My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1173 - Brown robe wizard

“Hulu … Hee …”

There was a sound of soup drinking from the camp. At a glance, all the dwarves holding the bowl and drinking their soup lowered their heads. From time to time, they could hear the inhalation of being burned because they drank too quickly.

“Wandering wizard, I guess you must be a cupboard among humans!” Boffer raised his head and asked. He had just been scalded and had a big tongue.

“Yeah, this broth tastes so good!”

“Don’t you add a wizard to it?”

The dwarves echoed one after another, blowing into the bowl one after another, and the whole camp was haunting with heat.

It’s really nice that Chen Xi is accompanied by meat fragrance.

Even the more well-known Gandalf and the more reserved Sorin kept their heads down and sipped in silence. Obviously, they also thought that the pot soup tastes great, and the Hobbits who have good craftsmanship also voted for Anyang. Spare no effort to appreciate.

“I am a human wizard, and I am also a wizard among humans.” Anyang emphasized, and then said, “Perhaps because I have a wife who is very good at cooking, and I have learned a little while eating the food she cooks every day. Right. “

“Do you have a wife?” Gandalf looked at him through the bowl.

“You still have a wife?” The dwarves also shot him in surprise, one of them said, “Your wife still … I mean … your wife is still … um … you know what I mean . “

“Yes, she is still alive.”

“Oh! It’s so amazing!” The dwarf finished, and found that everyone looked at him, and Anyang’s expression was also strange, suddenly realizing that he had said the wrong thing, and quickly changed his mouth in a panic. … I do n’t mean that … I mean … you understand what I mean. “

“…” Anyang was speechless and put down the bowl. “Hurry up and we should go.”

He looked to the far horizon, the morning glow was already bright red, faintly bloody, and it was very magnificent and magnificent in the rolling mountains-he had saved them a lot of time invisible, and set off at dawn, I wonder if I can avoid Start the hunting of the wolf scouts in the plot.

According to the timeline in the plot, the dwarves should kill the monsters at dawn, and later went to find the monster caves, at least early in the morning before encountering the orc’s wolf scout.

Soon, the dwarves who had not yet finished putting down their bowls. Anyang saw that Bambo wanted to get together, he directly overturned the pot on the campfire, and sprinkled the remaining broth, and the heat rose in the cold early morning.

“Oh no, you are a cruel thing!” Bang Bo said.

“Hurry up!” Anyang said with a cold face.

“It’s going to be condemned to treat food like this, and it will be!” The dwarf Bombo shattered his thoughts and put away his bowl.

The other dwarves also packed up quickly, skipped the steps of washing dishes and pots, and stuffed them with their luggage, then turned their horses on their own and were ready to go!


A group of people left the camp.

“Come on, if possible, go as fast as possible!” Anyang kept urging along the way.

At first, the dwarves responded to his urging. Later, they simply shut up and hurriedly headed for the road, but for the long journey, the speed of the road was approaching the limit.

The Hobbit Baggins has the least concept of danger in his party. He just sits on the horse, turns his head around and looks around. He pays attention to the movements in the forest, in fact, he appreciates the scenery along the way.

The blood of Tuk in his body gave him great enthusiasm for adventure. He was longing for a distance, and he had never been so far in his life, even when he explored the border of Shire in search of elves.

So the magnificent and magnificent scenery along the way became his best way to kill time-

Even through the forest, the scenery is still excellent.

Because there are giant trees and green grass that seemed to have grown in ancient times, if the line of sight is not blocked, there is a row of straight and steep mountains in the distance, like a barrier, and there are rolling mountains behind, and you can see the rugged rocks and There are wild animals that have never been seen in the stream running through the grass, and there is also an endless wilderness.

Baggins thought, if he didn’t walk out of the hole at the bottom of the bag, he would never see such a scene in his life.

But this is still a dangerous journey. Baggins thinks he has prepared for his thoughts. He also saw fighting and killing last night, but in fact, he still doesn’t have a clear understanding of the dangers along the way.

Including the dwarves, they did not know in advance that they would face the killing of the blasphemer Asog, they always thought that their ultimate opponent was the dragon, but in fact, according to the original plot, the dragon was not dangerous. It was not them who killed the dragon in the end, but another person, in another place.

In the morning, the expedition team traveled sixty kilometers and entered the wilderness from the forest. This speed has been very good, and in the whole process, no trace of the orc has been found.

The dwarves thought that Anyang was too nervous.

They camped on the spot and did not cook, but took out the prepared dry food, backed against a large stone to avoid the wind, and nibbled silently alone. No one complained about the food being unpalatable.

This made Anyang a little disappointed. He had intended that if someone complained about the brick-like compressed pasta being unpalatable, he would have to work hard to get along, because this thing is too unpalatable, the taste is rough, dry and hard, except for salt He and sugar have no other taste at all, and this unique salty and sweet taste … probably solves the real world salty and sweet party struggle for many years, but Anyang feels that it is more likely to be rejected by both parties at the same time!

Just when Anyang put down this brick with a notched bite and didn’t want to eat it again, Suolin, who was personally alert, suddenly shouted: “Everyone is alert, there is movement, it seems that someone is coming to us!”

“Take up the weapon!”

The dwarf suddenly moved.

Anyang also moved quickly, immediately tossing the bricks aside, got up along the uneven surface of the big stone, and climbed up to stand with Thorin.

The dwarves have no such ability, they can only make a large circle from one side, and then climb the big rock.

Looking into the distance, there is indeed a figure.

In fact, it is not clear. I can only see a series of figures moving fast on the yellow grass of the wasteland, like an earthworm crawling over, which is different from the yellow earth.

Sorin had pulled out the beast bite sword, his eyes sharp and sharp, staring coldly at the string of figures.

“It’s definitely coming to us, but it doesn’t look like a wolf scout, I don’t know if it’s an enemy or a friend!” He said to more and more people around him, and he quickly issued a new order, “All Get on the horse and prepare to retreat! “

Anyang stared a few times, but said: “Ridda Gast.”

“Rida Gast?” Sorin stopped and looked at Anyang, and the other dwarfs stopped.

“you sure?”

“Yes, Ruida Gast!” Anyang said.

The dwarves looked at Gandalf again, but Gandalf just frowned and stared into the distance, saying: “Older, his eyes are not as easy to use as before, but if it is Rida Gast, he should be watching the vast East forest.”

Sorin frowned, but said nothing, but did not immediately retreat.

Soon, the figure was getting closer.

“I see clearly. It really is Rida Gast. Only he will ride a sleigh pulled by small animals!” Said Gandalf. “But why did he come here?”

“It will be known when he arrives.” Sorin Cheng snapped the beast bite sword back into the scabbard.

The figure was extremely fast, and when the people came close to it, it was found that the sled was actually a bunch of rabbits. The brown robe wizard Rida Gast was sitting in the sled and ran quickly in their direction until he jumped high. , The sleds and rabbits all landed firmly on the boulders standing by the dwarves.

“Oh! You almost hit us!”

“Sorry!” Said Radagast apologetically, looking at Gandalf dignified, “Gandalf, something happened!”

“Huh? What’s the matter?” Gandalf frowned.

“A big deal!”


“The green forest is sick, Gandalf, the darkness has come, and everything is no longer growing, I smell the rotten smell in the air!” Rida Gast said, “The more serious thing is the net, the huge net, and Giant spiders, like the ancient giant spider Anglione, are scattered throughout the forest! I follow them, they come from Togo, Dol, the old castle! “

“But the castle has long been abandoned!” Gandalf said.

“No, it doesn’t, Gandalf.” Riddagast’s expression was so serious that the dwarves didn’t dare to intervene, only to hear him continue, “The dark forces live there, the evil forces I have never encountered! Seeing him, the necromancer came through a stone carving in the old castle! “

Hearing this, the dwarves were all amazed, and Rhadagast even showed fear, as if he had thought of something terrible.

So did Gandalf. He glanced at Anyang, smoked Ruida Gast, and continued to ask: “Necromancer, are you sure you are Necromancer? This world has not seen Necromancer in a long time! “

“I’m sure he doesn’t come from the living world!” Said Rydast Gast, pulling a package from behind and handing it to Gandalf.

Gandalf took it and opened ~ ~ which contained a dagger, and he recognized it at once.

Devil Sword!

Once the relics of Mordor, the weapon created for the wizard king Angmar, after the defeat of Angmar, it has been taken away by humans and buried in the depths of the rocks on the mountain of Rudol!

At this moment, a long wolf howling sounded.

Gandalf suddenly put away this sword!

Baggins thought there was a pack of wolves and turned his head to find the source of the sound until he stared at the East and was shocked: “What is that, is it a wolf, how could there be such a huge wolf!”

The dwarves took a deep breath, their faces dignified.

“That’s not a wolf, but a wolf, which means that the half-beast crowd is not far away!” Said Beauver, also anxious. “We must get on the horse immediately and leave here quickly!”

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