My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1171 - Adventure!

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Anyang held the stick with the branch in his left hand and the Waraxe lent him by Dewarin in his right hand. The running speed was not necessarily faster than the short-legged dwarfs, but because he rushed out first, he still ran At the front!

The big trees in the forest swept back one by one, and the fallen leaves on the ground were soft to step on. Occasionally, branches or low bushes hung on him, making a snorting noise.

Anyang didn’t care about those and ran forward quickly.

In his sharp eyes, only the three ugly giant figures!

The dwarves were dragged by the initial hesitation, and now they are not willing to rush Anyang in front of them, one by one, as if they were ignited by the fighting spirit, and rushed towards the three-headed monster. Their short figure is a shadow moving in the dark, and they spread apart when they are still 20 meters away from the monster. They are divided into multiple paths by the blocking soldiers of the jungle to prepare to surround the monster!

At the same time, the monster was also alarmed by their roar, and looked at the thin Baggins, then looked at the dwarves.

“It’s a dwarf!”

“So what? The dwarf is not tasty!”

“Stupid, it’s time to fight!”

“Oh … roar!”

The three-headed monster immediately picked up its weapon, ignored Baggins, and faced the four sides to prepare for this group of uninvited guests!

Anyang was still the first to rush to the giant monster, but he stepped on a big rock next to him, and jumped up suddenly with the speed and the big rock, rushing straight to the face of a giant monster.


The sharp battle axe scratched a **** wound on the face of the monster, and it almost made it lose one eye. If it did n’t dodge and reached out to grab Anyang in the air at the last minute, it would be able to Promoted from an ordinary monster to an elite boss-Cyclops!

“Aw, my face …”

Behind the roar of the giant monster eating pain.

Anyang had already borrowed power on its shoulders, and the battle axe was just in front of him, blocking a small knife cut by the other monster, and suddenly felt a numb hand!

“Damn, the strength is so great!”

He said in secret, dangerously and avoiding the slap it patted, and bypassed it under his feet!

At this time, the third monster had picked up a huge branch and swept towards him.

Anyang’s pupils shrank, avoiding inevitable!

He immediately laid the axe and the branch across his chest, made a defensive posture, and then the huge branch immediately hit him.


He was swept away immediately.

However, he has seen that the monster is hurriedly exerting force, and the branches haven’t sprung up at all. It just looks scary. In fact, the impact is not strong, otherwise he has already used defensive spells.

However, in the eyes of many dwarves and Baggins, he was thrown by a powerful and powerful monster, and the stick was still a branch that was thicker than the waist. Anyang was not accidentally beaten. The stick flew out and stopped until it hit another big tree next to it.

“Stray wizard!” Fili and Kili shouted and rushed over to rescue him.

“Cough, I’m fine.” Anyang turned and climbed up, rushed to Baggins, guarding him behind him to let him escape quickly, and he was fighting with a giant monster.

These three monsters do move slowly, but they are also relatively slow compared to a well-trained warrior. In fact, they are not necessarily much slower than ordinary people, and they are extremely powerful and thick-skinned. easily!

Rao is so, the dwarves also have the absolute upper hand!

One is because of the superiority in quantity, the second is the superiority in weapons, and the third is that the dwarves are indeed brave and good at fighting. Even if the height is less than the knee of the monster, they can still fight the monsters with little power to fight back!

It’s just that it’s not easy for the dwarves to win them, so the battle situation seems a bit stuck!

Anyang flexibly avoided the attack of a giant monster, and took a step aside, as if he had eyes behind his back to avoid the rush of another monster. An axe was cut on the heel of a giant monster, and he couldn’t tell clearly Which monster’s foot is not necessary to manage so much in the chaotic battlefield.


The monster screamed again in pain!

However, after the call, it continued to resist.

Anyang murmured a headache while fighting: “Does this group of guys have no hamstrings?”

If you look closely, you can see that the heels of these three giant monsters basically have no less than five traces of being chopped. They are all Anyang ’s masterpieces. One finger deep, there are more wounds than other places, but they are completely absent. The meaning of falling.

“It seems that you can’t cling to your hamstrings, and you need to aim at the fatal point of other places!” Anyang said.

Just as he thought about it, suddenly a thick figure was kicked and flew by the monster, and landed on the ground behind the leaves. It was the Groin in the dwarf.

Ge Luoyin rubbed his ass, and when he saw him, he could not help shouting, “Hey wandering wizard, can’t you do something to end this battle quickly?”


Anyang reached out and aimed at a giant monster.

“Step aside!”

The dwarves heard his voice and saw his posture again, and could not help avoiding all of them.

Then he shouted, a spell that he couldn’t understand. There seemed to be a strange figure flashing in the palm of his hand, and then a flame rushed out, the initial speed was extremely fast, the power was extremely strong, and it directly hit a monster!

“Flame Shock!”

“Boom … Boom!”

With two loud noises, the forest was briefly illuminated!

The monster was directly overturned, just like the orc knight who was overturned by Khadgar. When he tried to stand up, he found that half of his body was scorched and smashed. Just raised his head and then Falling down, the wailing lost its breath of life before the wailing.

“Oh!” The dwarves yelled in surprise, their eyes widened and their mouths wide open.

“One more, Mr. Wizard!”

“Yeah, kill them!”

The remaining two monsters were also stunned. They glanced at Anyang in horror and turned away.

The dwarves naturally refused to let them go easily. The two arrows fired by Kili force pierced the sky and were accurately inserted in their legs. In the next time, the speed was affected and the dwarves quickly held weapons. Surround.

But the dwarves just surrounded them instead of hurrying, but looked at Anyang and shouted: “Hurry up, Mr. Wizard, we are trapping it!”

“…” Anyang was speechless and took a deep breath. “No, I’m a little tired. Come on.”


The dwarves raised their heads and looked at the two monsters.

As soon as they gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, they rushed together!

After about ten minutes-


Groyne threw the weapon on the ground, sat down on the butt, raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat.

Thorin also sniffed his sword in the ground, let out a deep breath, and was very tired.

Other dwarfs are similar.

It took ten minutes to fight, and not only attacked, but also evaded with super-large movements without stopping. The physical energy consumption was huge. To replace ordinary humans, it is estimated that it will be exhausted in less than a minute.

Behind them, the two monsters had fallen to the ground and were wounded, obviously dying in pain!

Sorin turned his head, glanced around and saw the figure of Baggins behind a big tree, and said, “Mr. Thief, can I go and bring the horse back now?”

“Oh yes, Mr. Solin!”

“I’ll help you.” Anyang walked over, inserted the battle axe on the ground, and unfastened the rope with him.

Soon, the horse was rescued.

Fili and Kili are relatively young and have good physical strength. After a short rest, they came to a halt and picked up the weapon and said: “Go, go back. After so long a fight, I haven’t even eaten dinner. ! “

The dwarves then picked up their arms and walked back.

Compared to when he came back, it was much more leisurely when he went back. Baggins quickly got close to Anyang. His eyes were full of curiosity. He said: “Mr. Ain, how did you look so powerful just now? me?”

Anyang hadn’t answered yet, and a dwarf was the first to speak next to him: “If you are told, their wizard will have no way to eat, haha!”

“I don’t mean to be a wizard, I’m just curious.” Baggins quickly explained.

Still not waiting for Anyang to speak, Sorin interjected next to him: “It was really good just now, but unfortunately it can only be released once, and it would be nice if it could come a few more times! “

“Our Mr. Wizard was exhausted and died, like he was hollowed out!” DeWallin laughed beside him.

Soon, they returned to the original camp.

Philip and Kili immediately counted the dismounted horses, and the number was correct. Then they walked towards the campfire with their shriveled stomachs.

I was hungry, and after fighting for so long, I became even more hungry!

But just as they approached, they raised an ominous hunch, took a breath, and quickly speeded up to walk over. Sure enough, their complexion suddenly became ugly when they saw the dark things in the pot.

“Don’t you know how to hold the dinner before you set off?” Fili showed a bad look.

“Or take the pot off the fire!” Fili said with a displeased face ~ ~ what’s wrong? “Groyne came over and looked at it, suddenly showing a smile, patting Philip and Kili’s shoulders, and walked away without concern.

Other dwarves followed suit, glanced at them, and then gave a burst of hearty laughs, walked away from each other, or picked up the cold meal that they had not finished just now and continued to eat.

Seeing this, Anyang said, “Since I have no food to eat, let’s go exploring and go hunting!”

“Expedition?” Fili froze.

“Hunting?” Kili was also shocked.

Anyang nodded and said, “The monsters will not come out during the day, so they must have caves nearby. We can go in and see, and we can catch animals for supper on the road. Anyway, I am not full.”

At the end, he added a sentence: “I instinctively find money in their caves!”

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