My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1211 - The shock of the Gushan meeting

Rivendell ’s night is very quiet, and the food is so pure that people ca n’t pick out any flaws … or it ’s meaty.

Baggins and Anyang are not carnivores that are full of meat and unhappy. In the past few days, they cherished seafood every day. The vegetarian diet at Rivendell made them feel light and delicious. After all, this was not the last urgent march under bad conditions.

Even though the diets of the elves of Rivendell are simple, they can’t find faults even with Anyang’s eyes. A leaf of Chinese cabbage is like jadeite, and a vegetable gang is like white jade.

Even in the Silvermoon Empire, the food ingredients exclusively for the military and political ministers of Silvermoon Castle cannot reach this level.

After dinner, Baggins was lying in bed, but he could not sleep for a long time.

The room is separated from the night by a window, and you can see the moon that hangs over the top of the cliff when you turn over. Moonlight also leaves a square light shadow on the floor through the window. There is no beast roar outside, let alone the hustle and bustle of traffic in the world that Baggins does not know. At most, there are birdsong and melodious music coming from nowhere. If you do n’t listen carefully, you can hardly hear it. Quieter.

But somehow, he just couldn’t sleep.

“The bed must be too hard,” Baggins said, lying on the bed alone, his eyes gleaming on the ground.

In his mind, he flashed the figures of Sorin, Bahrain, etc., and then the giant stone once seen at the mountain pass, and suddenly remembered that when he left the lonely mountain that day, he looked back at the path that he saw. The figure of Shan Wanwei. But what I thought more about was the war under the solitary mountain, and the dark shadow seen on the wasteland outside the leafy forest.

Elrond, the lord of Rivendell, had already taken his men to Gushan to attend the meeting. He apparently went the other way. Anyang and Baggins did not meet him on the way. It was one of Elrond’s confidants who received them at Rivendell, Dusya.

He felt Dusya’s worries at dinner, but who is not worried about this? That was a disaster!

Du Siya repeatedly asked Anyang for verification, repeatedly asked Anyang if there was any way to deal with those monsters, and also repeatedly asked Anyang for help. But Anyang’s answer was always a few words, and Baggins had heard it many times along the way.

He has asked many times because of these questions.

The monsters seemed to be unable to resist, not only from Anyang’s attitude, but also the news from the woodland kingdom intermittently seems to confirm this.

Baggins didn’t know when he fell asleep, perhaps not too late, or perhaps until midnight. When he got up in the morning, he was in good spirits, probably because of a hot bath last night. When he got dressed and came to the restaurant, Dusya and Anyang were already sitting at the table waiting for him.

They were talking in a whisper, and in order not to disturb them, Baggins did not say hello and pulled the chair lightly and sat down at the table.

“When do you expect those monsters to attack Middle-earth?” Dusya asked.

“Their reconnaissance forces have repeatedly invaded the Green Leaf Forest and the Lonely Mountain, and their main force is fighting your old enemies on Mount Gundaba. Perhaps the term slaughter is more appropriate. The orc of Gundaba will be at least one week later. Completely destroyed, within half a month, they will definitely attack the Middle-earth. “Anyang Shen Sheng said.

“You have been watching them?”

“Yes, I never looked at them without interruption.”

“Then we have to solve the soul of the dark devil during this time. I heard that you said you want to do this by hand?”

“Yes, I will kill Sauron.”

“Boldly ask, when would you probably get your shots … I mean, how can our Rivendell’s elves help you?” Dusya asked.

“After a while, Sauron is nothing. He recently heard that I will take action against him, and he has gone into hiding. But he cannot shrink forever, he will come back soon, and I will take action when he shows his head. Put him away, he didn’t know that I was watching him all the time. “Anyang said.

“It turns out so.” Dussia nodded.

Recently, he has also heard the rumors in the territory. He can’t help wondering whether this great **** will wait for the rumors to spread throughout Middle-Earth and kill Sauron’s soul in one fell swoop to complete the verification in the rumors. But now it seems that he is completely narrow-minded. From yesterday’s contact with the present, this **** has behaved mildly and kindly, wise and powerful, and there is no need to do such a thing. In the future, you’d better try to avoid this kind of conjecture about the gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain …

After breakfast, Anyang and Baggins set off.

The Gushan Conference was also held at the same time. Participants included representatives of the major forces of Middle-earth, and few were absent.

In the largest conference hall in the Kingdom of Iruba, the black stone long table was filled with people, and everyone looked ugly, looking at a huge corpse on the table.

Looking at this grisly monster, obviously an unfamiliar creature, there was still a little doubt in their hearts as they sat on the stone chairs. The general from the Kingdom of Gondor before had vaguely laughed at Thrandil that was too much fuss, but when this piece was carried on the table by the elf, he would not dare to say anything.

Thorin glanced at everyone in the room and said in a deep voice: “As of now, the woodland kingdom has been attacked by these monsters four times. Because of the natural danger of the city gate in the solitary mountains, only the sentries on the castle corridor I was attacked once a night. Their attack was silent, and my people hardly made any resistance. Only when they changed their defenses in the middle of the night did someone discover the blood stains on the corridor and the corroded ground, which we later found on the Miracle Grassland After their traces, we dispatched cavalry but couldn’t keep up with them. “

“They are investigating?” King Elron frowned.

“It looks like this at the moment.” Thorin said in a deep voice, then clapped the table again to calm down the noisy six dwarves and looked at Thrandil, “Let King Thrandil say.”

Thrandil’s face was more dignified than others, but his face was still covered with frost. Although everyone in Middle-earth thinks that the elves of the Woodland Kingdom are the least wise of all elves, and far more dangerous and belligerent than other elves, the word peace-loving seems to have nothing to do with them, but they still have their elegance, There is also their pride.

He didn’t talk quietly until the banquet completely calmed down: “Our woodland kingdom has experienced the most, and we have the most say these days, so please don’t make trouble.”

“Accurately, we were only attacked by those monsters once, and the next three were fighting them. We even tracked them once. Basically, I can determine a few points: the two monsters we encountered were among these giant insects. Scouts; once they make a big attack, no kingdom can contend with them; the wisdom of these two kinds of bugs is not high. “

At this moment a dwarf interjected: “Why, is King Thrandil scared by a few big bugs?”

“Big bug!” Serandiel suddenly angered and stood up on the table. “We nearly killed and injured two big bugs in your mouth before and after the cost of ten people. We can try its feet. Can the limbs penetrate your armor and your body, or try how deep your axe can be cut on it! Dwarf! Or do you think we should hide behind the castle gate like allies in the lonely mountain? “


“Shut up Danslow!”

Sorin immediately stopped the dwarf representative from the Hardbeard clan and said frankly: “I know that some clan came to Gushan from behind, many things are unclear, but I will explain first, if there are dwarves dare Speaking well, I think I can have this meeting on behalf of all dwarf clans! “

At this time, the dwarves felt the anger of the king and dared not to speak again.

Mrs. Kelly Trier of Ross Lorian stood up and touched the sharp feet and carapace of the giant insect personally. Then she whispered: “This is a natural killing machine.”

The general of Gondor also had a gloomy face, and immediately asked: “The things about these monsters are clear, so what about the great deity mentioned in your letter? Why is he not here? And where is the gray-robed wizard Gandalf? ? I heard that he participated in the Battle of the Lonely Mountain. “

“He left.” Solin said. “Gandalf also left. He went to find other guardians.”

“I think I have some explanations about this, and you will probably be interested.” Thranduil said quietly, and then turned his head to the guard behind him, and the guard walked out immediately.

General Gondor laughed: “Why, when did the woodland elves change their faith?”

“The woodland elves have never thought of betraying the gods and Iluvita who once believed, but the situation forced some of my people to do so.” Thrandil looked at the strong general coldly, “Many of my people Wounded while dealing with those giant insects, the gods and Iluvita did n’t care about my clan, and my clan did n’t even know where they were. You might not be able to imagine a young elf with immortal life on the verge of dying How do you desperately want to grab a life-saving straw! But I do n’t think it will take long, you will feel that feeling. “

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend.” The human general bowed his head sincerely and apologized, and said, “But from your words, I seem to be able to hear a little bit. Do you think Ain can ignore you, when your life-saving straw? “

At this time, Thrandil’s guard brought in a heavily armed female elf.

“This is the guard I brought with me this time. Her name is Ruya. A few days ago, she was seriously injured when she killed the giant worm in front of you. The entire abdomen was pierced by one of the feet, all of us. She thinks she can’t live anymore. “Thrandil said lightly.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, and looked at this completely unaffected female Sinda elf, his face full of marvels.

“She … she not only survived, but she was completely well? Within a few days.”

“In fact, there is no complete recovery, there are scars, but it is already actionable. Because of my special abilities, my majesty brought me over. If necessary, I can participate in the battle against these insects.” Luya said, lowering her head and revealing a sincere expression, “My God is with me.”

Ruya walked around the gate of the ghost gate, and experienced the pain of being seriously injured. The body gradually lost the weakness of temperature and power, the fear of consciousness gradually quieting down, and experienced the warmth of the light shining on herself … Hearing God’s reply, blessings and such kind sympathy, he felt the power of God, he felt healed a little bit, and now he has become a pious believer in Anyang.

This **** is different from other gods. He is the only one he can touch and can shine on the world.

Luya thought so.

Elrond glanced around her and asked, “What is your special ability?”

“When I call my God’s name, he will hear my voice, will give me God’s blessings, my hands will emit a white light, so that those giant worms dare not come close.” Luya said, “This is God has promised us asylum and blessings. He has not deceived us, nor is it a false empty talk. “

“Can you show it?” Kailantrier said.

“Sorry, lord, this is a blasphemy against God. I can’t use his divine power for such a fearless performance.”

“I just want your persuasiveness …” Before Kailantrier finished, a woodland elf guard walked in quickly and interrupted her.

“Your Majesty!” He bowed to Thrandil, “We found an anomaly at Gundaba’s scout.”


“Gundaba Mountain has been resounding from the roar of the Orcs and a hissing sound like a giant insect from last night until midnight! We sent people to investigate this morning, but we saw a lot of giant insects from a distance Hunting the half-orcs who escaped from the underground city. “The guard said.

The voice just fell ~ ~ everyone suddenly took a breath.

Then a small kingfisher flew in from the window and landed on Elrond’s shoulders, twittering.

Elrond’s face also dignified, saying: “There is news from Rivendell that the **** and the Hobbit arrived at Rivendell last night to fix it all night. He said this morning that the giant worm is killing half of Gundaba The residual power of the orcs, at most one week later, the half-orcs will disappear in Gundaba, and within half a month the giant worm army will attack the Middle-earth world! And … the letter says that these monsters are likely to adopt a multi-line invasion method ! “

“Damn it!” Someone immediately scolded out.

“Do these monsters feel that we have no power at all! Wait! I will make them look good!”

At the same time, Anyang’s **** avatar was controlling the queen to issue orders to the mother’s nest, and used her ability to put the mother’s nest in an overloaded state of operation.

Because he wants to cause overall tension in the Middle-earth world, he must adopt a multi-line invasion method. This method is actually not suitable for giant worms that rely on the mother nest to breed, so he must continue to squeeze the production capacity of the mother nest to make it explode quickly. Soldiers can enter multiple battlefields.

And he must give the mother nest priority to produce zerg fast enough to ensure high-speed attack ability.

A lot of flying giant insects with certain transport capabilities are also needed to ensure that the results of giant insects fighting in the distance can be transported back to the mother nest and turn into the mother nest to continue the nutrition of the violent soldiers.

And these must be completed within half a month.

This is the goal he set for himself.

As for nutrients … Gundaba ’s half-orcs can barely support this period of time, no matter how bad there is the Goblin family under the mountain pass, and his artificial nutrients, they can always support the mother nest to complete this period Of intense tasks.

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