My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1168 - Devalin\\\'s coffin book

“You still have extra horses? I lack a means of transportation.” Anyang asked Suolin just after going out.

“There is only one pony, originally prepared for the Hobbit!” Sorin frowned, “but there is more than one horse, but to use it for camel luggage, let’s buy one in front!”

“It seems I can only buy one, but I don’t have any money.” Anyang turned over his pocket and showed him, shrugging. “It seems I can only ask you to borrow some money.”

“… Don’t you carry money with you?”

“I foresee that I will soon get a sum of money, a large sum of money, and maybe some weapons, so you see, I didn’t bring a penny, and I didn’t bring any weapons!” Anyang said indifferently And then stretched out his hand, “Come on, I know you must have brought your money bag when you went out!”

“Hey man, we’re not wealthy!” Devalin complained and threw him a purse.

“I will return it to you, soon.”

“Soon? When you pick up a lot of money? Hahaha, I look forward to a sum of money!”

So, Anyang bought a horse in front.

Bover was very fond of Anyang. I wonder if it was because of the short time alone last night. He said: “I do n’t think we should leave that contract with the Hobbits. You see, we are just 14 people now, That contract should be signed for this wandering wizard! Now that we are done, we have to take the time to rewrite a contract! “

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Suolin immediately yelled. He still dare not trust Anyang.

Anyang didn’t care to smile, but also liked the honest and well-behaved Bover, saying: “It doesn’t matter, I don’t need to sign a contract because I don’t need to share the treasures of the lonely mountain with you.”

“But the contract signed by all of us is written in one-fourteenth. If only 13 people signed it, wouldn’t there be one-fourteenth of the treasure left without anyone?”

“Huh? I bet Mr. Baggins will catch up. It is a correct choice for you to leave the contract.”

“To be honest, I think so!” Said a dwarf.

“Then don’t just talk about it, let’s bet, I mean really bet, the kind of bet!” Said another dwarf, “bet Mr. Baggins will show up, I bet he won’t show up , Three silver coins! “

“Well, I bet he will show up!”

“I won’t bet!”

“I won’t bet!”

“Hey, Beaver, you just said that you think he will appear, the weather in the wasteland has not become so fast as you!”

Anyang looked at Devalin in the front and asked weakly: “Mr. Devalin, I still have a lot of money left before I bought a horse. Can you lend me a little more? I also want to gamble.”

“… Man, our dwarves are really poor!”

“I intuitively can win.”

“What are you betting on? The odds are not high if the Hobbit won’t catch up.”

“No no, on the contrary, I bet he will come.”

“Then you have to owe me another sum of money, don’t you have to wait until you pick up the money before returning it to me?” Devarin said, and threw the money bag directly to him, “Don’t lose me!”

“If I win, I will double it back to you. If I lose, when I get the money, I will return it to you a hundred times.” Anyang said.


Dewarin’s complexion is a bit ugly.

This human being is too unreliable.

At this time, Anyang had raised his wallet and shouted: “I bet Mr. Baggins will definitely appear. The bet is Mr. Devalin’s entire assets. I see, the amount is only seven silver coins, who Do you want to gamble with me? “

Devalin’s mouth twitched fiercely.

If it was not for this human being to be far away from him, he promised that he would definitely reach out and grab his own money bag!

“Haha! This is Dewarin’s coffin, you will lose him!” Bahrain laughed.

“Why are you so sure that the Hobbit will come back?” Felix asked.

“I will definitely win. I am very confident in the blood of the Tuk family.” An Yang said, and by the way, under Dewarin’s watch, he tightened his purse.

“Well, I look forward to seeing the moment you lose Devalin’s coffin, it must be wonderful.”

The dwarf’s bet came quickly.

Anyang rode at the end, left the village, and gradually walked into a forest, gradually away.

Turning around, the village was no longer visible.

Some people say that Baggins will no longer appear.

“Haha, poor wandering wizard, poor Devalin, I expected to see them fight!” I don’t know who was riding on the horse, and the tone was full of ridicule.

“I said it was a waste of time here. The Hobbits didn’t participate at all. Haha, it saved us the time to argue whether a Hobbit could steal a diamond from a solitary mountain.” A dwarf said, looking back Anyang, “You have to prepare to lose Dewarin’s coffin to us and suffer his anger, wandering wizard!”

“I will return it to him.” Anyang smiled.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from behind-

“Wait! Wait for me!”

The dwarves were stunned and turned their heads in a hurry, only to see that Bilbo Baggins was well-dressed, carrying his suitcase and waving a parchment contract in his hand.



The crowd stopped immediately.

Looking at Baggins, Bahrain laughed: “Haha, it seems that our wandering wizard is going to make a fortune, but that’s fine, at least Dewarin’s coffin was kept!”

Baggins quickly caught up with them, brandished the contract, handed it to Bahrain, and said, “I signed it!”

Bahrain took out his glasses and looked at the contract. He quickly put down the contract: “So, Mr. Baggins is welcome to join the team of Thorin Oakshield. Congratulations to the wandering wizard and Mr. Dewarin for the rest of his life. His face has just changed. ! “

Everyone suddenly showed a knowing smile.

Before long, Baggins rode on the pony and walked behind the large team, next to Anyang and Gandalf.

Ou Yin, who was walking in front, suddenly turned around and threw a purse: “Next, Nuo Li!”

Duoli also shouted, “There is still me!”

Ou Yin readily threw another money bag to him.

Baggins wondered: “What is this?”

Gandalf said: “They are betting, whether you will show up, you let many people lose.”

“What about you, won or lost?”

Gandalf smiled without saying a word, but reached out and grabbed a purse flying quickly from the front, making a ding noise.

“Dear partner, I never doubt you!” He said.

Baggins smiled, and then looked at Anyang next to him.

“What about you? Ian.”

“Me?” Anyang smiled deeply.

“Ding, Ding, Ding …”

As if he wanted to let him deliberately deliberately, several purses flew at the same time, but he was all caught up quickly!

“Haha!” Anyang laughed, then shouted to the front, “Hey, Mr. Dewarin!”

He threw more than half of the money he won to Dewarin, then shook his head and said: “It’s a pity that you missed a chance to become rich. If I lose, I will really repay it a hundred times. Ain never speaks empty words! But at least one thing is very good, you kept your coffin book, haha! “

The dwarves also laughed.

Baggins also smiled, very happy.

Devalin weighed the purse, feeling a heavier weight than twice before, snorted coldly, and immediately rushed into his arms.

Between chatting and laughing, the group went further and further.

Those who did not participate in the talks and laughs, probably only Solin as the leader, he wanted to maintain his dignity at all times.

At the same time, he often pays attention to Anyang. Anyang feels this. He is a leader. Cautious thinking is a necessary quality. He will not believe a person as easily as other people. Having said that, the reason why other people are not entangled with Anyang ’s identity is because they know that Sorin will be entangled with this. If Anyang has a problem, Sorin will definitely find this. This is Sorin ’s job, they only need to follow Sorin Will go.

So even if Anyang quickly became a joke with the dwarves through a series of means, he would not be able to impress Sorin, and the effect might be counterproductive-Sorin would think that he was extremely good at winning the trust of others!

The war horses that the Dwarfs ride are unremarkable, but the endurance is exceptionally good. Except for the Dwarves letting them go to eat grass when they cook, they walk with a heavy load, but they have hardly rested.

The horses bought by Anyang won’t work anymore. They carry themselves, and their endurance is not even as good as that of Bagin’s pony.

So he used a spell almost every time along the way to help the horse gain strength, and in order to save mana costs, he had to recite a long spell every time, which attracted a lot of dwarves.

Fortunately, he has a solid foundation in order to find many small spells suitable for his use at this level.

Crossing the crisp mountain slopes, flowing through the cold and biting rivers, passing through the troughs, and at nightfall, they rested on the mid-mountainside of a high mountain, accompanied by the whimper of the night breeze, and the shrill screams of distant birds The rustling sound of the wind blowing through the distant forest, and the crackling sound of the rising bonfire ~ ~ and the occasional sharp roaring roars.

Baggins was startled by the voice.

He was about to ask, and Anyang looked into the distance, pursed his lips and said, “The half-orc is coming.”

“Half Orcs?” Baggins surprised.

“Yeah, half-orc.” Fili said, “It’s a kind of murderous monster. There are many outside. They are everywhere on the low ground. When people sleep at night, they attack. They are quick and quiet, there is no screaming, only blood……”


Looking at the apparently frightened Baggins, the brothers Fili and Kili smirked.

They thought that Anyang, who joked with them and threatened Baggins, would laugh with them, but Anyang did not.

Like the plot, Solin rebuked them.

He is extremely resentful to the orcs.

After the evil dragon Smaug destroyed the dwarf kingdom and took the lonely mountain (i.e., Iruba, the castle of the once dwarf kingdom), King Saul tried to reclaim the territory of the ancient dwarf kingdom in Moria, so that the dwarves could be home. The half-orc army led by the blasphemer Asoge first arrived and occupied Moria.

Assog killed King Sol, Son’s son, who was Solin’s father. Thorne was mad because of sorrow and disappeared, leaving Solin alone.

The Dwarf Legion is headless and nearly defeated!

At this time, the young dwarf prince Solin stood up and cut off Asog’s hand, took the banner, and led the dwarf’s army to continue the battle.

Later, the dwarves won, but there were countless deaths and injuries, and the elite were almost dead. There were only a few people left.

These are just a few of the dozen people in front of me.

Solin has always firmly believed that Assorg had already died in pain, but …

Anyang stood up and walked to the cliff.

There was a hint of smell in the wind.

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