My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1216 - Pallans

() When the name of the **** of origin spread throughout the Middle-earth world, the giant insect also sent troops to the world from Gundaba.

The first are Gondor and Rohan in the human kingdom, and the area of ​​the Kingdom of Arnor.

When seven or eight hundred giant worms flew out of the underground city of Gundaba, the wings of the flying mantis fluttered together, and the buzzing seemed to deafen the human ears, and the sound was very loud.

It was followed by Rivendell where the mountain elves lived, and Ross Lorian where the water elves lived.

These two territories have more complete defensive facilities and a more sophisticated army. At the same time, the elves ’beliefs seem to be more difficult to pry apart than humans. Anyang sent more giant insects, either forcing them to believe in the **** of origin, or using Conquer them with force.

There are also scattered places, such as Shire in the Green Peace Land. He just sent some quick-acting killer bugs to harass, and the purpose is only to help promote faith and make the faith in those areas stronger.

At the same time, he also sent powerful soldiers to the dangerous and difficult-to-guard Gushan. Ten steel beetles alone sent ten, and the proportion of sneakers and flying mantises was also very large.

On the contrary, the woodland kingdom closest to Gundaba has not been attacked much, but there have been continuous riots by giant insects. The reason is, of course, that the woodland kingdom first accepted his beliefs. The woodland elves are not as stubborn as the other two groups of elves. Now that he can feel a lot of faith in the woodland kingdom, he is naturally not in a hurry to send a large army to attack.

There is also an army composed almost entirely of marching giant ants, which is bound for the Goblin Kingdom below the mountain pass.

This is a carnage transport team!

Anyang needs more flesh and blood to supply the mother ’s nest, but he is actually not willing to cause too much killing among innocent people in Middle-earth. The ugly and evil race just like the goblin will not let him Any sense of guilt is simply the best feed for the mother’s nest.

In the face of other kind and orderly creatures, Anyang did not kill the most, but deterred. On the one hand, these kingdoms or regions were forced to offer faith to him under pressure, on the other hand, they were approaching step by step to prepare for the task. Any giant insects sent out were deterred by him, and every move was under his control. Among.

At the same time, he also chose his spokesperson in Middle-earth to give them the power of God. He wanted to balance the power between the giant insect and the Middle-earth.

At this time, the underground city of Gondaba almost became an empty nest, leaving only the mother nest and the necessary protective power. The remaining giant worms were sent out to harass and deter other kingdoms, or to hunt deep in the hinterland action.

Anyang plans to wait for the marching giant ants to destroy the goblin kingdom. After the mother nest turns the goblin corpses into new giant insects, they organize a new army of giant insects to attack Mordor.

After Sauron’s defeat, there were at least hundreds of thousands of orcs on the Gogros Plain of Mordor.

These are new feeds.

And to help eliminate these evil creatures, it can be regarded as some compensation for his world. After all, after the giant worms raged, even if he grasped the balance of the word no matter how subtle, he could only at the very least reduce the casualties as much as possible, which is still a disaster for the Middle-earth world.

The catastrophe … began.


Anyang sits on a building in the Kingdom of Gondor. The windows are open, which is convenient for him to look at the city, the adventurous travellers, and the hurried Gondor residents.

He took a cup of tea and sipped it out.

An Qi was dressed in a common cloth of this world. The gray rough cloth could not cover her beauty. The wide cut could not cover her exquisite figure, but she had no expression. She just sat across from Anyang and made a cup of kung fu tea with respect. The hair hung naturally, slightly blocking her sweet cheeks.


She put a small cup in front of Anyang again, and then put the tea sea down. Then she turned to look at the strange and backward world outside the window, narrowing her eyes slightly.

People like Angel are full of culture and are definitely top talents in all aspects, but they have been ruined by their military career for many years. Fighting in her life accounted for the vast majority. So she does not know from what angle she should appreciate the unique culture and beauty of the world. She only knows the backwardness and weakness of the world, how difficult it is to conquer it, how much troops need to be invested, what kind of arms coordination and strategy can be used To the best effect.

But her **** general didn’t mean it at all, and she sat here leisurely making tea. Although she didn’t drink a cup, she was happy.

After Anyang had a drink, she poured it again.

In fact, she didn’t think there was anything delicious about this bitter and tweeting thing. If she could drink anything while marching to a war, she would not enjoy it at ordinary times. It ’s like she often does n’t think how delicious something she made by herself is, so she found a foodie to be her own test eater, feeding a small animal every day, and then watching the little animal After leaving the battlefield, her weight increased slightly every day, she actually had an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Thinking of the old subordinate, she suddenly saw Anyang staring at the tea waves and seemed to be thinking.

She drew her breath away, and dared not make a sound.

Anyang can feel that he is gradually gaining recognition of the world’s will in this world and placing it in the world of monasticism. The world will in his mouth is heaven.

The biodiversity of this world is very strange. There are not as many animals and plants as the earth. There are dozens of races that can be called intelligent creatures. The main ones are mortals, dwarves and elves, and there are orcs and goblins. There are not many races, and some of them are almost gone. These are the main parts that constitute the will of the world. With the successive extinction of goblins and orcs, the will of the world will inevitably be weak, and the creatures of the three races of mortals, dwarves and elves will occupy the largest part in the composition of the will of the world. The proportion of parts.

He is gradually being accepted and believed by these three races, and the world will only recognize him.

Anyang’s inner power has been established. Except for the law that cannot connect this world, he is no different from a real god, and he can feel his believer when he closes his eyes.

In all kingdoms of the Middle-earth world, the woodland elves are still the head. The wise creatures in the woodland kingdom do not say that they have fully committed faith in him, and at least 80% have already believed in him. Every time he sinks his mind, he can feel the voice from the woodland kingdom, which is the voice of prayer to him, call to him, the respect and admiration for him, and the hope for his blessing.

Next is the Shire region, which is really a magical place-

There are not many residents here, and he has not done any effective propaganda. He has not sent giant worms to assist in deterrence, but those who believe in him actually account for half, and they are still a little bit of natural growth.

Finally, it was the dwarves who had participated in the battle of the Lonely Mountain. The people who believed in him accounted for at most only 20%. This is probably because most of the dwarves were too lazy to believe in gods. Anyang feels that if he wants to change this nature, he must be supplemented by temptation. Now it is a temptation, and a large number of giant insects have arrived in the miracle grassland.

However, people in areas such as Rohan, Gondor, Rivendell, and Ross Lorian have not seen his divine power, nor have they been threatened by giant insects, but some rumors have roamed the sky. No one has personally seen the horror of the great **** of origin and the giant worm, nor has he experienced the kind of endangered and deeply moved, and few believe in him. Most of them are businessmen who resell things between their country and the woodland kingdom, or people who originally believed in a certain **** and converted their faith, and there are also a group of people with crises.

As soon as the giant insect arrives, these situations will collapse.

Thinking, he picked up the tea cup and took another sip, then raised his head and found that Angel was peeking at herself. When she found out, she quickly looked away, as if nothing had happened, and picked up the tea as if nothing had happened. Hai poured tea for him.

“What do you think of me?” Anyang asked.

“Ah?” An Qi was startled, panicked, and then replied, speechless. “An … An Qi was thinking, must the general have been in this world for a long time?”

“less than a year.”

“That’s really long enough,” An Qi said. “Did the general discover any unique resources in this world?”

“There are some unique resources, but this world is too small, and the operating cost of trans-world colonization is much higher than that of interstellar colony, there is no need for invasion.” Anyang shook his head, where did not know what An Qi was thinking, and then Added a sentence, “I just have something to verify in this world, so stay here.”

“Oh, like this.” Angel lowered her head and stopped asking more questions. Anyway, this question was only in a hurry to come up with her embarrassing situation.

“Ah yes!” She suddenly remembered that her face suddenly became serious. “General, how did your princess’s affairs have been discussed with Your Royal Highness? I have asked a few times. He refused to respond positively! “

“… It’s all blaming the queen. I have asked her several times. She has always looked around and said he refuses to respond positively!”

“Isn’t that … Is it the Queen’s Royal Highness who refuses to let the general concubine?” An Qi frowned and asked doubtfully, “But it’s not right. His Royal Highness clearly showed great attention to this matter when he last met. It ’s also very passionate! “

“Yeah, obviously it was very generous when I last met, and I don’t know what happened.” Anyang said.

“Have your Highness regret it? Or get jealous?”

“It is possible!” Anyang said firmly, and said to An Qi again, “I will notify you as soon as there is a reply from her side.”

“… But why haven’t I seen the imperial empire in the last one or two years, only the lady rabbit, the lady Huang Lan, and the girl Xiaochan.” An Qi was suspicious.

“Why are you calling Miss Rabbit, but you want to call Huang Lan Daoyou a lady …”

“General, please don’t change the subject at will!” An Qi solemnly stopped his improper behavior, and said, “Wait back to your original world, An Qi asks you to see His Royal Highness! For the general prosperity of your harem, , For the sake of the national transport of the Great Silver Moon Empire and the inheritance of the royal blood, his subordinates will surely convince His Highness! “

“Uh … don’t worry.”

“Can’t worry!” An Qi blurted out, looking impatient.

“For … why?”

“Ah! It’s nothing.”


“Because … because …” An Qi squeezed for a while, then the ashamed general lowered his head. “Because of the mistakes made by his subordinates in intelligence work, the news that some of you want to be concubine in advance was leaked. Go out, now … the Empire has continued to celebrate for a long time … “

“It has been a long time to celebrate !?” Anyang stunned.

“Yes! It has been celebrating for half a year.”

“It has been celebrating for half a year !?” Anyang felt that she could not understand the nerve structure of the Pallans. Can she continue to be excited for so long?

“Yeah, except for the great victory and the reconstruction of the empire many years ago, there have been no happy events for thousands of years, let alone such a big happy event. In the past half a year, the empire has paid attention and excitement to this matter every day. All are rising, General … You must not pour cold water. “An Qi said embarrassedly,” Big guys are looking forward to it. “

“Shh … wouldn’t it be you …”

“Absolutely, absolutely not!” An Qi jumped up without waiting for him to finish his speech, and said righteously, “The loyalty of his subordinates to the general is well documented, and he can never do such a thing! General, do you roast the fire? “

“But you usually claim to be An Qi. When it comes to this matter, you all claim to be subordinates. Isn’t this … an unnatural expression?” An Yang twitched his mouth.

“It’s … Angel did something wrong, and it’s naturally unnatural.”

“It sounds awful.”

“Yes, your warfare on the battlefield is absolutely unique, and there are psychological warfare and intelligence warfare, but they are all dignified. This kind of last-minded idea should not come from you.” Anyang waved his hand, and he was no longer pursuing this matter. Too.

“The general really knows An Qi. An Qi can’t think of such a bad idea!” An Qi is still very serious, sitting upright, showing a proud curve, righteous words promised. In my heart, I silently added a sentence-

Only the Nightingale figured out this way!

The idiot was really overwhelming. Look, even the Lord God said this is a last resort!

Anyang was drinking tea and was thinking about how to deal with it ~ ~ Obviously, the delaying plan is not working this time. The vast territory of Pallans, if really as An Qi said, go Everyone was cheering and celebrating this event, making great preparations, staring at the real news from the castle-which day is the princess, obviously he can’t avoid it all the time.

The special environment of Pallans also made it difficult for him to directly order official rumours. God knows how the civilians who came from the dark age are treating this matter. Have they spent a lot of money to prepare for the good news and the like? . He repelled the rumors undoubtedly by pouring a scoop of ice water on their hot nerves, and the iron and iron could not stand even when the temperature changed suddenly, and many people’s early investment would also be caused by the water.

So what should he do to divert his attention?

Unless a civilization similar to Pallans is found now, and an interstellar war is launched, there is nothing to distract from this terrible focus. This kind of means commonly used by the government and the media may not work here.


Anyang was suddenly worried.

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