My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1200 - Necromancer?


The sound of a string collapsed neatly.

Arrows like rain in the sky, swept across the sky in full, and shot at the location of the monsters and ogres.


The sound was slightly broken, and some arrows hit the ground, but because of the dense orc formation, most arrows hit the orcs, monsters, or ogres. For a while, a large piece fell in the Orc camp, and even those very large monsters and ogres could not stop the elbow archer’s volley.

“Shoot …”


The elf archers laid out their formations in the rear, standing neatly, without the command of Thrandildo, they all bowed and arched at the rhythm, killing countless enemies at once.

Until the distant mountain top came a horn again-

“Woo …”

This horn was much shorter than the initial attack, but it was equally loud and almost resounded through the battlefield. Ordinary half-orcs are still fighting with dwarves, elves and humans, and they have forgotten to kill them, but the monsters and ogres turned their heads as soon as they heard the horn, and looked to the top of the distant mountain.

There are two convertible flags, one large and one small, and both have changed their original shapes.

The trolls and ogres immediately comprehended the orders and broke up their formations, ignoring the arrow rain of the elven archers, some of them guarded their heads and rushed towards the archers camp, and the other aimed at the cavalry raging on the battlefield, Few along the way almost no army can stop them.

The dwarf leaders Thorin, Dan and the human force leader Bud, and the elf king Thrandil are their key targets.

“Boom, boom, boom …”

Giant monsters and ogres take heavy steps, holding huge Langya lists or hammers, when they meet someone who is blocking the road, sweeping down with their weapons can clear a large area!

Dan killed his enemies with great force, and suddenly saw a black head above him, and a huge mallet smashed down.

His face changed, and he hurriedly hopped on the pig side, avoiding the blow dangerously.


A big pit was smashed out of his previous position.

I looked up and saw that an ogre was grinning at him. The ogre was at least three meters tall. It was probably a few he stacked up to reach this height. It was terrifying.

Dane was also completely uncomfortable, riding a pig between the legs of the ogre, holding the warhammer and ruining it a few times, like Thor in the Marvel world, and then threw it up.


“Oh ah!!”

Hearing the screams of ogres from above, Dan spits again, then rides the pig back, and shouts loudly, “Goat tank troops, you are not going to help the woodland elves.” Are you girls? Giant monsters and ogres are about to crush them into minced meat! “

Thrandil was not far away. Hearing these words, although still expressionless, he wanted to put this dwarf into the monster!

A short time later, another horn sounded, but this time it was the dwarf chariot troops.

To be precise, the Orcs’ command slogan does not distinguish between tank troops and other war machines, so all war machines have become the targets of monster and ogre attacks! They are huge and powerful. They can overturn the dwarves to deal with enemy archers ’revolving bed crossbows, or they can collide with the chariots on the battlefield and stop them. It is a more powerful. war machine.

Faced with a tank or a crossbow, they only need to hold the chassis or lift it with a hammer to destroy it!

The most powerful monster can even raise a tank with one hand and throw it out like a weapon!

The increasingly unfavorable situation made some leaders feel bad. Except for Dan, who was madly immersed in the battle, almost all leaders were looking for Anyang’s figure, and whispered in a low voice.

“What about the legendary giant eagles and skin changers?”

“What about others? Where did it go?”

“We need support!”

“Damn scammer! Actually let us be outnumbered here, but I don’t know where to go!”

At this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded on the solitary mountain, and the sound wave instantly covered the entire wilderness. Even Bolger, who was far away from the battlefield, could hear this huge sound.


Everyone seemed to be shocked, whether it was an elf, a dwarf, a mortal, or a half-orc, a monster or an ogre captured by a half-orc, they were all attracted by this loud thunderous noise Lifting his head, he turned to look at the figure on the distant Lonely Mountain, with doubts in his eyes.

In an instant, there was a dazzling light, although it was far from reaching the point of illuminating half of the sky, it also firmly occupied everyone’s eyes.

It was not the divine white light that the dark camp feared, nor the fire that the light camp hated, but a very strong red light. Like the fiery red of the setting sun on the horizon of summer, and the orange-red of the rising sun in winter, it is at the intersection of light and darkness. It is the common place and destination of day and night …

Anyang stood on the edge of the cliff, and his figure also appeared in the eyes of all creatures in the battlefield below—

He did not pick up a branch to act as a staff, nor did he wear a weapon, because his role as a guest this time is no longer a wandering wizard or warrior, but this time it is much higher-end.

Seeing all the surprises and doubts of everyone below, he was very satisfied even though there was only a moment. After all, he spent a lot of thought on this special effect. When he saw several major races fighting again soon, he did not care, but said in a calm tone: “Midnight has come, and I must be light …”

Suddenly, the creatures on the battlefield were attracted to him again.

Because this sentence is bland, but like the sound of the sky, it spread through the wilderness through the mountain breeze and penetrated into everyone’s ears.

Somehow, they were a little lost.

And they didn’t see it naturally. Behind Anyang, the corpse of the fire dragon lay quietly. It was the most striking dark red in the snow and ice. It’s a pity it’s gone.

Anyang continued: “Those who stand up high because of desire will eventually fall into the valley because of desire; those who are fearful will eventually be overthrown by others; those who set off war will be destroyed by war …”

As his voice came out, the red light gradually flourished, and the gap between the scales on the back of the fire dragon began to flow with color, gradually flowing through its huge body. As a result, the cooled dragon blood gradually warmed up, the frozen dragon body began to thaw, the dragon inflammation in the abdominal cavity boiled violently, and the usual majesty regained a little bit.

Facing the people below, Anyang used the words of this world as if to say: “Those creatures killed by desire, I call you in the name of God, if you hear my call, if you wake up, then borrow my Power leaves **** and atones for the mistakes he has committed … “

There are not many people who care about him, because this is a battle, and many people are afraid to disperse their energy for no reason.

However, several leaders were paying attention to him, and the soldiers occasionally glanced at them in their spare time, not only curious, but also wary of possible strong enemies.

Finally, Bolger, standing under the banner, couldn’t help but say to the adjutant beside him: “Send my cute little bats and let them go over to try, what the **** is that human being doing over there! After the test results, kill them ! “

The adjutant nodded, and the horn player sounded the horn again.

“Woo …”

A dark cloud suddenly rushed out of Togo Dol and floated towards it at a rapid speed.

But when they got closer, some people found out, where is the dark cloud, clearly a large group of giant bats, rushing towards here with great force.

The wingspan of these bats is estimated to be two meters wide, and can catch adults. When they pass by at low altitude, all dwarves, elves, and humans can’t help bending down to avoid. Fortunately, their goal was not them. They just flew across the battlefield and flew straight towards this lonely mountain that was emitting red light.

In a blink of an eye, they approached the Lonely Mountain, instantly showing their fangs and claws and rushing towards the figure in the red light.

But at this moment, a roar rang through the sky.


This roar shocked all the creatures fighting in the Smaug Wasteland. They all turned their heads and looked at the source of the sound-but only saw a fiery dragon blaze from the lonely mountain, flicking and sweeping across the bats In a blink of an eye, the huge group of bats were burned to ashes.

A few bats escaped into life, but screamed and panicked and fled around, as if telling everyone’s panic.

“Dragon Flame! It’s the evil dragon!”

“Smaug! Smaug resurrected! God!”

“What should we do now? Run away?”

“But I’ve seen it, it’s obviously dead, how could it be resurrected! … it’s the wizard!”

“The wizard resurrected Smaug !!”

No matter what camp everyone is in ~ ~ is shocked, they will naturally not forget who was the owner of this wasteland! If Smaug was already dead, they would never dare to step here with such majesty!

But now the wizard has resurrected the evil dragon, just like the necromancer’s means, I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse!

Until the sound of two footsteps came and the ground shook slightly, the fire dragon finally stood up from the snow, opened his eyes and looked at all the creatures underneath, stood on the edge of the cliff, and raised his slender neck as a roar.


All the creatures forgot to continue the fight. They were taken aback by the dragon roar, and the weapon almost fell to the ground.

Finally, Anyang shouted: “Now it’s your time to atone for yourself, Smaug, quell this war and defend the world’s light and justice!”

The fire dragon didn’t respond, just spread its wings and jumped from the edge of the cliff. Its huge body was streamlined and gliding toward the battlefield below.

When it glanced over the head of the half-orc army, it opened its mouth and sprayed a long string of dragons. The high-temperature flame plowed a trace of hundreds of meters on the ground, and the earth burned. Only for a moment, the half-orc I don’t know how much was burnt to death.

Then it crashed down on the other side of the battlefield. Two dragon claws held two giant monsters. For human beings, giant monsters were like two meat **** in their hands. .


It continued to roar as if it had lost its ability to speak.

Both Thrandil and Gandalf raised their heads and ignored the fire dragon, looking at Anyang in disbelief.

“It will leave soon, but before that, the orcs, ogres, and siege beasts were handed over to me!” Anyang said lightly, his voice still spreading across the wilderness.

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