My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1237 - Reference comments

Early the next morning, sunlight entered the bedroom through the window.

The weather in early summer is mostly very good, and most of the sunlight will become arrogant in the afternoon, but it is still warm in the morning. When it passes through the gap between the leaves outside the window, it becomes a beam of light, hitting a pool that has automatically filled with water to form a spot. .

The window was not closed, the wind was blowing and the pool surface was shining and shimmering. The light blue pool is like a mirror, and it reflects the light spots on the wall and ceiling of the bedroom.

The three figures lay on the bed in different postures and did not hug them tightly, but they also warmed the room slightly.

The light fluttered with the waves, and the room seemed to come alive, as if to wake up the three.

Anyang’s sleeping posture is satisfactory, how comfortable and how come, it is quite honest, just lying on the side of the bed, put his hand on the lower abdomen position of Comrade Xiao Qian, after sleeping all night did not intend to squeeze anything.

Comrade Xiaoqian has always been very elegant and exquisite in sleeping, except for holding Anyang, there are a total of several sleeping positions, either lying on his back with his palms folded on his stomach, or lying on the side with one arm of his hand as a pillow . A sleeping position like Ji Weiwei lying on the bed with both hands and feet open, even if it is placed among ordinary people, is quite strange.

Anyang opened his eyes, and almost at the same time, Comrade Xiaoqian seemed to feel, and also opened his eyes, turned his head to look at him, and blinked.

Anyang crawled over and took a deep bite between her necks before she straightened up and turned her head to look at Ji Weiwei helplessly.

“She has too much space.” He smiled a little in his tone.

“The bed is big.” Comrade Xiaoqian said, blinking at him again, “I can sleep again if I come again.”

At this time, Ji Weiwei seemed to hear them talking, making a squeaky hum, and raised her head to look at them. A long hair spread out on the pillow was pulled up with this action, attached to her delicate white face, and hung down the neck, making the delicate skin looming below.

Her face was reddish, and her hair was squeezed again, and she calmly said, “What time is it?”

“Eight o’clock.”

“Oh, it’s too early.” She fell down again after she finished.

Anyang reached out and pushed on her smooth back and said, “It’s not too early, you have an hour to go to work.”

“Huh?” Ji Weiwei raised her head suddenly, revealing a thin white gully in front of her chest, but she froze, and she lay down again and buried her head on the pillow, only the sound of urging anger came out.

“Get up early and get up early.”

“No, it’s important to be lazy!”

“The sun is basking.”

“I slept so late last night and didn’t allow me to stay in bed!”


“Then you get up first, and I will get up after a while.” She said nothing again.

Anyang shook his head helplessly and said, “Anyway, I’m going to get up. Seeing that you are very obedient last night, I won’t pull you to do morning exercises.”

Ji Weiwei didn’t look up, but just reached out and fumbled, and touched him tightly.

Comrade Xiaoqian smiled softly: “It was because you tossed so late last night. Weiwei can’t get up now. Usually Weiwei will get up with me at a time.”

After she finished, she stretched out her hand, and the wardrobe opened, and a set of loose and comfortable home clothes flew out of it. While wearing it, she said, “Fujun, stay here and supervise Wei Wei to get up. Of course, what do you want to do? I do n’t know. I got up first to make breakfast. It will be ready in about 20 minutes. “


I saw her dressed quickly, got out of bed and walked barefoot to the edge of the pool, put on slippers, and stretched her hands to the back of her head to organize her hair.

Open the door, close the door.

Only Anyang and Ji Weiwei were left in the room.

“Getting up!” Anyang leaned against the soft wall, showing his sturdy chest, reaching for his hand and scratching it on Ji Weiwei’s head, causing her hair to fly wildly and also causing her dissatisfaction.

“Hmm! After breakfast is over, call me …”

“So lazy!”

“Not blame you!”

“Well, then I’ll sleep with you.” Anyang turned over and lay on her back, her skin intimately touching, causing her to surrender immediately.

“Don’t make trouble, I’ll get up, don’t make trouble.” Ji Weiwei pushed him down while begging for mercy, turned to stare at him, grabbed the quilt to block important parts, and glanced at the ground. clothes.

“Pick me the clothes.”

“Pick it yourself.” Anyang said, picking up his clothes and starting to wear them.

After wearing it, he did not rush out, but sat on the single sofa in the bedroom, tilted Erlang’s legs, and scratched his messy hair with his hands, so that he could look at Ji Weiwei who was still lying on the bed.

Ji Weiwei also sat on the bed and looked at him.

The two stared at each other with big eyes.

“You’re going to die!” Ji Weiwei finally couldn’t help but scolded with a red face, and then wrapped her body under the quilt and slowly moved towards the end of the bed, reaching for her clothes.

Finally, Anyang helped her with a smile, and then she got her clothes and retracted into the quilt to learn how to dress.

Anyang was sitting on the sofa, yawning and watching the quilt bulging, and he kept moving, jumping out: “In fact, even if you are across a wall, I can see it. I ca n’t cover the quilt in my eyes. There is no difference at all. “


The quilt was lifted.

Ji Weiwei’s trousers have been worn, half of his clothes are worn, only a little white skin is exposed, and his hair is messy. Behind the hair is a pair of eyes that stare at him fiercely: “You don’t say it to die! You will make me in front of you in the future It ’s awkward! And I will also forbid you to see others on the street! Huh! I know why Xiaoyou ca n’t get along with you … “

“I thought you knew!” Anyang said with a shrug. “After all, it’s very simple.”

After all, looking at Ji Weiwei’s eyes that are about to eat people, he spread his hands again: “And I haven’t seen it already? Why are you so shy …”

Ji Weiwei still glared at him vigorously.

“Okay, okay, I’m not so perverted. Normally, I’m very disciplined, and I don’t run into the street to look at others. … It doesn’t make much sense to read more.” Anyang said seriously, “For me In general, this is more of a physiological structure, biological structure, life form, just like the feeling of a doctor when looking at X-rays … “

His words were interrupted by the pillow Ji Weiwei threw, and he did not hide, letting the pillow hit his head.

Ji Weiwei quickly **** the few buttons left, slid off the bed and picked up the pillow, swayed a pair of big white legs around the bed before finding the slippers to put on, and glared at Anyang: “I’m not going to send me back yet!”

Anyang opened his arms and said lazily: “Hug!”


When Anyang wore a pair of shorts and a compassionate and stepped down from the upstairs on a pair of flip-flops, bread, milk, fried eggs and bacon were already placed on the table, and Anyou, Huang Lan and rabbit essence were also on the table Sitting on the sofa, Comrade Xiaoqian, Xiao Chan and Xiao Xueer are still busy in the kitchen.


“Anyang Daoyou is early.” Huang Lan said casually.

“Morning, Anyang Rabbit.” The rabbit smiled sweetly, his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon.

“Uh.” Anyou nodded.

Instead of addressing the problem with Rabbit Jingji, Anyang sat beside her in the eyes she looked forward to, and looked at Anyou opposite, saying, “After the release of the record, you seem to be more leisurely than before.”

“You guys, what’s your business?” An You frowned.

“…” Anyang was speechless.

At this time, Xiao Xueer came with a whole microwave roasted leg of lamb, put the leg of lamb on the table, and turned to Anyang sweetly said: “Because the popularity is rising very fast now, there is no Before the negotiation between Yiyin and Yiying, we are not suitable to go to the public class for the time being. The company also requires us to take a good rest in the past few days, just do some exercises to improve the state, in order to deal with the next The first concert. By the way, we will be equipped with agents and assistants to arrange future development plans and so on. “

“What about the school?”

“It’s all over May, brother Anyang.”

“Oh, this is it!” Anyang knows that general universities will have final exams in early July, and most of the courses will end in late June, and even many unimportant courses have basically ended by the end of May, and the last one The monthly course schedule is basically pitiful.

“So the next thing you are most busy with is the part-time job at the Internet company?” Anyang asked.

“Well, that’s the case.” Xiao Xueer said, “The company has asked us our opinion before, it is the media company, they asked us if we want to quit part-time, we are still considering.”

After that, she looked at Anyang with questioning eyes: “What about Anyang’s brother’s opinion?”

“Just decide for yourself.”


Anyang glanced at Anyou with Yu Guang, and found that she didn’t intervene or interrupt herself, but sat there pretending to look at the phone indifferently, but actually listened carefully to her conversation with Xueer.

So he smiled ~ ~ said: “I think it is normal for people to have two careers in this era. Many celebrities are also seeking other ways while developing entertainment circles, such as opening a hot pot restaurant. If you have enough time, or invest in it, or you are a producer, director, etc., if you have enough time, you can also work part-time here, which will be good for you in the future. Of course, if you feel that time is tight … I advise you to squeeze. “

Xiao Xueer nodded in agreement.

An Youmu didn’t say anything, and she thought it made sense.

Anyway, they knew everything about their work. Not only did Anyang find a part-time job for them, but they were also very particular about their positions.

From a profit perspective, if a small capitalist has long been in the general manager’s office of An’s network, he is well aware of the future strategy of the behemoth of An’s network, then he would be too easy to make money. From the perspective of intent, when Anyang stuffed them into this company, it was obviously more than just making them find a part-time job to improve their lives. Perhaps it was more about letting them learn something.

In any case, this opportunity is a dream of others, they do not need to let go easily.

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