My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 204 - Adventure game


The retracted spear is only one meter long, which is more conducive to close combat, and there is no pressure to pierce the abnormity with this length, but the monster pours on the mouth of Anyang and the mucus keeps flowing out, which looks strange and disgusting.


The abnormity suddenly returned to the light, suddenly opened his mouth, and a long small mouth was stretched out instantly. Anyang was able to avoid it, but he pressed his instinct instinctively, wanting to see how strong the eternal alloy is. .


The alloy was hit with a depression, and Anyang could even feel the pain in the face, but the helmet was not pierced by the shaped small mouth. Overall, the protection was stronger than the mask worn by the Jagged Warrior during hunting.

Anyang pushed away the alien and turned up, picked up the Tang sword and spear, the self-check system on the armor sensed the damage, immediately increased the energy supply here, the armor was repaired at a faster speed, and soon No difference from the original.

A figure walked in the dark in front, taller than ordinary people. He seemed to suddenly find a creature on this side. Turning around was a light blue translucent plasma cannon, and at the same time raised a spear and rushed towards this side.

Anyang had escaped the moment he turned around. Fortunately, he was not hit by the shoulder gun. He also put away the Tang sword and rushed up. The iron-blooded warrior did not seem to have a plan to confront him. The shoulder gun continued to fire during the run. At first, a plasma cannon traversed the channel, but because of its unstable movement, the accurate head was not good, and it was basically avoided by Anyang with high speed and high response.

But this will definitely not work. As the distance is getting closer, he will be more and more easily locked by the Jagged Warriors, and the time spent on the plasma cannon flight is greatly reduced, and the deviation will become smaller and smaller. He will be hit sooner or later. in.

So Anyang jumped sideways without hesitation, suddenly jumped into rows of statues to hide, and at the same time put away the rifle, an individual energy cannon appeared in his hand, opened the energy switch and protection lock, and adjusted the power at the same time. To the maximum.


The energy cannon made a soft sound, and the Jagged Warrior suddenly turned around, and then jumped onto the statue stage, holding a spear and constantly searching for prey, turning around from time to time to guard against a possible sudden attack, but when he crossed a statue, it was A strange large-caliber gun, he hadn’t reacted yet, and he saw the dazzling blue light of the muzzle flash.


The Jagged Warrior was torn to pieces in an instant, strong flames, trembling momentum, and the scorching air flowing across it, reflecting Anyang’s armor as if it were gleaming, as if incarnate into a god.

The explosion of the energy gun came very violently, and naturally disappeared extremely quickly. The tomb was instantly restored to darkness, but around it was lying the shattered body of the Jagged Warrior, a severely deformed mask and shoulder gun fell down, Jingle.

Anyang continued to move forward without stopping, just like playing an adventure game, moving forward in the dark and unfamiliar game map, killing all monsters along the way, step by step toward the final big boss, the alien queen.

But he never expected that he would meet Woods again, and the expedition team at this time had been killed and injured. Even the aliens from the dark were not able to deal with even the engineers, so they were killed one by one. Such as the curse of death.

When Anyang saw her, the handsome and handsome Dr. Sebastian was piercing his chest with a special shape to protect her. Then the monster, who knew only the killing, turned his attention to Woods.

Did you still get around?

Anyang put down the energy cannon in his hand, put on a lance and threw it forward, and the gun body flew out like an electricity suddenly. Although he was avoided by the alien, it also obviously attracted the attention of the engineer. , Waiting for an opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

“Ms. Woods, it is a pleasure to see you again.”

Anyang walked past with a spear, like an ancient knight, but he directly skipped the body of Sebastian on the ground. This indifferent attitude proved that he did not have the knight spirit. He was wearing the same armor as the group. The ugly alien creature is just like a hunter, just like the killing monster just now.

Woods has been sitting and taking a deep breath to adjust her mentality. Looking closer, she can find her beauty, intellectual beauty, and beauty. These are hard to see in black people. She walked over and smoothed Sebastian ’s eyes. .

“Sir, your previous performance tells me that you don’t seem to be very happy to see us again.”

“Maybe I changed my mind!”

“I hope you can change your mind in some ways. Without your asylum, I will die here like everyone else, sir, can you promise me this request?”

“Of course, but you will take me to the lowest level of this building, and I will protect you from going out.”

“Go to the bottom, are you sure?”

“of course!”

Soon, the two embarked on a journey.

The mighty knight took the princess to adventure together. Well, it seems to be inconsistent with most fairy tales, but it is quite like a knight novel, but there should be no such a rude knight or a princess with such a dark skin, although she is indeed very beautiful .

Woods holds Dr. Sebastian ’s pocket watch in his hand, which is set to ring every ten minutes, which is exactly the time for the pyramid building to change, and she uses this to continue to advance Anyang. Down.

Suddenly, her steps stopped, staring at the figure in front.

“It’s him!”

Anyang also looked forward. The strongest Jagged Warrior was staring at him. His body standing with a spear was motionless. It was the captain of the Jagged Three, and his current behavior was obviously a duel challenge like Anyang. .

Looking around left and right, this tomb is relatively open and closed. There are only two exits, and there are no bunkers such as statues and sarcophagi. It will not be suddenly attacked by aliens, nor conducive to dodge. It is a good place for a duel.

The Jagged Warrior stretched his hand over his shoulder without saying a word. He took off the shoulder cannon and threw it to the ground. Then he stretched his hand to the neck and pulled off the line tube. He took the mask with both hands and took it off, revealing a greasy face with a forehead. The scar eroded by the alien blood clearly showed that he had independently killed a certain alien. As long as he could return to the spaceship, the adult ceremony would be completed.

But he obviously had no intention of this. He was a noble among Jagged Warriors. In addition to being an excellent hunter, he was also a proud warrior, so he challenged Anyang, opened his mouth like his ancestors, revealing the hawks Teeth, outrageous roar.


Anyang naturally understood what he meant, so he removed the electromagnetic pistol around his waist and left it on the ground, took off the helmet, turned off the power switch of the armor, and removed the armor components covering the whole body one by one and threw it on the ground to expose Body in a close combat uniform.

“Miss Woods, please stay away from us.”

Woods glanced at both of them, nodded quickly, and ran to the corner to hide.

She will witness this duel, the first confrontation between humans and alien intelligent creatures. From a certain perspective, this is not the creation of history.

The two bodies struck together in unison, although the armor enhanced the protection ability to avoid the pain caused by the injury, but also limited his movements. Now there is no restraint from the armor, and his speed and flexibility have been significantly enhanced. .


When the spear collided with the spear, Anyang felt his arm slightly numb, but unlike the physique and demon body of ordinary people, the recovery ability brought by Kunlun was not covered. He recovered in an instant, and the body of the gun shot quickly. The metal collision buzzed against the armor of the blood warrior, hitting the armor on the left shoulder.

Sure enough, the juvenile Jagged Warrior is not a qualified warrior. His skills are far inferior to Anyang, and even inferior to some masters on the earth who specialize in this, and although he is powerful, his body is not strong enough, but The speed and response were far inferior to Anyang, and soon he was beaten with injuries, and the tip of the gun was brushed from his side.

Although there are master-level cold weapons proficient, Anyang is most used and used the most, except the Tang sword is a spear, the former is flexible and straight and strong, the latter requires the same skills, the same rigid and strong , The attack radius is also wider.

With a loud bang, the heavy body of the Jagged Warrior was kicked to the ground by him, and then the gun shot like a dragon, but he tumbled away and the gunpoint penetrated deeply into the slab of the tomb. Woods, not far away, was frightened. As an adventure guide, an expert character, she has knowledge of each other’s aspects, but she is not very proficient, but at least she knows that humans do not have such a strong force, even if they are trained again, they cannot use the gun. Spikes so deep into the slate.

The Jagged Warrior turned up, like suddenly turning up, and the powerful force even shocked Anyang to take two steps back. He simply threw away the spear and extended a long sharp claw blade from his arm, about half a meter long, began Fight closely with Anyang.

This may be useful for unskilled people who use guns ~ ~ After all, the distance is reduced, and the long gun will not be able to open, but for Anyang, who can be a master of the word, this is completely useless. The guns of a knife’s lifetime, the spears have many changes, and the simple close combat cannot suppress a powerful gun user.

Anyang held the center of the spear, and the handle of the gun also had a pointed cone, striking the Jagged Warrior together with the point of the gun, and also had the upper hand. If he was not the body of the Jagged Warrior, he would have resolved the battle long ago. Can quickly kill it.

But again, this is a game!

At this time, Woods opened his eyes wide and looked at the passageway in front of them. Two alien engineers were walking in quietly, taking advantage of the opportunity of the two to fight against the tomb and want to surround them.

“Ann, two monsters are coming.”

The moment Anyang heard the sound, it just happened to pierce the gunpoint into the chest of the Jagged Warrior, and the glowing green and **** blaze shot out. He was quickly turned to avoid it, and then stretched out his hand to grab the Jagged Warrior’s shoulder, slowly holding him Fall to the ground.

The spear was also withdrawn.

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