My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1178 - adventure

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The thunderstorm last night has already stopped, but the scene of the giant stone giant fighting with each other still stays in the hearts of the dwarves and the Hobbits. For this reason, they rushed through the night under the persuasion of Anyang. They had not rested until now. The mountain stopped under a cliff, waiting for Gandalf to come to join.

After so many days in a row, and watching the thrilling battle last night, it has not rested overnight. Whether it is a dwarf or a Hobbit, or Anyang, they are exhausted, and it is time to take a good rest at this time.

So Anyang found a position backed by the mountain pine, sitting down like a waste man, and his body was weak.

“It’s so tiring!” Devarin said, dropping the battle axe.

“We should rest in the mountains and wait until dawn to set off,” Bahrain said.

“No.” Anyang shook his head and explained, “I heard that there are traces of fairies in Dashan Pass. Underneath the mountain is likely to hide a fairies kingdom. If I remember correctly, they and the dwarves have always been enemies?”

“Fairy?” Bahrain froze.

The other dwarves also looked thoughtful, and no longer complained about the way they rushed all night.

Anyang nodded, took a long breath, and lay down on the ground to look at the members of the team.

The night’s toss made them tired, and even Thorin could see obvious fatigue on his face, but he still stubbornly calmed down and calmed down, not daring to relax completely. The performance of other dwarves will be too much. After all, they do not need to maintain the leader’s posture at all times. Now most of them are just like Anyang, they are directly paralyzed to the ground, with a look of ‘I am already a waste person, so don’t bother me’ expression .

“This body … is really weak, and the fatigue value is too low.” Anyang sighed helplessly.

Turning his head to look at the Baggins aside, this Hobbit was already spreading on the ground with no desires, he lowered his head, seemed to be able to fall asleep at any time, and seemed to completely ignore the movements around him, just want to think quietly life.

The dwarves were not repaired in the mountains last night. In the original plot, Bilbo Baggins should make up his mind to sneak away last night, but they accidentally fell into the underground kingdom of the goblin. Baggins also picked up the Lord of the Rings here. …

But Anyang changed all this.

The expedition has not fallen into the fairy kingdom, and Baggins has not found the opportunity to slip back to Rivendell. At the same time, he also missed the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and the story is quite different here. Even though the Lord of the Rings in “The Hobbit” did not become the absolute main line of the plot as in “The Lord of the Rings”, it is also an important spur. The most important thing is that if Bilbo Baggins cannot get the Lord of the Rings, the Lord of the Rings Frodo Baggins cannot get the Lord of the Rings, and the situation may be completely different in sixty years.

For this world, the Supreme Lord of the Rings is the strongest magic weapon, which affects the life of all people, but for Anyang, it is actually nothing. As long as he completes the task, it does not matter who the Supreme Lord of the Rings falls into.

The important thing is to speed up the task.

And … I do n’t know if Baggins still wants to sneak away.

Anyang looked at the Hobbit and sighed.

He agreed with Gandalf.

Although for now, it is no longer important whether there is Baggins in the expedition, he does not need a thief to steal Akron Diamonds, he will directly kill Smaug!

The young and energetic brothers Fili and Kili took a pot under the command of Thorin, one went to the stream to get some water, and the other took a sword and split some broken branches from the pine tree. Chai, then looked at Anyang.

“Mr. Wandering Wizard?”

“…” Anyang stretched out his hand and chanted two mantras in his mouth, and the firewood burst into flames.

After the water in the pot boiled, the two brothers Fili and Kili added some food to the pot, mostly pasta and portable food. When the water boiled into a paste, they added some more Wild vegetables, and then took out the last bacon from the package very reluctantly, cut a few slices into it with a knife, and after thinking about it, cut two more slices into it.

There was steam in the pan, and there was a hint of meaty smell, but the dwarves were exhausted, unless a big meal of fish and meat, I was afraid it would be difficult for them to raise much appetite.

“Uncle, our food reserves are running low.” Fili looked at Sorin with some embarrassment.

“Yes, we should find a place to replenish some dry food reserves.” Qili also said.

“But we have entered the wilderness, even wild animals are not easy to see, where to find supplies!” Bahrain said that the situation is very optimistic, they really do not have much food left, mainly meat is gone This makes the dwarves and Anyang feel tormented every day.

“I’ll pay attention to this,” Solin said. “Get up to eat something, and then I stand guard. Everyone can sleep a little, and see if Gandalf can catch up.”

“I won’t eat anymore. I want to sleep immediately.” The Hobbit curled up, and then bowed his head after saying this.

“Take some food, food can supplement your physical strength, otherwise you will only feel more tired if you wake up.” Anyang picked up the bowl and scooped half of the paste, walked to Baggins and handed it to him. He smiled, and then he scooped up a bowl of food and walked back to sit beside him.

The dwarves also struggled to get up from the ground, even if they were not tired, they knew they had to eat, otherwise the harsh conditions along the way would eliminate them!

When no one said anything, they each picked up the bowl and scooped half a bowl of mushy food, and then went back and drank silently.

They are all qualified wilderness survivors, knowing how to survive and knowing what they need. At this time, they are tired because they have relaxed. Otherwise, they can do it for a few more days!

Anyang looked at the group of dwarves and waited for the food to slowly cool down while holding a bowl. They also said: “In fact, they also rebuilt their homes on the Blue Mountains. Family, but do you know why they have to take this adventure? “

“Why?” Baggins asked blankly.

“Because in their life, there are some things that are more important than their lives. For this reason, they took on their weapons without hesitation, no matter what they encountered, there was no complaint.” Anyang said calmly, “even if Failed, their life is also a wonderful and regretless life, and a chapter that can be sung instead of repeating the same life like a walking dead. “

Baggins was silent and understood his intentions.

“But if they succeed, they will become great men, and more importantly, they will get what they want, overcome all the difficulties in the process, and prove their ability and courage.” Anyang said, “I listen It is said that some people are dead at a young age and they are only buried when they are very old. Maybe they are not willing to be such people. “

“Actually, this is the meaning of adventure.” Anyang finished looking at Baggins and asked, “How about you, what kind of life are you willing to live?”

Baggins looked at him and pouted, but said nothing.

At this time, Anyang drank the food in the bowl in one gulp, and then turned his head over to turn the wooden bowl, until there was no drop left, he looked at Kili who packed the bowl and shouted, “Kili, come on!”

He threw the bowl over and was firmly caught by Kili.

Then he patted Baggins on the shoulder: “Take a good rest, the road behind is still very long.”

But Baggins looked up and asked: “Is it still so dangerous? I mean like the way we came.”

Anyang turned to look at him, and suddenly smiled, said: “If you want to write a book about what you saw and heard on this journey after returning to Shire, then you better hope that the road behind is as exciting as before, after all The mediocre travel story does not have the potential to become a classic! Even if you add Rivendell to it. “

Baggins looked at him and chose silence again, which made him even weak.

Anyang knew that he did n’t change his mind so easily, just like the decision to leave was definitely not a sudden decision when his brain was hot, so he did n’t urge it, just said to him: “I will protect you, but … if If you are just afraid of the hardships of this line, then I ca n’t help it. ”

Having said that, he returned to the pine tree, hugged the cross sword to his chest, closed his eyes and began to take a nap.

I do n’t know how long it took. He opened his eyes, touched his mobile phone and looked at it. He realized that he only slept for three hours and looked around. The camp was full of inverted dwarves. Stand by a pine tree.

Putting his phone away, he walked to Sorin with his sword and said, “I’ll come and see you for a while. You also need to take a break. We will start on time at noon.”

“No, I’m fine.” Solin said.

Anyang shrugged, looked away, and said, “Then I will take a bath in the river over there.”

“Go, be careful.”


Anyang picked up the stick that he used as a stick and walked in the direction of the sound of the water. After so long wading in the mountains and the water, he was full of smell, and he really needed a good bath, by the way. Relax your body.

The river is so shallow that he can’t be submerged in half of his body, but because of the large height difference ~ ~ is very turbulent, and the cold is bitter, making him suspect that it is the snow flowing down the distant snow mountain.

Anyang put the cross sword on the shore, and the branches were thrown on the shore at will, so he took off his coat and jumped into the river.

“Hiss … ah!”

The cold river at first made him very uncomfortable, and even felt the contraction of his heart like a mortal, but he quickly felt full of happiness after adapting.

It’s been a long time since I took a bath!

Halfway through the wash, he frowned, as if with a vague ominous premonition.

Until a long wolf howling sounded-

“Aooo …”

He jumped up from the river, wrapped his coat, pulled up his cross sword, picked up the branches and ran towards the camp.

The Orc is here!

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