My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 272 - I don\\\'t know what\\\'s going on


The dust was flying, the gravel was splattering, and it jingled on the armor, but the figure in the armor did not step back half a step.

Just two minutes later, a hole more than one meter wide was dug here, and the fog inside had not yet dispersed. Obviously, the small bowl big hole had just been washed out not long after, but the six filthy demon were dead These black mists have also lost the ability to devour the light, and the inside of the cave is restored to a clear light under the sight of the armor.

Anyang walked inside and walked 100 meters along the way. He hadn’t reached the end yet, and he didn’t know how deep the hole was.

Some murals gradually appeared on the walls. What is amazing is that these murals are not engraved with pictures of celestial flowers, rich achievements, or the heavenly fairy family, gods and gods, but-

Six filthy demon!

Yes, dog-like mouths, human noses, pointed ears, eyes like snakes, full of evil spirits, bison horns on the head, hind legs look like trotters, but hands Like a frog, five fingers are slender, and there is a thin web between the fingers.

Not only the six filthy demon, but also the six filthy demon killed by him more than a day ago.

Because the six filthy monsters are not animals and plants cultivated into essence, but monsters created by natural breeding of the current situation. They do not rely on combination to pass on the lineage, nor do they have children, and each of them is unique and each one The appearance is different, which is another reason why Anyang did not include the information of the six filthy demon into the “Tao Dao Tong Jie”, but the six filthy demon above the clouds on the mural is clearly the one he met.

Anyang turned his head and his eyes grew more surprised.

Look at the six dirty monsters on the mural, lingering on top of all living beings, surrounded by black air, majestic, as if a big boss gesture, where is it like the one that was killed by him before, and the only thing left after the black mist is broken An ugly and weak body has strong mana, but if it is not used, it is equal to no. In front of him, he kneels begging for mercy, and finally he is nailed to the tree and died.

“Is this six filthy demon so powerful hundreds of years ago, and some people carved these things on the mural for it, could it be regarded as a god?”

“Six filthy gods?”

In this way, it is fortunate that it was only released for a year, and has not been restored. If it is allowed for another period of time, would it not be necessary to set off a turbulent storm, just like in this mural, the black mist envelopes a city, letting people be in it Wailing and begging for mercy, a group of monsters driven by it wantonly killed, and the huge black mist face above the city with a cruel smile, just like a demons of the world.

Fortunately, he didn’t promise to let it go, nor did he let it surrender its spells in exchange for its life, or wait for it to recover, he really may not be able to control it, maybe he can only run around the world. However, when the six filthy demon recovers, I am afraid that I will not be in this world anymore. Only the civilians in this world will be able to harm it.

But if you say that …

“These murals can never be carved within this year, and they don’t look like that. Wasn’t this cave the cave house of these six filthy demon hundreds of years ago?”

Yes, it is only a few kilometers away from the village of Xikou where the Liuliu demon was sealed. If the Liuliu demon was messing around here, it is not surprising that the location of the Xiuliu was sealed at the west exit of the village.

“I hope everything in this cave is still there.”

Anyang thought about it, and walked another hundred meters forward, only to find that there was an additional road ahead, and he was suddenly forced.

After three hours, he has been winding around countless times and almost lost his way. He finally reached the deepest part of the cave. Here, like human houses, tables and chairs are placed, and there is also a Taishi chair inside. Sitting position, there are several other rooms deep in the cave, and they are all imitating human beings. It seems that the six filthy demons recorded in Yan Qingzhi ’s talk about humans are true.

Anyang searched around for a long time, the scanning equipment was fully opened, and finally found something in a secret room, but it was only a few ancient books, and there was no magic weapon.

I want to come, if the six filthy monsters really have any magical tools, they came out as early as when they played against him.

I searched again and again to no avail. I thought I had been cleaned by the Taoists as early as the last time the Six Poisonous Demons were sealed. It is already very good to leave these books. Anyang glanced at the cover. Put it in the portable space and go outside.

I went out in the middle of the night, and tossed for another three hours. Now the sky is already bright, but the rain has not stopped, but I do n’t care if I have armor.

Stepping out of the cave, he was about to rise into the sky, but his eyes suddenly caught sight of a figure looming in the distant forest. He immediately frowned and rushed to take a quick look. A slender figure shivered coldly in the rain, two long ears were pulled down, the perfect figure curve and white skin were exposed to the air and let the wind and rain hit her hair, the rain drenched her hair, One by one, the water dripped continuously, laid on her shoulders, and ran down her body, even the white fur was soaking wet.

Although the tree above the head is lush, it can’t cover the rain above her head, but I think this is already the best place to hide from the rain.

At this time, the rabbit essence also discovered his arrival, and was startled, and immediately wanted to run back, but I did not know if it was anxious or what the reason was. The injured leg suddenly lost its strength and fell suddenly. On the ground, the snow-white skin was immediately stained with some branches of mud and the like, and his face was horrified.

Anyang was a little puzzled and asked, “Why are you here?”

The rabbit shook his head **** the ground, but he was speechless, and his ruby ​​eyes were full of confusion.

Anyang’s head armor automatically retracted with a click, revealing a calm face, and took a step forward, reaching out to her: “You saved me once, I won’t hurt you, and you don’t need to be afraid of me.”

The rabbit essence was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Anyang was clearly comatose at the time, and why would he know that he saved him.

She hesitated for a long time before reaching out to Anyang tentatively. At the same time, her ruby ​​eyes stared at his expression carefully, and finally her five fingers were held together with him. Her body shuddered obviously, only to feel that the hand was very powerful. He took hold of his hand and pulled himself up, and it was much warmer than his cold body standing in the wind and rain all night.

She did not know why, and her heart started beating, as if there was a deer bumping in it.

Anyang stared at her expression, and at the same time let XVII continue to analyze, and then looked at the surrounding environment, I do not know if this rabbit essence appeared here by coincidence or deliberate, whether she has any other purpose.

“The result of facial expression detection, no lying micro-expression, she should have nothing to hide from you. She looked dodge when facing you, but the possibility of fear stood at 98%, the possibility of guilty conscience was only One percent, and the remaining one percent are other possibilities. Based on the detection of other micro-movements, she is indeed very afraid of you, and … detects that her heartbeat is accelerating at this time. “

Anyang frowned suddenly.


What is this situation, is it because the rabbit is afraid of strangers?

This test result basically shows that the rabbit essence is innocent. Looking at the expression of the rabbit essence at this time, it does not seem to be a fraud, and her strength does not pose a threat to him. Anyang also believes that she is here. coincidence. However, everything cannot be absolute. The rabbit essence itself is a demon, and its micro-expressions and micro-actions can be understood differently from humans. According to Yan Qingzhi ’s records, most beautiful fairies will naturally charm people, even if they are not confusing. The spells of the human heart are also unambiguous when it comes to playing with people’s feelings.

Anyang paused for a moment, then sighed, remembering the picture of the rabbit’s fine leg with the deep wound on the day before yesterday and limping to send him back. The blood flowed down and dyed the white calf. Not to mention, this scene is left in his own heart, even if the rabbit is here waiting for him deliberately, he will not refuse to give him something.

“You stood here last night?”

The rabbit nodded.

“Why don’t you find a shelter from the rain?”

The rabbit stunned for a moment, and pointed to the lush foliage that was dripping above his head, indicating that this was the place to avoid rain.

For a while, Anyang looked helpless. Seeing her silly look, she paused and asked, “What did you do the night before?”

The rabbit pointed to the ground, as if to say it was here the night before.

Anyang’s eyes opened slightly: “Did you rain for two days?”

Rabbit Jing opened his eyes innocently and nodded. He didn’t seem to understand why Anyang was so surprised. Isn’t it weird to get two days of rain?

Anyang just remembered that she is a wild rabbit and belongs to the weakest existence in nature. The night cat can kill the hare to eat. The cave is occupied by other creatures. It collapses for various reasons or cannot go back. Occasionally, it happens naturally, and it is common to hide under the tree and get rain.

“There is a hole in front, do you see it, why not go in and hide the rain?”

The rabbit looked down his eyes, and saw the cave of the original six dirty demon, immediately opened his eyes wide and shook his head, with a little fear on his face.

Anyang came to understand and asked again: “What about your original home? I mean where you lived, you can never stand under this tree every day?”

It took a long time for the rabbit spirit to understand what he meant ~ ~ pointed not far away, as if to say that her home was originally in that direction.

Anyang looked in the direction she pointed, but only saw a huge crater on the ground, a collapsed cave was faintly visible. At first glance, the mini missile of the armor was blown out, and he suddenly remembered that he was fighting the Six Poison Demon At that time, there was a missile that passed through the body of the six filthy demon and hit the distant forest.

Looking back, it just happened to meet the innocent eyes of Rabbit Jing, as if she didn’t understand why her original residence suddenly became like this.

Anyang was embarrassed for a while, but he still persevered, pretending that I didn’t know what was going on. I can only sigh. Fortunately, the missile did not blow the silly rabbit to death, otherwise he would certainly be guilty, um, it seems that the rabbit essence had not saved him, okay, in fact, he will not be guilty.

“Okay, the Six Poisonous Demon have already been killed by me. He will return to you after this hole. There will be nothing in it. There will be no monsters to eat you and no rain.”

Rabbit Jing looked blank, completely unaware of what he meant.

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