My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 105 - My name is Anyang, from another world

Soon afterwards, a scream of screaming suddenly sounded in the car, and even pierced through the door to tear the night sky, like a sound from the depths of the throat of a person who was suffering from hell.

The sound only lasted for a short time before stopping, and Cameron had curled up in the seat, convulsing, foaming in his mouth, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. The pain was so indescribable that he couldn’t describe his feelings. The pain in the first half-minute just went deep into the soul.

“What did you do to him?” John opened his eyes to Cameron in the back seat.

Anyang did not answer, took out his phone and scanned the data above his eyes, and then looked forward expressionlessly.

Hired from: Cameron Gay

physical fitness:

Constitution: 2

Speed: 2

Strength: 2

Brainpower: 2

For a long time, Cameron finally stopped twitching, and no foam was pouring out of his mouth any more. After being drained of all strength, he collapsed on the seat motionless, his face dull, and there was no slightness in his eyes.

“Did you feel it, from the powerful power I gave you, and the pain that seemed to crush your soul!” Anyang looked down at him and said calmly, “As you can see, heaven and **** are only The first line depends on whether you follow my will. “

“Her …” Cameron opened his mouth in a dry and strange voice, and it took a long time to have a clear voice. “Please … Please, let me … I can … give you … everything I … … “

“Oh, everything about you, you are not rare, do you think I will be rare?” Anyang stared at him coldly, and said, “Listen, you are my hire now, I think you also I can feel this. Although I ca n’t deprive you of life, I can let you stay in the pain just like life and die, it ’s useless! ”

Cameron looked at him desperately and opened his mouth. But speechless.

Anyang continued: “Is it painful just now? When the Judgment Day came, the three billion people who were burnt to ashes by the nuclear explosion were equally painful, but they had no chance to speak, and. Maybe you were in that thirty. Out of a billion people! “

“What do you want?”

“As you can see, I want to stop this war and prevent the birth of Skynet. If you help me, in the end I will leave your life. And retain the strength in you, it will make you live for a hundred years. No disease, no disaster, several times a night is not a problem! The most important thing is that without Skynet and Judgment Day, you can live peacefully and securely like everyone else in the world. “

Cameron had no mood to ignore his jokes. Whether it was the pain of the **** level, or the torture that he might face again or even death directly, he felt both heavy and frightened. Weakly asked: “What do you want me to do?”

Anyang smiled.

“First, I do n’t care what method you use. You have to make people think that you were not attacked last night. Second, you have to tell me to bring the robotic arm and the broken chip to Cybertron, and tell people to leave this thing alone. Who are the people from the past? In the end, I want you to have a party and invite all the top executives, military leaders, and political figures of Cybertron. In short, the more the better, and bring the journalists from major TV stations. ! “

“You … what do you want to do?”

“Certainly, Cybertron, Smart Chip, Skynet, and Judgment Day are made public, and all taxpayers are told that a group of people is using their money to destroy the world!” Anyang sneered. “They have the right to know this, don’t they?”

“Oh my God, this is crazy!”

Cameron was shocked. But thinking of the agony and the possible trial day, he had to choose to cooperate.

It is not to say that conscience, where the capitalists come from, he is just afraid of death.

In the early morning of the next day, the incident about the violent terrorist attack in the wealthy district of Los Angeles has been published in major news, according to the surveillance video. The perpetrators of several violent terrorist incidents a few days ago were the protagonists of this incident. They hijacked an entrepreneur from the wealthy area. The police have fully intervened in the investigation, but so far it is impossible to confirm who the hijacked person is.

The police once believed that Mr. Cameron Gay, a famous Los Angeles entrepreneur, was hijacked, but Cameron appeared in another villa area in Los Angeles early in the morning, and told Lieutenant General Taylor in the name of exploring military authorized projects. An invitation to meet was proposed.

It was also at noon that General Lieutenant Taylor, who was out to meet Cameron, was attacked and killed by a rocket hit by a vehicle on the streets of Los Angeles. The attacker has not been found so far, but the police suspected it was related to the mob that attacked the rich area last night , Is currently investigating fully.

In the open area outside Los Angeles, the piercing sirens continued to buzz, dozens of cars were fiercely chasing a truck ahead, and the sound of helicopters was faintly heard in the sky.

Sarah drove her car along the straight road and drove the steering wheel occasionally, avoiding the heavy weapons of the police.

t00 stood on the roof of the car, carrying a six-barreled aviation machine gun while roaring with police shooting, and the speed of fire of 6,000 rounds per minute formed a continuous metal storm. It shattered one police car after another. The people in the police car showed no mercy.

With the intervention of Anyang, John hasn’t had time to instill in him the idea of ​​not killing people indiscriminately. For this Terminator, murder is probably his most important job.

Anyang hid a rocket in the compartment of the car and suddenly shot his head, aiming at the helicopter flying in the distance and hitting him.


The rocket hit the helicopter with its long tail.

With a bang, the helicopter suddenly fell into a huge fireball.

The police in Los Angeles miscalculated their strength. As in the original plot, they did not bring too many heavy weapons. The police force brought down was quickly defeated, and only a few cars left behind were afraid to continue their pursuit.

“Call the call, the enemy has strong firepower, yes, yes, they only have a few people, but it seems like there is an arsenal, and … and it ca n’t be killed at all, I dare to guarantee that we have hit him dozens of robs, but … What? How could my mom know what the **** was that, in short, we suffered heavy losses and requested support and heavy fire support! “

“Pursue? You **** chase, I will be responsible for my boys!”

The truck accelerated for a while and soon disappeared into the vast plain ahead.

“Anyang, are you sure that the beast can do what you say?” Sarah asked sideways, without concealing her contempt for Cameron.

“Relax!” Anyang paused, then went on to say, “He knows what he is doing, and no matter where he flies, I can make him better than a single thought!”

“I hope so.” Sarah lowered her mind. Soon after the vehicle drove, she met the men Cameron sent to answer.

Three days later, Cameron convened a group of senior executives from Cybertron Corporation and capital predators of the capital injection company for a seminar, and by the way reinvested in the intelligent processor project authorized by the military. There is no doubt that the military and the The high-level government is present.

However, the location of the seminar is a bit biased. It is said that in order to avoid the high-frequency terrorist attacks in the most prosperous locations recently, the edge of the urban area was chosen.

The person in charge of Cybertron stood up and glanced around the investors, saying, “Gentlemen and ladies, because of the violent terrorist attacks of the criminals in the past days, unfortunately, the research data of our company over the past few years was destroyed by Once, but the original engineers are there, as long as there is enough investment, we can resume research in a relatively short time! “

“Sir, I think you’d better make it clear how short the relatively short period of time is, otherwise we can’t guarantee that our investment will get the income it deserves!” A middle-aged man in a suit stood up and said.

“Sir, I can guarantee that as long as we find Myers-Dyson, we will be able to resume the research progress within two years! No, maybe shorter!”

“Okay …” Cameron stood up and waved to interrupt them.

“Mr. Guy, what is your opinion?”

“I mean, this project cannot be carried out anyway, otherwise it will bring us destruction!”

The face of Cybertron changed slightly: “Mr. Guy, you are responsible for what you say!”

“Of course, I will of course be responsible for what I say.” Cameron nodded, gestured to the bodyguard beside him, and continued, “Gentlemen, I don’t know if you have thought about it, maybe we are What about humans pushing into an abyss? “

“Mr. Guy, I don’t think I understand what you mean. I only know that this project has epoch-making significance. Once completed, it will double our value!” An older lady wearing heavy makeup stood up and said.

“Doubled the value?” Cameron snorted and slammed the table as if he wanted to vent the pain and suffering he had suffered a few days ago. He roared and said, “But you also have to live with it!”

The military representative sat aside without commenting, and the Los Angeles Police Sheriff stood up: “Ms. Serena, Mr. Cameron, please sit down and talk ~ ~ The capital predators here all look away Come here, in fact they do not understand, how can a business meeting with the military involve a sergeant to participate? Is it because of the recent chaos in Los Angeles, Mr. Cameron wants the police station to help maintain law and order?

Most people do not take it seriously. The United States is a capitalist society, where money is more important than power. The state is in the hands of capitalists, and officials are only representatives of the capital predators.

But when a team of heavily armed bodyguards walked into the conference room and pointed the black hole at them, their faces finally changed! Immediately afterwards, several thugs who frequently appeared in the news the other day came in!

“Oh, my God, it’s them!”

“Why are they here with Mr. Guy!”

Anyang ignored everyone’s eyes and walked to the front of the meeting room with a smile on his face.

“Gentlemen and ladies, I am very happy to see everyone. I guess everyone has seen me, so please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Anyang and I am from the future!” (To be continued) xh: .47.247.73

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