My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 265 - 6 filthy demon

Anyang said he was helpless, his attainments in spells were too low, and it was okay to deal with some little monsters and monsters. It would be impossible to meet these monsters who were in the wrong. For example, in the case of the black mist, the missile can be re-condensed after being exploded several times.

His own trip to destroy the monster is for the origin of the monster. He thinks that the black mountain old demon in the ghost of the beautiful girl has a demon pill, and the fox demon and lizard essence in the painting skin also have demon spirits. Perhaps the monsters in this world have similar things Either you can quietly take it back for Xiaoqian to practice, or you can get the Doomsday world for research. Maybe this world has the method of devouring the demon to help yourself cultivate it. It will be a good way for him to succeed.

However, let alone the above assumptions, he saw only one monster after the night attack, but he couldn’t help it.

That group of black mist should be the root cause of the disaster. Perhaps it was the monster that the villagers released from the bronze coffin a year ago because of greed, but it has been recuperating and resting for the past year. Once again, it came out to make a mess, and I didn’t know who was able to seal it here.

The silver-white armor descended from the sky with a flame-like light, but when it was ten meters above the ground, it increased the power of the thruster to slow down with the recoil. When it fell in the center of the courtyard, it only made a slight noise, and did not wake up the people in the house As he walked into the room, he unloaded his armor automatically, and soon showed a shadowy figure wearing a silver-white tight combat uniform.

Anyang thought that his movements were already very light, but unexpectedly still awakened Xiao Chan.

In other words, the girl did not dare to fall asleep, her portable communication equipment was tightly held in her hands, her five fingers were white with force, and she was nervous. She might touch the so-called red switch if she accidentally fell on the ground.

Anyang glanced at her, walked to the middle of the room and sat down, began to practice Kunlun, and at the same time communicated with the biochip.

“How has the most recent task been performed?”

“Report Mr. Anyang, the mana operation model has been constructed, the parameters have been set, and can be put into operation at any time, but you need to open your body control authority.”

“Well, start running with preset parameters!”

Anyang has opened the control authority over the body’s strange meridians and mana, and these days the biochip has already established a running model based on it. Once it starts to operate, he can clearly feel that the biochip soon replaces his conscious control Living the Qi in your body, mastering this Qi to operate according to the preset route, there is no doubt that this preset route is the operation process of Kunlun.

This means that he can not practice independently, and the biochip will practice on his behalf anytime and anywhere.

“Continue to report.”

“Yes, Mr. Anyang.”

“As of now, the approximate framework of the spell analysis model has also been built, and it can be operated normally after testing, but it lacks the necessary parameters. That is to say, the knowledge of the database is not enough to support us for spell analysis. You need to enter more for my database. More relevant theoretical knowledge must at least form a relatively complete system for the spell analysis model to function properly. “

“Because of this delay, I automatically put the waiting magic simulation model on the agenda. I am currently entering parameters. The parameters are subject to your physical parameters, but some aspects require you to cooperate with the system to detect and open the permissions to allow With the real-time correction of the system, we can accurately simulate the spell with your body, and use it to simulate whether the spell is suitable for you and the best casting process for you. “

“For my own upgrade, I have been doing it in my spare time, and the development of the chip is also in progress. At present, there have been significant results. Until now, my processing capacity has increased by 63%, perhaps to When it reaches 100%, we can try to build another processing core. At that time, we will be able to build two models at the same time, and the processing capacity will be greatly improved. “

“In addition, according to your requirements, a brand-new database has been created, and all data related to monasticism and spells will be sorted and stored in it. Please name the database.”

“Named Xiudongtongjie.”

“Cultivation and interpretation, successful naming, Mr. Anyang, have to say that we have found a civilization system that is completely independent of science. This is a very great thing.”

Anyang closed his eyes indifferently, and the progress bars on the line of sight disappeared.

Building a spell simulation model takes up most of the performance of the processing core, and the remaining reserved performance is executing the mana operation model, and this model is destined to run forever in the background from the moment it is built, he will have more than others Double or even triple the practice time.

With a brush, a black ergonomic recliner appeared in the center of the room.

Xiao Chan opened her eyes immediately, and she saw Anyang lying down. The chair was very strange. It was not made of wood, nor was it all made of steel. It was unseen. It was covered with black leather. When the person sat up, he sank. It was a bit like the seat cushion in her strange car box that day, and Anyang reached out and pressed a button next to it, and the back of the chair fell down. This is also similar to the strange car box she sat on that day. Yamen Zhifu was more comfortable sitting in a chair.

Modern people understand that this thing is called senior, but she does not understand it, only strange in her eyes.

Anyang pointed again, and the candlelight in the room dimmed, leaving only twinkling eyes staring at him without blinking.

Sleep in the middle of the night.

When he woke up early in the morning, he communicated with the old village chief again. Only then did he know what it was last night, and Yan Qingzhi had a record in his talk.

This is a monster called the Six Poisonous Monsters, not animals and plants cultivated into essence, but a monster created by nature and created by the current situation, a bit like Sun Wukong jumping out of the stone. This monster is usually born in troubled times. It is caused by the stormy weather and turbulent atmosphere. It is in the prosperous world. Once it appears, it can make the wind and rain unregulated, the sun can not be scorched, the ghosts can be engulfed, and the monsters can become fine It can be bad for Feng Shui, and it can break the temple, so it is named Liulu Yao.

There was no record in Yan Qingzhi’s talk about that tomb. I thought I hadn’t seen it in Yanqing, so let’s consider it a seal.

And the six filthy monsters that have been sealed for so many years are definitely not a trivial matter. Anyang has some magic skills, and there are various high-tech methods to defeat it, and maybe it has not been completely recovered. If such monsters appear in modern times, It is estimated that an army can be easily destroyed, fearing that only indiscriminate missile coverage attacks can injure it.

The early morning sun had risen to the top of the mountain, and everyone in the village was scorching eyes, all watching the strangely dressed master.

Last night, they could hear the movement of Houshan clearly. It was like shaking the ground and thundering on the ground. If it were n’t the real magic technique, how could a mortal have such great power? The battle with the monster didn’t come back until midnight, and the sound of thunder was still ringing. Although I don’t know how the battle was, I saw the fairy master standing here today, with a magnificent look and calm appearance. I thought it was the upper hand.

You must know that the Taoist leader last time, not to mention the late mountain exploration, is to do a method on the hillside. When a demon wind blows, it will die in the eyes of everyone.

Anyang had lunch at the head of the old village, and when he was at the forefront of the day, when this kind of demon had the weakest constitution, he took out the Tang sword and stepped into Houshan, and walked to Dongfu last night.

I do n’t know what the level of the monsters in the back mountain is, but he did n’t wear armor. He was afraid that the costume like a **** soldier would scare them, but he did n’t know that most of these monsters were catalyzed by the six evil monsters. Yes, some monsters even retain the instinct to fear people, not to mention that he does n’t wear armor, that is, he is empty-handed, such a fledgling man, such a healthy figure will scare many monsters to dare to come out.

Of course, this does not include some wild wolf tigers and leopards that were ferocious before being transformed.

Anyang is naturally not afraid, and it has been almost a month in this world. The mystery of the monsters has long passed. Combined with the actual situation of this world, his mentality has gradually changed, and he is also common to the monsters.

But it is a beast that can only transform into a human form. When he comes, he just peels and eats meat. If there is a demon, it will be better.

It is said that there is no difference between the meat of monsters and the meat of ordinary beasts, and whether it is warmer when made into clothes.

But today is destined to be different.

Perhaps it was that the six filthy demon felt Anyang was approaching it, and it began to feel uneasy, and the monsters formed by it attacked Anyang, seeming to stop his footsteps.

Old Yuan Anyang could hear the sound of grass and branches shaking, and many people came.

After a moment–


First, a muffled roar came from ~ ~ and the eardrums were so painful that the voice reverberated in the forest for a long time, terrifying the countless tits.

Anyang had already pinched the tactics in his hand, chanting the spell in his mouth silently, sniffing his nose, smelling a stench, knowing that there were monsters around, and he was a meat eater.

I only listened to the trembling of the grass trees behind the side, and suddenly, a yellow and black figure flew over, the size of a buffalo, and it was more slender, and the wind was bursting, and the blood basin was opened in the air. Sharp claws, look like that is actually going to kill Anyang.

Such a big movement, Anyang, could not be felt naturally. The punishment of Buddha light in his hand was ready to go, and turning around was just a finger.

With a brush, a golden light shot out and hit the yellow and black figure accurately.

At the same time, Anyang’s body exploded with great power, and he jumped aside. When he left the place where he was standing, he discovered that this was not enough to repulse the Buddha’s punishment technique, which had doubled the power of this monster. In this case, the giant tiger with an estimated weight of nearly 1,000 kilograms was withdrawn.

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