My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 193 - attack

Doomsday World, the central political square of Huaibei No. 1 Base——

I do n’t know how many civilians gathered here. Zhai Liying, who is in charge of internal defense, used a large number of internal guards for security maintenance. In case they were even fully armed, they could still not deter the loud and loud people.

This is not a coup. No one at the Huaibei base is eligible for a coup. It all stems from a speech by a person on the square platform. His voice was broadcast throughout the entire base, even using radio waves to every base in Xuechuan Province. On the radio where the survivors lived.

Zhou Mingyuan!

“We need a city!”

“We need a war to retake our homeland, we need to defend the dignity of humanity, we need to reclaim the land we have lost for two years, we want to kill these monsters!”

“And now, our Huaibei base has this ability, and only we have this ability, we have a strong army, we have a strong and strong officer, and we have a population of nearly 200,000. We can wage this war, so After the decision of the parliament, we will start the first battle of humans against zombies. We will do this unprecedented thing. We will go up against the trend of the world being occupied by zombies. We are destined to go down in history! “

Every word said will provoke a burst of screams and crowds of people.

“But our army is not alone, we still have all the residents, we need to mobilize the entire base to support this war, are you willing?”


“Very good, I heard your voice. I believe the Supreme Chief has also heard it. Soon, we will use the strength of the entire base to launch a world war. We will wipe out the millions of zombies in Pingnan City. We will tell them who is the master of the world! “

The faces of the civilians were flushed, especially those who had been enrolled in the army and were brushed down. Countless people suffering from zombies could not wait to step on the battlefield to avenge their hatred and kill them heartily.

“Here, I once again throw olive branches to all the survivors, survivor bases, and settlements that have heard the broadcast. The Huaibei base accepts any humans who want to rebuild their homes. If we meet the conditions, we can even send troops to open the line to pick you up! “

In the base military area, countless soldiers followed dumbfounded.

A series of armoured mechs walked out of the underground passage continuously until the huge and mighty mech stand was full of large training grounds. The alloy fuselage reflected the dazzling light of technology in the sun, like a metal wall, looking far away More shocking.

Zhai Liying walked out with the Tianbing troops, and gradually walked to the highest point and looked down. A pair of round and tight long legs wrapped in tight leather pants became more slender, but she was stunned.

“Is the sir a god, where did he pull out a mech unit, how many more years will it take us to develop such an mech!”

Chen Yafei looked at her with a bitter smile and responded: “Sister Zhai, don’t you understand? The sir is not something ordinary people can guess.”

In the distance, the earl had stood at the highest point, standing side by side with Angel and shouting down his arm.

“Children, this will be our first battle into the new world. Let us fight for the glory of Pallans and Anyang God and prove the strength of your heavenly soldiers!”

The war is on the verge.

A troop-carrying vehicle rushed to the front line, and it was also loaded with a variety of light and heavy weapons. The soldiers were all battle-hardened Superman soldiers. They were also equipped with the most advanced weapons. Armored vehicles and tanks opened on both sides and back and forth to protect themselves. As the army progressed, various new weapons appeared, and helicopters, bombers, and ground attack aircraft at the base were on standby.

The most conspicuous is the Tianbing mech unit that has never appeared in this world. They not only drive mechs full of science fiction, but also in large numbers.

It’s just that according to the needs of the battlefield, most of the incoming are land-based mechs that are inclined to fire. Most of the air mechas remain in Pallans to defend the mechanical creatures.

Pingnan City was once the capital of Xuechuan, the residence of the ten major military regions of the Central Empire, and the world ’s Central Empire is the only one. Pingnan City is the top five international metropolis in the country. It is difficult to imagine it without first seeing it. Once prosperous, but at this time, it was only an empty and dead city. The highway was full of vehicles, and there were countless collisions. Even the railings were broken, and the ground was full of dark red. Black traces.

The windshield of the family car is mostly broken, and some of the doors are open, some of them are stained with blood, and some are empty. In short, no corpses can be seen, and I do n’t know if I came out and fled, or left as a zombie, or simply The hungry zombies smashed the glass and dragged it out to eat. As for the trucks, some of them could still see skeletons, even air-dried bodies.

In front is a small team of heavy hammer mechas opening the road. The huge size and power allow them to easily lift the vehicle and throw it down the road. The speed of cleaning the road is dazzling.

An Qi has flown to the urban area of ​​Pingnan for investigation, while Anyang is sitting on the holy light armor driven by Linna, and using her watch to view the situation of Pingnan City through the perspective of An Qi.

This once prosperous metropolis was completely uninhabited, and no pedestrians could be seen on the street at all. Only the garbage on the ground and vehicles crashing together, billboards, electric poles, and blood stains on the ground The mottled streets, the weather was hot, and the air seemed to be dry and frightening.

There are horizontal green belts, and even flowers and trees grow directly on the damaged streets. In just over two years, many buildings have been covered with green vines, like a lost place.

The zombies began to mutate slightly two months after the cataclysm broke out, and most of them now do not like the sun. If they do not smell the prey, they will not come out of the buildings, so the city is terrible at this time, and once Someone accidentally stepped on it, and zombies surging from the building or the underground could drown him.

If it is evening, the city will be transformed into a ghost town and a corpse city in mythology, full of roars of zombies, wandering everywhere, stiff but not violent and bloodthirsty!

The mutated flying birds are flying in the sky, most of them are bloodthirsty like zombies, their feathers are ragged and stained, and they are like a circle in a paint bucket. It is surprising that they can fly.

This group of flying birds rushed over when they saw the slow flight in the air, and they were not afraid of death, but the energy shield of the Silver Moon Legion caught even a large mechanical creature with a length of more than ten meters and a weight of tens of tons. Without breaking, even the heavy artillery of medium mechanical creatures can’t be broken, how can these zombie birds can do anything.

“This is also a unique view of Pingnan City, there are no zombies in other places.”

Chen Yafei in a car next door reported to Anyang: “Sir, according to our information, the current zombies have undergone a natural evolution similar to the internal elimination. The number is much less than before, but it is more powerful, if not ours. Soldiers are hired at least when they are engaged in foreign battles. It is estimated that they will lose some money. The most important thing to note is that some of them are extremely agile, and they have larger bodies and mutated zombies, such as rat tides, cats, dogs, and pythons. of.”

Anyang knocked the Linna mech underneath and said, “Don’t worry, the mech unit will act as the main force, and the soldiers will take the lead in the battle. The soldiers will form a team to clean up. Any large zombies will be handed over to them even if they are infected. The Tyrannosaurus rex can also be cut in half with a sword or broken into pieces with a cannon. You take the soldiers to clean up the small zombies that have been placed on the order, and finally turn it into zeros to completely clean up Pingnan City. This is a big project. But you do n’t have to look next to each other, I will give you a scan of the mecha equipment. “

“Yes, sir.”

When Chen Yafei thought of cleaning up Pingnan City, his scalp became numb, and he had to walk for a day from south to north in the large Pingnan city area, but he could n’t do anything when the mission was sent. Can save most of their effort.

The army soon reached outside Pingnan City, with the mighty mech corps in the front joined together, and thousands of elite troops in the rear. Several generals in the apocalyptic world were also at the front, best suited to grasp the position of the battlefield.


Angel drove the mech down to the ground violently, still without buffering means. The high-speed landing of the heavy fuselage brought great power and directly stepped on the highway to split marks.

“General, the enemy has noticed something, and giant humanoids are coming out of the building and approaching us.”

“It’s the roar of your flight is too loud.”

“Well, general, we don’t have to fear them.”

Anyang nodded his head and agreed that the gap between technology and its own strength is too great. Even if there is only one armor of the Silver Moon Legion, as long as there is enough energy to kill all zombies, it will only take a long time. The top arms of Pallans in the Overwatch Mechanical Legion ~ ~ The killing of zombies is basically intact.

“Okay, let’s start the attack of the Sky Soldiers. All the Silver Moon Legions are equipped with melee weapons, and they will collide into it first. With all the Sky Soldiers torn apart, let’s say that the human soldiers take a break and enter the battlefield.

“Yes, general!”

The invisible radio waves spread throughout the entire Tianbing Expeditionary Forces channel. Everyone was informed of the news, set up their weapons one after another, turned on various energy systems, weapon systems, etc., and made sufficient preparations for combat.

At this moment, the giant zombies can also be seen at the intersection ahead. They are up to several meters in height, and their muscles are knotted. Like a natural giant, people can’t figure out how the virus made them so big.

“Silver Moon Legion, attack!”

“Boom …”

Three hundred trial mechas entered the battlefield first. Each mecha was equipped with a melee weapon. Like a giant heavy knight, it directly opened the boost system and rushed forward. The powerful power almost smashed the giant zombie.

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