My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 64 - Mutant pig

A few days later——

In a warehouse filled with grain at Huaibei Base, Zhou Mingyuan and several older policemen stayed together, somehow the atmosphere at the scene was a little silent.

“Zhou Ju, the current situation is a bit bad. At first, I talked to the people under my hands and the conversation was quite smooth. Many people agreed to stand up when we got up, but now there is one The stronger the hunting squad, Anyang is equivalent to holding most of the base’s strength in his hands! “

Said: “Lao Wang, not only most of them, don’t forget that the guns are in their hands!”

Another person said: “That’s not necessarily, don’t forget that half of the hunter squad is originally our people!”

Is also known as the deputy director, but at this time he was very worried, he sighed.

“It’s okay not to say this, but it’s even worse when I say this. At the beginning, the group of little cubs told me very well. They didn’t talk about it within two weeks. They said that killing zombies is surviving. What the survivors should do, I shit, when they die outside they only know what the survivors should do! “

“No, this group of white-eyed wolves! Especially since the split of the hunting team three days ago, there were three of us who became the captain of the team. I thought the opportunity came. I didn’t expect me to find those three. When the little rabbits communicated, they even said that it was impossible to betray Anyang anyway. I went to your uncle, and they forgot who was taking care of them! “

Was always silent, and suddenly said, “Not necessarily, we can unite with other survivors! Although they have guns, it is not impossible to pick good opportunities if we have the mentality to be unintentional!”

“Yes, kill this little rabbit, go to his uncle!”

Another thing that has always been silent is Zhou Mingyuan, who was supposed to be the protagonist of this project, but today he is just silently standing and listening to the swearing of these high-ranking people.

Asked: “Zhou Ju, what do you mean?”

Said: “Yeah, Zhou Ju, you used to be quite prestigious among the pack of white-eyed wolves, maybe you can tell them!”

Zhou Mingyuan quietly realized that he had stronger physical qualities, strength, speed, physique, as well as ears and unprecedented clarity of mind than he was at his peak. Three days ago he even felt that he could beat a cow with a punch, but all of this It was the young man who gave him the same means as God! Where can such people compete against each other!

After taking a long time, he took a deep breath.

“Okay, let’s stop here!”

So far!

Several people were shocked at the scene. You know that this plan was first proposed by Zhou Mingyuan, and he has been quietly running. Until now, many people have been attracted besides the hunting team. How can it be said to stop and stop!

Zhou Mingyuan was so unwilling, how elaborately planned! But what about him now, how could he be discouraged suddenly?

“Zhou … Zhou Zhou, am I right?”

“Yeah, these old guys can be choked up by the kid these days. Do you want us to go back and move the bricks to repair the fence? Or go outside and mow the grass to feed the pigs, horses and cattle that the kid didn’t know where to get ? “

Someone even blushed!

“What do you mean by Zhou Zhou, I have followed you for more than ten years, so you are so irresponsible? To tell you the truth, in order not to repair the fence, my mother has not eaten for two days!”

That’s why they are swearing.

Zhou Mingyuan swept the people one by one, most of them here followed his old subordinates in the past ten years, they were all forty or fifty years old, where did they usually go to be flattered by people, and did heavy work, let them repair the wall and work hard It is really hard for them to live alive.

“Forget it, we can’t fight him.”

“Recently, Anyang has trusted me a lot, and my rights should increase in a while. I will recommend it to you by then. There should be no problem.”

As soon as these outstanding talents fully understood that he was iron-hearted, someone immediately turned his face and did not recognize anyone!

“Zhou Mingyuan, what do you mean, are you leaving us to sell our lives for Anyang? To know that you are a cadre of the country, you are selling a life for a bandit leader, and you have to shame!”

“Yes, Zhou Ju, I have followed you for more than ten years, but I didn’t expect you to be such a weak person!”

Zhou Mingyuan’s face suddenly sank, but thinking of his friendship for more than ten years, he finally sighed!

“The country has perished! You go, no matter how much more than ten years of friendship, I will take care of you, as for today, don’t say that.”

“Right, I will pay attention to this matter in the future. If I let someone discover that someone is planning to seize power, I will not be able to guarantee you!”


The angry people walked away, and some people thought about asking Zhou Mingyuan to find a good job for them as soon as possible, and they all left. Leaving Zhou Mingyuan standing alone in the warehouse and touching his left chest. He could feel the meaning of that imprint, understand the weight it contained, and even associate deeper meanings.

In short, he could not betray it, not only from the constraints of this mark, but also his heart.


I am a county public security bureau, but when I was old, I became someone else’s–



Zhou Mingyuan shook his head and walked out of the warehouse.

On the other side, outside the base, an infected domestic pig was ramming. More than a dozen soldiers with alloy spears and large swords stood standing by and dared not to approach. People from time to time were amazed by the battle in the field.

The strength of this pig has increased a lot. It is estimated that the average car does not dare to collide with it, but the speed has not increased much. At this time, it is difficult to deal with it. Three soldiers who also carry large swords and carry spears!

That’s right, hard work!

This is an undisputed large animal. Although it looks clumsy, it is still tyrannical. The three soldiers who have been strengthened by coercion do not dare to resist it. They only dodge by virtue of their speed, reaction and physique. As for the power of 2.0, the scum is not in front of this pig!

They even gave up the counterattack and concentrated on evading!

The rest of them are their team members, but they are still loyal. No one ran on the road at the critical moment, except for asking for help.

“Why is the captain so strong, look at this speed and responsiveness, it is much stronger than ours!”

“I’m also wondering. My brother and I have been colleagues for several years. How could he be so strong before, maybe I can’t beat me!”

A young man said, “Can you stop talking about this, the captain is still playing!”

The other person smiled suddenly: “How can there be no life, this pig can not pose a big threat, but now it is only holding it down and wait for the chief to come! I see you are not stupid at ordinary times, how can you be confused at the critical moment? “

“Why wait for the sir, this pig is no bigger than ten zombies. Is it necessary for the sergeant to do it himself?”

“Did you find that this pig is different from ordinary zombies?”

“What’s the difference? There is no difference except that there is no decay on the body and the eyes don’t turn red. Does the fangs grow differently, does it attack us insanely?”

“No, you didn’t see it at the beginning. This pig found that we didn’t attack. It was only when we approached that it angered it. It may be incompletely or strangely mutated. The captain of the second team said it was valuable!”

“What’s the value? Wait, don’t you want to say that this thing can be domesticated again?”


“How is this possible……”

“Nothing is impossible, you think about the scene where you are riding a mutated war horse Mercedes-Benz, are you happy?”

“Ah … this … this ……… cool!”

Smoke suddenly rose on the road in the distance, accompanied by the roar of several off-road vehicles!

“Eh, is that Chief Anyang’s car?”

“It doesn’t seem to be, the sir is a pickup.”

“We have more off-road vehicles at the base, it is normal for Chief Anyang to change to another one!”

Several people were saying that an off-road vehicle suddenly roared to speed up, rushed out of the road, crossed the grass and hit the pig. The three hunting captains had already avoided it.


There was a muffled noise, and the domestic pig suddenly fell to the ground, and a long howl stood up.

The tires of the off-road vehicle slipped on the grass and backed up for more than ten meters. They threw the throttle and hit the pig again.


This time, no matter how struggling it can’t stand up ~ ~ Anyang and Changhui got off the off-road vehicle and waved to several other off-road vehicles: “Tie it with steel rope, take it away!”


Anyang looked at the three hunting captains. The three of them were wearing black anti-stab suits. The slight difference was that they had a police pistol in their waists. However, this gun had little power and less ammunition, which threatened humanity. Sex is greater.

“You guys are great!”

Ten minutes later, the SUV drove back to the base.

Research has confirmed that this is a zombie pig with only body mutation. Perhaps it is more suitable to be a mutant pig, because although it has stronger power, it is only more violent, and it has not become bloodthirsty. It even has meat. Don’t eat it, it is still a pig from the animal’s instinct!

There is no doubt that this is a major discovery!

At this time, there were already more than 1,500 people in the Huaibei base, but there were no “evolvers”, so Anyang felt that humans who evolved due to viruses did not exist, but there were many animals, especially large animals.

This pig is like this, think about it, the two tigers who chased him seem to be like this!

Anyang brought many cubs of pigs, sheep, cattle and horses from the real world through the door of space, and put them in the base to send people to raise. Now it is just used for experiments.

Five pigs, sheep, cattle and horses were used, and a total of 20 animals were injected with the blood of the mutant pigs, but the last half died directly and half became zombies. Zhai Liying was killed on the spot, and only one horse survived.

I do n’t know if there is any variation …

“The base lacks a biological researcher!”

Anyang sighed ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book friends to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile phone users, please go to read.

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