My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1207 - Multi-pronged

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The plants in the leafy forest are still extremely tall, and the lush foliage almost shades the sun, dark and quiet.

Baggins walked ahead. He sat and nodded. The horse consciously walked along the tree-lined path, while Anyang walked lazily on the back. His eyes were deep and immobile. Obviously he did n’t know how to fly Where did you go?

“Seventeen, when Tianlin was on a mission at that time, were the pictures I saw through his eyes archived?”

“All archived.”

“Find and filter out pictures about giant insects, and then give me the image of giant insects, create a 3d image model, and present it to me in different categories.” Anyang ordered.

“As you wish, Mr. Anyang.”

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a progress bar on the line and walked forward at a rapid speed. At the same time, pictures flashed in front of him, all kinds of giant bugs, and soon they were put into several folders, and the progress bar was over.

“Please check, Mr. Anyang.”


Based on their own physical qualities, the calculation speed of the bio-assist chip is indeed already going against the sky. So many complicated operations and calculations have been completed so fast.

But he glanced at the folder, but frowned.

Seventeen is divided into eleven folders and contains two classification methods, which is obviously the result of its previous data to speculate the intention of Anyang.

The two classification methods are body type and combat effectiveness. It is divided into five folders: micro, small, medium, large and giant, and it is divided into six ranks in combat effectiveness, which can be seen at a glance. Unfortunately, this is not what Anyang wants.

“Reclassify and classify by category. You should be clear about the responsibilities and characteristics of each giant worm. If you don’t, you can calculate it, according to the way of human arms.”

“As you wish.”

In a flash, the folders all changed.

Anyang nodded with satisfaction, and opened a folder called the investigative category. In a flash, images of dozens of giant worms jumped into his eyes. They were all 3D models and could be viewed from all angles. Only because of Tianlin ’s sight problems, the pictures recorded by some giant insects are not comprehensive. At this time, the biological auxiliary chip will be supplemented and perfected by calculation, so it is inevitable that there will be errors.

“Which of these was the mother nest that Tian Lin last attacked?” Anyang asked.

“The two pieces of information come from the final screen record.” Two 3d models were hung out and presented to him.

Anyang looked at it and began to choose carefully.

The two giant worms are quite different in appearance, and there is also a certain difference in body type, which is easy to distinguish.

One of the giant worms was fiery red and covered with a thick carapace, like a bug in the galaxy fleet. It was about the size of an adult buffalo, with three pairs of sharp legs and fierce teeth. . The other giant worm is smaller. It is only about one meter and five meters long. It has a slender body similar to bees and fireflies, but it also has strong legs and arms as a weapon. And it also has shell wings, it is easy to distinguish its characteristics-flight detection, assassination raids.

The former is called a killer insect, the latter is called a sneak attacker.

Anyang condensed his mind for a moment, and deeply remembered the external appearance of these two giant worms, which closed the interface of the auxiliary chip.

It will take a short period of time to wait until the core of the rebuilt mother nest develops and grows, even if they have no natural enemies in this world. He obviously did n’t want to wait long, and Xiaoqian was still waiting for him at home, so he decided to create some fake giant insects to convince the kingdoms of Middle-earth to believe what he said and make them hurry up.

This little trick is too simple for him, with an ancient summons of order six, he just wanted to create a super magnified and enhanced version of the magic reform Smaug.

All of a sudden, his eyes narrowed, his glance shone, and then quickly dimmed.

Baggins still walked slowly in front of him, feeling that everything in the woods was as usual, and even the magic of the charming mind when he came did not exist. Naturally, he would not find a weird phantom separated from Anyang at the rear, holding a meat ball in his hand, disappeared in the forest in a blink of an eye, and went to an unknown distance.

About a few hours later, at noon, they walked out of the forest. In front is the familiar prairie, which is worse than winter now. The prairie looks much desolate compared to the time.

Baggins went shopping for a long time, and returned with some interest, saying that he did not see any wildflowers.

Anyang prepared rich food again. After eating with him, he pointed to the other side and said, “It’s already very cold now. Most of the flowers have faded. You want to see the flowers blooming on the roadside when you come. The scene is not easy. But if you really want to see it, I suggest you try your luck there. “

“Over there? Why go there?”

“Because there is an angle between several mountains over there, it is covered by woods, the terrain is also low, and the cold wind can’t go there, it is a little warmer than this wilderness.”

“It makes sense!” Baggins’ eyes flashed instantaneously, but he was a little worried. “But I will not meet a half-orc or some fierce beast?”

“will not.”

“Then I’m relieved! I will ride a horse!”

After Baggins left, Anyang stood up calmly, waved his hand, the tableware on the ground disappeared, and then he closed his eyes slightly to concentrate on brewing, and his body gradually radiated a light golden light, and the legendary **** gradually appeared on his face. Majesty.


More than a dozen golden lights separated from him, and gradually twisted into a figure of Tao. The figure quickly became clear, almost exactly like a real living person.

I saw that each of these figures is different, not only the appearance, but also the dress. Among them are middle-aged humans with full-faced beards, Sylvan elves with beautiful faces, and stout dwarves in thick leather armor. Their identities include adventurers, rangers, mercenaries, or ordinary farmers.

Anyang looked at them and finally nodded.

“I’m very satisfied.” Everyone said this in unison, and the voices were all different.

“Go.” Everyone said this sentence again.

After a little testing, Anyang sat down again and summoned several horses with a wave of hands. These people rode away silently and ran in different directions.

This is also the first time he has created this kind of god-like incarnation with Shinto, and used to summon or puppet to achieve a similar effect. However, the summoned things and puppets are really difficult to complete some high-complexity tasks, nor can they follow his heart, so he used this more laborious method.

Soon, the figures on horses disappeared into the vast grassland and could no longer be seen.

They are equivalent to Anyang’s propagandists. They will go all the way, publicizing the battle of the Five Armies in Gushan, the death of Smaug, the miracles and the catastrophe prophecies displayed by his god. Of course, it is inevitable to praise his greatness and tell the world: as long as he devotes himself to the gods, he will be blessed and blessed by his **** in the future catastrophe, and even the power to dispel monsters.

It does n’t matter if no one believes in the early stage. Just plant a seed and wait for the news from Gushan, River Valley City and Woodland Kingdom to spread out, they will have to believe—

This level of war and victory will quickly spread throughout Middle-earth, even farmers will know what happened that day.

And when the figure of the giant worm gradually appeared in the vision of the major kingdoms, they realized that this creature is powerful, and the predictions and reminders he buried in advance will bring him great benefits, fear of giant worms and dead people Will definitely believe him. When he really blesses the believers with divine power, and can really give the believers divine power, this faith will become extremely pious.

A moment later, he saw that Baggins had not returned yet, and he used ancient summons to easily create a giant worm exactly like ‘killer bug’ and ‘sneak attacker’.

He chanted spells, giving them strength, life, and soul synthesized from the fragments of souls traveling in the void. Then he waved it freely, and these giant insects, who seemed to be a strange creature, opened their eyes, struggling to stand up, screaming, and quickly left from here, no difference from living creatures.

There are only a dozen of these giant worms, which will not cause much damage, but they are scattered on the edge of the green leaf forest. Acting according to the mode he set will definitely attract the attention of the elves.

It took about ten minutes before Baggins returned from riding a horse, with a bright smile on his face, and a bright plum blossom in his hand, waving it up to him holding up: “Mr. Ain, look I found What’s wrong? It’s a plum blossom! “

“You are so lucky!”

“I found it by a small pond in the col. It was too much. It was driving well. I didn’t want to come back.” Baggins shouted happily, and suddenly frowned again, “but I just came back I seemed to see something weird passing through by the side. The speed was very fast. I did n’t know what it was or if I was dazzled. “

“You’re blind, my child, I also found one.” Anyang said calmly, “That’s probably the disaster I foreseen, they have already appeared.”

“Ah ?! What should we do?”

“It’s okay ~ ~ Don’t be afraid, we’ll just go our own way. If the number of monsters is not large, it will not cause any disaster. King Thrandil will clean them up.”

“But do you see what it is? Mr. Ain.”

“I saw a big buffalo monster, very ugly, it ran quickly on the ground, fiery red.”

“Ah?” Baggins froze. “But what I saw was a black shadow that was swiftly traversing in the air. It was about the size of a donkey. It was a flash! I hope I was wrong, but since you have Prove its existence, then it must be true. “

“Well …” Anyang frowned, and said solemnly, “Then prove that there are at least two kinds of monsters now appearing, and one of them can fly, and the speed is very fast, which is in line with the reconnaissance force. Characteristics, things look bad in this way! “

The Hobbit listened to his analysis, thinking deeply, but also worried and frightened!

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