My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1221 - Final battle

The end of the third era of 2941.

This year’s winter is shorter than ever, and it is far less horrible than snow and thousands of miles in the past, but this year’s winter is one of the most difficult winters of this era.

Seeing the cold winter coming to an end, the snow on the great wasteland began to melt, but before the spring approached, the giant insects began to grow rapidly overnight. And as if they had command, they began to consciously cut off communications and food exchanges in various regions, and consciously avoided the attacks of small armies by major forces of various countries. The strategy was very detailed and wise.

“Look, the commander of the giant worm we are worried about, the high-order giant worm, has finally arrived.” Cerrandil looked at a jungle outside, his tone seemingly indifferent than usual.

“Your Majesty.” The guards were worried.

“The fierce beasts have finally turned into the army of giant worms we imagined, but we have envoys, and we have already made such preparations, haven’t we?” Thrandil looked at the guard, as if he was comforting with words. Don’t be afraid.

“Yes, my majesty, the glory of Ain Kofinori is with us.” The guard said.

What they do not know is that the **** of origin they believe in is the master of all this, and this time the **** of origin will not protect them too much. This is a disaster that swept through the Middle-earth, and their beliefs can only make them less harmed at most, provided they are aware of current affairs.

The snow in the Luohan Prairie is also gradually thinning, and the stems of the dry grass are gradually exposed. The thin ice on the surface of the water of Rothlorian gradually turns into water, indicating that the severe cold is about to leave.

But Luya and Fenlun received Thrandil’s recall order at this moment. Without hesitation, they immediately began to pack up and prepare to go back.

King Rohan and Lady Kailantrier also received a warning from Thrandil that they could not help but be so serious that they did not want to let the two envoys leave. But they had no other choice but to watch Luya and Fenlun leave their territory.

From then on the crisis will be even more terrible, and even the assistance from the woodland kingdom has been lost.

Neither Luya nor Fenlun’s mission was a complete success, but it was not a failure.

Roslorian did build a closer alliance with the Woodland Kingdom because of Finren ’s assistance, but Finren did not fully persuade Mrs. Kylan Trier to lead the **** of the origin of the whole nation ’s faith, and so far Roslorian has not A messenger appeared.

The straight-hearted Luohan people were very grateful to Ruya, but Luohan had lost too many herds of animals due to the attack of giant insects before, causing Ruya to bring back only a small number of war horses.

Probably the next day when Fenlun and Luya returned to the woodland kingdom, the commander of the giant worm finally appeared–

An ugly and powerful giant worm that appeared like a hill, appeared in Gundaba!

For Middle-earth, it is like an insurmountable existence. At first glance, it caused panic in several kingdoms! The first stop it went to was the Dwarf Lonely Mountain.

At the same time, giant insects scattered in Middle-earth seemed to receive orders, and they began to shrink back to Mount Gandab, gradually forming a terror army of giant insects. Only a few giant worms are still wandering in the wild in various parts of the Middle-earth world, threatening people and small army out of the city, carrying out various sneak attacks, or preparing to intercept the incoming and outgoing messengers and supply teams of all parties.

Thrandil of the Woodland Kingdom first discovered this change, so he released almost all messaging birds and sent messages to all parts of the Middle-earth world. It was not limited to the kingdom and the family, and convened an army of armor and weapons all over the world. ——

Prepare for war!

The final battle is so near!

Thranduil estimated the approximate strength of the giant worm, and did not rush into the army, but waited in the dark forest.

When the army of elves from Rosslorian and Rivendell, the adventurers’ army led by Gloria and the **** of fire in the Puri region, the army of adventurers led by Lauren, the army of the spirit deer family, and the Bagins of Shire After the arrival of the Hobbit People’s Army and other troops, they brought sufficient supplies and sent a message to the king of the mountain, Suorin, to head towards the isolated mountain!

Since this is not a war between one kingdom and another, not a war to determine the right to rule, but a war between two races, only one can survive, so almost all the kingdoms and races in the Middle-earth world responded.

As long as those who can fight, with armor and weapons, they rushed over. In a short time, such a huge army has been formed before the far regions arrived.

Rieldale and Roslorian almost sent nearly 20,000 elf troops. For elves with few clan members, it can be said that all the people are soldiers;

The woodland kingdom has been severely damaged by war in recent years, but it has also gathered thousands of troops, and a considerable number of elves can request the protection of the **** of origin, and there are eight envoys;

Gloria and Lauren almost included all the adventurers in and around the Brie area, plus there were thousands of adventurers and rangers who received news or admired the team to come to surrender, and these adventurers and rangers alone Physical combat effectiveness is usually slightly higher than the regular army level;

The Cavaliers sent by the spirit deer family to join the battle, plus hundreds of people hired, and the militia recruited in the family territory, add up to two or three thousand;

The hobbits, who are kind and peaceful, also had to bring their weapons to fight this time. Of course, it may be that their heads suddenly became hot. They have a small population. There are probably hundreds of people who can equip armor and weapons, and the equipment is mostly self-made. Fortunately, most of them believe in the **** of origin and can hope for the blessing of the **** of origin at a critical moment. Probably life-saving.

Other people from remote mountainous areas, rural areas, and family territories add up to a vast array …

There are about 40,000 forward troops, so it slowly advances towards the Gushan.

Such a large army is actually dominated by elves, and most of its strength and strength comes from elves. Serrandil and Elrond, and Mrs. Kailantrier are at the forefront, which also means that if you encounter a giant They will bear the attack first.

Thranduil looked calm, turned back and glanced at the mighty army behind his eyes, and then turned his head and asked, “How is Rivendell in recent times?”

Elrond replied: “Fortunately, the loss was heavy at the beginning, and then it was okay. In recent days, a large number of giant worms contracted to Mount Gundaba. Rivendell will be much better, but this battle is estimated to be A difficult battle. “

“We must win.” Thrandil said.

“Do you know anything about Lonely Mountain?” Mrs. Kylan Trier suddenly asked, “What’s the situation over there?”

“The Lonely Mountain has a very high terrain, the city walls are very thick, and the defensive magic is still running. Once Ilub left a lot of large war equipment.” Thrandil said lightly. “The giant insects are not easy to directly attack the lonely. Inside the mountain castle, the flying giants had to sneak out of the sentry from the air at night, but they were often shot by arrows. The dwarves of Lonely Mountain could hardly get out of the door, giving up all melee units such as infantry and sheep cavalry, and making wind Dwarf equipment, such as crossbows, crossbows, catapults, ballistas, etc., and rely on these equipment and giant insects to fight several defensive battles, killing many giant insects, including some giant insects that have not appeared in our elf race. “

He paused and said, “A week ago, the dwarves even went out of town to fight a giant worm on the miraculous grassland. Although the losses were heavy, they were also very successful.”

“I’ve heard that the offensives faced by the dwarves are terrible. I didn’t expect them to counterattack slightly,” Elrond said.

“Yeah, although there are many giant insects attacking the Lonely Mountain, the dwarves are still able to guard by natural danger, and the miraculous grassland under the Lonely Mountain is conducive to the shooting of crossbow arrows. Perhaps they are the easiest except our green leaf forest. “

“You said they have new giant bugs there?” Mrs. Kylander asked.

“Yes.” Thrandil said. “They have a very large black beetle, and even the ballista can’t shoot through its carapace. To deal with it, either attack its weakness or use a large stone throw. The machine shoots a solid iron ball with steel thorns as a shell, otherwise … and it is not clumsy, but very fierce! “

“Sounds hard to get around ~ ~ Can your gods deal with them?” Elrond asked, glancing behind him.

Behind Thrandil was not his guard, but the eight envoys wearing Mithril Armor and Heavy Armor, led by Lua and Fenlun, who were very familiar with Elrond and Kailantrier. They all sat with their heads down and immediately followed the team. The armor almost covered their entire faces, only to see them chanting silently, indifferent to others.

Some faint luster radiated from them.

“I haven’t tried it, but if I have a choice, I don’t want my **** to do such a dangerous thing.” Thrandil said.

“We also don’t want our people to do anything dangerous, such as fighting this war, but we have to do it. This sentence is what you first told us.”

“Yeah, this war is inevitable, and bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable,” said Mrs. Kylan Trier.

At this moment, a little trembling came from the earth, accompanied by a slight roar, causing everyone to turn their heads and look at the high mountain to the south.

Immediately a woodland elf’s envoy immediately stood in front of Thrandil and stretched out his hand. A translucent light wall made of blue squares appeared, moving with him, defending against the trembling noise From the south.

“I don’t need your protection, Molo, to protect your teammates.” Thrandil said.

Without waiting for Molo to speak, Mrs. Kylan Trier opened her eyes and smiled, “Don’t be nervous, not an enemy.”


“It’s Rohan’s cavalry, and the Gondor’s swan knight is also here. They are the strikers.” After that, Mrs. Kylan Trier added, “They are really fast.”

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