My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1189 - Gushan

“You decided to go with us?” Anyang asked Bard when he saw Bud carrying a bow and arrow, but changed an old windbreaker into a more suitable dress.

“Your decision is not wise, I can’t stop you, but I don’t want to tie the fate of the entire Long Lake City to you!” Bud said coldly.

“So you intend to tie it on yourself?”

“I believe you who have never been masked, it is better to believe that I have practiced archery for a lifetime!” Bud said.

“Let’s go.” Anyang smiled. “But your children can’t follow you and leave them here. I believe Bain will protect Tilda and Sigrit. Bain, you say yes ?”

“When … of course!” Bain replied subconsciously.

After answering, he realized that it was wrong, because he himself was going to go with his father.

“Good boy, your sister and sister need your protection.” An Yang praised with a smile, and immediately went out holding a black arrow and a spear. “We better move fast, although time is not up, no one can I do n’t know when the Orcs ’chasers will catch up.”

The group immediately set off and headed for the Lonely Mountain.

Changhu City is almost adjacent to the Gushan Mountain, so to speak, but the old saying is good, looking at the mountain to run a dead horse, so a big mountain, the difficulty of climbing is not the exercise level of the old lady!

In fact, to leave Changhu City, we have to pass through the abandoned river valley city. This city was once a prosperous city under the lonely mountain, and now it can still see the glory of the past. However, after it was destroyed by the dragon, no one stepped on it because the dragon occupied the solitary mountain, and it gradually became deserted.

Above the valley city is the lonely mountain.

At the very beginning of the dwarf kingdom, Iruba!

In their trip, they need to cross mountains and cross mountains, and even pass through barren mountains that have no road at all. The world is as if they are the only ones. They have never seen a single grass, and there have never been big stone gullies.

After Anyang turned up the number of slopes, she stopped and rested, panting.

Looking back, I can see that the greenery under the mountain is faintly visible, and most of them are blocked by the white clouds. Now the place is only gray stones and gravel. It is desolate, and the temperature is too low. Heat must also be taken away!


He rubbed his palms in his hands until he felt his hands warmed up, and when he looked up, Gu Shan still stood upright in front of him, looking like he had seen in Changhu City.

At best … just bigger.

“The altitude of this place is more than 4,000 meters, and even the wild grass will not grow.” Anyang shook his head. The high altitude climbing undoubtedly caused great discomfort to his current body. The dwarves were not affected by the thinner and thinner oxygen, and even Bud looked as usual, only the Hobbits were breathless.

It’s hard to imagine how the dwarves, elves, humans and orcs of the Long Lake City fought in such a high area. Can they naturally adapt to the highland environment?

Anyang thought, fortunately, he was not obsessed with mysterious biology. Otherwise, he might have to find a few corpses to dissect to see if their lungs are different from ordinary people.

Continue to walk up, but the **** is getting steeper.

Lonely Mountain is not just high, it is more famous for its precipitousness, standing proudly like a blade of sword. It is incomparably beautiful and almost a natural defensive barrier. Even if you go through the real world, you ca n’t find a few in shape Peaks comparable to it.

When I walked to the present, I looked casually at my side, and the eyes were full of rolling white clouds. If I turned back, the sea of ​​clouds would be surging and surging under my feet, and there would be a distinct sea level line on the horizon, as if it had reached the sky.

Half a day later, all the people went to the lookout corner of Gushan.

There is still a short distance from the Lonely Mountain, but you can already see the posture of this high mountain up close, and you can also see the old valley city, so it is named the Lookout Cape.

Anyang stood on the edge of the lookout corner, subconsciously standing on his feet and gazing into the distance, the Gushan was filled with his sight, and there was nothing else in his entire eyes, only this sharp and dangerous peak covered by snow. River Valley City was built under the Lonely Mountain, which is still a beautiful and magnificent city.

Bud took a deep breath next to him, filled with emotion, and instantly saw Anyang’s expression, could not help but say: “How is it, is it very shocking?”

“Huh.” Anyang nodded.

However, he was not shocked by the magnificent city. Although the city buildings are magnificent, they are still a small point in the background of the lonely mountain, which is far from the scale of a modern metropolis. He was shocked by the uncanny workmanship of nature-this is also thanks to the background of the valley city, otherwise, with his knowledge, the visual conflict caused by the lonely mountain is not so strong.

Bud didn’t know what he was thinking, and sighed: “Unfortunately such a beautiful city was destroyed by the anger of the dragon.”

“Oh.” Anyang said, “Let’s go!”

In the evening, they finally reached the Lonely Mountain.

Gu Shan couldn’t see his head at a glance, but such a dangerous peak was almost hollowed out by the dwarves, establishing the dwarf kingdom, and digging deep in the ground somehow, making people have to admire this group of dwarves’ ability to dig.

Anyang paused and said, “Find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Set up an arrow tower and a sentry tower at a high place to prevent the attack of the orcs, and wait for the arrival of Turin Day.”

It is still three days before Turin Day. Fortunately, the Lord of the Long Lake sponsored enough dry food for them. These three days are probably able to pass. Maybe there will be beasts in this place at night, so they can add a meal.

Soon, the tent was set up.

Although the body of Anyang was not adapted to the hypoxic environment by the system, his adaptability was not covered, and it has already come to an end.

However, in fear of the strong winds outside, he still politely entered the tent, sat wrapped in a blanket, and then took out the stone that was heated by his body temperature from his arms, and carved it carefully with arrows.

Mysteries and magicians have very strict requirements on materials and tools. Whatever they can do, they can only edit the formation method at any level. Rao is so, he also first engraved the magic circle on the stone to ensure the ability of the stone itself, before daring to continue to engrave the higher skill array on a little bit above.

What he is doing now, in summary, is to use the knowledge reserve and experience ability of the sixth-order scholars to make an item that can only exert the level of the second- and third-order scholars. And the time it takes is not short, and it needs to concentrate on it one by one. If you feel that the energy is almost used up, you must stop in advance, make a record, wait for the energy to resume, and continue without any mistakes.

This is also a last resort. Anyway, a normal sixth-order academic is determined not to do such a thing.

After a while, the dwarves built the arrow tower and the whistle tower in the high place, and they can avoid the wind, ensuring that they will not be frozen even at night, and then they began to plan the order of duty.

Solin takes care of Baggins and arranges his first duty. The probability of the Orcs catching up so quickly is relatively low, plus it is not dark yet, and it won’t be too cold. After that, two brothers, Fili and Kili, who had better eyes, were on duty tonight, while Anyang and Bud were both tomorrow night.

The night soon came, the sky was full of stars, the Milky Way was across, the meteor could be seen from time to time, and the sky of the sky did not go out all night, it was always white.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day also passed without incident. The next night, after Anyang had dinner, he dropped the bowl and walked up the mountain.

The outpost is just a haven where the dwarves piled up with stones. The height is less than half a meter. Most of the gaps are stuffed with rags to block the terrible wind at night, but there are still many holes to provide sight, and it also gives high mountains. The night breeze can take the opportunity. But after he walked in, he actually found that somebody intimately prepared a pile of dry firewood in the sentry tower, thinking he wanted to keep him warm.

He murmured a mantra, lit the fire, sat down steadily, then took out the stone, and carved it carefully by the light of the fire. He only got up and scanned it once after carving a node.

The starry sky turned dark, drawing a trajectory that was invisible to the naked eye, and it was midnight in the blink of an eye ~ ~ He wanted to call Bud, but saw Bud came out of his tent consciously and came to him, so He stood at the sentry tower and waited for him to come.

But at this moment, he smelled a trace of smell!

Anyang’s expression changed, and he didn’t want to explore the source of this fishy smell at all, because he had absolute confidence in his five senses and remembered very clearly what kind of creature this taste came from.

“Alert! Wake them up, Bud!”

Bud stepped in and looked at his face again. He immediately took the bow and arrow from the back and ran back.

“Get up! Get up all!”

“Trouble is coming!”

Bud shouted in the camp tent, glancing around at the same time, but it was calm and no trace of the orc was found.

The dwarves got out of the tent at a very fast speed, but they all wore arms and were wearing armor, even when they were sleeping. Even the Hobbit quickly got out of the tent, holding a long sword that didn’t match his height, a brave look.

The dwarves looked around quickly, but they didn’t even see the half-orc shadow. They could not help shouting at Bud: “Where? Where are the half-orcs? What are you talking about?

Bud was also a little puzzled. The arrow hit the bow string. A posture ready to be pulled away at any time, he said: “I didn’t see it, but your wizard asked me to call you.”

The dwarves looked at the sentry tower 100 meters away, and only heard Anyang’s voice: “Don’t relax, they are prepared and ready to attack, I smell them! You pay attention …”

Then there was a short spell.

“Yu …”

A white tracer suddenly rose into the sky, illuminating a large area around, and the distance was indeed indistinguishable.

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