My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1175 - Fairyland

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“Archer, I think you can retire!” Devalin said to the original archer Kili in the team.

Kili: “…”

The dwarves stood on the wilderness where several orcs and several wolf corpses lay, each holding their weapons and looking up at the direction when they came from afar, but only a vast yellow landscape was visible, and the wind seemed to become visible Yes, every time it glides over the wasteland, it will set off waves on the ground.

Looking at it at a glance, it seemed that the orcs and wolves could not be seen at all, but they all knew that this way of escape was full of danger. It was the exquisite fighting between Anyang and the orcs, which brought them a victory reversal.

But nature is so broad-minded, even if the half-orcs are evil and the wolf is fierce, they will not be able to set off any movement in this wasteland, and they will not be able to leave anything.

Thorin, the heir to the blood of Turin, and Gandalf, the wizard of Xiafan, who walked on this wilderness, were so small that they looked like an ant in the distance.

“Oh, where did we run …” Bahrain said his true purpose of gazing into the distance.

They had been running with Gandalf before, and had already lost their original direction, only to get rid of the orc chase, so that they did n’t even know where they were going now, and they forgot to forget that there was only a lot in the back, and raised their heads, thick The clouds just cover the sun, making it difficult to distinguish between north and south.

Gandalf glanced at Anyang, who was returning the bow and arrow to Kili, and said: “Kili’s arrow is used up, we need to find a place to supplement the arrow.”

“Agree, my biscuits and water were also lost during the escape, and I need to find a place to add it.”

“But is there really a place for supplies in this barren mountain?” Sorin questioned.

“Yes.” Gandalf fell silent, turned his horse and walked into a forest and said, “Come with me.”

Everyone looked suspicious, but chose to believe him.

The horses were too tired, so they stopped as soon as they walked into the forest. There are both hay in the wilderness and the shade in the woods, and there is a small stream flowing through it.

“Well! The water is good, very clear!”

“Really? I’m thirsty too!”

The dwarves took water from the stream to drink, and the horses also stretched their necks a little lower to drink water, and then went outside to eat hay, or rest in silence.


A warhorse snorted.

“Thanks to you this time, Archer!” Bahrain, who was all white, came over with a water bag and said.

“It’s okay.” Anyang smiled.

“Don’t say those words, we owe you a favor anyway, and without you, we might not be able to escape at all!” Bahrain said sincerely, which drew deep approval from the dwarves.

“OK then.”

After a short rest, Gandalf said: “It’s time to go, guys, no one can guarantee that there are still orcs in the back. We will leave here quickly. If necessary, we may change the way. Now everyone follows me ! “

“Going into the forest?” Dewarin frowned.

“do you have any opinion?”

“No, I mean, do you really remember how to get there? You will remember it right!”

“I haven’t been confused yet!” Gandalf pretended to stubbornly stick his cane, then turned his horse and walked into the depths of the jungle.

Everyone was helpless and had to follow behind them.

“Perhaps he was right. At this time, the goal in the wasteland was too obvious. Pass through the forest a little bit.” Bahrain looked up at the sky, the wind blew the clouds, and the blue sky and the sun were already exposed, plus the forest. Identify, I know that even if there is a deviation in this direction, I will not go anywhere, at most it is just a roundabout!

“Come on, we have no choice!”

Gandalf took them through the dense forest at first, and soon found a trail. Although it was not wide, the road conditions were relatively good, and there were traces of trampling.

Moving straight along this road, the deeper and deeper, the doubts in Sorin’s eyes became heavier and heavier.

I do n’t know how long I walked, the peaks turned around, twisted and twisted until I turned over a mountain, and my eyes were suddenly open-

It is a fairyland like fairy tale. The exquisite buildings are backed by the steep mountains, and the palaces are layered layer by layer. The white silk like waterfalls are scattered in the palace. Mo, the autumn season will make the vegetation in the mountains show colorful colors.

Anyang seemed to hear the sound of a falling waterfall, and his eyes crossed thousands of kilometers, and he saw the arch bridges and corridors connecting the scattered palaces, most of which spanned or straight up, and added a lot of magnificence.

Just like the residence depicted in the epic.

“Imlaris Valley.” Gandalf walked to the front with his cane. “But people usually call it another name, Rivendell.”

“Rivendale.” Baggins froze, staring at the front, his eyes showing a little slack and shock.

This is a fairyland temple depicted in countless human books in Middle-earth. Even the stories in the knight novels and troubadour populations can be portrayed as a very sacred place, so the name Rivendell is found in many humans The child’s heart is probably the most innocent and most dreamed dream.

Baggins dreamed of coming here when he was young. At that time, he ran away from home every day. In the fields and woods, he was eager to find the traces of elves and dreamed of accidentally finding the legendary Rivendell.

But when he grew up, he knew it was almost a fairy tale, and he never thought he would come here.

“Fate is so magical!” He murmured.

Suolin finally realized that he came to Gandalf and leaned his sword on the ground, saying: “This is the supply place you said, you actually asked us to seek funding from the enemy!”

“There are no enemies here, Thorin Oak Shield. The only hostility that can be found in this valley is the one you brought yourself. In addition, there is only goodwill.” Gandalf stared at Sorin’s eyes and called out to his The name, which shows that he is a little angry with Thorin ’s stubbornness.

“Do you think elves will bless our adventure? They will try to stop us!”

“Of course, they will, but will they succeed?”

“Of course not! Never!”

“Isn’t that enough?” Gandalf continued to stare at Sorin’s eyes. “If we want to succeed, we must have strategy, the help of others, mutual respect, and a lot of charm. I am familiar with elves, So you leave me the task of communication, and you control your own temper. “


About half an hour later, it was approaching dusk, and the sky was golden in color, as if a **** was coming.

The heavy moisture in the river valley raised a thin layer of fog, and the golden sunlight shone from the top of the distant mountain, showing one by one, reflecting the fog, making Rivendell more dreamlike.

Watching this elven fortress up close, its beauty is almost indistinguishable.

The autumn colors decorate its colors just right, and are the favorite pigments in fairy tales. Both the light and the colors are so soft and beautiful. The exquisite statues and magnificent palaces are surrounded by the golden sky, the mountain waterfall and the green. The grass withered stone became its background, and a staircase made of white marble led to the distance.


Anyang heard Baggins exclaiming softly.

There are two elf guards in front, wearing delicate gold armor, armed with spears in their hands, and fully armed. At first glance, they are very well equipped, and they are straight and tall, and they are motionless, as if two pieces of art stand there.

The crowd did not approach the guard, but stopped on an open field around the torch, looking around, nervously, and waiting for the interview.

Soon, an elf in a delicate robe came out. He crossed the guard and looked straight at Gandalf.


“Ah Lind!” Gandalf heard someone calling his elf’s name and turned around suddenly, revealing surprise.

The elf named Linde did n’t look young, but for the age of the immortal being almost immortal, no one knew how old he was this year, and he did n’t over-respond to Gandalf ’s enthusiasm, and went down the stairs. Stopped, his face seemed to have a natural arrogant expression, slightly raised his head and looked at Gandalf: “I heard that you have come to the valley.”

“Yes, I am looking for Lord Elrond!”

“Sir Elon is not here,” Lind said lightly.

“Not here?” Gandalf frowned and asked, “Where is he?”

At this moment, a long horn sounded from behind.

Gandalf turned around immediately and saw a team of elf cavalry approaching from the flyover corridor in the back. In the back was a well-dressed armor who was Lord Elrond. The actual controller of the city, the rivers and lakes, was called King Elrond.

The dwarves suddenly panicked, and all ran forward and dragged Baggins to the back, holding arms in a circle.

“Watch out!”

The elf cavalry also noticed that they were waiting to wait ~ ~ Immediately came to the horse, armed with a flag gun or a spear to surround them, and kept circling in circles, watching the group of farmers as if coming from the countryside. warrior. Yes, the dwarf warriors dressed in black linen and ugly armor, armed with hammers or axes, are like a crowd of people coming from the countryside, compared to the well-equipped and well-trained elf army!

In addition to Gandalf, Anyang was the only relatively calm. He also patted Baggins on the shoulder and said softly to him: “Don’t be nervous, it’s impossible to fight.”

“You should say this to them.” Baggins pointed to the dwarves who were facing the enemy, his voice trembling.

“They probably won’t listen to me.” Anyang shrugged, motioned for Baggins to relax, and then looked up at the elaborate elite cavalrymen with beautiful armor and beautiful looks, saying, “Don’t you really want to see elves? With so many elves in front of you, you can see enough now, at least they wo n’t charge like clowns in a circus. “

“…” The young Hobbit swallowed.

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