My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 108 - You are responsible for beautiful

? In the middle of the night, the furnace of the steel plant still did not stop, surrounded by high temperature, and the red molten steel below.

T800 was standing next to the steel pool. Sarah and Anyang were silent. John was crying in tears. He had realized that the departure of T800 was inevitable. He just kept silent, not even saying anything to persuade.

t800 turned his head to stare at John, sweeping over Anyang and Sarah again, and said blankly: “I should go, there will be no Skynet in the future, nor will I be made.”

There was a daze in John’s eyes. He realized at this time that there would be no t800 in the future, and now his departure is equivalent to a farewell.

Anyang pulled the slide lock next to it and silently stopped in front of t800.

At last t800 glanced at John, pulled the slider and stood up, and kept looking at John.

Anyang took a deep breath and began to move the slide lock directly over the steel sink and slowly lowered it.

John stared blankly at the t800 until he saw the body of the t800 melted into the red molten steel little by little, still staring at him. At the last moment, he suddenly gave him a thumbs up.

Anyang froze for a moment, his hand loosened, and t800 was immediately submerged in molten steel. Even the thumbs up were submerged, and there was only red molten steel in front of him.

He didn’t struggle, didn’t make any movements, and didn’t even arouse even a little splash.

John finally couldn’t help but squat down and wept!

Anyang sensed a shock and couldn’t help but glanced at the phone.

mission target:

1. Protect engineer Myers Bennett Dyson from any harm. (completed)

2. Protect Sarah Connor and John Connor from any harm. (completed)

3. Destroy two Terminators. (completed)

4. Destroy the Cyber ​​Corporation. (completed)

The mission is successful and the mission rewards are obtained: props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 3, the selected person can return to the real world at any time!

Anyang was stunned, and it seemed that there was still a picture of the t800 thumbs up. Put the phone down again.

“everything is over.”

The three stood in place for a long time and turned away while taking advantage of the night.

Anyang no longer cares about the future advantages of this world, what he should have done. Perhaps Sarah and John will be recognized as heroes by the US government, or they may be refuted as lunatics . Then he was sent to a mental hospital. Maybe there would be no artificial intelligence in the world, or maybe Judgment Day would still be as unstoppable as Terminator 3 said.

At this time, he was outside Yellowstone Volcano Park in Wyoming. He didn’t want to go in, but had already played out.

The king of the world’s volcanoes, one of the three major parks in the United States really deserves its reputation, and the scenery is fantastic. This is a worthwhile trip. The only regret is that I didn’t bring Xiao Qian or Ji Weiwei, and I couldn’t find anyone to share the beautiful places.

Anyang took out his mobile phone and collapsed on the hotel bed, feeling a little uneasy.

But in the Terminator world, he spent more than two thousand energy and two points for things other than tasks, and he expected to be able to open a prop of the sky to make up for Cecé’s heart.

“Hope not to lose money.”

“The system distributes the three physical fitness points equally to strength, speed and brainpower, and additionally draws props.”

“Allocation completed!”

Anyang felt a refreshing body, his brain was sober, and he was as light as a bird. It was full of power, but this feeling was only instantaneous, although the power increased to 4.1. The speed increased to 4.0, but 3.7’s physique and 4.0’s brain power made him quickly used to it.

Three physical fitness points are cool!

“In the extraction of prop abilities … the extraction is complete! The selected person obtains the prop ability—character extraction, which can extract a certain character from the specified task world to the real world, and can also shuttle a certain character from the real world to the specified task world. “

“Character extraction?”

Anyang looked at the screen of the mobile phone with amazement. What did this skill do, let him bring the beauty or top power from the mission world? Or let him bring helpers from the real world to the mission world?

Suddenly, the phone screen changed, showing his personal data.

Selected by: Anyang

physical fitness:

Constitution: 3.7

Strength: 4.1

Speed: 4

Brainpower: 4

Quality points to be allocated: 0

master a skill:

Fighting Mastery (Intermediate)

Firearm Mastery (Advanced)

Cold Weapon Mastery (Advanced)

Musical Instrument Mastery (Elementary)

Driving Proficiency (Beginner)

English Proficiency (Elementary)

Military Literacy Mastery (Elementary)

Skill points to be allocated: 3

Prop ability:

Portable space (1000 cubic meters)

The Gate of Space (Connected Doomsday No. 94567 and Real World)

Ability to steal (to be used)

Character extraction (to be used)

Road capacity to be extracted: 0

Other capabilities:

Kunlun (Level 4)

Heaven and Earth Promise . Qiankun borrowing method (level 3)

Now the data can be far beyond ordinary people!

4.0 speed and brain power, 4.1 power. 3.7’s physique gives Anyang an urge to find the Terminator! But he quickly recovered.

“System. I remember you said that three skill points can choose to specify skills?”

“Yes, the selected person can spend three skill points to obtain the specified skills.”

“What skills do you have, do you have any magic proficiency, self-cultivation proficiency, ancient practice skills, etc.?”


“Huh, aren’t you usually arrogant? I thought you had everything.”

“… The database is seriously lost!”

“So what do you have?”

“General knowledge skills, experience skills, such as computer program proficiency, mecha piloting proficiency, military command proficiency … and so on!”

“Magic mastery, mastery of ancient cultivation methods are also knowledge skills!”


Thinking again and again, Anyang decided to keep these three skill points in case of unexpected needs, mainly depending on what is needed in the next mission world.

After a few laps in the United States in 1997, he missed Xiao Qian and returned to the real world. And the real world at this time has only passed two days.

The reason why I have n’t returned to the real world these days and chose to play in the United States is just because Terminator World has brought him a lot of feelings, and naturally also caused a lot of emotions, some feelings are as long as anyone who has seen the movie It ’s just that he did n’t experience it deeply, and it ’s naturally not as intense. Some thoughts were simply caused by his personal experience in this world.

For example, the humanity of Sarah and Dyson, the technology of t800 and t1000, and even Skynet, and the opposite reflections caused by it, such as his indifference in the conference room and the blink of an eye.

I have to admire the director’s strength, shooting such a story.

In the past few days, he has sorted out these emotions and avoided bringing them back to the real world.

Back at the familiar home, the surrounding windows were completely covered, the chandelier above his head was lit dimly, Anyang glanced around, there was no figure of Xiao Qian in the living room, nor the bedroom, not even Yaodan.

Just when he was thinking about where the woman had gone, there was a sound of water leaking from the toilet. He walked over and saw that Comrade Xiaoqian was doing laundry. The basin was a navy blue shirt, no doubt it was his .

“The husband is back!”

Xiao Qian looked back at him with her sleeves. She seemed to feel a little itchy on the face. She lifted the back of her hand and wiped the foam on her nose. Instead of wiping the foam clean, she applied a layer.

“Uh … Xiaoqian, isn’t there a washing machine?”


“Just that, I told you before.”

“Oh … I won’t use it!”

Anyang sighed and walked over to squat in front of her to wipe off the foam on her nose.

Comrade Xiaoqian narrowed her eyes with an expression of enjoyment, and she didn’t smile at Anyang until the foam was wiped clean, and poked him gently with her hand.

Anyang wanted to grab her hand, but she avoided it.

“No, I have laundry detergent on my hands, slippery …”

Anyang chuckled softly and rubbed her head instead.

“Look at you, I have been using the laundry detergent for so long, and I still get foam everywhere. Don’t wash it first. I’ll teach you to use the washing machine, so I don’t have to do it myself in the future.”


New skills were taught to Comrade Xiaoqian, and Master Anyang lay back on the sofa. He realized why the system would say that the laws of the original world were not perfect and the world structure was unstable.

In the world of Ghost Story, many of the settings are entirely for the spread of the plot, which makes it extremely unreasonable. In the original plot, a centuries-old female ghost ca n’t even have a basic illusion, but also herself. Bathing and makeup, and half a year in the real world, she has been doing things for hundreds of years, but because the director did not set her the skills to use laundry and cooking, she actually had to do it herself.

Soon after, the washing machine began to buzz.

Xiaoqian came over with a glass of water and put the water in front of him. Then he sat down beside him and took out a veil to start wiping the water on his hand. The whole process did not speak.

Anyang also grabbed her hand ~ ~ took out a tissue to wipe her.

The temperature in early March rebounded slightly, but overall it was still very cold, especially the tap water, cold and biting. Although Xiao Qian was not afraid of the cold, her hands were cold.

Perhaps the foam was not rinsed off, and my hands were still slippery.

After the water was wiped clean, even the fingers and palm lines were not let go, Comrade Xiaoqian put down the veil.

Anyang didn’t let go of her hand, and said distressedly: “In the future, you will do less of this kind of thing. Just take care of your family, just like there is a saying, um … I am responsible for making money to support the family, you are responsible for appearance Beautiful as flowers. “

Xiao Qian smiled and said, “I will do laundry and cooking.”

Anyang took a sip of the water on the coffee table and smashed his mouth.

Soon after returning home, his mobile phone rang, it was Shen Chaowen who called.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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