My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1282 - Saving is a virtue

The next day, at four in the morning.

A quick bell rang in the warm room, seeming to tear the silence of the night.

“Jingle Bell……”

A smooth, snowy white hand suddenly stretched out of the quilt, groped for a while, grabbed the phone and retracted it into the quilt, and the ringtone went out.

Ten minutes later, there was a long hum in the quilt, lazy with the girl’s slickness.

“Uh ~~”

“Head hurts … eh!”

The master of the sound suddenly stood up from the bed, only to realize that he was not at home, but in the Jiuzhaigou Hotel, and he still had to record the program today.

“What time is it?” She quickly took out her cell phone from the bed and watched the time. It was already four to twelve.

“Hoo! It’s time to get up! It’s time to get up! I remember I didn’t set the alarm clock at four o’clock. Why didn’t the alarm sound again? Fortunately, I brought my own biological clock, otherwise both of us will be late today … Eh? Suddenly, he looked at him beside him, “What about Cher?”

She turned her head and saw that there was a dim light in the bathroom, so she shouted, “Cher!”

“Well?” Xiao Xueer poked her head out of the bathroom. There was a toothbrush in her mouth. There was a little white foam on her mouth. Her long hair had been neatly combed. She glanced at Anyou doubtfully before she said vaguely, “Don’t your alarm clock just sounded, how come you wake up now?”

“Eh? Did the alarm ring?” An You froze.


“Are you sure the alarm is ringing?”

“Huh.” Xiao Xueer nodded while brushing his teeth. “You turned off the alarm again, right?”

“I thought it was my own biological clock … not to mention these insignificant things. When did you wake up? How did you wake me up when you wake up?” An You asked.

“Maybe it ’s too exciting to record a program today, or maybe I went to bed early last night, and I woke up at 3:50. At that time, I saw you sleeping soundly, and still talking in dreams, so I did n’t wake up. You, want you to live longer in your dreams. “

“Did I speak dreams?” Anyou stunned. “Can I hear what I said?”

“Well.” Xiao Xueer turned and walked into the bathroom to spit out the foam in his mouth. Then he said, “You said that Brother Anyang corrupted the traditional morality of your old An’s family, and he would hang him up and beat him.”

“Poof!” Anyou suddenly smiled, “This guy is so nasty in his dream, deserve it, hahahaha!”

“Don’t smirk, don’t hurry to come and wash, even if you’re not late, don’t you want to be the last one?” Xiao Xueer glanced at her, said, “I know that the plateau at night is extremely thin oxygen, need a good rest, you last night I stayed up late to play games, and when I was in my dreams, I did n’t want to stop. I deserved to go to bed and shouted for a headache! “

“It’s not because Sister Huang Lan is not online. It’s hard for me to hit that copy alone. I can’t beat it all the time. Blame me?” An You walked into the bathroom and picked up the towel. “Sister Huang Lan certainly has altitude sickness. So I did n’t go online last night and opened the black with me, which caused me to stay up all night and beat it three times before! This pot should n’t let me carry it on my back, to be reasonable, mainly because of Gao Yuan and Sister Huang Lan ’s body. ”

When they finished washing, as soon as they opened the door and went out, there was a sudden chill in the quiet corridor.

The morning and evening of the plateau is always extremely cold, and it’s wet and cold. They haven’t felt it in the room yet. As soon as they walked out, they felt the coldness of their hearts, and they immediately wrapped their down jacket tightly.

“Fortunately, the clothes are complete!” An You said with a breath.

“Huh.” Xiao Xueer also nodded in sympathy, “Thanks to Anyang brother for reminding us.”

“He doesn’t remind me, but also Sister Yan reminds you well, your woman’s mind is amused!” An You was very upset when she heard the name Anyang. Although she didn’t know what she dreamed of last night, but according to the words of her girlfriend The guy apparently had a relationship with himself in his dream again, which was really abominable.

Just a few steps away, two younger photographers walked around the corner carrying heavy cameras.

“Good dedication, so early!” An You was surprised, wrapped tightly in the down jacket, and quickly said to the two videographer brothers, “Working hard.”

The younger photographer smiled shyly and shook his head. He continued the work without saying a word.

An You and Xiao Xue’er walked to the hotel lobby. The program crew had to gather here and shoot something for backup. The director might also say something to note. Then everyone has to put on makeup. Of course, the makeup time of male artists is incomparable with that of female artists, but boys have been accompany girls for a long time, and no one complains.

At about 6:30, they took the car to the gate of the scenic area, and after entering the door, they transferred to the environmentally friendly car in the scenic area and continued to move forward.

As usual, the scenic spot assigned them an interpreter, a Tibetan girl wearing Tibetan costumes, young and beautiful, and well-decorated, explaining to them the tourism situation of Jiuzhaigou and some interesting things in their own Tibetan culture.

Probably the same as everyone’s treatment when traveling to Jiuzhaigou. However, although the sky was already bright, there was no one in the scenic area, only their car. Under the ridicule of the members of the program group, the interpreter girl quickly ran away from the topic. From professional travel explanations to chatting and nonsense, the car was full of laughter and laughter, and outside the car, the road was surrounded by golden meadows and The azure green river ditch, from time to time fluttering a series of flying birds from the reeds.

“so beautiful!”

“Just like Wonderland!”

“It’s so calm and peaceful.”

“I was shocked by the beauty of Jiuzhaigou for the first time. Do you know when? It is the place where the little dragon girl among the gods and eagles inhabits. My God, it is so beautiful!”

At this moment they gradually stopped talking and joking, and instead quietly admired the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road.

“Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area is very large. Tourists often have to take an environmentally friendly car from the door. It takes about half an hour to go to the first village in Jiuzhaigou, Shuzheng Village.” The interpreter girl regained her own morality, although these amazed expressions When she was working, she watched countless times every day, but seeing the big stars on these TVs also looked like this, somehow she always gave her a sense of inexplicable satisfaction.

“From the beginning of Shuzhengzhai, it is the densely distributed area of ​​Haizi in Jiuzhaigou, which is the starting point for most tourists to visit Jiuzhaigou, and the scenery along the way is often taken by environmentally friendly vehicles. You will know the beauty of Jiuzhaigou when you go forward. , You only saw the tip of the iceberg. “

“At the same time, big stars, Shuzhengzhai is also the end point of our car. You will start your work there. The director team and our enthusiastic Tibetan compatriots are already waiting for you there.”

“It’s so beautiful. It’s no wonder that the guy was so enthusiastic about the waves when he was in college!” An You sighed, and then hit the elder Xiao Xueer with her elbow, “Eh Xueer, when we came in, the scenic gate was Is it sealed? The director’s group is also inside. You said that guy can’t get in? Will it be stopped by the staff. “

“Are you so desperate to see Brother Anyang?”

“Ah! I don’t want to see him, OK?”

“Brother Anyang will definitely bring you a lot of delicious food, milk shells, dried yak beef, etc …”

“I’m hungry……”

In the sound of a cascading waterfall, the eco-friendly car was parked in the open space under the tree’s wall. The interpreter girl stood at the door of the car and pointed to the side of a row of wooden buildings with a Tibetan style. Zhengzhai is here, you go around here, I hope you have a good time in our Jiuzhaigou. “

All the crew of the program group got off the car, watched the environmentally friendly car drive back to the gate of the scenic spot, and waved their hands collectively. Then they looked at Shuzhengzhai.

“Go, go up,” Anyou suggested.

“No, no, you look at the waterfall group below, it’s so beautiful!” Yang Wen pointed to the waterfall on the other side of the road opposite Shuzhengzhai, below the highway, “The program team pulled us up to work so early. What if we let them dry for a while? Let ’s go down to visit Shuzheng Waterfall, take pictures, and then go up slowly, everyone said okay? “

“Not good!” An You refused first.

“Why not? Xiaoyou, you don’t have to be so rigid. The program team often pits us. We must hang back when we find opportunities!” Yang Wen said.

An You touched her belly and said, “Imagine that when the director group was eating hot rice cakes and drinking ghee tea, a group of us who got up after four o’clock and hadn’t eaten breakfast yet were hungry here. This is pitting yourself. “

“It makes sense!”

“That’s right!”

“The truth is in the hands of the foodie.”

The crowd walked towards Shuzhengzhai.

It didn’t take long for Anyou to enjoy the taste of Zongba and ghee tea, but she didn’t get used to ghee tea, and Zaoba didn’t look like she thought.

But there are still many other delicious things.

“This beef dumpling is delicious!” An You turned to Xiao Xue’er, and by the way, she sandwiched several of them in a bowl.

“This is a Tibetan bun.” Xiao Xueer said.

“What about this? This black thing looks like red beans like roots.”

“This is called fern hemp, and Tibetan ginseng fruit is filled with ghee and sugar.”

“Okay, yogurt is also delicious.”

“You can just drink more yogurt, ghee is easy to gain weight.” Xiao Xueer reminded in a small voice, although she can’t understand why she had to go to the gym to maintain her figure. Even if you stuff yourself late, you can be so thin.

The director ’s team stood up and announced after they had almost finished eating: “Today everyone ’s task is relatively easy. Considering that everyone just arrived on the plateau, it is not suitable for vigorous exercise. Of course, you are all so precious, we have broken your play. We ca n’t afford it ~ ~ So most of the tasks on the first day are those that do not require exercise or have a small amount of exercise, and you will spend the day in and around Shuzhengzhai today. “


“After that, the program team will arrange time for everyone to play around in Jiuzhaigou and go over all those that have not been done before, so do n’t run around.”

“Jiuzhaigou is closed, but it doesn’t mean that you can let go and run around. In addition to people, Jiuzhaigou is an original ecological scenic spot, and there are many wild animals growing in it, including some aggressive beasts. There is a virgin forest, so it ’s best not to leave the main attractions and enter the undeveloped area without permission … “

Listening to the director reading the notes with a big speaker, An You suddenly froze for a moment, and couldn’t help thinking of that guy.

Jiuzhaigou is closed, he wouldn’t get his idea to other paths if he couldn’t get in from the main entrance? There must be many trails in such a large scenic area, and you can come in over the mountains, but if you are unlucky, you will encounter a beast …


An You immediately shivered.

“No, right, that guy must be asleep in the hotel now. I now remind him that it’s too late …” An You thought about it, and suddenly shook his head. “Neither right nor wrong, that guy was going around in college. By the way, he must know these things, I do n’t need to remind you! “

As she expected, Anyang was indeed still in bed at this time.

But much more fragrant than she thought!

The air conditioner resisted the coldness of the plateau in the early morning. The quilt not only locked the warmth firmly, but also covered a lot of things that were difficult to tell.

A total of two rooms were opened, four beds, and in the end only one bed was used to sleep three female goblins and an adult man. Anyang had asked himself for a long time and had not been so economical.

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