My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 167 - Judgment Mecha and Light Mecha

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Chenfeng immediately switched to the perspective of Cassie, and the three people in the command room saw a giant mechanical creature with a height of tens of meters. The whole body was covered with thick armor, equipped with two No. 7 energy rapid-fire guns and two doors. An electromagnetic rapid-fire gun, with a laser emitter on top of its head, is fighting against the firepower of several mechas.

Cassie raised his hand for a shot, but the effect was not obvious.


The mechanical creature ignored his bombing. The laser emitter above his head flashed red electro-optics, and a scorching laser suddenly swept to Cassie and two other air combat mechs.

“Zi …”

Cassie swiftly accelerated to avoid the laser, and several other mechas quickly fled.

Anyang immediately lifted the watch: “An Qi, there are high-level mechanical creatures appearing. Have you seen it? Noci has been damaged. The rest of the mechas are under siege. Please give your help as soon as possible!”

“Yes general, I have discovered it and will solve it immediately.”

Angel’s tone was light, her face unchanged, and she was not neglected because of the conflict between Nuoqi and her, and immediately turned around and flew over.

Soon it was decided that the mech appeared in the projection screen of the morning breeze. A recoil offset propulsion stabilized the mech in mid-air, and the electromagnetic pulse gun on the right shoulder aimed at the giant mechanical creature.


The shells only penetrated the outermost armor, but the invisible pulse wave swept through and instantly destroyed all the internal structures through the armor. The laser that just struck Cassie came to an abrupt halt, and even the four rapid-fire guns that were raging wildly stopped roaring, and only a thick burst of white smoke rose.

The next second, the steel monster, unknowingly weighing hundreds of tons, crashed to the ground, sparks crackling.

“General, the mission has been completed.”

An Qi’s tone was still flirty, and he continued to fight after speaking, but Anyang felt that there was an inexplicable arrogance in it.

He looked down at his watch and immediately took a breath. This shot actually added him a thousand merits!

It took about ten minutes, and the last marine mech was forced to withdraw from the battlefield under the fire of an energy cannon, but before that he had many achievements.

Half an hour later, the medium mechanical creatures have been destroyed, and the remaining low-level mechanical creatures are almost the playthings of the air combat. Until Angel ’s shells are used up, she simply lifts the special laser sword into the enemy group and uses the flying system The propulsion system is all over the place, and various fancy fights against mechanical creatures. The morning wind and Xiyu are shocked.

They only realized now that Angel wasn’t talking big!

Especially Xi Yu, his eyes kept glancing at Anyang.

“This Silvermoon Legion is really not strong enough, Lan Ling is right!”

An hour later, the battle ended.

An Qi carried the special laser sword from the sky and crashed to the ground. Turn off the power of the laser sword and insert it into the back slot. The posture is not too handsome.

“General, the battle is over!”

The rest of the Sky Soldiers’ energy blocks have long been used up, and they do not have the ability to fight close to large mechanical creatures, so they have to give a lot of merit to An Qi.

The result of this battle is that Anyang has received more than 70,000 merits, which is a lot higher than the two magnificent land warfare mechs, the morning wind. Of course, there are also reasons why they deliberately compete for merits. Inside.

The three did not say a few words. Morrowind and Xiyu then went back and forth. They were anxious to heal their wounded soldiers and repair the damaged armor.

Undoubtedly, the first thing that Anyang returned to the altar was to summon the second Heavenly Soldier. When he clicked to confirm with anticipation, the altar trembleed suddenly, and the energy above was overflowing with strong energy, which looked like space from a distance All twisted up.

But for a moment, the altar returned to calm. A tall and strong man was standing above him, wearing a combat uniform, and his face was as firm as a knife. He quickly came down from the altar and stood in front of Anyang, saluting.

“General, Sergeant Garon of the Judging Brigade of the Silver Moon Corps reports to you!”

Anyang froze for a moment and looked at the man for a few moments. Only then did he know that the newly recruited Tianbing and Anqi did not belong to the same arm.

“Trial Brigade?”

“Yes General, I belong to the Silver Moon Legion Trial Brigade, driving the Silver Moon-Trial Standard Mecha, I am honored to fight for the glory of you and Pallans!”

“Are you a land mech or an air mech?”

“Report to the general that the trial mech is the standard land mech!”

Anyang’s eyes lighted up, and Morrowind’s land mechas are so powerful. He is undoubtedly looking forward to the Silver Moon Legion’s land mechas.

“Tell me your configuration.”

“Yes, general!”

Jia Long waved his hand, and a silver-gray mech with a height of more than five meters landed on the ground. Its appearance was much more atmospheric than the ruling mech, and it was obviously stronger. It gave a more solid, thick and reliable feeling.

It’s not that he is more beautiful, just two different styles, one is a streamlined route, one is a heavy firepower route, one is slender and beautiful, and one is majestic.

“This is a trial standard mecha, equipped with two heavy electromagnetic guns on the arm, and a 360 heavy laser sword as a close-in weapon. The rest is not much different from the ruling mecha, but it cannot be equipped with a flight module.”

“Then do you need to install other weapons, modules and the like?”

Jialong hesitated and said, “Please install a booster system for me!”

“How many merits do you need?”

“four thousand!”

“it is good!”

The wealthy Anyang did not hesitate to agree to it. After installing the boost system, he still has nearly 30,000 merits left. After a fierce battle or a few small-scale battles, he can summon the sky soldiers.

“This is Angel, the non-commissioned officer of the Silver Moon Corps Ruling Brigade. She came to me before you, your predecessor, what can you ask her.”

“Yes, General! … Senior An Qi is good!”

Three hours later, the trial mecha installed with the booster system was sent back by the altar. Jialong showed Anyang the performance of the trial mecha, which made him very satisfied, especially the heavy electromagnetic gun, which was far more powerful than the tank. Main gun.

The next day, two Yinyue mechas began to form air, land, and high and low collocations to go out to look for mechanical creatures. Anyang sat in the command room to conduct commands and received merits.

Three days later, the merits reached 50,000 again. Anyang did not hesitate to summon the Sky Soldiers to expand his team. This time the summoned is still the Judgment Mecha, and the Sky Soldier is also a handsome and boundless man.

Not to mention that there are only three mechas, but their combat capabilities can be called powerful. The heavy electromagnetic guns carried by the trial mechas can completely penetrate the armor of large mechanical creatures with one shot. Each shot has a full sense of sparkling power. At the same time, merits are coming.

After a week of crazy sweeps, the merits reached 50,000 for the fourth time. This time, it summoned a woman whose body was not as good as ordinary people and full of mature temptations, but she was driving the single lethality of the Silver Moon Legion. The largest mech of the Holy Light.

The Sacred Light Armor is more than six meters tall and weighs more than ten tons. With a portable heavy laser gun and a 450 heavy laser sword, it is undoubtedly a heavy monster in the Silver Moon Legion.

And her main task is to provide long-range heavy firepower support. Ordinary medium mechanical creatures can’t afford her a shot, just like Linna’s plump body and soul-stirring electric eyes, it can easily cause a man to bleed to death!

Anyang installed two No. 9 airborne energy rapid-fire guns for her self-defense, and sent her to the battlefield. The performance of the Sacred Light Mecha is really impressive. When An Qi leads Jialong and Du The star was frantically fighting in front of her, she was standing on the top of the mountain thousands of kilometers away, snipering threatening medium-sized mechanical creatures. Sometimes, when she was interested, she raised her heavy laser gun and stepped into the battlefield. The heavy footsteps accompanied by the thunder Must be full of **** violence.

However, she likes to tease Anyang once she has leisure time. A pair of **** that can be trapped can be called choppy, round and tall buttocks and beautiful faces, mature breath and eye-catching eyes, every time you seduce Anyang He almost couldn’t hold it, and said directly that this is a demon sister.

At this time, Angel, the newly promoted sergeant, would stand up to defend the innocence of the Lord General, and Linna did not care about her. When she stood in front of Anyang, she shrugged and left indifferently.

The days after were dull and boring, but they were also full of the taste of “canyon rivers and blood wars” in different worlds. Heavenly soldiers went out to fight, returned to the generals and were ordered to help the workers build castles. After having several heavenly soldiers, An Qi also Finally, instead of staying up late every day, I switched to the shift duty system.

Two months after arriving in Pallans, after more than a month of exhausted battles, Anyang’s number of natural soldiers reached ten, successfully entered double digits, and also welcomed the first batch of civilians who came to station .

Unsurprisingly, these civilians came from the nearest city of Heishui, and most of them could not live in Heishui, or had great ambitions. It was only a few hundred miles away that they ran to Anyang ’s territory to fight, hope Can seize the opportunity to get more.

As for ordinary people, the Blackwater City has a strong military force and has built a city with a comfortable and peaceful life. Why should they venture to a strange place, especially a **** general who has just been established and is not powerful yet has nothing?

Anyang stood at the sacrifice and swept at random, but suddenly found an acquaintance, and after a closer look, it was indeed an acquaintance.

It was a simple young woman. It was his neighbor who had lived in Blackwater City for half a month. Unexpectedly, she came here with her parents ~ ~ The woman seemed to feel his gaze , Looked up, revealing a pretty face, but surprised.

“It’s you?”

Anyang smiled: “I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“You are here, but why are you standing here?” The woman asked, looking around, and was startled. “This is the altar of the gods, is it …?”

Anyang smiled.

In fact, unlike what Xi Yu said, he and this neighbor had only said a few words, and the relationship had been too deep for half a month.

As this group of civilians dragging heavy luggage and food settled in, the general was finally angry. (To be continued.) Read this chapter on your mobile phone:

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