My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 135 - mission completed!

Pang Yong immediately raised his sword and became alert, and at the same time asked, “Wang Sheng, do you know what happened?” “

Wang Sheng stared staringly at Pei Rong who was lying not far away, ignoring anyone, and walked over as if he had lost his soul step by step.

Pang Yong didn’t stop him.

Xiaowei’s face was still pale, and apparently did not recover from the serious injury of the previous few days. Her eyes remained on Wang Sheng, and she took a step forward with his footsteps.

Xiaomao Lima lived with her: “Miss, don’t go!”

Xiaowei glanced back at Xiaorou and gently broke free from her to move on.

At this time, Wang Sheng still came to Xiaowei, did not care about Xia Bing’s gaze, and held Pei Rong’s hand and knelt in front of her: “Are you really a demon?”

Pei Rong was stunned and raised her head just to meet Xiao Wei’s indifferent gaze, her heart was disturbed. The weakness and ignorance of an ancient woman are fully reflected. What Xiaowei said is what she has lost her opinion in the face of the threat of this monster.


Wang Sheng opened his mouth slightly, his eyes suddenly filled with disbelief, and a line of tears unknowingly flowed down.

“You killed the fairy?”

“All the people killed me!”

Pei Rong’s voice was weak, and two bright traces were drawn on his face with **** tears.

In the original plot, Gao Xiang did not die, so the soldiers would not shout excitedly to avenge Gao Brother, but Xiao Wei had his own way to kill Pei Rong, and died as a demon.

I saw that she turned her head, staring at a soldier named Jing Ping, and gently opened Zhu Lip: “You should want to kill this cannibal monster.”

In the past three months, the foreshadowing played a role. Jing Ping’s will was far stronger than the rich girl who bought rouge in the plot, but she was instantly controlled by her. A monster that only eats human hearts! “

The remaining soldiers hesitated and shouted, “Kill this terrifying monster!”

Pang Yong immediately raised his sword and jumped out to block their way, clenching his teeth firmly.

“You want to kill her, kill me first!”

Xiaowei looked away. This group of soldiers, who had been fascinated by her, did not flinch, but dared to confront Pang Yong, a martial artist.

“Revenge for the dead!”

“Mortal life!”

“Revenge for the race fairy!”

Xiaowei paced back and forth unconsciously not far away, but his eyes kept looking at this side, and his calm face could not see the joys and sorrows.

“To shut up!”

The green muscles on Wang Sheng’s face burst. After shouting this sentence back, he turned and stared at Pei Rong again. The iron-blooded boy who had fought in the battlefield had been washed away by tragic tenderness.

“If she is a demon, I will kill her!”

Many soldiers laid down their weapons next to each other, and Xiao Wei turned his head slightly. Mouthless.

Wang Sheng turned his head to stare at a group of soldiers: “How can I abandon her as a husband?”

Xiaowei’s eyes were slightly surprised, which was not what she expected.

Wang Sheng took off his helmet and threw it to the ground with a thud. He let his forehead hang down and threw the black armor on the ground next to him. Finally, he pulled out a dagger.

Pei Rong took his hand.

Pang Yong and Xia Bing suddenly changed color.

“Put down the knife!”

“lay down!”

“Put the knife down first!”

However, Wang Sheng ignored their cries and stared at his wife: “Pei Rong, no matter what you do, we all bear it together, OK?”

“I’m a demon! I killed so many people. I’m dead!”

“You are my wife! Whether you are a man or a demon, I love you!”

Pei Rong stared at him staring at him, as did Xiao Wei. It is just that the former is full of satisfaction and happiness, and there is a feeling of death without regret, while the latter is full of incredible, and it is incomprehensible to this beyond what he expected.

Wang Sheng has raised his short sword, but his eyes are still tender.

“I love you forever!”

Xiaowei gazed at Wang Sheng’s fascination, his eyes were extremely complicated, with jealousy and confusion.

Pei Rong smiled. Pale skin and long hair like Ruxue were extremely poignant. Suddenly, he took Wang Sheng’s hand and used all his energy to pull it in front of himself.


Pang Yong reached out his hand: “No!”

Wang Sheng’s face was full of pain, and Pei Rong put his head on his shoulder.

“Promise me, be sure to live well. Live for me …”

I don’t know if it was finished, but she closed her eyes.


Pang Yong suddenly went mad, swept away all the soldiers with a big knife, and slashed towards Xiaowei, but this time Xiaowei did not hide.


Dadao cut directly into Xiaowei’s shoulder from Xiaowei’s shoulder, but no blood flowed out. Xiaowei’s gaze also remained unchanged, staring at the suffering Wang Sheng.

“Have you seen it? She is the demon!”

“Have you seen it? She is the demon!”

An angry voice echoed in the valley, Wang Sheng stared at this side in disbelief, and finally closed his eyes in pain.

Pang Yong wanted to draw out a big knife, but couldn’t pull it out at all. He gritted his teeth and shouted Xiao Wei.


Xiaowei landed steadily, still staring at Wang Sheng.

Pang Yong wanted to rush up again, but Xia Bing drew his sword.

“What are you doing? Let go!”

“You can’t kill her!”

As Xia Bing said, he suddenly reached out and touched Pang Yong’s sword, and his blood was stained with red blades.

Pang Yong asked: “What are you doing?”

Xia Bing pointed to the front: “Go!”

Pang Yong didn’t speak, and rushed up with a big knife. The first thing was a powerful and smooth cut, dashing and powerful, but he was easily escaped by the only one who turned back.

This is okay, at least she has begun to hide.

Pang Yong then rushed up again, slashing across her waist with a knife.


There was a burst of white smoke in Xiaowei’s waist. She was obviously hurt. A flash appeared in the distance, her hair was messy, but she still stared at Wang Sheng staring stupefiedly.

She clearly realized what … she would lose!

Pang Yong cut off to Xiao Wei again, but she was easily grabbed by her. Then she gritted her teeth and pushed Pang Yong down to the ground. She rolled over and flew backwards.

Facts have proved that even if she is injured, it is not a mortal enemy!

Xia Bing quickly picked up Pang Yong, raising the crossbow in his hand was an arrow, and the pouting sound completely penetrated into Xiao Wei’s chest.

Xiaowei ignored it, as if she couldn’t suffer from pain at all, she looked down at her chest and her expression suddenly became fierce. A flash appeared in the center of the black armored soldiers, constantly spinning and flying all the contacts, and then hit the cliff and bounced back!

In less than a moment, only she was standing in the audience.

Wang Sheng looked up here. Suddenly let go of Pei Rong who was holding her, and walked to Xiao Wei holding a short sword like a walking dead, staring at her in a lost spirit, and then raised her hand mechanically, and inserted the short sword into her shoulder.

Xiaowei looked up slightly because of the power of the dagger. Then he looked down at Wang Sheng with disappointment in his eyes.

“give me back.”

“If you love me, return Pei Rong to me.”

“If you love her so much, why not die with her?”

“I am dead, save her back!”

Pang Yong and Xia Bing quickly shouted: “Don’t you believe her anymore?”

Regardless of Wang Sheng’s disregard, he still said to himself, “Since Pei Rong is dead, I will die with her. If she can survive, you tell her that I am not a good husband. I don’t protect it well. she was!”

Xiaowei looked at him with utter despair, she fell in love with a mortal after thousands of years of practice, but who knew this man was so infatuated!

“I love you, but I already have Pei Rong!”

As Wang Sheng said, suddenly a sword pierced his abdomen, and he pulled it in, and the whole short sword was completely rooted!

“Do not do this!”

“Brother …”


Xiaowei looked at Wang Sheng on the ground in disbelief, and suddenly raised his head and screamed, a strong air flow swayed from her, and the fallen leaves and dust rolled up all over the place made the eyes open.

When she lowered her head. Suddenly leaned next to Wang Sheng, spit out a colorful light, and condensed into a snow-white bead in the air, slowly rotating and floating.

Xia Bing’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe that a demon could do such a thing, at this moment she seemed to have realized a lot of things.

“what is this?”

Pang Yonggang just asked the exit, but he hadn’t reacted yet. Suddenly he saw two figures descend from the sky, and they all came straight to the bead.

“The world is infinite, Qiankun borrows the law!”


One of them was easily blasted into a broken limb. Another figure fell beside the bead, and the detective held the snow-white bead.

Both Pang Yong and Xia Bing were shocked!


“How come you Anyang … Did you just keep peeking on it?”

Anyang ignored them and turned his head straight to look at Xiaowei: “You lost!”

Xiaowei looked back at him in amazement, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

A faint light spot converged into a human form in the air, and the lizard essence appeared shiningly, but he knelt down all of a sudden: “You give back the spirit, I give you mine!”

Anyang shook his head: “You lost, give me your spirit, and you can stay with her forever with her in the future.”

“We have practiced for thousands of years!”

Anyang put on an infrared night vision device and said indifferently: “Hand over the spirit, I can spare you not to die, otherwise I will kill her too!”

“You are delusional, if you kill her, my demon world will not let you go!”

Anyang sneered and didn’t explain to him, so he shot it directly.


The lizard essence was bombarded into minced meat again, but the light spot floated in the air without condensation.

Without saying a word, Anyang took out a dagger and placed it on Xiaowei’s neck: “I count to ten. If you don’t come out, I will kill her!”

Pang Yong stood nearby and yelled: “What do you want to do, return the spirit to her and let her rescue Pei Rong!”

“I will save the dead here!”

As Anyang said, the hand holding the dagger made a blood mark on Xiaowei’s white neck with a little effort, but he did not pity the jade. This skin bag is indeed beautiful and thrilling, but how scary is the face under the skin bag Ugly, only he, Pei Rong and Xia Bing could be present.




The light spot quickly condensed in the air, and the lizard appeared out of thin air.


Anyang’s dagger was still placed on Xiaowei’s neck, extending his other hand and saying, “Give me, this is your best ending!”

The lizard stared at him, but there was no evil in his eyes, and a golden light spit out from his mouth to condense into a bead of the same size, floating in the air.

Anyang took it by the way, and immediately heard the system prompt.

mission target:

1. Stop five lizard killings in person. (completed)

2. Obtain two elixir. (completed)

The mission is successful and the mission rewards are obtained: props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 3, the selected person can return to the real world at any time.

He did not continue to look down at the phone, but raised his hand and used the ability of all things to rejuvenate without hesitation!

Everything rejuvenates: You can cancel the negative state of everyone within a certain range, including death! (Only available for this mission world)

I saw a spiritual light rising from her hands, exploded above everyone’s head, and turned into a little light rain, revealing endless vitality.

Xia Bing suddenly seemed to understand, first staring at Anyang, and then pulled out the magic drop stick, a bronze rune sword with a length of more than half a meter appeared suddenly, it is difficult to imagine this is a magic drop from a length less than one foot Pulled out of the stick.

“Many of the world’s grievances and grievances can’t be ended by killing light. I now understand why I haven’t been able to exert the ability of the devil, because I always have hatred!”

The people lying on the ground began to wake up one after another, and the wound disappeared without a trace.

“Cough … what’s wrong?”

“What just happened?”

“General, general, is it alright, general?”

“Master, how is it?”

“Brother Dabao, how are you?”

“General, how are you?”

“Brother Dabao!”

Until Pei Rong began to wake up, the white quickly faded.


“Madam, it’s all right!”

Anyang looked at this side calmly and asked Xiaowei: “Are you relieved?”

Xiaowei didn’t speak, just nodded.

Anyang glanced at the lizard essence again, and took two beads into his personal space, and they turned into light spots and disappeared, leaving only an white fox and a lizard in place.

Wang Sheng looked at this side in surprise, and suddenly rushed over to grab Anyang’s collar: “Xiaowei, where did you get Xiaowei?”

Anyang grabbed his hand and broke it abruptly with a little effort, pointing to the ground and saying, “Here it is, but … let them leave!”

The next day, Pang Yong and Xia Bing were leaving. Pei Rong and Wang Sheng sent them at the door of the inn.

“Really don’t stay?”

Pang Yong shook his head: “No ~ ~ I still have a lot of places to go!”

Xia Bing immediately received the sentence: “I also want to go!”

Anyang stood on the second floor and opened the window to watch them, not knowing what to think.

Pang Yong waved his hand: “Let’s go!”

Pei Rong whispered: “Take care”

The figure of the two riding horses quickly left the entrance of the inn.

“Where are you going?”

“Earth and earth, you can go anywhere!”

“I think you are quite talented in catching monsters. How are you interested in catching monsters with me?”

“Huh, I found you looked like a woman without a hat!”

PS: Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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