My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 175 - trend

In the tenth month of coming to Pallans, Anyang ’s number of sky soldiers has exceeded 200, including 30 verdict mechas, more than 50 holy light mechas and 120 trial mechas. One or two mecha regiments can be formed.

There are not so many tanks in the tank regiment of the real world military group, not to mention how many times the combat strength of the Tianbing mechs is, and the Silver Moon Corps is the leader in the Tianbing, and the fighting power is not many times better than the ordinary Tianbing.

Thanks to the private army that had conquered these months to provide him with merits or to assist his development, Chen Feng and Xi Yu felt incredibly incredible. They knew that Anyang sent troops to conquer several **** generals, but they could n’t understand how Anyang made these The **** will serve him and give him merits or be willing to assist when the Silvermoon Legion is on the expedition.

Their current number of celestial soldiers is only two hundred, and this has developed very quickly, but it is helpless that Anyang brushes the merits like a rocket, and they can’t keep up.

Chenfeng also tried to conquer a **** general, but people would rather die, she didn’t want to kill the net, and she didn’t want to destroy a **** general who was also fighting against mechanical creatures, so she had to retreat. Xiyu directly conquered a **** general, but it was okay to let that **** go with her to fight, so that he would immediately rebel if he made a contribution.

On the other hand, Anyang, sometimes he could conquer a **** general without even going to the city, which made them envious of it, but Anyang killed them without telling them the secret, and even made the two girls hate their teeth and repeatedly threatened with the destruction of the alliance.

In this regard, Anyang only smiled, the space-time power system cannot be copied, and only he can drag the price-stricken Silver Moon Legion at such a high speed.

Blackwater City, the main palace.

This is the second time Anyang came to the main palace of Blackwater City. He was injured by Cassie when he first arrived in Pallans, and was brought back by Chenfeng as the wounded. Now it is obviously something serious. Nearly a hundred gods gathered in the main palace will be able to see.

The Black Water City has two thousand sky soldiers on the bright side. It is the largest city among the hundreds of **** generals, and the longest built city. The Black Water God will not have the ace army, but the city is nearly twenty In 2003, the soldiers under his command did not know how many battles they had experienced, nor how many soldiers were killed in battle.

Every year, mechanical creatures will carry out one or two large-scale impacts on human **** generals, trying to erase the continuation of these temples from the territory of Pallans, just like the super-large mechanical trend last year. How many **** generals have been destroyed, and the surviving gods will also be seriously injured, such as the winter cold in which the troops have shrunk sharply.

This year’s situation is much better, because last year’s failure of the super-large mechanical trend, and the counterattack of the human gods later, the loss of mechanical creatures is even greater than that of the gods, so Anyang came to Pallans only ten months before he met the first Wave mechanical trends, and the scale is far less horrible than last year.

This is the purpose of Blackwater City in the near future.

Anyang stepped into the conference hall at the top of the castle. A huge oval table was filled with people. The walls stood with rows of apparently modified Tianjian mechas. He was calculated relatively late, and there were a few when he entered the door. The famous **** will greet him.

“Master Lord.”

“Master Lord is here.”


A maid came forward, and after a brief inquiry with Anyang, he respectfully took him to his seat, perhaps because of his recent reputation, or because of the reputation of the Silver Moon Legion, in short, his position Very forward, as soon as I sat down, I saw Chen Feng frowning at him across the table a few meters wide, while Xi Yu was expressionless beside Chen Feng, not looking at her. This second thing.

Well, there may also be a relationship between them. After all, one is the daughter of the Black Water City God, and the other seems to have a close relationship with the Black Water God.

After sitting near the giant elliptical table, no one will come again. The black water **** sitting at the top will clear his throat and start talking. The soft voice echoes in the castle’s wide conference hall.

“Everyone is a **** within a thousand miles, some have just been promoted this year, and some have survived the big trend last year. Presumably everyone has also got some news. Recently, a large-scale mechanical and biological trend has erupted. Encountered a shock. Because the gap between the **** generals is too large, although we are behind, there are still a large number of mechanical creatures coming towards us, and along the way there are mechanical creatures meeting with each other, forming an increasing trend … … “

The Black Water God will say a lot, nothing more than because the biggest **** general in the world is Black Water City, and like last year, Black Water City is the primary goal of the mechanical trend, so I hope that all the gods present will send their soldiers to form a coalition. Defend against mechanical creatures.

There are quite a few old veteran priests among the 100 famous priests. They have experienced the war of annihilation in the past year, and naturally will not refuse the black water priest. Anyang thinks a little, and seems to find no reason to refuse.

The mechanical trend is fierce, and a single **** will certainly not be able to resist, not to mention the Black Water City, let alone ordinary **** generals, and he will also have an advantage when united. The Silver Moon Legion has always been a weapon for harvesting merits in war.

As soon as Anyang agreed, his subsidiary gods would naturally nod their heads, and the rest of the gods would not think for long. Within half an hour, this matter was finalized. The next step was to discuss the assignment of tasks according to the troops of each god.

There is no doubt that the Silver Moon Legion is powerful, and now that the Silver Moon collar is also very strong, just two hundred Silver Moon Sky Soldiers can deter the gods with thousands of ordinary Sky Soldiers from daring to act, and Anyang also has Many of the affiliated **** generals, on the total strength and combat strength of Tianbing, he is now much more than the Black Water City, and the right to speak naturally rises with the water.

Some decisions have been made that ordinary land soldiers are responsible for the main force of the hard-resistant mechanical legion, and air combat sky soldiers are responsible for air fire support. Several gods with ace troops will bear the responsibility of fire output and reverse the front line at critical moments. Responsible for killing opponents’ advanced mechanical creatures and blocking the Overwatch troop troops in the mechanical legion. They are also responsible for support. The so-called support is equivalent to free play, but no one will be lazy in this kind of thing.

The distribution is fairly fair, and the corresponding tasks are actually carried out, but it is also very beneficial to Anyang. This Silver Moon Army will not go directly to the front line. Ordinary gods will block the large army of the Mechanical Army. The Silver Moon Army is equivalent to performing special tasks. It is estimated that the loss will be lighter. In this case, after this battle, he will surely add a lot of merit.

Less than two days later, the mechanical trend arrived as scheduled.

Outside the Blackwater City, there is a neatly organized mech camp, which has tens of thousands of troops. The army formation ca n’t be seen from the side. The land mechs and reloaded mechs are at the forefront, and the air combat mechs are quiet. Suspended silently in the air, and finally the long-range heavy fire support mecha, each **** general was clearly distinguished, and the Silver Moon Legion stood by near the Blackwater City.

Anyang explained to An Qi, Nightingale, Linna and Jialong and others: “This trend will not be too strong, and it will not overwhelm the Blackwater City. Even if we block it in the front, we will basically not threaten other generals, so Do n’t be too desperate, do n’t always shout to fight for the useless ones for Pallans, first ensure that you have no battle damage, and then maximize the effective damage output, understand?

“Understand, fight for the general, fight for the silver moon leader, fight for merit!”

The Celestial Soldiers of the Silvermoon Legion answered strongly.

The so-called Guards Corps was not strict in discipline, and was influenced by Anyang for ten months. During this period, it attacked several generals, and it has long been a great mission that it should eliminate mechanical creatures and fight for Pallans. Forget about it.

Anyang nodded with satisfaction.

About two hours later, the mechanical tide struck. It was really dense like the tide, not only the main army of Wardens composed of higher mechanical creatures and medium mechanical creatures, but also a large number of lower mechanical creatures, all over the mountains and everywhere. Yes, I don’t know the exact number. In short, it seems to be black and white, covering the sky.

The earth seemed to tremble, the grass where the mechanical legion passed was not left, and even the towering trees would be flattened by high-level mechanical creatures tens of meters high.

“Boom …”

Countless air combats and land combat mechas started firing. Countless shells crossed the sky like a star and fell in the mechanical legion camp. The frontmost low-level mechanical creatures were quickly blown up and the armor was blown up high. , Sparks splashed, and the rising black smoke filled the entire battlefield sky.

The Silver Moon Legion had enough ammunition and energy blocks. At this time, the Mecha of the Holy Light had already fired, but they were just a few medium-sized mechanical creatures that blasted the Mech with the enemy. The order that the adults valued the merits was implemented.

As the war intensified, the low-level mechanical creatures could not naturally attack the defense line of the Celestial Corps, and could only consume the energy and ammunition of the Celestial Soldiers. But soon, medium mechanical creatures began to appear on the battlefield. , Suddenly caused war damage.

Ordinary mechas are far less powerful than the Silvermoon Legion, and mechas are based on comprehensive combat capabilities. Firepower and defense capabilities are not necessarily much stronger than mechanical creatures, and they are very detrimental to bombardment.

Gradually, advanced mechanical creatures began to appear, but the number was not very large. They should have caused huge damage to the sky soldiers. They were not enough to judge the long-range strike of the mech. Basically, they were beaten into a pile of giant scrap iron, and they were useless.

Finally, the fearless mechanical creatures pushed the front into the mech camp and entered the most tragic stage. The ground mechs and the reloaded mechs raised the muzzle to fight against the mechanical creatures at a melee distance, and the sky flew There are thousands of air combat mechs, but they are also full of various flying mechanical creatures, various air combats, and ground support ~ ~ is extremely fierce.

Mechs fell to the ground, and mechanical creatures were destroyed.

It was decided that the mech flew into the battlefield, and while dealing with more and more advanced mechanical creatures, he fired with an electromagnetic rapid-fire gun. The main gun never stopped.

Huge pieces of steel flew, sparks and explosions.

This head-on war lasted for half a day, and the mechanical creatures were finally repelled. Such a long time is unimaginable in high-tech wars.

The **** soldiers of the gods suffered heavy losses, and the mechanical trend has only left a small force to wreak havoc. Then there is not much time for the battle-damaged Silver Moon Legion to show their performance. The mechs all set foot on the battlefield and began to clean up the last mechanical creatures.

After this war, the biggest winner is undoubtedly Anyang.

ps: Three changes today, nearly ten thousand words updated, which is equivalent to a lot of books and five changes. Look at the golden seldom asking for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, come and have a wave of rewards! (To be continued.)

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