tape. Tie Gibbs tightly.

Until T800 walked out another security guard like a chicken, Anyang threw the tape over, and also used his extraordinary power to lift Gibbs to the toilet, almost making Dyson think he was also a terminator.

“Let’s go. Two security guards have been resolved, an infamous computer company, no one will turn on the alarm.”

Four people went upstairs and stepped out of the elevator.

“No one here, it’s now … ten o’clock. They are estimated to have all gone.”

As Dyson said, he took out the card and swiped it on a metal door. With a beep, the red light of the electronic lock suddenly turned green.

Anyang pushed open the door and entered. There was a room full of computers with CRT monitors. The screen showed incomprehensible data instead of the prompt that the silent alarm was turned on in the original plot.

Dyson crossed over to the front, took out a key and handed it to him, and took out a card and swiped it in front of a safe.

“Listen, we need two keys. Turn at the same time to open the vault. I have one here, and the other one … here!”


Dyson pulled open the safe, opened a small mezzanine from the inside, took out the key and walked to the right side of the safe.

“You can start.”

“let’s start.”

“We turn left together, one, two, three, turn!”


Anyang opened the dark door and expertly found the two buttons on the wall and pressed them separately. The two cabinets opened immediately, revealing a large and a small T800 CPU and a robotic arm in a metal base glass container.

Sarah gritted her teeth and looked at them, saying, “It’s these things that destroy all humanity!”

Dyson looked at Anyang in surprise: “Why do you always give me a feeling of being here?”

“Sarah. It hasn’t had time to destroy humanity, and we won’t allow it to do so.” Anyang looked at Dyson again. “We’ll leave everything here to us, shall we?”

“Okay, okay, I hope you can deal with them. I don’t want to be a human sinner anymore!”

Dyson nodded again and again, and kept walking backwards until he left the safe.

Anyang put the robotic arm and the central processor into his portable space, nodded to Sarah, and then turned and walked back.

“The next thing is the laboratory data!”

Sarah nodded, and when the three left the safe, Dyson had opened the door to the laboratory.

“All the disks in my office, and the things in the office next to them, and these hosts …”

Anyang walked in and glanced around: “Yes, I will deal with them!”

Several people moved quickly, and soon piled up a circle of disks on the ground, and beside them were a lot of hosts, all arranged neatly.

Dyson stood silently: “I spent a few years for them!”

Sarah comforted: “You are doing right now.”

Anyang took out all the military explosives in the portable space, and the T800 brought several barrels of chemicals from the side. The yellow barrel was written with a series of English letters that no one knew. , But it does look cool, and it also has great power in the plot.

Sarah started to sign the line and set the timing to detonate.

It’s not that Anyang doesn’t want these materials, it is really too difficult to control, and it is not so rare.

There are many movies with artificial intelligence and artificial robots, and the technology in the Terminator is too immature and too unstable, including the loyal Terminator. In fact, when it opened the self-learning system, it began to grow slowly. The original plot has only more than a day. He has learned to scorn, take keys in the roof cover mezzanine, etc., and even choose self-termination at the end. This is all outside the program. Who knows what it will become after a year. What?

Even if he can order not to build Skynet, even if he can block the robot’s self-learning system, but he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case, he cannot use the life and death of a world to experiment.

Anyang really didn’t have much need to commit this risk.

Who knows whether he created an era or an abyss that destroys all mankind?

When everything is ready, Sarah presses a button, and the timer suddenly starts flashing red and emits a audible sound.

“The bomb has been installed, we will leave as soon as possible!”

“it is good!”

Several people went downstairs to mention two security guards and quickly left Cybertron.

They drove not far away and stopped, throwing two black security guards on the ground, and a sudden explosion of sound came from behind.


Military explosives have higher energy levels and faster detonation speeds. Responsible for destroying everything, including the structure of the entire building, and a few barrels of chemicals are responsible for the sky-high fire and illuminate the entire night sky!

A few people in the original plot just destroyed a floor. And now, the whole building collapsed and turned into ruins in the explosion!

The SUV starts again and quickly leaves here. Two security guards have been left behind.

The phone vibrated, showing mission data.

mission target:

1. Protect engineer Myers Bennett Dyson from any harm. (completed)

2. Protect Sarah Connor and John Connor from any harm. (completed)

3. Destroy two Terminators. (50%)

4. Destroy the Cyber ​​Corporation. (completed)

Anyang couldn’t help but look to the side, now it was only the last step. The T800 is next to him, he seems to be ready at any time.

The car drove steadily forward, and he sat steadily until he crossed the border and entered Mexico.

Sarah got out of the car, staring at the desert in the dark, and finally took a sigh of relief: “Cybertan is finally over, we just need to tell people Skynet and Judgment Day!”

Anyang nodded, his eyes sharpened quickly, and said to Dyson: “We need to get the addresses of the main members of the Cybertron board of directors and the head of the military. Tomorrow we will visit this group of people who know that the abyss is ahead. The scum that sent humans in! “

“Uh … I’m a technical executive, and I don’t know their address.” Dyson paused. “But I think … I have a friend who will know this.”

Until the sky was a little bit white, the off-road vehicle finally stopped. The four people just got out of the car. The lights in Enlico’s house suddenly turned on. A man wearing a yellowed white vest came out with a gun and saw it. It was they who put down their guns and immediately came over to hug them.

“Ahaha, Connor. Anyang, I’ve waited for you all night!”

“Hey, Enrico, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Dyson, he is … a very capable person!”

“There are guests again, Yoland … Oh, Yolanda is already asleep, let’s go in and I will prepare authentic agave for you!”

Several people walked into the house. John was coming out of the back room with his eyes rubbing, and he quickly recovered from the moment he saw them.

“Mom, Uncle Anyang, are you done?”

“of course!”

“Great, what should we do next?”

“You should stay at home and try to be like a normal child!”

“Oh, this is really boring …”

The next day, several people got up early and ate breakfast quickly.

Anyang, Sarah and T800 got on the off-road vehicle. Dyson stood at the door and watched them. A figure suddenly ran out of the room and squeezed up with a bag.

Sarah suddenly changed her colors and scolded: “John, it’s none of your business!”

John stared at her without fear: “No, I am the future military leader of the world, and I should be involved in this matter!”

“Listen, John, mother doesn’t want you to be the future military leader of shit, and …” Sarah paused. “You’re not soon!”

“No ~ ~ I must participate in this matter, even if it will make me an ordinary person, I will also change my own destiny!” John retorted, “And you taught me to do this since childhood It will take me a long time to forget it! Drive! “

What Sarah wanted to say, the T800 had followed John’s order and drove out the car!

The SUV crossed the border, drove into California, and stopped in front of a luxurious villa area in the early morning of the next day.

A large shareholder of Cybertron lives in it. This is a person who injects Cybertron into the research and development of military computer chips. It is said that he has inextricably linked with the US-Military. He and many rich people Similarly, mastering powerful political and financial resources is a well-deserved capitalist overlord!

Most of them live with people like him, so security is very strong, especially after the continuous riots on the streets of Los Angeles a few days ago.

“Cameron Gay …”

Anyang murmured to himself, glanced at the two security guards on duty, opened the door and got off the car.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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